
By SleepyNSantaJimin

155K 6K 183

Why me. Seriously.. It started with the best concert of my life. Now everything is upside down. Off the rails... More

Unexpected News
We Fan-Meet
W.T.F. pt 2
Fall Rain
What part of...
Planning and the Impulsive
Needful 😳
Details and devils
😳...And Then Some
Schedules Keep Changing
😳 Pain and Pleasure
Missed One!
Meeting in the Middle
Things don't add up
...Makes Perfect
New Things
Dance Partners 😳
Work Before Play
😳 Distraction
Unraveled 😳
Interruptions and...😳
Step Three
Consequences pt 2
In for a Penny...
... in for a ₩
Unexpected Sadness
It's Always in Threes...
False Negatives
Morning After Pills 😳
😳 Advice From an Expert
Experts: Dul
Faux Expert(s)
...And The Results Are!!
That's What He Said!
A Line Drawn
A Line Moved
Sample Tracks
The Ties That Bind
I's and T's
The First Introductions
Forward Planning
😳 Silky Moves
Aftercare Goes Both Ways 😳
Happy Be-Day/V Day!
Yoongi's Adventure
It's in the Jeon's (Genes)
Kim Line Represent!
Park Party 😳
😳 Finish and Begin
Tests and Trials 😳
😳 Highs... and More Highs
More Test(e)s 😳
Conductors and Transitions
Next up!!


4.4K 147 14
By SleepyNSantaJimin

'There's this new phenomenon we are seeing pop up globally.' The doctor explained. 'It's currently rated as obscure and rare, but it seems to becoming more common.'

I tried to wait patiently while he explained what he knew. I am sure I even looked calm. Inside however I was a mess. Why did nothing seem to never come to a complete answer when a question was raised?

'So we all have this phenomenon?' Seokjin asked. The manager standing behind him kept a close ear on what was happening with their tight schedule. They still had another concert in less than 18 hours in another city, but this needed to be dealt with first.

'Yes... conditionally.' The doctor responded. 'When you saw her for the first time it activated a genome in your dna coding. It was probably airborne material that started it, but the reaction is systematically changing you.'

'So you're saying I infected them with something?' I ask horrified. 

Noticing I am on the verge of crying the doctor rushes to respond. 'No! Not in the least. It's not an infection. It can't be medicated. Think of it more as an evolution in your system.'

'We're not playing Pokémon here doc.' Yoongi responds sarcastically. 'What exactly should we expect from this?'

Turning to Yoongi the doctor lays out what he knows. 'It starts with recognition. From there it becomes a tactile response.' He pauses, glancing quickly to me before continuing. 'It sounds like you've already met that level. Next is dependency.'

With the most English-speaking people in the room frowning upon hearing that the doctor clarifies. 'Not like a drug... not exactly. It uses the natural chemicals in your system to make it so that being separated is intolerable.'

'How.' demands Namjoon.

'It's not always the same for everyone. But it's usually pain, depression, and...' he looks discomfited.

'How.' Namjoon demands again.

'...and sexual desire.' Unsure of how to continue the doctor clams up at that, while Yoongi translates for the few people who couldn't quite follow.

'So how easy is it to get back to normal life?' I ask. 'I know they have a schedule to keep, and I have work in the morning.' I look at my phone for the time. 1am... great another late night. Wait, my phone is at 100% now? Could this be a part of this issue? 'Today, actually, I have to work. In less than 10 hours. I still ache from the concert two nights ago. I need to get home, take some aspirin, get some sleep, and get ready to go to work tomorrow.'

The doctor looks at me, almost frantic. 'You can't. Or rather, you shouldn't. It's not that leaving them to go your own way is impossible, but the results of the side effects is a lot more drastic than I can explain.'

'Can it be electrical as well?' I ask. Nobody seems to expect that, so they all look at me. 'My phone's battery has gone up each time I've had contact with any of them.' 

They all just blink at that. 'I haven't heard of that before, but I suppose its possible. I mean we're all just electrically charged bags of water...' the doctor responds faintly.

We're all sitting around the table that Seokjin and Taehyung set earlier. Yoongi raises an eyebrow at my question, so I put my phone down and shoot it across the table to him. He taps the screen, noticing the power level, and his eyebrows go even higher. He slides it back. 

While they continue talking I get distracted by incoming texts, a seeming deluge of them... and all from sis. 

Opening up the app I quickly read them and then text back to try to reassure her. I also send the selfies of Namjoon and Jungkook as well. She seems to calm down after that.

'You might want to text work and let them know you need time off' Seokjin murmurs from next to me. I nod, quickly shoot off an apology and request to my boss and close the phone to continue listening.

'I know this is going to be a change' Namjoon is saying to his group, 'but we've dealt with so much more than this. We should consider it like adding a teammate to the staff.' Curious, I listen in, trying to figure out where he's going with this. 'We just need to add one more seat to each thing we do behind the scenes until we get back home'

'Are you suggesting that I travel with you for the rest of your tour?' I ask mildly. Yoongi shoots me a look, staring at me when I ask this, but Namjoon only nods, responding.

'I think the doctor has said it has to happen. Your health, our health, requires it.'

