𝐓𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐥 𝐖𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 | The S...

By itsichikaa

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tidal waves ! ༄ karma's never been this sweet ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* IN WHICH: A child be... More

𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞


477 15 5
By itsichikaa

[ c h a p t e r    f o u r t e e n ]
still water

"You can not tell me
I haven't fought this war. I have bled,
my skin scarred, and my heart shattered."
- anonymous.


Luke throws a bag of hot Cheetos at Dewey's feet, and Grizz rolls a can mountain dew. Not exactly the best thing to eat for brunch.

"Breakfast for Champion. Eat up." Grizz orders him, his hands at his sides. Dewey looks down at the food before him—if was even considered a meal—and looks up to glare at the two boys. "Im lactose intolerant." He informs them harshly.

"Cry me a river," Luke retorts sarcastically, his hands inside his pocket. Adonis had to leave for lunch break, and the two boys had covered for him, although it was really Karma's shift. They still weren't entirely sure that was a good idea, seeing how the girl almost beat him up earlier, but she insisted.

She was Head Guard, and even Allie couldn't stop her.

"I can't eat it, shithead," Dewey seethes, turning to Luke. Footsteps were heard and they all turned around to see Karma carrying a platter of food from the cafeteria.

"That's not a very nice way to talk to someone who brought you breakfast in bed," Karma says, her voice cold.

"What's she doing here?" Greg questions, backing up. "S-She can't guard me, you saw her back there!"

"Not really your decision to make, now is it?" Grizz says tauntingly. Karma grabbed a chair and dragged it inside of the glass compartment. She places the platter of food on it and puts it in front of Dewey who looked skeptical.

"Oh, don't worry. She promised to keep you safe," Luke says, "Maybe,"

"My mom was lactose intolerant. Eat it before I force feed you cheese using my own hands." She orders. "It's what you're getting asshole, so eat it," Luke adds, motioning to the food.

"You're lucky enough she bought you real food," Grizz mumbles, "Guess you're not a champ,"

Greg scoffs, "And what if I don't? What if I starve myself? What are you going to do about it then?" He replies sarcastically.

"Shit I don't know," Grizz acts like he was worried, "Probably not going to do anything, right?" Luke nonchalantly says, shrugging.

"It wasn't a request," Karma shots back firmly. "That food's going inside of you, no matter what way," Greg gulps, was that a threat? What was she going to do, force it down his throat?

Well, she did say she would.

"You've got ten minutes to finish that before I force it inside of you." Karma says, clicking on her watch and setting up the timer.

Greg looks at the food in front of him. He was ravenous. He didn't even get to eat much last night, and his stomach has been hurting the whole morning. He wasn't even sure if it was from hunger or a bruise that formed when they dragged him forcefully out of bed.

"Nine," Karma checks on her clock and notifies him.

He nervously picks up the spoon and the fork, then began to eat quickly. Gordie had found his way down the wine cellar, and Grizz nods at him as acknowledgement. Karma and Luke also turned around to look at him.

"Um, can I have a minute?" Gordie asks Luke, standing beside him. Luke turns to look at Karma, who wasn't facing him, and turned back to Gordie. "I don't know, Gordie, we're not supposed to let anybody in here alone with him."

"Let him," Karma speaks, "I'm sure it's important," Gordie looks at her in thanks, and she nods at him. "He's eating, so, take your time." Gordie nods back at her.

The three of them left the room, and Karma told Grizz and Luke to take the platter away once he was done eating. They both nodded. "I won't be staying for long, Leo's out alone in the store so," She trails, and the two boys agreed it was better she went to be with him. "Thanks, Grizz, Luke," She lefts after that.

Normally Karma would want to listen in to Gordie and Dewey's conversation, but she knew he could handle it all alone. Besides, if anything got too physical, the two boys were there.

Avery, who waited outside the whole time, sighed in relief when she saw Karma, "Thank God you're here,"

"Calm your tits, I was away for ten minutes." Karma told her, chuckling.


Karma was running on the streets alone. She didn't tell any of her friends she was leaving in the middle of the night because that would only mean someone had to go with her. She wanted to text Jason, but she knew she couldn't do that.

Her necklace had gone missing, and she was searching for it around the store, and when she couldn't find it, she knew it was probably at the wine cellar. She could've texted Clark to look for it instead of running all over there, but her phone was dead and her bike was out of gas. Her parents cars were too loud.

