Pretend You're Mine

By goldenpup45

35.1K 1.1K 127

Rhian Ramos. The girl who has it all. Brains, beauty, luxuries... you name it. She is respected by all becaus... More

Author's Note
01 : The Two Rivals
02 : Partners
03 : Childhood Friend
04 : Mistake
05 : Guilt
06 : Change in Attitude
07 : Reconcile
08 : Unfair
09 : Proposal
10 : Will You Be My Girlfriend?
11 : Invitation
12 : Get Together with Friends
13 : Meeting of the Two Groups
14 : Surprises
15 : Unsure
16 : Moving In
17 : Interrogation
18 : Official
19 : Books and Banters
20. Horseback Riding
21 : Mr. Ramos' Tasks
22 : Lunch with the Ventura's
23 : Feelings?
24 : Attention
25 : Wedding Plans
26 : Waffle For Your Thoughts
27 : Opening Up
28 : Glaiza's Birthday
29 : Role Playing Game
30 : Chilling
31 : The Kiss
32 : Thoughts are Swimming
33 : Fiesta Fiasco (Part 1)
34 : Fiesta Fiasco (Part 2)
35 : Already Safe
37 : Confuse
38 : Misunderstanding
39 : Spy
40 : Jealous
41 : Distracting Thoughts
42 : Half Feelings
43 : Sudden Changes
44 : I Love You
45 : Goodbye
46 : Marriage-Free
47 : Acceptance
48 : Tease
49 : Bliss
50 : Lifetime

36 : Confession

501 17 3
By goldenpup45

Rhian could feel her neck aching and the blood rushing to her head as she lay on the bed, her head hanging low on the edge of the bed. But this does not concern her because of the distracting thoughts that currently filled her head. All of it involves a certain short-haired girl that had plagued her mind these past few days. Her gaze... her touch... her warmth... her kiss... Her, in general. Its as if the girl is permanently etched on her mind. Her feelings had just reached its peak yesterday and she couldn't keep it in anymore. Couldn't contain it any longer. She no longer want to pretend. She want it to be real. For her and Glaiza to be together. For real.

Her thoughts were cut short when she felt weight on her stomach and a bark. She look up and saw Poncho, their family dog staring down at her curiously. She sat up and caressed the dog's ears.

"Its Glaiza, bud. She's all I can think about." Rhian asks. Poncho only tilt his head. She gave a thoughful look. "Should I... tell her how I feel? Do you think... she feel the same way?"

Just as she utter those words, she quickly thought is as preposterous and stupid, falling back on the bed and throwing an arm on her face. "Ugh! But what if she doesn't? What if she's just playing her role in this fake relationship? I don't want to mess up our friendship. I'd rather have her as friend than her hating on me again... But, on the other hand, what if she does... have same feelings as me? God, how amazing that will be... Ugh! I don't know anymore!"

Poncho rest its head on Rhian's abdomen, whining lightly because of its owner's lack of attention to him. Before Rhian could pet him, the door open and in came Glaiza. Seeing the furry animal, the short-haired girl immediately hop onto the bed, caressing its gold mane. Poncho pounce on Glaiza and began licking her cheek, its tail waggling eagerly. When he had finally calm down, Glaiza cupped the dog's face.

"Oh, you're such as cutie! Yeah, you are. Yeah you are!" Glaiza commented in a baby voice, caressing its furry face.

Rhian could only chuckle at the interaction, as she lay down on her stomach. After admiring them for a while, she decided to tease the girl.

"You maybe want to give your attention to your girlfriend now. She's starting to get jealous, you know." Rhian says.

"Jealous, you say?" Glaiza smirked, crawling closer to her. "Hmm, I know how I can make it up to her, though."

Rhian slightly tilt her head. "How?"

Glaiza gave a playful thoughful look, as she sat on Rhian's lap. "Well, I'm torn between cuddles and..." She gently ran her thumb on Rhian's bottom lip. "...kisses... What do you think she'd prefer?"

Rhian's gaze divert from Glaiza's orbs down to her lips, seemingly entranced. "I'll show you." Before grabbing her shirt and crashing their lips.

Glaiza responded immediately, cupping Rhian's face. Their lips moved in sync, savoring each other's plump flesh. The rich girl's hands went from the girl's waist to her hips, gripping it tight. The intense kiss senting a burning sensation within the two. Wanting more, Rhian's lips then trailed her jaw, peppering kisses all over. She heard the girl hum in delight, as Glaiza slide her hand on Rhian's nape, pushing their body even closer. Hitting her breath on Glaiza's ear, Rhian gave a kiss on the area below it before sucking on it, eliciting a moan from the short-haired girl.

"Rhian..." Glaiza moaned.

Oh God, her moan.

