To Protect

By trashpandac

11.9K 337 207

Dream struggles to fight off Nightmare who is taking over him, making him hurt those he loves and kill. At fi... More

Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Epilogue - Sapnap.
Epilogue - George.
Epilogue - Dream.

Chapter 1.

1.8K 37 11
By trashpandac

Dream joined the game.

I stood there on top of the obsidian where I had logged the previous day. The purples merged with the blacks of each block underneath my feet, making me dizzy. Lifting my head, I gazed around L'manburg, a smirk forming on my face.

Not long now and it will all be mine, the SMP a whole just for us...

Gathering my thoughts together, I stabilised myself as a gust of wind rushed between my legs making me shake. I continued to place obsidian down where I had left off the night before, although part of me knew I would have to get someone to remove it all soon. I knew exactly what was going to happen. Tommy would plead to the others for rebellion against me but I would be able to change the dear presidents mind last minute by speaking alone.

Tubbo didn't realise it but he wasn't in charge, he was merely a puppet being controlled by the puppet master. Me. I had a twinge of manipulation to my words recently which allowed me to convince people I had everyone's best interest at heart rather than my own, even convincing people like Punz that they were in charge of their own decisions and actions but the reality was that it was all down to what I wanted and what I said went.

I had started all this to protect someone... 

Someone pure and more deserving than anyone in the realm, but the more I continued to make decisions over everyone else for that person I knew I had started to become greedy. I wanted more power than I have ever wanted before. 

Although if I had all the power that I desired I could still give him anything he could dream of on the SMP with no one to test me. He could build wherever he wanted, kill whoever he wanted with no repercussions and no one would grief him out of fear of me.

I knew deep down this new tyrant personality of mine was pushing him away despite it somewhat being for him. In fact it was pushing everyone away but the selfishness inside of me grew and deep down I tried to forget that it stopped becoming about protecting or giving someone everything and more about the pure thrill I got from being just plain evil.

"Hi Dream,"

I had phased out not realising that it was time, Tubbo faced me with Tommy, Fundy and Quackity sharply stood behind. I had to be cool. I had to be calm. Collected. A familiar smiling face flashed in my mind which helped me keep in control.

"Hello Tubbo," I said plainly but with a hint of purity.

"We have come to a decision-"  but before he could continue he was cut off, which I had entirely been expecting.

"Dream you're a bitch and you're ugly!" Tommy shouted while stepping forward, flecks of saliva coming forth from the corners of his mouth.

"Tommy, Tommy, Tommy!!" Tubbo tried to push him back and calm him.

"Okay" I responded to the pitiful insult, knowing that I wouldn't lose my cool over some comments I had already heard a repetitive amount of times.

The blonde boy chuckled "Sorry I had to get a little bit out." Fundy quickly nodded in agreement while refusing to make eye contact with me. "Hey Dream, what're you thinking about? Are you thinking about Gogy?" That familiar smiling face quickly disappeared from my mind as I gripped my axe slightly tighter. His name coming out of Tommy's mouth was like fire in my heart, but I quickly loosened my grip and centred myself. This was for him after all, so it had to go smoothly.

It was for him. It was for him. It was for him.

No, Dream it's for you.

"Gogy probably," Quackity added on in a mocking tone while they all rambled.

"Dream, do you have any final thoughts?" Tubbo asked me to change the conversation back to the reason we were there. My eyes flickered in the sun or maybe it was because I knew what was about to happen. I was about to make the president decide in my benefit.

I cleared my throat, grasping onto that purity I had forced into my tone earlier "Uhm, no. I guess I just wanted to hear what your decision was. What you guys came to. What you, y'know. I've calmed down a little bit over the last couple of days that I had to sit and think about what Tommy did, what Tommy threatened me, and I've calmed down a little bit."

"Okay well, I'm about to say something that- "

"You don't seem very calm." Tommy interrupted again. Everything was going the way it should go. He just couldn't help himself when it came to me and it grinded on his friend.

"Oh, I'm very calm" I smirked.

"Really?" Tommy was trying to provoke me to say something, but I wouldn't snap.


"Okay" he said, looking down at the obsidian and then exchanging looks with Quackity.

"Look around." Tubbo instructed me.

I glanced around at the new L'manburg. The new houses were quite pretty. My gaze fell onto the walls I had so proudly built to keep the L'manburg residents inside after Tommy destroyed George's house. I convinced myself this was for him. "There's obsidian walls."

"There is, there is Dream. That's a problem okay? For too long Dream we- "

I silenced him. It was time to deliver my final words to him that would seal the deal for me. "Tubbo," I said, calmly asking for his attention.

"Yeah." His innocent eyes focused on me.

I had it.

"I trust you; I trust..." Don't mess this up Dream. "You're the best leader that L'manburgs ever had. I trust that you'll always make the best decisions for L'manburg as a gracious leader. I trust that whatever decision you came to, was the best one for L'manburg." I had stumbled on my words slightly, but I knew it had still worked by the shameful look he adorned across his face.

He hummed and began chuckling to himself. "Y'know this is funny actually, I'm sorry Tommy." Still laughing he turned to face the suspect "I'm sorry."

"Dream you- "Tommy called out, thinking this was the moment they were all going to exclaim a rebellion.

"Tommy." Tubbo firmly said, making sure that his companion was listening to him. "I am, I am so so sorry." I couldn't help but smirk firmly in their direction as he continued. "Dream, I've come to the decision that it'll be best for the nation, the most logical thing to do, for Tommy to be exiled from L'manburg."

