Drama Of A Teen (completed, u...

By yourgirl_draya

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This story is about the drama of what a teen girl named Adrienne Scott goes through. She has issues with her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Lost but Not Forgotten
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Authors Note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 27

151 16 91
By yourgirl_draya

Warning: There's going to be a lot of flashbacks. ( Probably in Part 2)



A Month ago

  Beauty has its many forms. It's qualities are unique yet familiar. Beauty stimulates and give pleasure to the mind from its radiance. Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself. Diane has been told many of  times that she was beautiful but sometimes she didn't feel it.

Diane and Jason were laid up in bed. They had just got done making love. Now Diane laid there vulnerable at the realization that she experienced her first real pleasurable moments with a man she really cared about. She cried at the attention she was getting from Jason. With one look from Jason with his eyes filled with adoration and love, he called her beautiful and instantly she felt like the only woman in the world.

" How are you feeling?" Jason asked. His arms were wrapped her body as she laid on his chest.

" Like I'm dreaming." Diane sighed as she took a moment to collect her thoughts. " I think all this time I've been longing to feel good, you know? To feel beautiful."

"You've always been beautiful, baby."

" But to feel it, it feels magical. It feels..." Diane stopped since she started to feel like she wasn't making any sense. To have beauty means to be cherished but she never was handled so delicately like Jason was with her.

" Why me?" Diane questioned as she peered up at him.

" Why not you? Just like the sun in a world full of darkness you give me a reason to rise" Jason question back as he gave her a gentle smile. " What did you want to be when you were younger?"

" What?" She laughed nervously.

" Go back to when you were a child, What did you want to be growing up?"

" A dancer. In fact that was my nickname growing up." Diane said reminiscing at the good old days before her life changed.

" Well let's think of Life as a Dance. You move your body to the music. The music might change, you may lose your footing, you might get lost, you might even step on some toes along the way. The music might even stop, but you are the Dancer baby and no one can take away the melody in your head or heart. Not every Dance is supposed to be perfect. There's beauty in imperfections and you Diane are a beautiful dancer."

Diane wiped her eyes as she took in Jason's words. " I love you."

" And I Love you"

" This probably be a good time to tell you that I got arrested for dancing on top of a cop car while wearing a bright red two piece singing Bad boys."

" bruh what the hell?" Jason gave a hearty laugh while trying to suppress his laughter in Diane's neck.

" I was so drunk. I might have smoked a lil something too. It's not even funny" Diane explained.

" Yeah don't tell anybody else that."




Jason sped his way towards club Dynasty. Him and his team were prepared for anything to go down. They have already contacted the FBI just in case if they needed back up.

"Call lil Fashionista" he said to the voice activated bluetooth system in his car. 

"Calling Lil Fashionista pink heart emoji" the car repeated.

" Yes daddy." Charity answered groggily. She was asleep.

" Hey pumpkin, I need you to listen to me very carefully okay? I know its late, but it's very important that you listen." Jason said calmly as he moved his way through traffic.

"Okay." she dragged out, a little confused and worried.

"I need you and your brothers to get ready for me. There's already a bag prepared in the downstairs closet. It's a blue and white bag."

" The boys are sleeping..."

" I need you to wake them up pumpkin, please." Jason interrupted trying to remain calm. " Don't worry about the baby just make sure he is in his carseat Okay? There's a woman that's coming to pick y'all up. Her name is Helena. She's a friend of Daddy's. I'm sent you a picture of her. Are y'all there by yourselves?"

" No, Emery and James are downstairs. You want to speak to them?"

" Yes" Jason can hear Charity shuffling and running down the stairs.

" It's my dad... "


" Emery, it's an emergency. Have you spoken to Adrienne recently?"

"Um yeah. We all are suppose to go to a teen party at this night club that has a teen section, tonight. I was just waiting for you to get home so we can meet up with her and Derek."

" Club Dynasty?"

" Yeah how did you know?" Emery asked as her and James looked at each other confused.

"something big might go down tonight, call Adrienne and get her to do something else like a movie or something. Stay with the kids until my friend comes to get them. Both of y'all go home just in case anybody comes to the house" Jason said urgently.

