By btslovewriting

184K 6.6K 1.8K

It seems common for weak, quiet and cute omegas like yoongi to get bullied BUT it does not seem common for st... More

First Stay
Déjà Vu
Fun Time
Flower Shop
Meeting Again
Cry or Laugh
U knew?!!
He's Back!
All Over Again
Not An Update
Dance Studio
Staying Over
Sweet Moment
Not An Update
Hobi and Kookie
Tae and Minnie
Yoongi's B'day
HIATUS (sorry)
As Mates
Pain In Head
Pianist Yoongi
Safe Yoongi
Strong Yoongi


2.8K 114 24
By btslovewriting

Author's pov:

It would be safe to say that the alphas' hearts were contented after having the opportunity to feed their baby. They felt it dream like to have yoongi in front of them and babying him. It had already came evening by the time they were home and yoongi had went to his room after talking his plushies in his hands. His sweet scent and high hopes were really getting the alphas.

Once he arrived inside, he started to decorate the room with the plushies. Some on the bed, so that he would be cosy, some on the couch in the room.

It nearly took him 30mins to do so and after he completed, gave a quick look around the room and with a nod decided it was time to do the homework. Even though he was a bit late, he would wholeheartedly do his work. Because he knew, that once he settles down to do something he would complete it. But just like any other person on earth, he fell asleep while completing his work. He was a craver of sleep. So no matter when or where he slept, he could always sleep more.

While downstairs the alphas were busy with their work. Jin was standing inside the kitchen reading what was seemingly a magazine. There were more surrounding it. The counter was covered with magazines. Designing, food, architecture and similar magazines. He was planning to open a new restaurant. He had already got the land but the main problem was that he had to figure out what type of restaurant he should make. Fast food? Fast casual? Fine dining? And plus also the designing of the restaurant. Of course there was a whole team for this project. But since he was the president, he took it as his responsibility to engage properly in the projects.

He had a notebook beside him while he wrote down the suggested changes.

Whereas, everyone else too had to mend their business. Namjoon being a CEO of an advertising company had to look out for products. It might look easy but it's not. The products should be chosen carefully. There are times where fraud companies also try to get them to advertise their products. This could get them in trouble. So the products should be chosen with close inspections.

While jimin and hoseok look after their dance studios. Tho they do have interest in music but dance is their main focus. It's also tiring as they have to maintain a professional look for their studios. Have skilled dance teachers hired, provide their studios recognition through competitions, advertisements and also by uploading dance videos on internet. They have specific teams for specific terms. But all the visits and travelling is tiring.

Taehyung's art galleries need great attention too. He needs to make sure to hold successful exhibitions. He often exhibits his pieces but also help small artists become known. He sponsor's them but has to look whom he's sponsoring. Along with this he has great interest in photography.

While Jungkook is currently running his mother's cafés. He plans to change his business option later. He really desires to bring yoongi to one of his café. He would choose the best one, which is also their another favourite café.

No one had a track of time. They were too engrossed in their business to care abt the world around them. But yoongi had woken up from his nap. He looked over his desk, sleepy. He gave out a small smile as he thought how lazy he was.

"I'm so useless. Couldn't even finish my work attentively."

He stood up as he rubbed his eyes. With blurry vision he looked over the mirror. Gazed over the body in the mirror, making him give out a long sigh. Then around the room where a few things needed to be bought again. He destroyed alphas' house.

And then back at the mirror, he shook his head, disappointedly.

"Yoongi ah yoongi...." His voice cried with disappointment. But he tried to disperse the thoughts as he walked down stairs. He wanted to see someone but at the same time, no.

Jin was busy looking over the building designs but he was aware enough of his surroundings to get yoongi's scent.

"Hey yoongi." He smiled warmly, as he looked at the still sleepy omega, rubbing his eyes to wipe away the sleep.

"Hm hyungie.." he yawned for the last time as he walked over to Jin's side. He looked so cute and pocket size in his warm sweater. His fluffy black hair covered his eyes but Jin combed them away, using his fingers.

"What are u reading?" His eyes gazed over all the magazines and Jin could see the raw curiosity in his eyes.

"I'm planning to build a new restaurant but I have to look after many things. Like what type of restaurant is it gonna be...I'm thinking of going for fine dining one... Along with that there are more things." He said what he thought would satisfy yoongi's curiosity, but it only rose more.

It was obvious that it would. He could only do anything more if he knew what was his restaurant concept. This way he could make a particular sample menu. Plus also the name, logo, service management and stuff.

"Hyung... U should go for a fast casual one!"

