The Lines of Society (A vigil...


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What if, after he and his mother found his state of being born quirkless, were caught between a battle and Iz... More

The Beginning
Orphaned (For real this time)
Time Flies
Gifts from the Past
Recap- Shortened version
First Patrol
Extra! Extra!
Woah?! Eraserhead?!
Away with Trash bags
Looking for Robin?
Easy Peasy
Damned Exams
New member?
He's what?!
Meeting the "Rat God"
Time off
A new Thing!
Joint Training
Joint Training: Take 2
First Jump, First World
Another Attack?
Bastards don't take breaks apparently
That Night


133 8 2

Izuku's P.O.V.

"When's training gonna start? Class is so boring. I already know high school curriculum, including UA's from third to first years." For the rest of the day, I whined to Aizawa during class and commented or answered a question or two from the teachers and my new classmates.

Roughly five hours and nine minutes later, the bell rang for lunch and Aizawa-sensei released all of them for lunch. "Finally!" I cheered, hopping off Aizawa. "C'mon Ai-kun! I'll treat you to lunch. I know you want more of my Bat Blend coffee." At the mention of coffee, he perked up and raced towards the cafe. I laughed and sprinted after him on the rooftops.

The small bell dinged, alerting everyone inside that new people just entered. As Dabi raised his head to ask for our orders, I glomped him. "Izu?!" He yelped in surprised. "When did you get back?!"

"This morning as far as I know. I'm sorry if I gave you and the fam a scare when Wayne forwarded the recorded note about me being hit with another time quirk." I murmured, nuzzling him. "Those are getting annoying to deal of." I huffed, pouting.

"Then stop going out to patrol then." He chuckled, patting my head. "So, what d'you two want for lunch? As always, it's on the house since you're an owner of this establishment too. I still have no idea how you managed to give me a new legal identity and frankly, I don't really wanna know."

"Anything! So long as it's edible and I want a strawberry smoothie too. Aizawa here wants another thermos of the Bat Blend so I'll make that for him." I said, getting off of my beloved brother. Dabi gave me a grin and set to work on making my smoothie while he sent my order to the kitchen. "Also, I'm part of Kacchan's class now because I lost a bet and as agreed, I'll be joining them now. I don't wanna have to go through high school again!" I whined.

"Doing it virtually doesn't count otouto." Dabi frowned. "If I'm going to be honest with you, I think it's a good thing you lost. Now you'll get to make some friends your age instead of running around fighting criminals and managing money and an entire app. Making friends with mafias and getting them to work something out with the police force to be somewhat legal isn't exactly something regular 15 year old kids do on a daily to weekly basis y'know." I pouted at him, unknowingly projecting an image of a bunny. "Going to school might do you some good Izuku. We were getting worried that you might start becoming an anti-social workaholic because of how much you spent time working."

"Right, I'll try." I relented, brewing the coffee. "Hey Ai-kun, d'you think I'll be allowed to work at the labs with the support course? I wanna know what Powerloader's opinions on my toys as an inventor." I brought out the wines and alcohols I required for the Bat Blend.

"Sure." Aizawa shrugged. "Talk to Nezu about that. I don't particularly care. Oh and All Might told me that today, for training, you'll be playing hide and seek." Dabi paled and I lit up like a Christmas tree with a psychotic grin plastered on my face. "Since you're new and literally just joined today, he's letting you go alone or bring someone in with you." My smile widened, scaring Aizawa.

"Good." I purred happily. "I'll bring my imoto in with me. We won't and don't mind playing mice." Aizawa shivered and inched away from me. "Don't worry, we'll make sure to avoid sending your students to the infirmary." 

After lunch, Aizawa and I returned to school with his coffee and my strawberry smoothie. Three hours after lunch, Nezu alerted me through the speakers about Eri's arrival and I was out of the classroom in a split second. She had brought along my spare glasses and both of our computers with her plus my drawing pad. "Hey Izu!" She greeted me with a shut eyed grin before harshly sucker punching me by the chest and knocking the wind out of my lungs. "That's for being gone for so long." I said nothing and weakly groaned from the floor.