Glaiza tilt her head for better access, her hands now tangling on the rich girl's brown hair. This encourages Rhian to keep showering kisses on the area, before tilting back Glaiza's head to meet her lips again, sharing another passionate kiss. The two soon pulled away to catch their breaths, connecting their foreheads.

"Yup..." Rhian panted. "Kisses are way better."

Glaiza chuckled, giving a quick peck on Rhian's nose. "More like, making out is way better."

"Definitely." Rhian grinned, before nestling on Glaiza's neck. "I know I picked the latter but... can we also cuddle?"

"Actually, I'm suppose to tell you that lunch is almost ready, like 10 minutes ago, sooo... no." Glaiza chuckled.

Rhian whined and wrap her arms around the girl before letting her body drop on the bed, with Glaiza still on top of her. "How about we skip lunch and stay here? I'm not really hungry right now."

"But I do, though. I'm actually starving, and Julie-Anne's bicol express looks really good." Glaiza look down at her.

"Well, can't you maybe forget lunch? And spend time with me? You're so warm and cuddly, and I really want cuddles right now." Rhian mumbled against Glaiza's shoulder.

I know I'm acting pretty needy for someone who's not really my girlfriend, but I don't care. I really like her this close to me.

"Nope." Glaiza chuckled as Rhian's pout didn't leave. She pinch the girl's cheeks and gave fluttering kisses all over her face, earning a giggle from the girl beneath her.

Rhian huffed. "Fine. Since you reject my cuddles, I guess I'll also head down and eat."

Glaiza smiled, giving a quick peck on Rhian's pouty lips before getting off of her. "Let's go."

Rhian interlaced her fingers with Glaiza's and, together with Poncho, they headed down to the dining room.

"Oh look, who decided to show up!" Brian sarcastically says.

"Sorry, we got caught up with something." Glaiza chuckled, as she began scooping food to the plate.

"Whatever that something is, I bet you two had enjoyed yourselves, huh?" Lovi teased, noticing Rhian's slight flushed cheeks and gave Glaiza a knowing look.

Rhian bit her lip to suppress her smile as she prepare food for their family dog. As usual, when she took a seat, Glaiza had already set a plateful of food in front of her accompanied with a kiss on her head.

See what I mean?! How can someone not fall for her?!

She gave Glaiza a side hug before the latter finally sat down. Jason immediately grab Rhian's attention by thanking her again for agreeing to come at last night's event, hoping that they could attend more events together, with of course, the less appearance of Glaiza. As much as Rhian wanted to snap at Jason that she was force to come and that she would, 100 percent for sure, pick Glaiza's company more than his, she didn't want to make a scene in front of her friends. Instead, she gave a polite smile and a nod.

After breakfast, Glaiza accompanied Rhian towards the library, only to be greeted by a shocking sight. On the couch were Brian and Katrina heavily making out. Based from the latter grinding her hips onto the guy's crotch and the former's hands roaming beneath Katrina's shirt, its safe to say that one thing might lead to another.

"What the hell?!" Glaiza exclaimed, which brought a halt to the pair's kissing and their eyes widen in surprise at the two girls.

"Oh crap." Brian mumbled, as Katrina scrambled in getting off of the guy's lap.

"Glaiza, I can explain." Katrina says, standing up.

"Oh, you better be." Glaiza replied with her arms crossed.

Katrina and Brian filled them on how their relationship started. How they became close these past few days, Brian's constant flirting towards Katrina, Katrina's growing fondness towards the guy, feelings got developed, their confessions to each other, up to their current relationship.

"So yeah, that's about it." Katrina finishes before turning to Glaiza. "I'm sorry you have to find out about this. I was so caught up with being with Brian that... I guess it slipped from my mind."

"We've been friends for long, though. We never kept secrets from each other.The least you could've done is tell me that you're catching feelings for Brian... And now, I find out that your in a relationship with him?" Glaiza says with a sigh. "But... okay, yeah, I get your point. I'm not mad, just... slightly dissapointed. Oh, and lying to us about your location? That was not cool, you guys."

"Neither does dry humping on my very expensive leather couch. Good thing the both of you were still clothed when we walk in, or I swear I'll literally kick you out of this house." Rhian gave the couple a pointed look. "Seriously, I don't want this library stench in sex smell and any of the properties in here stained with your... juices."

The two blushed hard and mumbled a quick sorry. Glaiza smirk as she caught something in Rhian's words.

"And how exactly can you tell what sex smell is? Have you ever encounter such a smell, Rhian?" Glaiza smirk at the rich girl. The couple also raised their eyebrow expectantly at her.

Rhian's eyes widen in surprise. Honestly, she had. But not because she had hooked up with anyone before. No, its not that. She had accidentally walked in on her brother and another girl in a disturbing position by their kitchen. To say that she was embarrased, is an understatement. It also didn't help that afterwards, the kitchen was smelling rather...funny.

Of course, there's in no way she'll tell Glaiza that.

