Change My Mind ~ Criminal Min...

By xxQueenPowerxx

1.1M 27.7K 26.1K

Crystal Archer was an average woman in her opinion. She was bold, smart, and incredibly charming but she wasn... More

Important Information
1.0: A new beginning
2.0: Challenge Accepted & A New Case
3.0: Eye Opener
4.0: Uncovered Truth
5.0: Case Closed
6.0: Welcome home & Team bonding
7.0: Wild Night & Sweet Treats
8.0: Another Case
9.0: Down the Rabbit Hole
10.0: And Out the Other End
11.0: Girl's Night and Fright Night
12.0: Trouble and Solutions
13.0: Phone Calls and Suspects
14.0: Hotel Rooms & Race Against the Clock
15.0: Found Solutions
16.0: Profiling Profilers
17.0: Nightly Conversations & New Case
18.0: Denied Feelings
19.0: Downward Spiral on the Case
20.0: Warm Embraces
21.0: Close Call
22.0: Surprise Meeting
23.0: Into Alaska
24.0: Shared Bed & Conversations
25.0: Heading Home & Out Again
26.0: Two Go In & One Comes Out
27.0: Awkward Meetings & Trouble
28.0: Saying Goodbye
29.0: Adapting to Change
30.0: Helping Out & Giving Advice
31.0: Hallows Eve
32.0: Halloween and Party
33.0: Birthdays & Lights, Camera, Action
34.0: Curtin Call
35.0: New Agent
36.0: Closure & Anger
37.0: Eat My Heart Out
38.0: Unprofessional & Realized Feelings
39.0: Talking It Out
40.0: Bath Time & Troubling Cases
41.0: Reputations
42.0: Heading Home
43.0: Christmas & Secrecy
44.0: Conversations & Gifts
45.0: Walking Tall
46.0: Before I Hit The Ground and Fall
47.0: Anything For Family
48.0: Because Family is Everything
49.0: Losing a Friend
50.0: Coping With Reality
51.0: Grief Assessments
52.0: Soccer, Birthdays & New Faces
53.0: Flowers & Diving In
54.0: Troubling Affairs
55.0: Past Scars
56.0: Some People Leave
57.0: Some People Come Back
58.0: The Truth Behind Sweet Lies
59.0: Fragile Hearts
60.0: Overdue Smiles & Confronting Empty Feelings
61.0: Little Changes & Building Our World Up
62.0: Falling Back Into Place
63.0: Pranks & Prizes
64.0: Late Christmas & Emotional Struggles
65.0: Wrong Numbers & Past Trauma
66.0: Valentine's Day & Support Groups
67.0: Butterflies & Races
68.0: Awkwardness With Cases
69.0: Troubling Issues & Trust
70.0: Running In Circles
71.0: Running To Each Other
72.0: Starting at the Basics
73.0: Routines & Copycats
74.0: Troubling Minds & Surprises
76.0: Unwanted Visitors & Possible Dates
77.0: Valentine's Dance For Lost Time
78.0: It's An Archer Thing
79.0: Ready For Change & Race Day
80.0: Death Is Coming With Unsaid Words
81.0: But Not Today, For Today I Live
82.0: Some Things Never Change
83.0: But Hearts Change For People
84.0: Heading Back Home & Trouble In Paradise
85.0: Finally Home In Your Arms
86.0: Confessing Feelings & The Next Morning
87.0: The Director & Family Troubles
88.0: Back On Cases & New Dynamics
89: Catching Criminals & Moving Forward
90.0: Moving In & Confrontations
91.0: Continue...
92.0: Welcome Home
93.0: Going Down With The Ship
94.0: Just For It To Sail Again
95.0: From Here
96.0: Old Faces Back Again
97.0: New Dynamics With Old Feelings
98.0: Planning Events
99.0: Expectations
100.0: Till The Ends Of Time
101.0: Sweet Honeymooners & Disturbances
102.0: Issues Uncovered
103.0: The Past In The Present
104.0: Remembering The Past
105.0: Obsessions & Fear Go Hand in Hand
106.0: Fighting Doubts
107.0: New Cases With New Problems
108.0: Negatives Turn Into Positives
109.0: Coming Clean
110.0: Sometimes There Is No Happy Ending
111.0: Continuing After Failure
112.0: Learning To Walk Again
113.0: Baby, Me & Mom On The Case
114.0: Baby Showers Bring Case Files