Panting, Karma knocked on Luke's house. Unexpectedly, Allie just walked up to the doorway as well. "Oh hey, went for a jog?" Allie asked her, looking at how sweaty she was. "I wish," Karma replied, heavily breathing.

"I lost my necklace, it had my dad's ring.  I was looking for it all over and it must've fallen when I went to check on Dewey earlier." She explained. Luke had opened the door and greeted them. When the three of them went down, it was a mess.

Luke knocked on the glass door, Clark looked up to them but he didn't show any remorse for what he did.

"What the fuck, man?" Luke cursed at Clark. Allie was standing by the stairs and Karma was beside Luke, looking at Dewey's bloody face. "Oh, that? He did that to himself." Clark lied, lightly grinning.

Dewey coughed, and blood started to gush out of his mouth. "Jesus Christ." Karma rushes to go to Dewey. She took off her shirt, leaving her in a sports bra, and wiping Deweys face. He flinched, almost about to shove her away.

"Stop. Don't make it any worse, you already look and feel like shit," She tells him with a stern tone. His shoulders slump in defeat and sat still, occasionally flinching at her touch.

"Wanted him to say what he did." Clark explains, "Are you fucking insane?" Allie replies and her voice louder. "You can't just beat someone to try and get them to confess! That's why we're having a trial, to be fair!"

"Oh, right, the trial?" Clark's words mocking Allie, "Yeah." Allie replied with the same tone. "Yeah. We both know that shit's just pretend for you." Clark retorted sarcastically.

"Fuck you Clark—"

"And when it comes down to it, you're never gonna do what needs to be done." Clark says, cocking his head to the side.

"Clark, shut the fuck up." Karma speaks, then grabs his hand roughly. "Luke, clean him up." Karma throws the bloody shirt to Luke, who caught it, and Allie remained silent.

"Come with me," Karma speaks firmly. Although she was smaller than him, she was a lot stronger than she looked. The boy huffed, and allowed himself to get dragged by the girl upstairs.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Karma was stressed, and her voice was dominant. "What the fuck we're you going to do? You think he'll just magically confess everything after you beat him up?" She continues to scold him.

Clark holds her arms down, "No, Karma, but this is fucking bullshit. The trial? Bullshit."

"Yeah, well guess what, Clark. Everything doesn't make sense! We're trapped here and everyday I try to make things a little fucking better because everyone keeps complaining shit—"

"He's hurt you! He's put a bullet in you and you almost died, but you're fucking defending him!" He shouts as well, defensively.

"God, you think this is all about me? Cassandra fucking died! We can't just hurt everyone, he's not even a hundred percent guilty! We don't fucking know anything yet and if you don't calm down and keep on hurting him, nothing will happen! What—do you want him to die? Do you want him to—" Karma gets cut off, by Clark punching the wall.

"Maybe I do! He deserves it, Karma." He shots back.

"Really? And what does that make you?" Karma's voice was serious, cold, and not raised anymore. "What makes you different from him now?" Clark doesn't reply, he only looks down as he realized she was right.

"Look, Clark, I understand where this is coming from. Believe me when I felt that. You saw me earlier—I, I wanted to hurt him." She began to talk again. "But what does that make me? Am I just the person who punishes everyone without justice?"

"No, Karma, I know you,"

"And I know you. You're far from what you're acting like right now." Karma held his hand high. "Get your hand cleaned up, it's all bruised." He nodded.

"You should've seen the other guy," Clark jokes, but she punches him softly on the shoulder. "Shut up." She scolds him.

When Clark had left, Karma noticed her hands were also bloody from cleaning Dewey's face. Karma went back downstairs, Allie leaving shortly after looking like she was almost about to pass out, while Luke had offered to watch over Dewey since Clark already left. Karma agreed to this, saying she was going to go back to her house to clean herself up.

"Do you want to, uh, borrow a shirt?" Luke pointed at her. It was already night out and she was going home alone, it wasn't so safe wearing nothing but a sports bra. She crossed her arms, "Helena leaves some of her clothes, Im sure she doesn't mind. I'll go get one," Karma nodded at this.

"Thank you." Karma turned her head at the faint voice. "No one else would've helped me." Greg Dewey spoke through the glass. The door was locked, and he was laying down on a mattress Karma made Adonis bring from their maids quarters.

