Beautiful Tragedy || A BTS Fa...

By blackest_swan

2.5K 347 1.1K

As TITANS of the music industry, there's nothing that can crash BTS down. But what if a wild turn of event ch... More

New Beginnings
Peculiar Art
Bad Coincidence
Precious Bargain
Under the Rug
Magia Negra
Silver Lining
Finders Keepers
Closed Doors
Losers Weepers
Magic Shop
Book of Shadows
Pied Piper's Prey
Safe With You
Bad Blood
Look Here


91 14 25
By blackest_swan

Dread took over Nico's body once he entered the red room. 

He's heard a lot about this place but to actually be here is a different thing. To be here today did not cross his mind ever. He had no other choice. He's desperate, he needs help. Louisa should wake up and face reality.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nico looked back on the day he first saw her. He heard that a new talent was scouted by Ms. Percy and they're giving her the workroom next to his.

"She must be someone special." He thought to himself as he opened the door to his workroom to start his day. His own space is the biggest considering that his work is furniture. The second biggest is the one being endorsed to the newbie coming in today. His curiosity grew and he found himself being fidgety waiting for any sound coming from the next room.

Half of the day passed and he heard nothing. He already almost forgot about the newbie when he decided to get something to eat from the pantry. He saw Mina giggling loudly seated across a girl. She's showing a picture on her phone.

Nico seated on the table in the farthest corner of the cafeteria after getting his favorite chicken sandwich. He's been in the company for more than 2 years now but he really didn't make any circle of friends. They only talk to him when they need something. His foreign face and language made him out of place and it was fine by him. Even after learning the local language to communicate with his bosses, he liked being alone and stayed out of people's way most of the time.

"Nicccccccoooooooo!" Mina shrieked from a distance. Except for this girl. She hovers around EVERYONE. If a queen for all social butterflies exists, this is her human form.

He scratched the back of his neck seeing Mina drag someone from behind towards him. 

"Mina, this is the pantry, not the playground." He scoffed as he looked up, she was promptly already in front of his table. 

"I'd like you to meet someone." Mina said with excitement, totally ignoring his comments. She then pulled the girl from behind and waved her hands as if presenting a grand prize. "Tadaaa! Her name is Louisa."

Louisa laughed shyly at how silly Mina was acting and held out her hand to Nico. "Hi, you can also call me Lou. I heard we're neighbors."

Nico's jaw dropped a bit when he saw her face. Her bright smile against her slightly tanned clear skin could pass as the most gorgeous scene he's ever witnessed. She has a pair of beautiful doe eyes that smiled along with her full lips.

"Nico?" Mina pulled him out of his awe and just then he noticed Louisa's extended hand. He stood up in panic and took her hand.

"I'm..I'm sorry. I'm Nicholas. You can call me Nic." He firmly shook her hand and wasn't able to let go for a few magical moments.

"Okay! Now that we know each other..." Mina interrupted as she sat down. Nico let go of Lou's hand and tried to hide his embarrassment while Louisa took one of the seats as well, oblivious of what's going on. "Nic, you'll help me get Louisa acquainted , right?" Mina added. "You're the only one I could trust among these stinky dorky guys, you know."

Nico stared intently at Mina's face, trying really hard not to throw another glimpse at Louisa.

"Yeah, yeah okay sure. I'll...I'll show her around." Right there and then, Nico already knew he's in trouble.

However, Louisa never took notice of his growing feelings for her throughout the years. Their unexpected friendship grew deeper and he doesn't have the guts to break the trust that these two girls put on him. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A woman wearing a long black dress came out from behind the curtains, startling Nico back to the present. Her head and face was covered by a black cloth as well. He can see her pale skin under the cloth and her lips covered in black lipstick, smiling creepily at him.

The same dread came back creeping through his spine but this time, with so much familiarity.

The woman sat down on the floor in front of the small table set in the middle of the room. She signaled Nico to sit down as well which he obliged. A silent scary moment passed with no words coming out from the shaman.


"Shhhhhhh." The woman put her finger on her lips. "It's been a while but I know why you're dear."

"R-really?" Nico said hesitantly. Why am I even asking. I know exactly how she's capable of this. He thought to himself.

"Hearing that from you hurts me a little. I can practically taste the bitter love inside you that has turned into something dark." she giggled a little.

"No. It's not something dark...I--" Nico tried to defend himself with his head down.

"Silencio...." She said in a growl-like voice.

An ominous sensation filled Nico's body and he froze as he saw the woman standing on the table. She was just sitting across the table a second ago.

"You dare lie to me, you puny little human?!" Her voice is not hers anymore. It's something deep and sinister. "Cómo te atreves!"

"I'm--I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. Lo siento." He lowered his head, his forehead touching the floor.

"Esta bien." The woman chuckled making him jerk back up. she's now back sitting across the table in just a blink. "We...we're just...teasing you."

"I think I have to go." Nico can't take this anymore. This is something way beyond his own knowledge and imagination. 

"Siéntate!!!" It wasn't a request, a force made him sit back down upon the command. "..didn't you want to have her?" She continued. "Tu amore?"

Nico stopped himself from standing up. Yes, I do want her.

"Then let's talk. What do you want, really? And what are you willing to bargain for in return?"

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