Suddenly the phone was snatched away from Emery by Charity. " What did you do?" Charity spat. " I told you my family can't take anymore drama."

" There's things that you just won't understand pumpkin. Just do this for me Please." Jason pleaded.

" I can understand a liar when I hear one. I've been around so many."

She hung up the phone.

" Charity? Charity?! dammit"

Jason punched at his steering wheel  in frustration before speeding up towards the direction of Dynasty.



"Bae are you sure I don't look fat in this dress?"Adrienne asked as soon as Derek opened up his truck door for her to step out. She was wearing a bright green super nintendo Tube dress that hugged her body tightly. A lot of her clothes have been fitting tighter lately, which made no sense since her appetite was horrible.

" You look fine as hell especially with this ass back here" Derek playfully slapped Adrienne's butt, causing Adrienne to let out an involuntary moan. Derek chuckled at her reaction before closing his passenger door and grabbing her hand. Derek wore a simple white T-shirt, dark colored jeans and his leather Jacket just in case Adrienne got cold.

" I'm not going to lie, I wish you would have wore some Jeans or something so I won't have to hurt anybody for looking at you."

Adrienne suddenly stopped walking and pulled Derek to the side before reaching the club doors. "Please don't freak out on anybody. Let's just have fun tonight. We might not have nights like this after we go to court."

Derek sighed as he looked Adrienne in her eyes. " We are going to have fun tonight, but if I feel like somebody is being out of line I will speak up."

Everyone knows that Derek does not play when it comes to Adrienne. He didn't understand why people always tried to test his patience when it came to her. He is not the one to play stupid with, he will beat the brakes out of anyone over anything involving her. He was like her personal bodyguard. Call him crazy. Call him possessive. He does not care.

"But Baby not everything deserves a response."

Derek rolled his eyes as he shifted his weight. " You right. I'll behave."

Adrienne gave him a soft kiss on his lips before pulling him towards the entrance of club dynasty. There were two lines going into the club, one line for the Teen club which was being held upstairs and one line going into the main part of the club. Since Adrienne and Derek got an invite from the club they went ahead of the line to show them the emails they got.

Adrienne stopped in her tracks as she glanced up at this huge poster that outlined the name of the club, Club Dynasty.

" Is that?" Derek whispered as he peered up at the posters too. " Yo that looks like your Mom"

Ignoring Derek, she went up to the bouncer. " Excuse me, Who's that on that poster?"

The bouncer looked over at the poster she was speaking of. "Oh that's Annie, Club Dynasty's finest. That woman is amazing. There's posters like that all over the club." He spoke.

A second bouncer appeared from behind him " You can go on break now, munch"

" Cool. There are more in the hallway getting into the club. Follow me."

Stepping into the building there were even more pictures of her mother. There were other pictures of different people but not as many.

" What does she do here?" Adrienne asked curiously as she thought about the many nights Diane went out.

" What doesn't she do is the question? She started off as a dancer here then later became a bartender. But that's not all she does. People around here call her the heart of the Club. She dances, sings sometimes, makes people feel welcome, and to top it all off she is the sexist woman on this side of the south. There was a time when the owners of the club felt like Annie would be good for modeling so they paid for shoots to build her portfolio, hints all these posters." Munch explained.

" What happened with Modeling?"

" I'm not sure. At one point, She was into some reckless shit to get more money to provide for her two kids. Plus being in this type of business can be rough." Munch shook his head as he remembered of all the times he had to defend her against the men she encountered and lot of times it had to deal with money.

" Anyways, it was nice talking to you two. The Teen Club is right up those stairs."

"Thanks Munch" Derek said.

Derek held onto Adrienne's waist as they continued to walk and look at the posters. He didn't know about Adrienne but a lot stuff was starting to make sense to him. The late nights and with her disappearing days at a time reminds him of a woman hustler. He wouldn't be surprised if Diane was into more heavy things.

Adrienne took her time processing this new information. Of course Diane had to have a reason to be out all night wearing those skimpy little outfits and of course Adrienne had accused her mother of doing worse things but seeing it with her own two eyes seemed so surreal. Then to have people speak so highly of her mother and to see men and women flocking to get inside the adults only club made her think her mother was living a double life.