75.0: Sick Days & Arguments With Surprise Visitors

8.9K 220 162
By xxQueenPowerxx

A/N: This story will be based on 7x12 Unknown Subject but Crystal will not be involved in this case (Emily will be talked about with her therapy sessions and her bad day)
Song is Falling In Love With My Best Friend by Tyler Ward and this was recommended by @RouseTheMouse 



"I wanted change and excitement and to shoot off in all directions myself, like the colored arrows from a Fourth of July rocket."
― Sylvia Plath

The air had turned cooler now and Christmas had just passed, this year the team decided instead of Secret Santa they'd play White Elephant. It didn't end to well with Rossi winning back his expensive bottle of wine and Crystal laughed at how Morgan ended up with a 3rd Edition of Mathematics that Reid was trying to explain to him 'It has great value in the long run.'

They ended the night with dinner and chatting, it had been an eventful night. It was now mid January and Crystal was jogging beside Hotch, she started to be out of breath and stopped. Hotch stopped as well and turned to look at her, "You okay?"

Crystal sighed, "I'm tired." Hotch looked over at her amusingly, "We just started Archer, we're barely halfway through this."

"You sure? I'm more tired than normal." Crystal frowned at this and panted to catch her breath, Hotch's amused look turned into a worried one as he quickly walked over to her. He gently placed his forehead against hers, "You feel warm."

"That's how you can tell I'm alive." Crystal said mockingly, Hotch chuckled at her words. She was quoting him when he had gotten sick on the case they were chased through the woods, he sighed and moved back to look at her. "How do you feel?"

"I feel okay, just tired."

"We should stop for today, let's go grab coffee early?"


"If you're going to complain, I'll just carry you to the coffee shop." Hotch shrugged and Crystal looked at him before smiling, "Okay."

Hotch's eyes widen a bit before smiling as he turned around and squatted down, Crystal climbed onto his back and he got up with his hands holding her legs. Crystal wrapped her arms around his neck, "Am I to heavy?"

"Never." Hotch answered as he walked in the direction towards the coffee shop, Crystal hummed as she rested her head against his. "You technically should be training."

Hotch didn't answer as he started running and Crystal yelped as she hugged onto him tighter, "Hotch!"

"What? You said I should be training." Hotch chuckled as he continued running and Crystal laughed as she clung onto him as he ran.


Hotch had put her down when they reached the coffee shop, he had Crystal wait outside with his jacket on her, "To keep you warm Archer", while he went to get them their drinks. 

He walked back out and handed her a cup and they started walking in the direction towards their cars, Hotch reached over and laced their fingers as Crystal softly swung their arms. Crystal took a sip of her tea and leaned her head against Hotch's shoulder as they continued walking, Hotch looked at her worriedly. "Maybe you should go home, you look pale."

"Maybe I'm a vampire."

Hotch chuckled, "Maybe, but all jokes aside I think you need some rest." Crystal shrugged, "I'll be fine by Monday Hotch." Hotch sighed and moved her hair from her face, they had reached their cars. "You say that now, but Monday you'll feel worse if you don't take it easy."

"As if."


Crystal needed to learn how to stop talking, here she was in bed dying because she once again jinxed herself. She winced at how her body shivered and how her headache made her want to slam her head into a wall.

I'd rather die in the office then admit to Hotch that he was right.

Crystal stood up and immediately fell, "Ow." She sighed before trying to stand back up, she had workouts with Hotch today and she needed to look like she wasn't dying.

Maybe he won't notice?


"Hotch if you don't-"


"Put me down-"


"I will scream-"

"Do it then." Hotch cut her off as he continued to carry her bridal-style to the elevator, he was frowning and Crystal sighed. Needless to say, Hotch noticed quickly that Crystal was shaking and could barely stand from how weak her body was.

He had drove to her apartment wanting to see if everything was okay since she was late and had caught her falling on the way to her car, Crystal sighed. "I can walk just fine."