"But I think fine dining is also good. It's high class, great quality food would also rise popularity."

"Uh..well I was thinking of fast casual. U know it's popular and plus the dishware and the environment would be eco-friendly..."

Jin stares at yoongi, lovingly. The boy was so nice and sweet to look at. Even his thinking was beautiful.

"Um. But...I think that would be too expensive, right?" Yoongi started to back out.

He thought why was he giving his opinions. This wasn't something he should be related to. This was Jin's business that he should handle with his mates. He was just a friend. They won't run things on his say.

But Jin just chuckled lowly as his sweet, calm voice resonated.

"Well, money isn't a worry yoongi. And now I think that your choice really is acceptable. Good thinking! You're so smart and caring!"

Yoongi's cheeks burned in a red colour as he looked away, trying to busy his mind from the praise.

"I'm not smart, or caring...just sometimes..." He didn't know how to continue.

"Look pup. You are smart. You are caring. In ways even u don't recognise." Jin firmly put his hands on Yoongi's shoulders and made him face around.

Yoongi looked at him with doe eyes with held gratitude, that didn't hide from Jin.

"Well it's decided then!"

"Wait hyung! Shouldn't u ask others too?"

'ah yoongi, once u tell them your opinion they won't have any opinion of theirs baby'

And again the day went by. Fortunately, the betas really didn't bother yoongi much. Today they avoided him and yoongi couldn't ask for more. He was getting in better moods and even alphas could feel it. Before his scent would be bitter and gross and his mood would always be down no matter what they do. But now he was calm like always. Putting on a smile and laugh along.

He had just finished up with his college and part time job. As he was heading home he encountered a grandma. They had to cross the road and the lights were red. Yoongi always had this unknown fear of roads. He didn't wanted to walk on or near them, definitely not alone.

The grandma had grocery bags with her but since she was old now, she faced difficulty in crossing the road and carrying the bags. People around didn't even bother to help her. Everyone should be kind and considering of eachother. That's what yoongi always thought. His thoughts were pure and simple. He was a small boy with dreams to make a better surrounding to live in. Tho he knew it was a somewhat childish to dream of something big, he didn't really care. Afterall we have the right to dream what we want. But if one is to fulfill it, the they should consider the people around them.

Feeling annoyed of how people just went past her or even shove her. Yoongi jogged a bit to her and helped her crossed the road.

"Hello grandma!" He smiled at her, showing off his gums.

He saw the visible change in her face. The way her face held affection and happiness.

"Hello young man."

"Here...let me just take this."

"Oh thank you dear. Don't worry my house is just 5-10 mins away. U won't have to carry them for long."

"Haha I wasn't going to mind it in the first place. Afterall I'm helping and I shouldn't be annoyed of anything." He spoke with a smile and a pure heart. Which the grandma could see right through.

She smiled as she patted his hair with love and warmth. Yoongi wasn't just doing this out of kindness but because he felt happy too. It doesn't take anything from him to help others.

They had a small lovely talk too. The grandma told him abt her life, family. And yoongi honestly enjoyed it. She was really sweet. Would time to time say sweet things to yoongi, compliment him. It was the parental love, yoongi received with open arms. He felt a bit clingy inside. Strange. Maybe it was the immense parental affection he just received.

"I have two grandsons too. One is abt eight years old while the other is your age. He's an omega."

"U don't mind him being an omega?" Yoongi always thought that others hated every omega in the universe. He thought that omegas were born to be hated as he had saw some similar cases around him.

"Oh why would I! As I think everyone living has value. All matter." She was looking forward but yoongi could still figure out the respect and calmness.

He smiled too. Honestly his day was going so well. First the betas didn't disturb him, second a new competition was coming up. A music one!

Yoongi felt estatic seeing the posters of the upcoming event. He saw this as his chance. A big chance to compose music. He could've composed before too but then there was always different problems coming to him. Studies, bullies, thinking he's wasting time and would be left behind in studies. But now, he didn't have to worry abt such things. As the people who are participating would be given free hand. They would have more time to catch up their studies.

The competition required a few things. And they were troubling him.
The competition required self-composed songs. Well, they won't be much of a trouble but he knew trying to compose songs won't be easy.  Second, the registration fee. Bands were to pay less fee while solo had to pay more. But looking around his campus. He knew there would be bands. There were many small bands
already in campus who were making songs.

The exciting part was that the solo artist or the band who wins this competition would be a part of a more bigger competition. Which would be between various other bands from different colleges. It would be so epic!

