AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson...

By samembrose

28.1K 808 731

Year 4 has just started, when 3 new boys get introduced to the school. All year, these boys cause trouble for... More

•Chapter 1•
•Chapter 2•
•Chapter 3•
•Chapter 4•
•Chapter 5•
•Chapter 6•
•Chapter 7•
•Chapter 8•
•Chapter 9•
•Chapter 10•
•Chapter 11•
•Chapter 13•
•Chapter 14•
•Chapter 15•
•Chapter 16•
•Chapter 17•
•Chapter 18•
•Chapter 19•
•Chapter 20•
•Chapter 21•
•Chapter 22•
•Chapter 23•
•Chapter 24•
•Chapter 25•
•Chapter 26•
•Chapter 27•
•Chapter 28•
•Chapter 29•
•Chapter 30•
•Chapter 31•
•Chapter 32•
•Chapter 33•
•Chapter 34•
•Chapter 35•
•Chapter 36•
•Chapter 37•
•Chapter 38•
•Chapter 39•
•Chapter 40•
•Chapter 41•
•Chapter 42•
•Chapter 43•
•Chapter 44•
•Chapter 45•
•Chapter 46•
•Chapter 47•
•Chapter 48•
•Chapter 49•
•Chapter 50•
•Chapter 51•
•Chapter 52•
•Chapter 53•
•Chapter 54•
•Chapter 55•
•Chapter 56•
•Chapter 57•
•Chapter 58•
•Chapter 59•
•Chapter 60•
•Chapter 61•
•Chapter 62•
•Chapter 63•
•Chapter 64•
•Chapter 65•
•Chapter 66•
•Chapter 67•
The end

•Chapter 12•

604 19 23
By samembrose

I must say that the last few days have been busy, wheather it be from the ton of homework I receive, or the anxiety associated with the three new boys, I just haven't had time to have a little fun.

My father always made me promise that I would visit Hagrid when I could, and today (now that I've caught up on all my work) I can finally see him.

I first get permission from the head of gryffindor house - which happens to be McGonagall. Once I do, I head down toward the familiar hut.

When I reach the door, I knock as loud as I can - knowing that hagrid is getting old and his hearing isn't what it used to be.

I hear heavy footsteps walking toward the door, but it isn't until the heavy door swings open to reveal the familiar friend, that a smile jumps onto my face.

"Dani potter! Haven't seen ye since last year!" He shouts.

"Well that is how school years work." He smiles at me and stands aside for me to walk in, which I do when I then sit down at the small table in the main area of the hut.

"No friends with yer today?"

"They're all busy catching up on the homework we've been given."

"That's a shame, I always hated the homework when I was in Hogwarts. So," he starts pouring us both some tea, "how's yer mum and dad?"

"They're doing okay, dad says that the ministry is a mess now that Hogwarts is open again. Mums just been busy organising the events for the quidditch tournaments. I can only imagine how tired they must be."

"They've both been through worse, they'll make it through. How about you? How's your fourth year at Hogwarts?"

"It's going well, just a bit different to other years, especially now that there are three new students in our year."

"I heard about them, related to death eaters, I heard."

"Nothing's confirmed, besides I'm sure there are precautions for those kind of things." I pick up the tea and have a sip as I watch Hagrid think.

"I do hope they do, we don't need a third wizarding war, in too old for that." He laughs as I chuckle along with him.

Hagrid and I talk about our summers, and his newer animals, over the next hour or so. I realize that it's getting pretty late, so I decide it would be best if I made my way back to the dorms, just so I don't get into trouble.

I say goodbye to Hagrid and walk back up the hill to Hogwarts. As I enter the building again, I hear hushed voices in the hall. Being the curious person I am, I hide behind a wall and look out from behind it, trying to be as quiet as possible.

As I peep out from behind the wall, and spot the three familiar boys - huddled together near a wall. I see Reggie's face, but the other two have their backs toward me.

"Amplify." I say as I point my wand toward the group of boys, so I can hear them better.

"Why isn't it working? I thought Draco fixed it in the 90s." Alex says with clear annoyance.

"Draco was nothing more then a useless rat. He didn't help us in any way. We need more time to fix it before it can be used." Luke spits.

"We don't have time." Reggie speaks.

"You think I don't know that? If we don't do this, you know what will happen, which is why I need Alex to try and convince dear old daddy, to give us more time."

"He won't listen to me, and you know that he won't." Alex tries to explain.

"Even if he doesn't listen, with you saying it to him, it will play on his mind for a while. He knows it's bad, if the smart one says we need time." I can't help but wonder who they're talking about? It sounded like Alex and Luke might share a father? But how would they when they have different surnames. Maybe the names they have aren't actually their real names.

"She's here." Reggie whispers while looking at me.

"Don't worry about her. Let's go." Luke says as he leads them away.

I finally come out from behind the wall as they disappear from sight.

I think about the day that I saw Luke walk through that wall, and almost kick myself because of how much I ignored it, I decide now is a good time to investigate, so I find the wall that Luke walked through. When I finally find it (I think), I reach out and push - in hopes that it'll somehow open.

"Think of what you want." I hear a voice in my ear, I quickly turn around and notice nobody is there. I was a little creeped out, but I did what it said anyway. I closed my eyes and thought about those boys.

I open my eyes a few seconds later, and suddenly there's a large iron door in front of me. I have a mini celebration, as I push open the door.

When I step inside, I see that it's a bedroom. It was almost entirely black, with a bunk bed, a mattress up against the wall, and a old ripped couch on the far corner of the room. I look at the bunk beds and notice a desk behind them.

I sit down on the chair and examine what the desk has on it. Most of the things are typical - a quill, some ink, and a large stack of parchment. But The one thing that catches my eye, is a black frame, on the corner of the desk.

Okay so this must be their room? But they're all in different houses so how is this possible.   Suddenly the door opens again, so I duck down inside of the desk, and pray that nobody finds me.

"Master will be pleased with this room when Fitley is done." I peak out from behind the desk and see a house elf, putting away some clothes that were laying on the floor. I try my luck, by assuming this house elf is a good one, as I step out from behind the desk.

"Excuse me?" I say. The house elf gives out a stream and runs to hide behind the couch.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, you can come out? I won't hurt you." The house elf slowly comes into view. I give her a smile. "I'm Dani. I don't know where I am, and I really don't mean any harm, would you mind telling me where I am?"

"Master says fitley shouldn't talk to strangers."

"We aren't strangers? We're friends." I bargain with her.

"Fitley has never had a friend before. How can Fitley help her new friend?"

"Where am I?"

"Malfoy manner, Fitley works for master malfoy."

"Draco malfoy?"

"Yes. As well as master scorpius, and very recently also masters Alex, luke and Reggie."

"What do you mean recently? Did they just move in?"

"Fitley heard-"

"House elf! You better be working, when I get there!" I hear Draco malfoy shout as he walks outside the door.

"New friend must leave now! Master will be unhappy that you are here!"

I jump up from my crouching position, and run out the door to the room, where I find myself back in the halls of hogwarts once again.

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