"So you're falling on pavement for fun?"

"Yeah I am, you should try it sometime." Crystal answered and Hotch relaxed and gently leaned his forehead against hers, "Nice to see you're well enough to make jokes."

"I'm well enough-"

"You're not going to work." Hotch interrupted when the elevator doors opened, Mr. Vinny who was Crystal's neighbor stared at them. "Oh, hello."

Crystal's eyes widen and blushed, "Good morning Mr. Vinny."

"Everything okay?"

"I'm being kidnapped back to my apartment." Crystal answered and Hotch sighed, "She's sick and she needs rest, she fell." Mr. Vinny nodded, "I see." He moved out of the way and let Hotch walk out of the elevator first before entering it, Mr. Vinny smiled at them. "Ah young love, so bold and entertaining."

Crystal turned to look at him shocked and the doors shut before she could say anything, Crystal lightly hit Hotch's shoulder. "Put me down now." Hotch kissed her forehead before walking to her door, "Where's your key?"

Crystal pouted and handed it to him, he opened the door and shut the door after him with his foot. He walked Crystal over to her bedroom and laid her down before heading to her kitchen and grabbing her water, when he returned Crystal's eyes were drooping.

Hotch smiled and put the water on her bedside table, "You were arguing with me the whole way up, just for you to almost fall asleep once you're in your bed?"

"You were taking forever." Crystal mumbled as she shivered and Hotch grabbed her blankets and put them over her, he gently rubbed her head. "Will you be okay?" Crystal hummed and he smiled before kissing her forehead, he went to leave and Crystal grabbed his hand.

Crystal pouted at him and showed him her wrist and he stared at her softly before bringing her wrist to his lips and kissing it gently over and over, Crystal lightly laughed and he finally let go. Crystal sighed, "I'd hug you goodbye, but you might get sick."

"It'd be worth it."

"Probably would be, but then we'd both be sick and that's not good. You should go before you're late for training, can't have us both skipping." Crystal smiled at him and he moved her hair from her face, "Call me if you get worse?"

Crystal nodded and Hotch gently patted her head before leaving, Crystal laid back down and finally closed her eyes when she heard her door close.

So much for me hiding it from him.


Hotch entered the conference room, Rossi looked over at him. "Where's Archer?"

"She's not feeling well." Hotch answered and Reid frowned, "Will she be okay by herself?"

"I told her to call if she gets worse, worst case scenario it's just a bad cold." Hotch replied as he sat down, "Let's get started."

Garcia nodded before grabbing the remote, "8 months ago we consulted on a case and it seems like he's back, the Piano Man.


Hotch sat on the jet reading a file when he heard footsteps, Prentiss looked confused. "Hey."

"Hey," Hotch looked up at her and Prentiss sat across from him, "Sorry, I thought you said 10:30."

"I did, for you but the rest of the team will join us later." Hotch replied and Emily raised an eyebrow, Hotch looked back down at his file. "I received Dr. Merill's evaluation, I just wanted to review it with you."


"I get tired of being profiled through my office window." Hotch answered and Emily awkwardly coughed, she was guilty of doing that to him and Crystal. "Well, what's there to discuss? She gave me a clean bill of health."

Hotch raised an eyebrow before reading the file, "'Patient shows no hesitation tackling difficult goals as part of reintegrating into her life, she has reached out to her mother,'" Hotch gave her a look and Prentiss raised a hand, "I'm going to."

"'And has started a romantic relationship with a man named Sergio.'" Hotch finished and Prentiss awkwardly cleared her throat, Hotch put the file down. "Now, I don't care if you lie to your therapist. All I care about is how your behavior affects your job."

Emily frowned, "I don't think it has."

"You've been overcompensating."

Emily raised an eyebrow, "How have-"

"You rushed to repair your relationship with Morgan and Archer, you've become an emotional sounding board for Reid and Rossi." Hotch interjected and Emily shrugged, "That's called being a friend."

"You offered me parenting advice and that one time I made Archer pout over me making her tea with the wrong brand, you sat us both down wanting us to talk it out." Hotch countered and Emily sighed, "Okay, so maybe I've been working a little bit harder to regain people's trust, it that such a bad thing?"

