Girl Next Door

AngelaLott9 द्वारा

664 44 23

The story of a life long friendship between Max and the girl with red hair and green eyes who lives across th... अधिक

June 2010
New Year's Eve 2010
Spring 2011
A Week Later
Fall 2011
Winter 2012
Spring 2013
Summer 2014
Moments Later
Winter 2015
Spring/Summer 2017

Summer 2016

34 2 0
AngelaLott9 द्वारा

Summer 2016

This weekend would be two years since Max had moved in with Zoey and he had plans. The trouble was going to be making it to Friday without Zoey figuring him out.

There were rumors around the office that someone was going to get promoted which had everyone on edge or working overtime. Max wasn't too concerned about it though. He felt sure their boss, Joan, had already decided who was going to be promoted and everyone's last minute fretting wouldn't make a difference.

He was however grateful for the week's chaos as it was helping keep Zoey too occupied to notice Max acting strangely. The one downside of being in a relationship with your best friend is that they could read you like a book and Max wanted to keep this weekend a surprise. Monday Zoey had new projects to focus on. Tuesday her brother had called and Max had managed to avoid detection. Wednesday came and went without the slightest hint that she was on to him. Thursday however was a different story.

"Who could it be though?" Zoey asked for what felt like the fifth time today.

"Whoever Joan wants to see less of," Max chuckled. Zoey hit his shoulder. "Ow."

"I'm serious," Zoey continued.

"It won't be Leif or Tobin," Max replied. His old university friends had only started working at this company a few months ago after hearing about it from Max. "They're too new."

"That leaves who," Zoey continued. Max started listing the other people who worked on their floor, most of whom they didn't talk to much unless they were assigned to the same project. Next Zoey wanted to talk about who on his list would be the most likely to manage this floor now that Joan was moving up.

"Zoey honey I love you but we really should be working, not gossiping," Max sighed.

"Oh right," Zoey said, sheepishly. "I just can't wait till the announcement!"

"You and the rest of the floor," Max chuckled. "Now help me with his code. There's a bug somewhere but the computer can't find it."

"Right work," Zoey said firmly. "Tasks to be done. Where's my laptop?"

"In the spinny sofa chair," Max told her, pointing. She moved away to collect it and rejoined him at the main table to go over the code together.

About two hours later, Max's eyes were starting to see blur and he decided they needed a break. Checking if Zoey wanted anything as well, Max got up and headed to the elevator.

Two floors down something quite extraordinary happened. A man got on the elevator. Max stared at him, then did a double take. It couldn't be?

"Max right?" the guy said.

"Yeah," Max replied, with a nod.

"It's been a while."

Max nodded again, still processing who he was talking to.

"How is she?"

"Good, great even," Max said. "We've been together two years now."

"As I suspected," Simon replied. "You know when Zoey and I were together I was always jealous of you, not that I ever told her that. She was so adamant that you were only friends I didn't think pointing out the obvious was a good idea."

"Fair enough," Max said. Despite the unexpectedness of the moment, Max was actually quite happy to hear this. "So what brings you to our office?"

"Head hunting meeting," Simon said.

"So are you poaching from us or are we poaching you?" Max asked.

"The latter," Simon answered. "But I'm not sure if working here is a good idea. I didn't know you and Zoey were here."

"How do you know Zoey works here?" Max asked.

"She's always wherever you are," Simon replied, as if this was the most obvious thing in the work. Max decided to change the topic.

"Aren't you married now?" Max reminded him.

"Yeah but still who wants to work with their ex right?" Simon replied. "Or their ex's new boyfriend for that matter."

The elevator stopped and Simon turned to leave but didn't. "Is she happy?" Simon asked, his back to Max as he froze leaving the elevator.

"Yeah," Max said. "I'm sure she is."

"I'm glad," Simon said, still facing away. Then he began walking and soon the elevator door closed, blocking Simon was Max's view as it continued going down to the main level.

Max wasn't totally sure what to make of that conversation. He was also very sure he didn't want to worry Zoey with it this week, unless of course she spotted him before then. Either way Max had lunch to pick up before going back to work.

Shaking his head in the hopes of clearing it, Max got out of the elevator once it stopped and headed to the soup and sandwich place around the corner.

He got back into the elevator about twenty minutes later carrying lunch and was once again up on their floor soon after that.