She nodded at him, "No problem."

"Why? I thought you hated me." Greg questioned, his hand still holding Karma's shirt and using it to press on his bloody-running nose. "Doesn't mean you deserve to get beat up." She replies. He looked at her for a moment.

This is when Greg Dewey realized Karma Sinclair was not a sinner. She was not like the others, and he had always admired her back in middle school, but when they came back for high school, he thought she was just a spoiled rich kid. He was wrong.

He was lucky he was wrong.

"Here you go." Luke hands Karma a blue shirt. She thanked him and wore it, then brushing herself off. "I'll get going then." She says, looking at Luke and then at Dewey. She nods once more before leaving them both.

When she stepped outside, she realized she didn't get the chance to find her necklace. She looked at her watch, 11:57 PM.

"I should just get it tomorrow," She whispered under her breath, and started walking away.


( f l a s h b a c k. )

Karma Sinclair at twelve years old always wore her father's ring. It was huge and would occasionally slip from her fingers, until Adonis helped her tie it around her neck. They were searching for thin ropes or maybe a yellow yarn that would match the golden ring.

When they couldn't, Harry offered her an ice cream to prevent her from crying. She wasn't supposed to cry, she was a woman. But her tears had fallen and Avery panicked.

All of them had left her on that swing, running around and searching for a golden string. While eating on her nestle ice cream, a boy's hand appeared in front of her, and a golden chain hanging on it. Her eyes beamed, and she looked at who it was.

"You weren't crying just now, were you?" Jason's voice was a little deep for a twelve year old, but nevertheless, it made her smile. "I don't like girls who cry," He teased, then took the right from her hand.

"Watch it!" Karma protested, thinking he was going to steal it. "Calm down. I just need to attach it. See?" Jason showed her as he slipped the ring in the chain. Karma noticed he was holding a cross pendant inside his left hand. "What's that?" She points at it.

"The original pendant to the chain." He tells her as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. She looked at him wide eyed, "It's real?" She questioned, her eyes glimmering.

He scoffs, "Of course it is."

Young Karma rolled her eyes at his response, "And you're giving it to me?" She asks him again.

He looks at her in the eyes, contemplating, "Im letting you borrow it." She smiled at him, "Thanks, JayJay!" She hugged him and jumped. "Okay, stand still!"

The boy places his hands on her shoulders, letting her stand still. She obliged although excited, and pulled her hair aside. Jason was blushing, but the weather was cold and the snow hitting the ground would be his excuse. He clasped the chain on her neck, "All done,"

Before Karma could say thank you, she turned around and saw Jason walk away quickly, burying his face on his knitted gloves as he ran to the group of boys playing on the ice. She was supposed to run over towards him when Leo grabbed her hand.

"Look! I found—Oh." Leo looks at the golden chain hanging on her neck. "Where'd you get it?" He asked her.

"Some boy." She smiled, looking at the confused Leo.


"Helena agreed, but she didn't look like she wanted to," Avery whispered as Karma and her carried another table. "I don't think anyone will really want to, Ave." Karma responded. The boys from the other side carried chairs for the Jury, well—fake Jury.

"Good thing she agreed to do it, then." Adonis spoke from the windows as he pushed them open. Today was Greg Dewey's first hearing on trial, and the air around them was heavy.

Karma's heart was heavier. She knew that the trial was the right thing to do, but was she sure if Dewey was the right person under the trial? She doesn't have an answer. "It would've been you if you weren't so busy snogging your book." Avery retorted.

Leo snorts, "Yeah that was a little funny."

"Shut up, Martinez." Adonis kicks his best friend in the knee. Karma looked over to see Allie who looked serious as she made her way around the hall, going to the windows and opening them.

A few minutes passed and people started to come inside. Gordie was busy fixing his necktie after placing the box which held the gun on top of a table. Students chatter amongst themselves while looking for their seats. When Karma spotted Harry and Campbell walk in with Elle, she reminded herself to speak with him after the trial.

Jason entered the Hall, and with him was a bruised face Dewey. People whispered as they both entered, and Karma gave Jason a thankful stare for bringing him in for her. Dewey's eyes momentarily went soft after spotting Karma standing in the front with Allie, but it hardens back down when he meets Allie's eyes.