Thinking to worry abt it later yoongi stepped inside the house. It was small, apparently for grandma, cosy too.

"U have a nice house, grandma." He complimented while setting the bags in the kitchen.

"Oh you're too kind to compliment on such things, boy."

As he stepped out grandma got a hold of his arm.

"Wait here. I have something to give u."

She went inside the kitchen and soon came out with a small plastic bag. Inside he found a small, cute box filled with home-made cookies.

"I had made them yesterday. This is a thank you gift. Make sure u visit me."

He promised to do so. With the bag in one hand and the other securely holding his bag's strips, he set for home again. He took out his phone and he was indeed late. Abt 30 mins late than he usually arrived.

And once he stepped inside, he frowned. The air had such awful smell. Bitter. He walked over the living room and found everyone pacing around worriedly. But as soon as he stepped inside he was attacked.


He didn't even process anything. Just that he was pulled into a warm hug. Strong arms wrapped around his fragile body as he too unconsciously wrapped his arms around the person. Due to the position his head was placed on the other's chest. And there was a chin placed on top of his head, completely engulfing him.

He raised his head to look at namjoon.

"Where were you?!" He turned his head towards jimin who was looking extremely worried.

"Nowhere.." he rested his head back on namjoon's chest, liking how he was in the embrace of the alpha. His arms never leaving namjoon.

"What do you mean 'nowhere'?! U are 30 mins late!"

Their concern made yoongi smile. And the alphas were a bit bewildered to see him smile while they were worried sick for him.

"Why are u smiling?!" Jungkook honestly was abt to take down the whole house and trace anyone down who could hurt the lil bun.

"Your concern makes me feel warm." He said that with the warmest of smiles.

And all hearts were melted just like that. His warm, affectionate tone made them fall for him more. The stars in his eyes made them fawn over him. His small, shy smile made them want to coo over him. And his whole existence made them want to cherish and protect him.

But sadly, it seemed like yoongi was broken out of whatever bubble he was in as he immediately cleared his throat and pushed away from namjoon's hug. Leaving a dejected alpha behind. He turned the shade of pink as he looked down at his feet, his heart beating fast.

"S-sorry. I um didn't think before saying. U all are mates and I um I-"

Hoseok stopped him from continuing.

"We didn't mind at all yoongibear. Do whatever u want to do with us. Hug us if u want. Talk sweet if u want. We would never mind it." Afterall you're going to be ours He said softly and it seemed that the bubble was back.

Yoongi again felt clingy. He smiled shyly and went to his room to rest a bit before coming down.

It was now around 8pm. Everyone was sitting around the table ready to eat. Jin came up to call yoongi for dinner.

"Coming!" The omega shouted and soon came outside of his room.

"So yoongi. Tell me why u were late today?" Jin asked as they walked down the stairs.

"Oh yea! Today I helped a grandma!" Jin looked at those sparking eyes and the wide smile.

It was like a child telling their parent abt something heroic they did. Like helping others or getting a compliment from the teacher.

Yoongi couldn't hide his excitement. He felt so good after helping others.

"Everyone! Yoongi wants to tell why he's late!" Jin said as they both sat down.

As soon as yoongi sat down, Hoseok started to put food in his plate making yoongi reply back a soft 'thank you'.

"So yoongi tell us!" Jimin asked while taking a bite of his rice.

The alphas hid a fond smile seeing yoongi's face lit up as his body told how energetic he had gotten.

"Ok! So today I met a grandma. She was having difficulty crossing road with her grocery bags so I decided to help her!"

"Wow pup. You're so considerate and kind." Namjoon complimented with a dimple smile making yoongi shy.

"Oh I forgot! She gave me cookies as a thank you gift!" He excitedly told while the alphas finally grinned. He looked so proud.

Their mate was so cute!ಥ╭╮ಥ

The dinner went by with such a comfortable atmosphere. After cleaning up, yoongi quickly brought the small box with the cookies inside. Everyone sat down in the living room. Yoongi opened the box and all gathered around.

"Wah~ that's cookies really are good!" Taehyung exclaimed as he ate all the scrumptious cookie.

"Yea. She must be great." Jungkook said.

"She is! We talked and she was so nice to me." Yoongi said in between his bites.

"How abt a movie after this?"

"Mn. That sounds good."

After eating all of the cookies, they settled down for a movie.

Don't know if it was intentional or not, but they chose the movie War of Worlds.

They sat on the big sofa. Starting from left to right: namjoon, jimin, Hoseok, Jungkook, yoongi, taehyung, Jin.

They had turned the lights dim while the outside already turned dark and was also dimly shining due to the stars.