"Wonderful," Zoey said as she saw him. "I'm starving." She took the food from him and started eating. Max followed suit, trying not to think about his strange elevator experience.

"What's up with you?" Zoey asked as they were finishing their sandwiches.

"Nothing," Max replied too quickly. The moment he spoke he knew he was doomed. Somehow again he'd forgotten how good she was at seeing through him.

"Out with it," Zoey said, putting her hands on her hips and staring him down.

"I ran into someone in the elevator," Max admitted.

"Who?" Zoey asked.


"Oh," Zoey replied slowly. "That must have been strange for you."

"I was," Max answered, relieved.

"What did he have to say?" she asked.

"He had an interview, I think," Max continued. "Though he doesn't seem to want the job, plus he said he's glad you're happy."

"How does he know I'm happy?" Zoey snorted. "I mean I haven't spoken to the guy since he dumped me what... four years... no more like six. Damn time flies."

"He may have asked if you were happy and I may have told him yes," Max mumbled.

"That's fine I guess," Zoey shrugged. "I mean it wasn't like you were lying. Still strange to just see him like that randomly."

"Right!" Max agreed. "And this week of all times."

"Why this week?" Zoey asked.

"I mean cause of the promotion thing," Max backtracked as fast as he could. "What if they were interviewing him to be our new boss."

"Oh that would suck!" Zoey groaned. "Gods I hope that isn't it."

"Me too," Max agreed.

The conversation thankfully made its way back to work after that and Max was able to relax.

After work they went home for a quiet night in. Zoey picked a movie and they settled in on the couch. Movie nights as a couple were so much better than when they'd sat so far apart on the sofa. Max loved curling up under a blanket with her wrapped up in his arms. It was the same at night when he slept. After almost two years waking up beside her, Max wasn't sure if he'd ever sleep the same without her.

Friday morning dawned warm and bright. Zoey was so excited about the announcement at work today, Max didn't have to worry even a little that she was suspicious of him.

When they arrived at work, everything was busy as usual apart from Zoey theorizing how they were going to announce it. Then again as far as this week was concerned that was pretty much the usual as well. Max smiled and nodded at the appropriate places but she's been over the same points so many times now he hardly needed to listen.

"I'm boring you, aren't I?" Zoey said, breaking out of her pattern.

"If I say yes will you still love me?" Max answered, with a smile.

"If I'm being annoying just tell me," Zoey sighed. "You don't have to martyr yourself and just take it."

"I like the sound of your voice," Max shrugged. "Even if I wasn't totally listening anymore."

"Good," Zoey replied. "At least you have the common sense to tune me out when I get annoying."

"You are never annoying," Max began, but she cut him off with a huff. "Okay I'm never annoyed by you," he rephrased.

"Still seems unlikely," Zoey said, narrowing her eyes.

"Do you really think I'd have made it through-" He paused to count. "-over nineteen years as your best friend and two are your boyfriend if I hadn't learned to love your annoying habits?"

"Well when you put it like that," Zoey mumbled.

Laughing, Max leaned in to peck her on the cheek before turning to his work.

"I must insist you refrain from such behaviour at work," Joan's voice made them both turn.

"He started it!" Zoey said, instantly throwing him under the bus.

"Oh thanks," Max chuckled.

Joan seemed very uninterested in who started it and changed the subject at once. "Zoey," she said. "Can I see you in my office for a moment?"

"Ah yeah sure," Zoey replied, getting up off her stool to follow Joan down the hall.

Hoping he hadn't just gotten his girlfriend in trouble and silently planning how he could remind Joan that she knew they were dating when she hired them, Max got back to work.

Twenty minutes later Zoey reappeared, looking a little stunned.

"Everything okay?" Max asked. She didn't speak, just sat down beside him and stared forward. Max waved a hand in front of her face. "Hello, earth to Zoey, come in Zoey."

"I got the promotion," Zoey said in a small voice.

"That's great!" Max exclaimed, pulling her in for a hug. She hugged him back, but without much energy.

"Okay so why aren't you more happy?" Max accused her.

"It's nothing," Zoey said with a smile and a shake of her head. Max narrowed his eyes at her, but decided it could wait till they got home. Best not to get in trouble twice in one day for bringing their personal life to work.

For the rest of the day Zoey had her nose to the grindstone. Max didn't have to worry at all that she was trying to figure him out. In fact, she barely even looked away from her laptop.