She cleared her throat. "N-No. I just... read that reference in one of my books. So... yeah, t-that's it."

"Sure, sure. Whatever you say." Glaiza says with a teasing smile.

Rhian avert her eyes elsewhere to contain her blushing cheeks. Fortunately, as if sensing Rhian getting uncomfortable, Glaiza changed the subject.

"Anyways, despite all that, I'm very happy for the both of you. I knew you'd eventually cave in to Brian's charms." Glaiza winked at Katrina.

"And it wasn't easy. It took me months to even get her attention solely on me, despite the fact that we're in the same group of friends. I never knew that months of shameless pestering and teasing is the way to her heart." Brian gave a cheeky grin.

Katrina playfully punch his arm. "Well, you wouldn't stop annoying me, so I have to give you a chance."

Brian chuckled and pull the girl by her waist, connecting their foreheads. "But admit it, you love my annoying ass."

Katrina's eyes softened. "Yeah."

Seeing their loving gazes at each other, Rhian couldn't help but picture her and Glaiza together. She want to experience this kind of relationship with the short-haired girl. It made Rhian want to confess to the bubbly girl even more.

Congratulating the pair again, Rhian got herself another book and left, not before giving the two a warning look about having no funny business, to which Brian gave her a playful salute and a chuckle from Katrina.

"They make a cute couple, don't they?" Glaiza asks as they enter their own bedroom, to which Rhian nodded.

Do you think we could make a cute couple, Glaiza?

Rhian mentally shook that thought away as she climb on her bed, joining the short-haired girl, who was instantly greeted again with Poncho's sloppy kisses.

Rhian smiled and let the two be, before comfortably settling on the bed and began reading her book. Halfway through, Glaiza is now comfortably laying down on Rhian's lap with a sleeping Poncho on the short-haired girl's stomach, while humming out a song. As she brush Glaiza's soft hair, Rhian focuses on the story at hand. She couldn't help but relate with the main character as he told this girl about the things he felt for her the past few months. How things suddenly felt right with her and feeling as if nothing else matters but her. How she brought colors into his black and white life and opened his eyes to a whole new perspective. The story ends with them sharing a kiss under the pouring rain.

Rhian glance at Glaiza and really stare at her. The guy's confession in the story is exactly how she would describe what she's feeling for the short-haired girl. She thought about their petty fights, the truce, building their friendship again, up until now, being comfortable with each other. Glaiza had done so much for her, made her feel these strange things, gave her a different and clearer view on things. Rhian was suddenly hit with an overwhelming sensation. And this time, instead of dismissing the thought, she welcome it. For this time, she's ready.

"Hey, G?" Rhian rub Glaiza's hair to grab her attention.

"Yeah?" Glaiza replies, her gaze on the sleeping dog.

"I need to tell you something, and its kinda a big deal." This averted Glaiza to her, before slowly sitting up, making sure not to disturb Poncho.

"Oh, okay. What is it?" Glaiza says, giving Rhian her undivided attention.

Okay, Rhian. This is it. Don't blow it, okay? God, I hope this would turn out good.

"Alright, uhm... Where do I start?" Rhian chuckled nervously, swiping her shaking and clammy hands onto her jogger pants.

"Wherever you like." Glaiza smiled reassuringly as she held Rhian's hand, caressing it softly.

Gazing at her black orbs, Rhian had her mouth opening, saying the words that she's been dying to tell.

"G, I... I like you. As more than friends." She instantly witness Glaiza's eyes went wide and her mouth slightly ajar.

"Ever since you came back from US, we had a fall out and I know its entirely my fault. Instead of confronting you about the reasons of your sudden departure, I gave you the cold treatment. I decided that pushing you away and hating you would be the best to get back at you. Although I admit that its my fault, I was mad that instead of apologizing or giving me an explanation, you found a group of friends as my replacement. My irritation towards you grown when you purposely decided to compete with everything I do, showing off to such extent that our simple banters turn into fights. I though for sure that our friendship had really withered out. That was, until you helped me out in my arrange marriage with Jason, surprising me that you agreed in being my fake girlfriend, considering that we weren't in good terms."

"But I was glad, hoping that it would rekindle our friendship. And I was right. Although, as I witness how you act with your friends, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't jealous. It hurts to see that same bond you have with them that we had during our childhood. I thought that what we had in the past would be just a memory and we wouldn't be as close as before. You proved me wrong, though. Slowly, you opened up to me and let me see the same bubbly, or should I say, more bubbly personality of yours that I truly missed. Soon, you made me comfortable enough for me to open sensitive things to you. With each passing day, you peaked my interest from the new things and changes I've discovered from you, until my fondness towards you turn into something more. With you amazingly playing out the role of being my fake girlfriend, I've grown accustomed to your touches and sweet gestures, which eventually, had brought out these indescribable feelings in me. The constant need to seek your attention and to make you notice me, how I get agitated when I don't see you, and wanting you as close to me as possible, is something I've never experienced in my life. That's when I realized that I'm slowly falling for you."