Halfway through the movie, yoongi found out how bad of an idea the movie was. He couldn't handle the tension and horror of the film. Whenever they would encounter the alien machinery he would become intensely tense. His heart would start pounding in his chest. He didn't like how dark the movie was.

Once in the movie there was a jump scare and yoongi startled cuddled into taehyung. He put hands on his face and turned his body towards taehyung. Taehyung a bit startled too looked at his side and a box smile graced his handsome face. Yoongi's face was pressing against his arm while one of the small hands was clutching his shirt. Yoongi's was looking so small as he was curled up.

Feeling the sudden movement beside him, Jungkook had also saw the scene. He smiled too. And then did they all remember that this certain movie was what they had watched with yoongi the first time. And he was scared at the time too.

"Hey pup. What happened?" Taehyung ruffled yoongi's hair.

"Is it...is it gone?" Yoongi asked in a whisper as he peeked from behind his hands. His round, puppy eyes. Pouty, pink lips and rosy cheeks attacking taehyung.

"Yea..yea it is."

Yoongi sighed in relief and continued to watch. But leaving behind a miserable taehyung with his imagination.

But soon yoongi again faced the terror. He covered his face in lightening speed. He again set up in the same position so now taehyung wrapped his arm around him and pulled yoongi closer.

"Want us to change the movie?" He asked in a whisper as he bend his head a bit lower.

Yoongi looked at him and then away thinking. He bit his lips while thinking what to say and it was torturing taehyung.

"N-no... Everyone seems to be enjoying. Don't wanna ruin it." He lowered his head but taehyung put his head on his chest.

Since they were practically cuddling, better make it super comfy.

With his head against taehyung's chest yoongi squirmed a bit only so he could find a more comfortable position, which he luckily did. More into the movie, their positions also changed. Yoongi put his arm around the latter's waist as he felt clingy. He felt so warm due to others body heat. And taehyung became soft and tightened his grip around yoongi. His fingers ran through the omega's hair and his hand massaged yoongi's scalp. This was extremely comfy for yoongi and he didn't even know when he fell into deep slumber.

But the movie didn't end as they paused it and stared at the sleeping yoongi. He was the same. The same as when they first saw him sleeping. They cringed a bit remembering it was super creepy to come inside the bedroom and stared at him sleeping.

Jimin also lightly patted yoongi's head as he smiled warmly. Yoongi grunted a bit in his sleep due to the touch and cuddled taehyung tighter. The latter's heart was beating fast as he was constantly smiling. They thought a bit before taking out their phones and snapped a pic or two of their baby. Once they would be together they would have lots of his pics.

"Let's get him to bed. It's uncomfortable here." Jin said in a low voice so the omega's sleep won't be disturbed.

Taehyung nodded and carried him in bridal style.

This did disturb yoongi but it had to be done. Yoongi opened his eyes half way, sleepy. He yawned and rubbed his eyes a little and then put his head against taehyung chest. The strong arms were securely holding him as they went upstairs.

Their alpha instincts kicked in looking at the smol boy. He was so harmless and beautiful just like the first time they had met him.

They placed him on his bed and also chuckled looking at the plushies they had bought and which were now covering the bed with pillows too. Carefully tucked him in and surrounded him with plushies but most importantly his favourite kummamon plushie was placed closed to him.

Yoongi had been disturbed and he opened his eyes.

"Go to sleep, baby."

Since he was sleepy he definitely didn't noticed the new nickname. And just simply complied to it. While the alphas held their breaths. When yoongi went back to sleep they collectively glared at jimin.

"Sorry~" he sheeply smiled.

He didn't really mean to say it. It's just, seeing the cute kitten looking at them made him want to. He couldn't fight the urge.

"Alright now he's sleeping. We should too."

A/N: I am so late!! So sorry for updating so late! I didn't mean too but in between I lost the motivation to write. And then I have a few tests to give too. Just three tests are left and I hope I do well in maths. Because maths sucks! Also how are u guys? I wanted to talk to u guys like u know abt BTS or make new friends. I'm serious I wanted to know if any one of u would be interested in listening to me fangirl abt stuff or share abt our interests 👉👈. Anyway I was also thinking that I have this JIKOOK FF already written. It's on INSTAGRAM and I thought maybe u guys would want to read something different? Well if u ever wanna read it go to my bio. There's my Instagram fanfic acc.

And lastly, take great care of yourself and your close ones. This year had been one hell of a ride. Wear mask when u go outside. And if u ever want someone to talk to, remember I'm always here.

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