'And what about what I have here? My job, my family, my apartment, hell, everything I own. Oh, and no, I do not have a passport. It's too expensive to have and not need. And I have never needed it before.' I glare at him. Seokjin brushes his shoulder with mine and for a moment I am blinded by all the glowing forms around me. I quickly move away, blinking to get my eyesight back to not being dazzled as he apologizes and shift to sit further away from me.

Rubbing his forehead Namjoon considers my question/statement. I don't think he knows how to respond so their manager speaks up.

'We can hire you as actual staff for your salary. Your items can be put into storage to be shipped to our home when the tour ends, and your family is always welcome to visit.' He says firmly.

Nodding Taehyung leans forward to catch my eyesight. 'We actually always want family to come visit. We are usually tied down to our buildings because of the popularity that surrounds us, but we can always welcome people in.'

I sigh, letting my head fall back. 'I. Am. Tired. I am sore. I am probably hungry and not even aware of it, even after eating that sub. Can we figure this out tomorrow?' I all but whine.

The manager nods, noticing the same tired look in the rest of BTS. 'That sounds like a plan. I'll walk the doctor down and get his details to communicate with him while the rest of you settle in for the evening. I'll order some delivery to be sent up too.' Walking the doctor to the door the two men quickly disappear behind the door to the hallway out.

'So, where am I sleeping.' I ask everyone.


The couch is a pullout sleeper sofa, and probably has never been used as that since it's the comfiest one I've ever slept on. After getting some aspirin from Jimin and with a bit more food in me from the delivery that was sent up after the subs were demolished I pass out for the night. I don't even get to see who went into which rooms.

The next morning is loud and bustling. The flight was changed to today because of what happened to us, but it made the timeline for the next concert tighter than anyone wanted, and they were all damned sure they were going to do it as if nothing had happened.

Rushing to the airport everyone was focused on what needed to be done. I didn't have a suitcase, as I hadn't even gotten back to my apartment. In the same clothes as I was in yesterday I shuffle into the airport with the same setup as heading to and out of the hotel... surrounded by guards and with a walking buddy. This time it's Jungkook, and since it's him I try my best to not jostle or touch him while we're quick-stepping to a secluded area. Well, I'm quick stepping, he's barely ambling. Damn my short stature. I can hear Jimin behind me giggling at my attempts to keep up with the taller man next to me. I try to ignore that.

By 10:30 am we are jockeying down the airport strip and about to take off. I haven't seen another city let alone another state since I left college. This is going to be one hell of a ride, I can tell. I am sitting next to Namjoon, as he is the most fluent in English, but he's busy with work. No, I don't read over his shoulder. Even if it was in English I am sure I wouldn't be able to comprehend what is going on.

Actually that reminds me, I need to do research. I pull out my phone and automatically plug it in to the port at my seat. It's still in the high 90s, but it's better to keep it powered than to let it drain. With that I log into the airline wifi. As we taxi and take off into the air I quickly shoot my sister a text saying I'll talk to her later and explain what I can, then start looking up who is who on the BTS staff. I was right, the manager's name is Sejin. At least I got that right the first time. Looking into other staff and the positions they held I realized there was a small army of people who worked with them at all times. Did they never have any privacy?!

It only takes a couple of hours to get to the next destination, and we quickly are ushered out. I guess their luggage is handled for them? Looking around I realize each of the guys has their own carry-on, so I assume they have at least some of their stuff on hand immediately.

Three suvs are waiting outside. The maknae line gets into one, the rap line gets into another, and Seokjin and I get into the third one with Manager Sejin and a few guards. There's a couple of guards in the other vehicles, but we have the bulk of them.

A rapid fire conversation between Seokjin and Manager Sejin, with some quick texts happening, and I guess we have a different plan than the others because our vehicle peels off from the caravan to an off ramp.


Arriving at the stadium with a ton of fast food, I help unload boxes to staff members so that they can set up a buffet table for everyone. Manager Sejin mentions that the catered food will be in later, but the change in the schedule warranted getting food now since no one had really eaten before even getting on the plane.

After grabbing some of the food I kinda wander around, trying not to be under foot. Near the stage I can see riggers and lighting crew setting up and testing the systems. A couple of the BTS members are already getting sound checked, earbuds and mics being switched out as needed.

At one point the crew start setting up air mattresses off to one side, and I wonder about that until I see Jungkook seemingly collapse and immediately start snoring on one of them. Seokjin is rehearsing his solo, Namjoon is getting last minute tips from Hoseok and Jimin... and I can't find Yoongi or Taehyung anywhere.

'Boo!' shouts Taehyung in my ear, making me jump. I turn around to find the eager man  grinning at me. 'Can we do it again?' He asks me. Puzzled I cock my head at him, but when he holds out his hand I understand and nod. Taking his hand we turn slowly, looking at everyone.

Each BTS member is picked out as if there's a sunbeam on them. I find Yoongi talking to some of the camera crew. Nobody looks up, but even Taehyung gasps at finding that the light follows the members around. When Jimin sees us and comes running it's like watching a romance drama, where the love interest runs in slow motion, glowing a little brighter than everything around them. Even Taehyung can't tear his eyes away from the sight... until he is tackled away from me by the running and cackling Jimin. Reaching over to steady myself as I am thrust away from the two falling men by physics I grab onto the nearest pole, a scaffolding structure set up to hold a camera crew and lighting.

Suddenly sparks are flying above me, and I duck to avoid catching on fire.

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