For the next three and a half hours, Eri and I were closed off and were working on fixing bugs and coded new items into the game. I drew picture after picture, created virtual model after model, and animated figures after figures. Eri fixed, edited, and added code after code as I passed on my work to her for input and integration. We got so much work done that by the end of a period, we'd have drawn, modeled, animated, coded, and integrated three items into the app plus two monsters.

All Might slammed the door open when the bell chimed for the next and final class period for the day. Heroics. If it were a regular school, Heroics could probably serve as the physical education or gym period but since UA is a hero school, it's Heroics. I'm fairly certain the the General Education still have it as the regular gym period though- without the training. I internally groaned and tried to stay as out of his sight but despite my efforts, the damned man still saw me. As he tried to approach me, I gave him a glare before calmly crawling out the window and literally walking on the wall. Aizawa and Eri followed me as they also had their own pairs of my sticking shoes. (I made Aizawa a pair for his work as a pro hero, not a teacher. Eri got one from my spares.)

When everyone was finally present at Ground Beta, All Might debriefed everyone about the activity. Out of spite, Aizawa challenged them all to try and find either Eri or myself. He stripped me of any possible too lethal weapons and left me with only half of my initial gear. "You're doing this out of spite aren't you, Ai-kun?" I growled.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Rob." He said innocently, using his nickname for my first vigilante self. "You just don't have the training nor the license to use these." 

"Hmph. Bullshit." I huffed. "I've got all I need to use them legally-" I was cut off by my instincts screaming at me to hide my identity. Never once having been led wrong by my honed instincts, I pulled down my mask and raised my hood to hide my hair. A couple seconds later, a purple portal opened on top of another platform behind Aizawa. "This is why I didn't want to be part of your class this year." I muttered to him as I pointed a finger to the figures that appeared. 

"The League of Villains?! But-" I cut him off by swiping back my gear and activating all of them. "Rob?!" Aizawa screamed. I didn't reply and only charged at the blue haired kid. "Get back here!"

"Who the fuck are you?!" He yelped, thrusting both his hands forward in what seemed like a defensive reflex. I took the hint that his quirk was touch-based, likely five-finger requirement.

I managed to hit him twice and avoided his touch before I was forced back by a stream of blue fire. Glaring, I put myself between the class and the villains. "Why are you here?" I growled out. I spotted the source of the flames and my eyes widened slightly. 

Alright, so I knew Dabi was part of the League of Villains. How did I know? I put him there as a spy of course! And since I knew some... forms of spy arts from being thrown into a world filled with shinobi, I taught Eri, Dabi, and Toga all about chakra which surprisingly existed in this universe. In fact, quirks are an extreme form of chakra itself. Weird and surprisingly useful to know actually. Since I was trained as a combat oriented medic-nin, I knew a lot about the human body. Even those with the physical mutations were practically vulnerable to me. (You wouldn't believe how many times I'd gotten caught up in what most of society called "villain attacks". They're usually just common criminals! Why is there a need to label them as villains?! Honestly, this world and age has grown petty and very calm. I bet when All Might retires, chaos will ensue and a second coming of the reign of villainy would most likely follow. Whoever thought it was a good idea to only have one symbol anyway?)

Back to the moment. The source of the azure flames weren't Dabi, it was another kid. Someone (theoretically) younger than Toga-nee-san. I went into a standard ninja stance. "If you really want to do all this just to cause chaos, then you'd all better start running." I announced. Without taking my eyes away from the group in front of me, I called out to Eraserhead. "Oi Eraser! Keep the kids safe! I'll play a round of hide-and-seek with these brats. Don't let any of them help! I'll be fine!" I ignored any and all of his protests and put all of my attention back on the unscheduled "visitors". "As for you children, I'll give you a challenge." An interest glint appeared in the eyes of their majority. "Find me in Ground Beta and I'll let you try to land a hit on me. Capture me in Ground Beta and I won't fight back if you kidnap me to somewhere else. Does that sound like a deal that would interest you?" I offered out one hand to the blue haired kid. 