"No. It only is if you use it to avoid dealing with what you went through." Hotch answered and Emily shook her head, "I'm not. I chose to come back here, why? Because I care about the people I work with? Yes. But also because it's clean, I know who the good guys and bad guys are. I don't have to worry about screwing someone over to make a case."

Hotch looked at her before folding his hands, "I want you to make a deal with me. You're gonna go weeks, months even, feeling fine. And then you're going to have a bad day, just let me know when you do."

Emily raised an eyebrow, "And that's it?"

"That's it."

"Deal," Emily replied before smiling, "I uh, heard about your ice cream nights with Crystal. Therapy?" Hotch's lips twitched, "She's a good listener, I open up easier with her."

Emily smiled, "She has that charm, I'm glad you two can talk." Hotch shrugged, "She charges $50 a therapy session though, my tabs running up." Emily laughed, "Yet you still go back."

"I'd always go back," Hotch instantly answered and Emily looked at him, "I'm glad you two have each other."

"You're welcomed to join us, if you don't feel comfortable talking with me just talk with her." Hotch said and Emily shook her head, "I wouldn't want to intrude, but I do talk to her when needed."

Hotch gave a nod, "Good." He opened back up the file and looked over at Emily, "Sergio?" Emily shrugged, "He's the perfect man. He doesn't hog the covers, and he poops in the box."

Hotch gave a small smile before looking at his phone, Emily laughed. "Just call her Hotch, we all know that when Crystal gets sick she gets more affectionate but stubborn."

Hotch nodded before standing up, he walked over to make himself coffee. "Hey Archer, how-"

"I don't think I'm the Archer you wanted to answer."

"Oh, hello Jason."


"Is Archer okay?" 

"Yeah, she's just sleeping."

"That's fine then, thank you." Hotch hung up and continued to making his coffee, he went back to sit down and sighed as he checked his watch.

It's going to be a long case.


Crystal winced when she heard pounding on her door, she forced herself to get up and wrapped herself in a blanket before walking to her door. She opened her door and looked shocked at Amy and Jason, "Uh...hi?"

"I can't believe this, you better talk to her Chris." Jason stormed into her apartment and Crystal sighed, "Why yes, I'm fine thank you for asking. Why don't you come on in?"

Amy sighed before hugging her, "You feel and look hot."

"I'm sick."

"Nice." Amy replied before walking in, Crystal closed the door and walked to the living room where Jason wouldn't look at Amy as she sat awkwardly away from him. "What crawled up your ass and died Jace?"

Jason chuckled bitterly, "Amy's parents are making her go on another blind date." Crystal frowned at this, "I thought you two were officially dating?"

"We are," Amy answered quietly, "But..."

"Just say it Ames, oh wait you have trouble doing that." Jason stated and Amy glared at him, "You think it's easy for me?! I don't wanna go on that fucking date-"

"Then fucking say so! How the fuck am I supposed to feel when your mom tells you that you're going on a date and you just fucking go with that shit when I'm standing right there?! God Amy, and you said yes to that fucking asshole!" Jason stood up and walked to the door, "We shouldn't have come here, let's leave."

Crystal frowned, her mind still felt hazy. "Why did you come here? For me to break up the fight?" Amy looked at her nervously, "I came here to apologize..."


Jason sighed, "She's going on a blind date with Ben, that fucking asshole." Crystal blinked, blinked, and blinked before standing up and walking to her room. "Babe I-"

Crystal closed her door and she sighed when she heard Jason knock on her door, Crystal sat down on her bed and started to play with her hair. "My good friend is about to go on a date with my ex and she's dating my brother....great."

Crystal didn't leave because she was upset, she left because she wasn't sure how to react since she wasn't upset....yet she wasn't happy about this. Crystal stood back up and opened her door to see Jason still pissed and Amy looked like she was about to cry, Crystal clapped her hands. "Okay, let's all sit down."

Amy sat down across from her and Jason sat next to her, Crystal smiled at Amy. "I'm not mad Ames, I'm just worried about you." Amy relaxed and she shook her head, "I don't want to go, but...I don't know how to get out of it, apparently he suggested it."