"What I'm saying G is, I... I don't want to pretend anymore. I want this fake relationship of ours to turn into reality. I want to know everything about you. From your strengths and weaknesses, your likes and dislikes, to your passions and aspirations. Glaiza, I really want to be with you. And I felt that the connection I strongly have for you... is the same way you have for me? Maybe? I don't know, I really hope you do." Rhian chuckled nervously. "I just really... really really like you, G."

After Rhian's very long monologue, Glaiza is still rendered speechless. The rich girl watch as gears practically switch and turn inside the short-haired girl's mind, her eyebrows knitted as she let the girl sink in Rhian's words. Not being able to take the excruciating silence, Rhian squeeze Glaiza's hand tightly.

"Please, say something." Rhian pleaded. Her eyes lit up in hope as she saw the gentle smile on Glaiza's face and felt her hand squeezing back.

"Rhian, I-" Before the rich girl could hear the girl muster the words she desperately want Glaiza to say, their bedroom door busted open, jerking poor Poncho awake and revealing the person she least expected. Glaiza's hand fell from Rhian's and jolted upwards, shock written on her face.

"B-Benjamin." She whispered.

Its as if Rhian was poured with a bucket full of ice, slapping her the reality. It had literally slip from Rhian's mind about Glaiza's boyfriend. Or the fact that Glaiza was still in a relationship. This sudden realization made the rich girl feel her hope slowly crumbling down to bits.

"Hey, baby..." Glaiza was immediately pulled in for a hard kiss. The guy instantly deepen the kiss, pulling the short-haired girl closer by her waist. Glaiza absentmindedly move her lips with his, still shock at his sudden presence. After another sloppy kiss, Benjamin pulled away resting his forehead against her.

"God, I missed you." Benjamin muttered, caressing Glaiza's cheeks.

Glaiza pulled away. "W-What are you doing here? You didn't tell me you're coming over."

"Well after I won the tournament, I immediately got plane tickets to head back here. And I didn't plan on telling you because I want to surprise you... so... Surprise!" Benjamin smiled widely.

At this point, Rhian could feel her heart shattering to pieces as she watch the couple's interaction. Her breath caught in her throat as she finally understood that she really had no chance at Glaiza. Feeling her eyes getting glossy, she tore her eyes from the two and stood up.

"I-I'll leave you two be." Rhian could hear the crack in her voice as she began walking towards the door, her eyes casted down to avoid meeting Glaiza's eyes.

She sprinted downstairs as she felt the tears falling down her cheek. Reaching the backyard, she couldn't contain the heavy feeling inside of her as she let herself fall down on the floor, not being able to contain the sobs from her mouth.

Fuck, fuck! You're so stupid Rhian! I knew I shouldn't have confess my feelings for her! She have Benjamin for Christ sake! She fucking love him! And it will always be him! Stick that to your fucking brain Rhian!

Fuck, I should've just shut my mouth. I wouldn't be feeling this way if I should've bottled my feelings in. I've weirded her out, and now she'll start avoiding me again. Or worse, she'll probably cast me out. Oh God, no. She's probably disgusted by me. Fuck, what have I done? Rhian, you're so fucking stupid!

Rhian's breathing was ragged and her heart clench even more. Her head was beginning to throb harder as her tears kept coming. But her mental pain was nothing compared to what she felt emotionally.

She began thinking of all the possible worst case scenarios Glaiza would treat her. Her stinging words of rejection. Her disgusted look on her face. She thought about their friendship going down the drain. How Glaiza would probably treat her like stranger. Like she's nothing to her.

Rhian was still in her head, overthinking things, that she didn't notice someone walking in, immediately dropping themselves beside her, a worried look on their face.

"Rhian? Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Jason asks, cupping both of Rhian's tear-stained cheeks. "Why are you crying?"

This sudden gesture had only fanned Rhian's pain. Her face immediately buried on the guy's chest, tightly clutching her shirt.

"It h-hurts... It hurts s-so fucking m-much... I... I can't....If only... If only I was her f-first, I could've... I wouldn't be f-feeling this way... Why... Why do I feel t-this way about h-her... Why h-her... Fuck, it just h-hurts so m-much..." Rhian struggle to form coherent words, as her sobs of agony turn into hiccups. She couldn't stop the painful feeling in her chest at the thought of not having Glaiza as hers, and the potential wreck of their friendship.

Rhian was so focused on her emotional pain that she didn't care that Jason, her fiancé who she hates so much, was cradling her like a baby. For a while, she let the guy whisper comforting words in her ear and softly caressing her head, as she tried to erase the painful feeling on her heavy heart.

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