He accepted without hesitation and I flashed him a wolfish grin. As he shook my hand, our joined hands burst into viridian flames. I knew it was harmless and that all it did was seal our deal but the other definitely didn't know that. The man child yelped in surprise and tried to pull his hand away. "Be sure not to break the deal," I warned. "Else I'll have to cause retribution for the broken deal. Also, said deal consequences that none other unwanted party will be harmed. Other than your group, no one will be able to hurt the students and staff even if they wanted to. You sealed the deal and now you have the next thirty minutes to hunt me. Starting... now." I released my hold and tilted backwards and went over the roof. "Happy hunting!" I yelled once I was out of sight. My voice echoed against the empty place.

At least 10 minutes later, I heard three voices mutter curses. I was hiding in the rafters and seeing an opportunity to capture another criminal, I leapt down and swiftly knocked them all out before quickly tying them up and calling on a few medic robots which had been reprogrammed by yours truly to have a stealth mode. As soon as I clipped quirk-cancelling collars around their necks, I sent the three off to Eraserhead with a note. I giggled as I imagined the man's reaction to the sudden appearance of unconscious small-time villains. I spent another minutes waltzing around the area before moving on to a more obvious spot.

In the duration of our deal, I hunted down at least 15 to 20 crooks and sent them all to Eraserhead himself. According to my mental head count, that left only four others. The boy who had the ability to use blue fire like Dabi, the man-child who called himself the leader of the League of Villains, the smoky butler who stuck by the man-child nearly all the time, and my spy brother Dabi who was under another disguise to hide his connection to me.

As our 30-min game deal ended, I was summoned to his location and appeared before him in a burst of forest green flames. "Time's up! Now go away!" I said cheerfully, pushing the man-child, (not) sorry Shigaraki back. His face obviously showed that he was a sore loser and was furious upon losing in a child's game. The purple smoky figure behind him opened up a portal and calmly pulled Shigaraki into it with the other remaining two villains/spy with him.

Returning to the class, I snapped my fingers and switched my clothes for that of a ninja. (I got thrown into a world filled with magic once. I was stuck there for more than a single year and Lady Magic blessed me- or rather, my soul got drenched in magic both by a blessing from Lady Hecate and being dropped into a lake saturated with magic.) "Alright. Just to make it clear to everyone present, I am fully quirkless. All of my unnatural abilities either come from skill, technique, chakra, or magic." I raised a finger from my fist. "As for any lies, I try not to lie any more than necessary." Another finger. "And finally, none of you would stand a sliver of a chance if any at all against me should I release all of my restraints." I warned them firmly. "Due to many... uh, circumstances that I'd been thrust, thrown, and stumbled into, I have many things that have been lost to this world as everyone thinks that quirks are the only unnatural phenomena around. If you'd all like me to explain deeper, then you'd better win this game of hide and seek." I winked. Determination burned brightly in every one of my new classmates and I let out a mischievous giggle. "First to find me gets to pet me!" I announced, releasing my glamour as I did so and revealed my kitten ears and tail. "Teams are permitted to be made but no larger than five people per group, nya!" I blushed bright crimson as the last sound left my mouth.

Eri burst into a laughing fit while the other girls breathed a collective coo. I spotted a few flushed cheeks among the crowd and my senses started going off like crazy. "S-See y'all l-later, nya!" I stuttered, still flustered with my instinctive addition of "nya" at the end of my sentences. As I did with the villain group, I leapt off the roof and dived down to the asphalt. "You have an hour to find me, nya!" I yelled out. "Start any time you like! Nya!" An explosion was heard and yells of surprise erupted.

