I Don't Like You

By 1Dee_lily

1.3K 16 31

[[Complete]] Louis Tomlinson was a part of the most famous boyband, One Direction. Eleanor Calder was kind of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 9

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By 1Dee_lily

The concert was absolutely amazing! Eleanor was there of course, enjoying the show, getting all goofy with Lux and singing along the songs. She felt like there were times when Louis gave her slight looks while singing and even pointed once or twice. But she thought it was nothing, much to Ashley and Lou's disagreement.

After the show, the boys ran in and where congratulated by everybody. Louis tried to make his way through the swarm of people to Eleanor. She was standing a little at the back with Ashley, smiling widely as the show was a success. Louis finally made it towards them and pulled Ashley into a hug first.

"It was an amazing show!" Ashley complimented. 

"Thanks and I think somebody was asking for you," Louis smirked making her blush.

"What are you talking about?" she tried to act dumb.

"You know where to find him, go! " he encouraged and she awkwardly walked towards Niall. 

"What's exactly going on between those two?" Eleanor asked, pointing at Niall and Ashley, who were hugging and whispering to each other, not letting go of the hug.

"I don't know, something will start soon," Louis overruled the topic and slightly turned Eleanor to face him by holding her wrists. 

"What?" she asked.

"If you haven't noticed, I couldn't help but look at you while singing," he smiled and she slightly blushed.

"I thought it was just a coincidence," she smiled at her feet, not looking him in the eye.

"No, it wasn't. I really like you, Eleanor." He held her chin and pulled it up. Their eyes met and Louis' cheeks were bright scarlet. 

"Well, you haven't been oblivious about it," she teased.

"I know, and I would be grateful if you actually gave me a proper chance," he looked at her sincerely. 

"So, will you go out with me?" he finally dropped the question and Eleanor felt a heaviness in her throat. She wanted this day to come but didn't know it'd be so soon. She didn't regret it though but she got nervous.

"Umm El?" Louis looked worried now, he was sweating and fidgeting with his hair.

"Yeah, I mean, yes, I'd love to!" she answered and Louis gave a huge sigh of relief. He put his hands on her waist and pulled her close, "thank you, so much."

"For what?" she asked as she hung her hands on his shoulders. "I would have been really bummed if you said no," he said honestly and she quietly laughed.

"I'd have been crazy if I did," she smiled as she pulled him closer. Their lips met and they placed soft kisses there. They parted but still didn't let each other go. 

"Okay, when did this happen?" Harry jumped in next to them.

"Not long ago," Louis turned his face to him as Eleanor playfully slapped his chest.

"There has been a steady progress," she smiled and Harry looked suspicious. 

"You're gonna tell me, everything," Harry narrowed his eyes at her, jokingly.

"Tomorrow, promise," she reassured and Harry smiled. Then, Harry went ahead as they were all rushed back to the bus.

"So... what's up?" Harry asked as he sat next to Eleanor as she drank her tea before going to bed.

"You've a show tomorrow, Harold. Go to sleep," she threw her head back.

"I will, once you tell me what's up," Harry pushed.

"Okay fine," Eleanor said.

She told Harry everything. The kiss, pretending to sleep, her starting to like Louis, Louis finding out, the follow-up kisses and finally him asking her out.

Harry stared at her dumbfounded. "So much has happened and you didn't tell me?" he squeaked. 

"I'm sorry Haz. But like, now you do. So if Niall or Liam ask, just tell them," she smiled warmly.

"Okay, I'm happy for you guys," he gave a her a wholesome side-arm hug.

Harry was leaving when Eleanor called from behind, "Haz?"

He turned around, "yes El?"

"Thanks for asking me to come here, you're a great friend," she smiled with twinkling eyes.

"You're welcome, I'm glad you're here," saying that Harry went back to his room and Eleanor to hers. She looked over at Louis' bed and assumed that he was already asleep. 

She looked at his peaceful face when he slept. So cute- she thought. She silently slid next to him and placed her head on his arm. Louis slightly jerked and opened his eyes tiredly.

"Hey, I tried waiting for you and fell..." before he could finish, she put a finger on his lips.

"It's okay, you're tired. Go back to sleep," she whispered and he smiled. He nodded before he settled back, pulling her tighter. 

"Good night Lou," she softly kissed him.

"Good night Els."


The next few days were very stressful. Shows after shows. After two consecutive shows in Glasgow, Louis finally decided to take Eleanor out.

"So El, it's our last day in Scotland," he started the conversation.

"Hmm? So?" she asked as she did her bed.

"I was thinking if I took you out tonight?"

She turned to face him. We still haven't been to our first date!- she thought.

"Tonight tonight?" she asked.

"There's only one tonight," Louis answered.

"Umm sure," she answered. 

"Great! Let's leave at 7?" he asked and she nodded. He smiled and left the room. 

As soon as he left, Eleanor dived into her suitcase. 

"What the fuck do I wear?! Where are we going?! Should I dress casual?!" she kept shooting questions at herself.

"Woah woah woah!" came a question from behind. Eleanor furiously turned around but toned down to see Niall.

"Niall? What do you want?" she asked, trying to be calm.

"I heard somebody has a date tonight," he teased and she retired on her bed.

"Yes and that somebody is confused!" 

Niall sat next to her as he chuckled. He put an arm around her shoulder, "calm down, you might explode."

"Do you know where he is taking me?" she asked as she nuzzled her head on his shoulder. Niall always gave her a warm feeling, like somebody she can trust. He seemed really sweet and clingy but in a cute way. 

"Not but I know Louis. Dress casual but pretty, even though he'd still find you pretty if you put a trashcan over your head," Niall said matter-of-factly and Eleanor playfully hit his arm.

"Shut up but thanks Ni," she kissed his cheek.

"Glad I could help. Now, you have 5 hours to figure the rest out," he stood up to leave.

"Umm Niall, did you ask Ashley out yet?" she asked and he stopped in his way.

"Umm what?" he asked.

"You and Ashley? We're not blind," Eleanor raised her eyebrow.

"We're good friends. I'm just taking my time," he said honestly.

"I just hope you're not wasting it," Eleanor said as she started digging into her clothes again. Niall waited for a while, thinking but eventually left, leaving Eleanor to prepare for her first date with Louis.

So, they're gonna start dating. There's gonna be ups and downs. Now, no more spoilers.


Lily..<3 :)

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