Karma went to sit by Jason, awkwardly adjusting her skirt as she sat beside him. "Hey," He speaks, "Hey to you too," Karma replies with a smile. She was determined to wash away the dream she had and get her act together in front of the boy, not wanting to act any foolishly towards him.

"How are you holding up? Heard you and Clark had a tough conversation." He asked her with his voice low. She nodded, "Yeah, it's a little.. overwhelming." Jason nods in response. Soon enough Allie called Karma to stand with her, so she bid goodbye to Jason after touching his hand and giving it a soft squeeze.

Allie clears her throat, seeing everyone in place. "Okay, let's start." People weren't listening, so Karma nudged the mic which gave a loud high pitched noise. Once she successfully got everyone's attention, she stepped back and stood behind Allie.

"Hello?" Allie tested the mic. "That works." She chuckles softly. She sighed after looking at the people's reactions and clicks her tongue. "So, um, I think when you do something for the first time, part of you thinks you're just pretending."

"I'm not this person, I'm just putting on the clothes. And this is so weird. I mean, we've all seen it on TV, but.." She breathes, "Actually, that just makes it worse."

Allie exhales, brushing her own arm using her left hand. "A week before my sister died, um, I was complaining about how crazy it was that we had to take care of everything. You know, everything was our decision."

"And she was like, 'Really?'" Karma found it hard to listen to Allie's words, her heart aching as she remembered listening to this conversation just a few weeks ago. "Well, Alexander the Great conquered the whole world when he was our age."

"So.. Which was kind of annoying of her." Allie had a smile on her lips. The crowd chuckles at her words, finding it amusing, although they were speaking of a dead person.

"Well, we own it all now. The good and the bad, and it's for real." Allie's voice becomes more serious, as she stared at the people. Everyone was starting to feel the darkening aura, and they all became silent. "This is the trial of Greg Dewey, who is accused of the murder of Cassandra Pressman and attempted murder of Karma Sinclair the night of June 23rd." Allie spoke with authority, turning to look at Dewey.

Karma was the only person Dewey was looking at. Allie did not know why, and Karma did not need to look for her to notice the his long gaze.

"Gordie will be the prosecutor," Allie informed the people, "Helena is defending Dewey."

"And you guys have to listen to everything carefully." Allie looks at the people of the Jury, "And at the end of the trial, you'll decide wether if he's guilty or not." The group of people nodded at her statement. "Everyone got it?" She looks at the crowd.

As no one interjected, Allie proceeds to nod and let Gordie take the floor. Karma walked down from the platform and went to seat on the middle front row.

"These were found in both Karma and Cassandra's body," Gordie explains in front of the people, showing the small bottled container. "I found them in Cassandra the morning after she died, and in Karma the night I operated on her."

People looked at Karma from her seat. They couldn't imagine how painful it must have been. "They're the three casings and three bullets. Two of which killed Cassandra," He gives the container to the people of the Jury for them to examine.

"Not the actual bullets."

Helena looked at Gordie as he spoke, "You know, the casings get ejected after each bullet is fired," Karma nods at this, remembering her father's lessons. "The casings remain intact." She whispers along with Gordie's words. "If you notice, they have a headstamp which indicates that they were made by a particular manufacturer. It's a company called Precision Target." He explains further.

Karma remembered the night in the hospital when Gordie came to her room and showed her the casings. They were oddly familiar, but she wasn't sure where she had seen them.

"I mean, they have 'PT' on each of them. Now, this is the gun that was found when the Guard raided Dewey's house," Gordie walks towards the box in front of Karma, who seated beside Jason and was holding her hand. Gordie opens it and takes out an all too familiar gun.

"Now there's three bullets missing from the clip, and the bullets that remain have a visible headstamp." He carries the box and shows it to the Jury. "PT."

"They match exactly the bullets that killed Cassandra." Gordie looks at Dewey. "This is bullshit!" Dewey reacts, his tone harsh. "Dewey!" Allie scolds him, her voice equally as loud.

"They planted that!" Dewey protests. Helena calls his name and calms him down, telling him it wasn't going to help if he was going to act out. "Hey, man. Shut up." Jason leans towards him, his voice threatening.

Karma's memory of Jason the day she woke up was all too clear. Avery mentioned how he almost broke down the front doors of the hospital when he had heard about her getting shot, even leaving Ericka behind. She claimed she's never seen Jason act that way before.