"Hey! Y'all forgot to get a communications device you morons!" Eri screamed.

An hour later, the bell rang. I crawled out of my hiding spot and yawned. As I stretched out the kinks and stiffness out of my body, Eri led everyone to me. They caught me yawning and several of them pulled out their phones and took a photo to which out of animalistic instinct, I jumped up and screeched... just like a cat. "Alright bro, get down from the ceiling." Eri sighed. I eyed her before giving her a sheepish look. "This is the third time you got stuck on the ceiling this week!" She yelled at me exasperatedly.

"It's not my fault!" I whined. "I didn't ask to be hit with a cat spell, nya!"

"And I've told you before, it's not a spell! Toga, Dabi, and I already checked your DNA and everything! It's permanent!" She argued. "Being a cat is now part of you!"

"No way! I didn't get contacted by a feline deity! The only other ways this was even possible would be that I got hit by a spell or a quirk or I got blessed or I had a dormant gene!" I protested. "Last I checked, the only things I got hit with were some harmless potions, a time-related quirk which Aizawa-sensei himself got dragged into as well, and several solid, unenchanted objects! There's no way this is permanent- eek!" I squealed in surprise and swiped a claw behind me. The one who pulled at my tail recoiled and I huffed before beginning to groom my tail. "Don't touch my tail brat."

"That is very rude!" Iida-kun berated. Of course, since he droned on and on as usual, I ignored him.

--Timeskip... Three months later--

I entered the class and went straight for my desk. Exhausted from my late night work and patrol with Eraserhead, I laid my head down and took a light nap. I entered an alert sleeping phase which actually had proved to be quite useful many times before. (I'd perfected it and it actually is simple once one perfects it.) Ignoring everyone, I tried to catch up on sleep. Iida, upon seeing me sleep on my desk, had tried to wake me and started to berate me for sleeping. Kacchan had managed to get him to leave me alone but they'd also started a yelling match.

After fifteen minutes of enduring the noise that was class 1-A, my patience snapped. Usually, my patience was longer but being short on sleep and being cranky always got to me. "Geez," I started, slowly raising my head. "You're all being too noisy." I glared darkly at both Kacchan and Iida-kun, pissed that I couldn't rest. "Shut up." I said, lowering the temperature by using magic and literally sent a chill down everyone's (in the room) spine. The lighting also dimmed in the room and my bangs cast a long shadow over my eyes to which I kinda made my eyes glow mystically. Lowering my head back down, I contained my magic, allowing everything to return to normal. 

For the rest of the day, they all tried to not anger me any further and Iida-kun shut up. Kacchan already knew from experience how I can be when I'm pissed and even as a child without a quirk, I was terrifying when I got mad- especially when I skip nicknames and start mentioning full names. (It's why one of Kacchan's few fears include me or more specifically, when I call him by his full name instead of just calling him Kacchan.)

Unfortunately, a boy from the other hero class didn't get the memo and started trash talking loudly near me. Others tried to get him to stop but their attempts made no difference. Again, I did my best to ignore him... until he said something unforgivable. "I bet your mother did suicide 'cause you're quirkless!" He laughed. "She didn't want a useless son who wouldn't even be able to support her in the future!" I twitched and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kacchan pale drastically. "Bet you knocked up some slut and got her pregnant too. I saw that kid who always come to visit, and I saw her quirk too. She's a curse, why do you even keep her? Ha! That's hilarious! A useless son and a cursed daughter! Your mother really did have the right idea!" The last two comments snipped the last shreds of patience I had left.