" Man that was crazy to see, but let's put all that aside for now" Derek encouraged as they walk up the steps to the club. Derek's mood changed instantly seeing the swarm of people on the dance floor. He made sure to look around for the exits just in case if anything went down.

" Can we find a table first? I don't feel like dancing yet." Adrienne asked while standing on her tippy toes to reach Derek's ear. The bass of the music thumped as Hot Girl Summer blasted through the speakers.

Adrienne knew that Derek was uncomfortable by the way he was holding on to her and watching their surroundings as they made there way to a table that was in the corner, close to the bar.

" Just an hour and then we'll leave." She shouted loud enough for him to hear.

" I'm good, love" he assured as he pull out her chair for her to sit. To prove to her that he was trying to do better, he offered to grab her something to drink and something for her to snack on.

" I want..."

" Orange juice and Cierra Mist. I got you baby." Orange juice and Cierra Mist has been Adrienne's drink of choice lately. It's something she always asked for. One time they ran out of Cierra Mist and Adrienne liked to died. Derek go out in the middle of the night to get her some.

" I won't be too far."Derek pecked her lips before going over to the bar area.

Not long after some guy came up to their table and sat in Derek's seat.

" Uh oh" Adrienne said to herself.

" What's up pretty lady? Care to dance." The guy was nice looking but was no Derek. His vibe came off as sleazy which was a huge turn off.

" No thanks and that's somebody seat."

The guy looked around as if he was looking for someone. " Nobody was sitting here so I guess they gave up their seat for a brother. Anyways how about I buy you drink. A real drink if you're lucky"

Adrienne was not in the mood for this. " No, I suggest you move though before..."

" Before what?" The guy laughed. " your friend come back." He started to flex his muscles trying to show off.

" Look my boyfriend is bat shit crazy..."

"Relax lil momma, I'm just talking to you. What you can't make a friend?"

" Alright. Can't say I didn't warn you." Adrienne shrugged and sat back in her seat waiting for Derek to come back.

The guy annoyingly kept talking to her and trying to get her to dance with her. Meanwhile Derek watched from a distance as he took a sip from his soda. He was waiting for Adrienne's drink and contemplated on how he was going to handle this. He knew Adrienne didn't want him to spaze and ruin their night but he couldn't help but enjoy putting people in their place. As soon as he received her drink, he walked over.

" Just dance with me."

" Here you go baby" Derek placed her drink in front of her. Then looked over at the guy who was comfortably sitting across from her. " Is there a problem?"

" Yes there's a problem. He won't leave me alone." Adrienne whined, hoping Derek would do something about it.

Derek surprisingly remained calm as he sipped on his drink again.

" Stand up for me baby."

Adrienne stood up expecting him to fight the guy or something but instead Derek sat down in her seat and pulled her down onto his lap.

" Look bruh. I don't like that you messing with my baby. She don't want to dance with you or talk to you. So I advise that you go on about your business before I have to beat your ass" Derek said as calm as a whistle.

" Who the fuck are you talking to?"

Derek sighed. " My baby don't really want me fighting or nothing. She want me to have all my energy so I can blow her back out later. I have to respect her wishes."

Adrienne covered her face with her hands trying to mask her laughter. Derek purposefully adjusted Adrienne on his lap so that way she was on his right.

"Nigga what?" The guy said dumbfounded. " You funny. I'm not scared of you. You better watch your mouth before I beat your Ass and take your bitch."

Suddenly Derek grabbed onto his hand and began bending it. Instantly the guy scream out in pain. Adrienne looked on from Derek's lap drinking her drink and munching on some fries that Derek got her. There was nothing she could do. She warned him and Derek gave him a chance. Besides now she was pissed off because he called her out her name.

" Should I break it?" He asked Adrienne as he watched the guy squirm. Nobody was really paying attention accept for a group that was nearby but they didn't seem to care.

" I think he learned his lesson."

" Please don't break it" the guy cried.