When the rest of the Guard visited her in her room, Jason looked the most stressed out—as if he hasn't been sleeping at all. His hair was a mess, which is extremely unusual, since it was always brushed up clean. He didn't even wore his varsity jacket, but instead, wore a gray shirt. It showed he was running, since his sweat was clear. Karma didn't mind it at first, only thinking that he was just excited to see her.

Maybe she had overlooked everything.

"I have some questions," Helena stands up from her seat in front of Karma, and goes to the front. "Does this prove that Dewey's gun is the gun that shot Cassandra?" She asked Gordie.

"Do you mean is it possible that even though no other gun we found, not one, had the exact same two bullets missing?" Gordie responds with a question. "And even though Dewey's is missing exactly two and had fresh powder residue in the chamber? I mean, is this some sort of incredible coincidence?"

"Yeah." Helena nodded. "That's what I mean."

"I mean, I guess," Gordie answers. "Because.. you didn't search every house, right? And even the houses you searched, they could have been hiding the gun they used. That would make sense, wouldn't it?"

"Well these are....." Karma couldn't hear the voices, as if they were zoning out. She needed fresh air. She had sucked her breath in for too long, and she couldn't handle the tension. She wasn't like this, if she didn't feel a little nauseous, she would have pulled it through, but she wanted to leave the room for a short moment—she was suffocating. "I-I can't breath," Jason turned to her, alarmed.

She was having a panic attack.

The people started to notice something was wrong when Jason yelled for Avery's name, and the blonde girl immediately came to Karma's aid. "Okay, breath, Karma." Avery started cooing her with words, but it wasn't much of a help.

Allie had paused the trial for a moment, and let Avery and Jason take Karma away. Karma was pissed at herself as she couldn't stop the tears from falling, panting and gasping for air and her mouth kept muttering words she didn't even think of saying.

Karma cooled down when she sat below the tree outside of the hall. Her breathing pattern came back to normal, and Avery sighed in relief. Jason was still scared for the girl, his heart in pain after seeing her like that. He has heard how Karma has been having panic attacks since she had woken up from the incident, but he's never seen it first hand.

He was scared that if he touched her, she would break.

"Karma, can you stand up?" Karma nodded, lifting herself up with Jason's assistance. "It's time for you to stand for questioning." Avery calmly told her. Karma expected this, although Allie never told her about it. Maybe that was why she acted weird around her earlier.

"Yeah, I'll go in." She says, meeting Jason's comforting eyes. He nods at her, letting her know he'll be with her every step of the way, that he had her back.

When Karma sat in front of everybody, Helena stood up from her seat and walked up in front of her. "Karma, do you remember that night? Can you tell us something about it?"

Karma nods at this, looking at Dewey, then the crowd. "I was with Cassandra. We just finished cleaning and she took the garbage out. I followed her, carrying another bag of trash when I heard her talking," The crowd chattered softly.

"Like she knew who was there."

"I saw him. or her. I saw the person, holding the gun, aimed towards Cassandra and me." Karma's voice broke, but she didn't let that stop her. "Then the person shot her. Twice. and he shot me. When I fell down, I saw him stand there, for a few seconds, like he was waiting for us to die. Then they ran before I could close my eyes," She told them.

"You mentioned it could have been a woman," Karma nodded, "It could've, I couldn't see too clearly in the dark. Their face was covered, but it seemed as if Cassandra knew who it was from where she was standing."

Helena nodded at this. She looks at Allie, "No further questions."


"You sure you don't want me to wait inside?" Adonis asked Karma. Allie had spoken to her, saying she couldn't talk to Dewey, and asked her if she could do it in her stead. Karma was skeptical at first, but it wasn't such a bad idea. She's been alone with Dewey before, he didn't seem interested to hurt her.

"No, its okay, you can wait there," She replied. He nodded, and let her enter the glass door. She closed it and turned to the boy sitting on a chair.

"Did they gave you something to eat?" Karma asked Dewey. He looked at her, and nodded his head slowly, mumbling a 'yeah' under his breath. She was a little glad he wasn't cursing her out like he normally did, maybe their small talk from the night before had affected his actions towards her.

"I know this isn't going your way," Karma starts, "Dewey," She calls his name, "They're going to convict you tomorrow." He remained quiet for a few seconds, "Wasn't that the plan?"

Karma shook her head, "I was sure you killed her. I saw the gun, I saw the bullets."