I stood up abruptly, my magic lashing out. "Alright motherfucker," I began, stepping forward towards him. The room temperature dropped once more and my blood lust leaked. Most were paralyzed but since 1-A had experience with blood lust and mine wasn't directly aimed towards them, they were still able to retain their ability to move. "Now you got my attention, better hope you've got a valid reason for me not to send you either out to space or into a different dimension or onto another planet." The lights dimmed again and from under the shadows of my bangs, my viridescent irises glowed a menacing shade of red. "So, mind repeating what you said about my mother and my adopted sister?"

"N-Nothing!" He sputtered fearfully. I checked over his uniform and scoffed.

"You say you're training to be a hero." I said, criticizing him. "Pathetic. You can't even handle 5% of my blood lust! You can't even move a muscle! I bet you didn't know that every villain has an aura of blood lust around them, don't you? Most of them know how to reel it in so heroes won't sense them and they hide their blood lust so no one reports them for feeling odd. Hell, even some heroes have to manage their own blood lust so they don't inspire the wrong emotion in the public. After all, the only ones who should fear a hero should only be villains, ain't I right? Neito Monoma?" The boy's breath hitched and sweat dripped down his face. "Yes, I know of you. I've gone through your family's files and I know that you used to have a sister. An older sister to be exact. In fact, didn't your family change its last name? What? Too ashamed to be related to Toga Himiko? Not even gonna ask me how she is? Or how I know her?" 

Monoma paled and stumbled back. I followed him. "Tell me, Neito Monoma, do you still love your sister? Would you like to meet her? Or will you really cast her out of your life for the only fact that she's forced to have intakes of blood for her quirk not to drive her insane?" Monoma shook like a leaf in a hurricane. I eyed him critically before huffing. "Well, I'm done." I stepped away from him and contained my magic and other energies again. "Don't forget my offer Monoma. You know where to find me." I walked out and waved him a nonchalant goodbye. 

After that incident, everyone was cautious around me for the day. After school, Aizawa prevented me from going to patrol. Eri and Toga came and picked me up from UA and forced me to rest. Dabi and Kacchan also prevented me from even trying to remotely do any work, school or otherwise. 

Kacchan also finally got to go to my home. (Dabi brought him.) And for the next couple months, he'd told me that he was moving in to keep an eye on me. When I told his mother, Mitsuki-san only told me that she'd given her consent already. (I cried a river about that.) I was also forced to give Kacchan one of my spare glasses which happened to be one of my favorites since Dabi told me to let Kacchan choose which one he wanted. If you're wondering which one he chose, it would be a pair of shades with a red painted frame. Kacchan also got to have the next closest bed from mine which was across the room. Toga and Eri also told me to buy Kacchan a set of electronics, outfit his bed, and an entire wardrobe for the nest "housemate". Of course, Kacchan chose which models (phone, laptop,etc.) he wanted, what features (for the bed) he wanted, and which designs and what clothes he wanted. Since I had (and still have) deep pockets, my money savings didn't even have a dent despite all of the expensive shit he spent my money on.

He even got me to change his uniforms! Not the design, the fabric! Kacchan also asked (read:demanded) me to change the fabrics of my uniforms as well. When I told him that it still didn't really make much of a difference in my bank accounts, he grew a terrifying grin and dragged me to Aizawa. 

Kacchan demanded me to change Aizawa's work clothes which was his own underground hero costume. That, I agreed to because while I respect Aizawa's choice of making it all be practical, it was also ridiculous. I let him keep his scarf but immediately gave him an upgraded version of said capture weapon/tool. I dumped his black jump suit and shoved a new one into his hands. He'd complained about how the dark colors he wore helped him blend in with the darkness of the city's shadows to which I shut him up by showing him the extras I'd put in into the fabric. His top was a white jacket (I have a matching one for Present Mic) with an E.H. on its back. His pants  were a pair of comfortable, dark navy blue (very close to a black hue) jeans which matched his white jacket. Along with the new jacket and jeans combination, I gave him a formal, white, button up shirt which I also gave him a black vest to match. Once again, he complained about it being uncomfortable. I told him to shut up and take it. I took his measurements and left with the clothes I had given him to adjust them to his body shape. 