Jason scoffed, "We all know why he did, he wants to ask for information about Chris." Amy sighed, "I know-"

"So don't go."

"Jason. It's not-"

"What? Not that simple? Amy, I don't understand how you can't just tell your parents that you don't want to go on this date. You've rejected other ones before, so what's your fucking problem?" Jason asked angrily, "What is it?"

Amy gulped, "I can't because my mom and them found out I'm dating...." Jason looked at her shocked, "You told?"

"No! My neighbor saw me sneaking out and said something to my mom, Chris isn't home anymore so she knows I wasn't going to see her. I...if I want them to believe that I don't have a boyfriend I need to start accepting these dates...." Amy said softly and she looked at her hands, "I don't wanna go, I wanna tell them about us know how my parents are Jace, I don't want you to hear those disgusting words they'll use to degrade you."

Jason relaxed and sighed, "I'm sorry I've been angry."

"No, you had a right to be angry...what do I do?" Amy asked and Jason stood up to have her sit on his lap, "We'll figure it out, okay?" Jason rubbed her back, "I'm sorry, I was just so angry that Ben is still trying to find Crystal and...and that we can't show our relationship to other people because I want to show everyone the wonderful woman I have with me, I just want to be good enough for you."

Crystal looked at them sadly, "I think that you two can't hide forever...if you don't tell soon, people are going to get hurt." Amy swallowed, "I...I'll tell my parents sooner or later, just not now."

Crystal sighed but nodded, "Do it your way, as for Ben, I have no idea what you're going to do."

"I'll just have to suck it up and go, I'll just ignore him." Amy smiled sadly, "I'm still sorry."

"I told you it's okay, I'm more sorry that you're being dragged on a date with that asshole." Crystal cringed, "Knowing him, he hasn't changed."

Amy scoffed, "Babe, the only thing that changes is the woman he messes with. My parents are only making me go on the date because of his family business in restaurants, I'm going to try and not barf." 

Jason chuckled, "I'll try not to punch him." Amy gave him a quick peck, "Do it, no balls." 

"You two give me a headache," Crystal smiled at them no longer fighting, she yawned. "This has been to lively for me, I'm going back to sleep."

Jason nodded, "Do you mind if we stay for awhile? Like maybe a day or two?" 

"As long as you don't have sex on my couch, feel free to stay and possibly catch my sickness." Crystal replied before going to her room and laying down, she sighed as she snuggled back into her pillow.

I think having relationship problems is an Archer thing.


The next time Crystal woke up, it was because Amy was gently shaking her. "Babe, you need to eat medication." Crystal hummed before sleepily waking up, she rubbed her eyes and took the glass of water from Amy and the medication. 

After taking it, Amy smiled at her. "Mr. Suit called you, but you were asleep." Crystal smiled and checked her watch.

4:36 PM

"How long ago did he call?"

"Around 10:30, want some soup?" 

Crystal nodded before grabbing her phone, Amy smirked before leaving and Crystal dialed his number.

I know his number by heart.

"I heard you called me." Crystal smiled as she heard Hotch's chuckle, she relaxed as she played with her necklace.

"I did, how're you feeling?"

"Better, tired still."

"I didn't know your brother was going to visit."

"Neither did I." Crystal laughed, "It's a surprise for everyone, how's the case going?"

"It's going okay, make sure you eat something."

"I will, don't miss me to much."

"To late."

Crystal smiled as her face reddened a bit, "I should probably go and let you focus, talking to you might put me to sleep again."

"I'm that boring?"

"Yep, and your voice is soothing." Crystal said amusingly, "Bye Hotch, stay safe."

"I will, I'll call you later Archer."

Crystal hung up and looked over to see Jason with some soup and applesauce, "Hey."

"Hi." Crystal replied and took the bowl, Jason stayed there and cleared his throat. "I uh, I think I found the proof you need for the fires."

Crystal hummed as she took a spoonful, "I'm listening."

"Okay, you're always saying that there's like a signature or something that ties these cases together. I looked into the reports and statements from my friend and witnesses, they don't add up." Jason stated and Crystal frowned, "What do you mean?"

