I Thought I'd Never See You A...

By RubyDemonGirl

21.7K 624 538

Where Sam and Colby get in a fight that leads to the end of their friendship. Both of them swear that they wi... More

I Never Want To See You Again!


1K 31 25
By RubyDemonGirl

Sam was sitting at his desk editing the latest Sam and Colby video they had filmed two days ago. When out of nowhere a distressed looking brunette burst into his room, "Yo Colby what's up?" Sam questioned his best friend as Colby collapsed on Sam's bed.

Colby took in a big breath not ready at all for what he was scared would happen. "I need to tell you something brother." Colby said looking straight at Sam.

"Shoot for it" Sam laughed taking a seat at the end of his bed next to Colby.

Colby sat up looking Sam straight in his bright blue eyes, "Okay but a need you to promise not to  tell anyone."

Sam gave Colby an odd look.

"Please Sam your my best friend I need to know I can trust you with this" Colby bagged.

Sam realized Colby was being serious and patted him on the back "Of course man. I promise not to tell anyone."

"Not even Katrina?" Colby clarified

"Not even Katrina" Sam agreed.

"okay, here goes nothing" Colby sighed "So I was at the club last night you know!"

"Hitting on the smoking hot babes" Sam laughed

"huh Yeah" Colby laughed nervously scratching the back of his neck "Um anyway I uh well I have been feeling a certain way recently and trying to figure out why. So last night I kinda...." 

"Kinda what?" Sam questioned Colby.

"I gave in and tried it out" Colby paused for a second "And I actually like it"

"Liked what" Sam was beyond confused what on earth was Colby trying to say.

"Sam" Colby looked straight into his best friends eyes "I think I might be Bisexual"

Sam eyes widened in shock. Out of all the things he possible expected Colby to say. That was never even on the list. Colby liked girls. Only girls. Could this be a prank. But then when would Colby have had time to hide cameras around the room. Sam looked and couldn't see any. Maybe they were just in really good hiding spots.

Sam was pulled out of his thoughts by Colby "Say something, anything, scream, yell. Please Sam just say something."

"I-is is this a joke" Sam said looking in Colby's eyes but the moment the two boys made eye contact and Sam saw the tears in Colby's eyes he knew Colby wasn't joking around this time.

"I'm a hundred percent serious" Colby said letting tears fall down his cheeks.

Sam didn't know what to say or what to do so he just stood up and walked to the door

"I need sometime to think" and with that Sam was gone leaving a crying Colby behind.


Later that night...


"Are you drunk?" Colby said as Sam stumbled through the front door.

Sam didn't even acknowledge Colby and started heading for the stairs.

"Sam, it's midnight! Where the hell were you?"

Sam continued to ignore Colby and Colby followed Sam up the stairs to make sure the drunken blond didn't hurt himself.

"Dude we need to talk when your sober again I'll get you a glass of-" Colby was cut short as Sam missed one of the steps on the stair case and started falling. But Colby caught him helped Sam to his feet at the top of the stairs.

"I hate you! I'm sorry it took me so damn long to realize that." Sam yelled at Colby pushing him away before storming into his room and slamming the door shut.

Colby banged on the door "Sam open this Damn door. Your drunk I don't want you to hurt yourself."

"Leave me the hell alone" Sam yelled from the other side of the door.

All the yelling woke Corey up and he came out of his room.

"What's with all the yelling" Corey mumbled rubbing his eyes.

"Sam's drunk" Colby mumbled just loud enough for Corey to hear

"Since when does Sam ever get drunk?" Corey questioned.

"He doesn't" Colby sighed heading to his room


Two weeks Later...


Sam was talking on the phone with Kat, sitting in the living room when he heard the doorbell and quickly got up to answer the door.

"Yeah of course Kat you know I love you" Sam said as he swung the door open revelling Colby.

"Oh, hey Sam could you help-" Colby was cut off as Sam just slammed the door in Colby's face and turned around to head back the living room.

This left Colby in front of the door with a handful of stuff in his arms as he finished his sentence that was cut off by Sam "help me carry this stuff in?"

Colby managed to open the door and get everything he had inside the house and into the kitchen. He then set the stuff down and headed to the living room where Sam was no longer talking to Kat but now playing a game on his phone.

"What the hell is your problem?!" Colby yelled at Sam "You can't keep it all inside, you know? Bottling it up won't do any good."

"I never want to look at you again." Sam sneered as he kept he attention focused on his phone.

"If lies keep spewing from those lips then I'm walking out that door and never looking back." Colby Said looking straight at Sam a single tear falling down his face.

"Whatever, see if I care!" Sam mumbled 


Two months later...


"We haven't filmed a video for the Sam and Colby channel in months Sam please Just talk to me" Colby bagged the blond as the two were sitting in the backyard.

Sam just continued reading his book pretending he didn't hear anything.

Colby ripped the book out of Sam's hands "Sam the fans are counting on us!"

 "There is no us, there never was." Sam said looking directly at Colby holding absolutely no emotion.

That was Colby's breaking point. He had tried giving Sam space but couldn't Sam see what Colby was going through. Sam was all Colby had. Sam was the only one Colby thought he could trust with this. But now he realized he was wrong.

Colby was going to keep his promise from two months ago he was leaving and never coming back. "Have it your way then Sam. I wish I could forget I ever met you" Colby yelled.

What Colby didn't know is that Sam also kept his promise. The two of them may have hated each other but even after ten years. Sam had never told a soul that Colby was Bisexual.

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