" I don't think you Learned your lesson though. You seem like you like to harass girls. " Derek gritted as he bends his hand further. " Say no means no."

" No means No. Please I'm sorry."

Derek let go of his hand and immediately the guy scurried off.




Diane looked around the familiar club as she walked in through the back entrance. After a month of taking a break from the club scene, she knew it will take a few minutes to get back in the swing of things. She felt bad that she had to go behind Jason's back but she needed to do what she had to do to get this money, especially when it deems down to getting Adrienne back.

There wasn't lot of people in the club which was unusual even though the 21 and up club just opened at 11. Club dynasty no matter the time was always up and popping.  She looked up to see that the teen club was filled to the capacity through a glass window. She couldn't hear what music they were playing but she knew it was a bop with the way they were carrying on.

She made her way to the back to mentally prepare herself for tonight. Although she partied for a living, It was never her personality. Naturally, she was a homebody and quiet but after doing this for so long she knew how to turn it on.

" There goes my beautiful Annie. Diane you look great as always." Keisha complimented, who was the co- owner and Wife of the owner Ray. " Doesn't she look great, honey?" She asked Ray who was just walking in.

" Yes she does, but we are on a time frame. Go ahead and get dressed before the crowd start coming in."

Diane looked at him confused as she looked down at her attire. " What's wrong with what I have on?"

"It's not sexy enough. It doesn't scream a come back." He explained as he walked over to his desk and leaned against it.

" This isn't Sexy?" Diane was wearing a silver wrap around dress that had a deep neckline. The dress slit was high enough to expose her long legs. Her hair was in its natural state pinned to the side.

" And what do you mean by come back? I've only been gone a couple of months"

" Ooh honey, You must didn't tell her " Keisha said shaking her head.

"I was getting around to it." Ray went over to his clothes and began rummaging through clothes for Diane.

" And Diane darling I know that's not a rock on your finger. Girl let me see" Keisha Squealed.

" Tell me What?" Diane asked ignoring Keisha entirely.

" You have been requested to Dance tonight. There's a private party going on and they paid a hefty penny to see you." Ray took out a short dress that was one of Annie's famous outfits. " Remember this? This was from one of your first Shoots."

" That's the one. Everyone loved her in that" Keisha said excitedly. "I hope you are wearing lace girl"

"No Ray. I don't dance anymore. I'm 31 and not 21. What I look like going out there in this little outfit shaking my ass for those hornballs out there."

" It's a nice ass too. I can't believe you're a mother of 5" Keisha added as she sat watching.

" Plus I'm engaged." Diane said making a point.

" How much?" Ray asked. There was always a price with Diane. One thing he thing he knew about Diane is that she was down for whatever if it meant bringing more money home to her kids. That's how he was able to get Diane to take a trip to Atlanta to host a pop up party recently.


Diane walked around in the short dress, mingling with some of the bottle girls , and occasionally speaking to some guest. She sported a fake smile as she became nervous for her time on stage.

" What on earth am I doing" She said to herself as she tried to shake off her nerves.

" Ladies and Gents, It is time for what you've all been ready for. It's our favorite entertainer, the cocktail Master, the one who makes all our knees go weak. Ms. Sexy herself, Annie." The Dj cued some music for Diane to Strut to. All eyes were on her as she made her way up to the stage.

Diane could hear cat whistles as she began swaying her hips. The more she danced the more she became comfortable but she couldn't bring herself to strip out of her clothes. All she could think about is what Jason would think. Although she needed the money, she did not have to go this route.

She stopped dancing for a moment suddenly feeling off. She began to back up preparing for her exit but suddenly froze, when she felt somebody firm against her back. She also felt something that felt like cold metal on her thigh. Guests who noticed began to move away from the stage with a frightened look on their faces. Her breathing picked up as she looked down at the gun that rested on her thigh. He pushed her further into him.

" Guess who?"

But she didn't have to guess. She knew exactly who it was... Andre


Okay this is just the first Part. There was suppose to be more to this chapter.

What are you guys thinking?

Lol I went crazy with the edits. Jordan Calloway never has a shirt on lol

Merry Christmas Everyone!

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