"My friend Max says that he locks the place up, checks each door leading outside, and then when he goes to check the fuse boxes there's wires broken everywhere and they spark to start a fire. I looked at witness reports and they say that there was a broken window and that the fire started from the inside."

Crystal frowned at this and handed the empty bowl to Jason as she grabbed the applesauce cup, "Jace, I hate to say it, but do you think that if this is a potential arsonist that Max could be in on it?"

"No, he couldn't be. Chris, these buildings cost him so much money to renovate and the business's he starts are ruined and leaves people out of a job. Why would he spend so much money renovating buildings just for him to destroy them?"

"Does Amy know about your worries?"

"She....knows to an extent, she just thinks I'm troubled over the amount of more work I've had these past few months." Jason answered and Crystal sighed, "How often were the fires?"

"The first one happened two years ago around April, the second one that followed was later in November, after that it was June, and finally January of last year until it all just stopped."

Crystal hummed, "It seems like they were happening every 7 months, did something happen in January last year?"

"I talked to Max about how I was worried and that you were in the FBI, you could help if he reported it." Jason answered and took the now empty applesauce cup from her, Crystal nodded. "Were you by yourselves?"

"No, we were at a bar. Why?"

"Because if Max really isn't in on it, then the unsub heard you when he was close by." Crystal answered and looked at Jason seriously, "He knew you were onto him and he stopped because he was afraid that you'd catch him, why didn't Max want to report it?"

Jason sighed as he took a seat on the edge of her bed, "Because he was worried that I'd be wrong and he'd become a laughing stock, he's already getting no business due to people being scared that they'll lose their jobs from the fires. I really think he's being targeted Chris, no one else that's in the area has had those many fires happen to them."

"What does Ruth think?"

"You know how she is, she rules it out due to the reports and 'evidence' that was collected but I know these fires were on purpose. I can feel it." 

Crystal looked at Jason and shook her head, "I can't look at it officially because I haven't been invited in to look at it, but...."


"Arsonists don't have a long cool-off period, somethings keeping this guy dormant while he's not setting buildings on fire. You need to look into what he could be possibly doing, if I'm right, he's going to burn another building soon after 1 year of not doing so because it's most likely messed with his mental stability. If we can figure out how those buildings were selected, we could catch him in the act." Crystal answered and Jason looked at her shocked, "You think so?"

"It's jus a theory, but you need to help me figure out when he might strike again. That's why you need to look into any fires that were on purpose when you go back home, he's done something to pass the time." 

Jason nodded, "I will, thanks Chris." Crystal smiled at him, "I just don't want you to feel less important Jason, you know that your job means something right?"

"I know...but it's hard to remember that when you're just 'Mr. Firefighter' whose done nothing in a year except save cats from trees and stop a BBQ fire, I just want to have something in my job that lets me know that I did something important." Jason answered and Crystal smiled, "You're always important-"

"Chris, I know that but it's kinda hard to take those words from you when you save lives every single day. You're a hero....I just want to feel like one for once, even if I'm wrong, this has been the most important I've felt in my job because I'm helping my friend."

Crystal stared at him before nodding, "Okay, but you've got work to do it you want me to head back home. I only plan on using a week of my vacation days."

"That's more then enough time, I'll call you when I find something." Jason replied and Crystal smiled, "If you want, send me pictures of the files or I'll ask Ruth. I'll go ahead and get a head start on figuring this out before I head down."

"Thanks Chris, I know this is a lot to ask." Jason smiled at her before ruffling her hair, "Go back to sleep, you look like you haven't slept in days."

Crystal hummed and Jason gently fixed the covers over her, "I'll wake you up for your next medication." Crystal yawned and nodded before closing her eyes, she sighed when she heard Jason leave her room.

He might be disappointed if there's no real case, but from how I see it there could be a potential arsonist.


Author's Note:

Hey! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter~ The next chapter will continue 7x12 and then jump right into 7x14 (so there's a time skip)! The next chapter gets a bit intense for a bit, but promise that nothing bad happens~ I know this was a bit messy (my bad) but I still hope you liked it!

Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter~

See you in the next chapter!

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