"Was?" He asked, his voice hopeful. "My word won't change a thing, Dewey. You know that." She replied to his speculation. "You know I didn't do it, don't you, Karma??" Dewey's voice started to rise, "You're going to let them sentence me? To what, A wine cellar?"

"I don't think that's what you should be afraid of." Her voice had begun to lower down. Dewey's reaction looked as if he was hit by a train. He shakes his head, "What, they're gonna kill me?" When Karma doesn't reply, Dewey's face only grows paler. "You can't do that."


It was the day of the last hearing. They are finally about to know what will happen to Dewey, and if he was guilty.

But everybody already knew the answer to that. Even Karma did.

She had seen the way he talked, the way his face turns when he's angry, and how that anger could cause something far darker that she imagined Greg Dewey could.

"Do you have a verdict?" Allie asked the group of Jury's. "You wanna?" Allie motioned for the girl who nodded to stand.

"Guilty," the girl speaks, "We find him guilty."

The crowd, expectedly, roared into loud chatter. People started clapping, some cheered, but others stayed silent. Karma's heart only grew heavier. Allie signaled for everyone to shush, and the crowd silences. "Thank you.." Allie speaks, "to the jury for doing its job."

She sighs, "Now it's up to me to decide... his sentence." Karma looked up towards Allie, and the blonde girl nodded at her. Karma didn't respond. She wasn't happy about how this was going to end.

"It could take awhile, so, Guards, will you take him back to his cell?" Adonis and Luke nods, taking Dewey from his seat. "Um, everyone, we can all go home."

"I wanna say something. Tell her I wanna say something." Dewey tells Helena, who rose up from her seat and grabbed Luke, preventing him to take Dewey away. "Wait, wait."

"If he wants to make a statement, just let him go." Helena whispers to her boyfriend, who looked hesitant. Allie noticed this, as well as Karma who was looking at them. Helena turned to Allie, "Allie. He wants to make a statement."

Allie contemplated before nodding, and telling the people to go back to their seats. Once everyone was settled, Dewey dragged the chains on his hands across the table, then standing up from his seat with the nastiest glare towards Allie.

"Cassandra.. was a fucking bitch." Karma closed her eyes when the words stung through her heart. She knew Dewey was crazy, but this was completely insane. The crowd reacts, people gasped and murmured. "So is her sister and her black boyfriend that makes all the rules!" He points at Allie.

Greg Dewey turns to look at Karma, "And of course, the School Angel, who I wished I had killed, but just wouldn't die," Avery stood up and charged for him, but Leo kept her from Dewey. "You know I wish I had shot a second bullet to your thick skull—"

Jason punched Dewey to the ground. 

"You make me sick, you fucking murderer!" He yells at him, as Luke quickly takes him away. Dewey only responds with a middle finger. The crowd got noisier, and Karma shouted for everyone to keep quiet.

"Let him say what he thinks," Her voice was full of anger. Everyone's eyes was on her.

"So are all the women in here." Dewey wipes the blood from his mouth, "Fucking bitches who won't give us the time of day, who think we owe them everything?"

"I killed Cassandra for everyone because she had it coming." Dewey mocks Allie as he told her those words, but loud enough for everyone to hear. "Because the night of prom, we were all in Harry's house, and he said he wished she was dead." The crowd only grows louder.

"And he knows it!" Dewey adds. "And everybody who hated that bitch knows it."

"That's fucking bullshit!" Harry stands up, and Karma looks at his best friend. She knew the truth, but she couldn't speak. "And Campbell helped me plan it." Dewey spoke, ignoring Harry.

"He was there, he planned the whole thing!" Campbell looked shocked, lifting his head. "Hey, wait, wait!" He rose from his seat as well, glaring at Dewey, "All right, he's obviously a fucking liar."

"Let me fucking finish!" Dewey shoved Luke who attempted to grab him. He points at Karma, "And you. I dream to kill you when I get the chance."

"You fucked up bastard!" Avery yells at him, kicking and slapping Leo to let her go. Karma looked at Greg dead in the eyes, then she smirked. Everyone in the room had chills running on their spine from the girl's sudden expression, and even Campbell's blood ran cold.

"We'll see about that." Her words prickled him like ice.


yay, we're finally almost done with Dewey, lmao.

hope u enjoyed it!!

- keeziiiii

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