A gasp came from behind them as Quackity shouted out "What?!"

I was holding in my laughter, highly amused by the faces around me. I had done it. I had got exactly what I wanted and he still thinks this was his decision.

"Teaming with Technoblade is an awful idea," Tubbo's voice now getting louder.

"We just had this conversation!" Fundy cried out in an angry yet desperate way.

I had enjoyed Fundy's company once, but he was an important pawn in my rise to power. I didn't want to hurt him or use him, but things had to be done for my greater good.

"No! No! Okay." The boy continued to shout out to the other three who were rambling frantically about what he had just exclaimed.

Quackity stepped forward, "What're you doing Tubbo?"

"Tubbo!" Fundy screeched again.

"War is not the best for this nation!" I knew this would go on for a while, not paying attention to the details until he raised his voice even higher over the commotion. "That's enough! That's enough okay?!" He had snapped. "Everyone be quiet. You've undermined my authority from the get-go okay?! All of you! No one here has respected me. You all jump on these merry little bandwagons of destruction. Its not okay. You definitely don't have the best interests for this nation at heart and you've made that more apparent than ever before, today."

Tommy started slowly stepping forward, it was going to be fun to watch him plead to his own best friend. "You agreed..." His eyes flashed between us. There was no anger or hatred in them this time, only hurt. "No, no, Tu... You're not... Tu..." He was stumbling on his words, unable to fathom a full sentence.

Once again, I lost my focus, only noting small disagreements from Fundy and Quackity pleading to his president against this.

My ears pricked as Tommy mentioned the discs. "From the beginning, before L'manburg, the discs Tubbo... what about the discs?!" He was pushing his friend further and further away from him without even realising it. Were the discs all he cared about after all?

"They're just music discs! They shouldn't be able to dictate the future of an entire nation!" Tubbo shouted.

Fundy was next to step forward. "Tubbo. Y'know what this looks like? We agreed on something and you last minute just call everything off, going for your own benefit. Y'know what this looks like Tubbo?" His eyes glistened over as if revisiting something he didn't want too.

"What does this look like Fundy." He responded, emotionless.

"You're acting like Schlatt. I... I... you're actually acting like Schlatt right now." Quackity put his arm on Fundy's shoulder comfortingly while agreeing that their president was acting just like the heinous ruler we were all collectively glad to be rid of. Fundy looked slightly comforted by the mans presence until he noticed me watching, stepping to the side and away from the touch. It didn't bother me although I flashed him a small fake smile of gladness to keep him from thinking I didn't care.

Tommy spoke up again, "this is what Dream wants! What? Why? Why would... Why Tubbo?"

"It's not the way. It's not the right way!" he responded. Everyone chiming together angrily to ask him what the right way is.

"The discs don't matter Tommy! How can you not see that they don't matter?" Tubbo was getting more agitated, I could see the way his fists started clenching together slightly and he shifted the weight between his feet. Tommy seemed startled, thinking on his words carefully before continuing.

"If they don't matter Tubbo, if they don't matter – if you have no attachment to things, if you don't, if nothing matters then... then why does any of this matter at all?" Tubbo turned to me, his eyes narrowed as they caught mine.

Do it, ask me.

As if he read my mind he sighed before speaking, "Dream, please detain and escort Tommy out of my country."

I didn't waste a second, striding past everyone and towards Tommy bringing with me a presence of force the others could feel as they backed away from us slightly.

"Tommy, c'mon." I said, grabbing his arm and pushing him but he didn't move. "Tommy." I stated again while he just stood in awe staring at his friends. I knew he wasn't planning on moving so I hit him, sending him falling off the obsidian wall. It wasn't high enough to cause death, but it was high enough to cause damage, relieving Tommy from his bewilderment. "Let's go." I pushed him again.

"Tommy, you are hereby exiled." Tubbo stated, looking down from the top of the wall.

"Tubbo!" Quackity shouted while passing frantic looks between us all.

"You're insane!" Fundy joined in, taking his head into his hands and shaking it.

"Are you kidding me..."

Tommy was looking directly up at no one other than his best friend, pleading with his eyes before begging. "Tubbo... Tubbo..."

"It's how it has to be, you're a liability. You need to leave now." Tubbo shouted down firmly.

I need to take Tommy away before anyone has a chance to think further about this.

"Tommy, I don't think that- "I started before I was cut off by him.

"You're my friend..."

"Goodbye Tommy." With that Tubbo turned around to face the other two, indicating that he was finally done speaking on the matter.

"I don't think you want to die Tommy. You need to listen to me." I wasn't threatening him, no, for it wasn't his time yet. Only I knew when it was his time, and it wasn't now.

He tried to speak but nothing came out. "No. Nope, nope. C'mon." I said to him, ushering him backwards and away from the wall as he body pushed him forwards. He walked slowly towards the prime path "no no no no we're going off the path, off the path Tommy" I called out, directing him the opposite way towards the sea.

"How am I meant to get primes..." There was a hint of comedy in his statement as he glanced at back hoping for a response or even so much as a chuckle. "Tubbo..."

"You need to leave." Tubbo responded without even moving his head.

And with that it was done. Tommy was exiled because of Tubbo. I had done it once again, call me the master manipulator. I couldn't wait to go tell him what I had done for us.

No. I wouldn't tell him. There was no us. I did this for me. 

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