By the time they left work, Max was starting to worry something was actually wrong. They drove in silence home and walked silently up the stairs to their second floor apartment.

As soon as they entered the apartment, Zoey went to their room to change out of her work clothes and into her comfy clothes like she did everyday. Max followed her which in itself wasn't unusual, but instead of changing his clothes as well, Max spoke.

"Now will you tell me what's wrong?" Max asked gently.


"And don't you dare say nothing," Max cut her off. "You've barely said a word since you found out about the promotion."

"I never even considered that I'd get it," Zoey said in a small voice.

"That's because you're modest," Max smiled at her. "I on the other hand suspected it might be you."

"You did!?" Zoey exclaimed. "Really? Why?"

"Because you are good at getting others motivated," Max explained. "You know how the group dynamics work and are really good at troubleshooting problems. I've always thought you were wasted as just another coder."

"I didn't know you felt that way," Zoey said, moving closer to him and wrapping her arms around him.

"I've known your career would outshine mine since we were kids," Max chuckled.

"How do you figure that?" Zoey said, sounding annoyed as she broke the hug. "Just cause I was faster at my homework?"

"That and other little things," Max smiled back. "You are more driven than me."

"So what you're saying is that you don't think me being your boss will affect our relationship?" Zoey asked in a small voice and suddenly Max knew exactly what had been bothering her all day.

"Everything has an affect," Max told her, placing his hand on her chin to make her look up. "But it won't break us if that's what you're worried about."

"But won't it be weird for you?" Zoey asked. "Having your girlfriend as your boss."

Max just laughed. "Zoey you've been bossing me around my entire life, what makes you think doing it at work will change anything?"

"Have I?" Zoey asked, looking ashamed.

"Who made us drink wine at your brother's wedding?" Max reminded her with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay so maybe one time-"

"And who instructed me to date Autumn?" Max continued. "And then bugged me until I told her the one thing I'd ever kept from her our entire lives?"

"Okay so that was me too, but this is different," Zoey tried again. "Now I'm going to be your boss, not just your bossy friend."

"Bossy girlfriend," Max corrected her with a smile. She made to speak again, but he cut her off with a finger over her lips. "It will be fine. You being the boss of me isn't gonna scare me off, Zoe."

"Promise?" Zoey mumbled through his finger.

Max sighed deeply before turning away for a moment and running his fingers through his hair. Coming to a decision, Max opened the bottom drawer of his dresser and dug around in it until he found a small red box. Standing up, Max hid the box in his hand before turning to face Zoey.

"I had this whole big thing planned," Max began. "As you are probably aware tomorrow is the second anniversary of us living together. We have reservations at your favourite restaurant. I even got my best suit pressed and everything." He paused moving slowly closer to her. "I've spent most of the week trying not to let you see through my surprise and here I go ruining it."

Max got down on one knee and held out the box, opening it to reveal the ring inside.

"Whether you are my boss or my coworker or just some unemployed slob on my couch, I promise to spend the rest of my life with you," Max vowed. "Will you marry me?"

At this point Zoey's hands were up covering her mouth in a very feminine display of shock. Max himself was rather surprised she hadn't seen through him, though he was glad of it also.

"Yes," Zoey's voice was small but sure.

The elation Max felt in that moment was not something he could describe. After placing the ring on his fiancee's finger, Max reached forward and pulled her in for a fierce hug.


What did everyone think about how that proposal worked out? ^_^

Also only two more chapters left guys! I am so finishing this before xmas. Also if anyone is interested I started a new Malec story since this one is almost over. (I also have a new Clace story in the works) I usually write for the Mortal Instruments with occasional exceptions (like Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist) when I find inspiration.


Sneak Peek Chapter 16

Apart from wedding planning, his life hadn't actually changed a whole lot. Though he supposed his co-workers did treat him a little different now that they knew he went home with the boss everyday.

At first they were consoling him on having been passed over for his girlfriend. Then when it came out that they'd gotten engaged people started to make dirty jokes about him 'sleeping' with the boss. Still it wasn't that bad. Usually Max rolled his eyes if he had no particularly good come back to throw their way.

Max's favourite part about being in a relationship with the boss was when he got to kiss her in front of his co-workers. She usually blushed and his co-workers usually grumbled and it never failed to make his day.

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