After three days, I dragged him out of class with Kacchan following us with his camera. Again, I shoved him into a bathroom stall and told him to change clothes. He wasn't too surprised that the denim jeans fit him but the shirt and the vest being comfortable was a gift to him. (I know because I'd been forced to wear a damn suit so many damn times in the past. It was such a pain to wear them!) I'd forgotten to bring the jacket so he left the bathroom without it. I asked him about his opinion on it to which I got a positive reply about. I threw his old suit at Kacchan which he burned which forced Aizawa to return to class looking like a new man. 

I explained all of the extra features his new clothes had and even added that the vest was bullet, blade and fire proof. It also had holsters for guns and a couple pairs of knives on its sides for easy access too. His jeans were nearly impossible to rip and was also bullet and fire proof. (Unfortunately, it doesn't stop blades though.) I also told him that the base form of his snug-fit jeans were slacks that matched his new shirt and vest. His new shoes, which I also gave him, had light metal soles for a more painful kick. I had also installed some more of my technology into them which also allowed for higher jumps, walking across walls, and even running across water! (Don't ask, it's a trade secret. But to let you have a clue, I have two words: Naruto and chakra.) His shirt didn't really have any interesting features except for being shape aware. It would change its form to any body type so long as they were either Aizawa's size or build or a bit smaller than him. He also had a black tie which I told him could act like handcuffs. (I may or may not have borrow a pair of quirk-cancelling cuffs from the police and integrated the tech into the nanobots that the tie consisted of.) When he asked how that was, I told him that the tie was made of nanobots that would only move by command which I'd tailored to only respond to his voice- plus me because how else was I supposed to show him?

Before we let Aizawa back into the classroom, I had Kacchan bring Midnight and Present Mic into the class. We also plunged the entire room into darkness and didn't allow anyone to have any lights. I set Aizawa on the small stage in front of the room and giggled as Kacchan finally revealed Aizawa and Eraserhead's new look. Nearly everyone threw a fit. Kacchan and I merely cackled in delight as Present Mic drooled over him, most of the girls squealed or even fainted (the first to faint was Midnight herself), the gays in class had gay panic moments, and Aizawa... He stared at the mess that was class 1-A plus his co-workers Present Mic and Midnight. After a couple moments, Aizawa completed the hot look by smirking smugly at the scene.

Eventually, Vlad King's entire class came to check out what the noise was all about. Jaws dropped open and Vlad King took a photo which he sent into the UA staff chat. Three minutes later, the entire UA staff shoved class 1-B out of their way and gaped at Aizawa's new look. Again, Aizawa only gave them a smug, satisfied look. "Oi Problem child." He called, turning to me. Kacchan was still laughing but I had already calmed down since Vlad King took the photo. "I think I'm not the only one who likes my new suit." 

"Nope." I chuckled, popping the p. "I'm 100% certain that they all like your new look. Not the suit. Also, I have a few more things to hand over to you to complete your new suit. No offense but the old one was extremely tacky." I tossed over the jacket after I'd finally found it in my bag. "Here's the jacket. Maybe it'll finally get them all to calm down."

"You made that?" Present Mic asked in wonder.

"Yep!" I popped the p again. "Certain parts of it have extra features too. His vest is bullet proof for an example. That tie he's wearing? It's got nanobot technology and can act as quirk-cancelling cuffs. Of course, the quirk-cancellation is optional as he can turn the option on and off. Those slacks he's wearing? He can turn those into jeans that are nearly impossible to rip. As for any requests, I won't be taking any." Several groans were heard. "I only agreed because he looked so pitiful in his old suit. Plus, Kacchan here suggested it. By the way," I pulled Kacchan's face to mine. "I'll also be changing your hero costume. It's looks so tacky with those gigantic grenades that are most likely heavy." I drawled, letting go of him.

"Oi! My costume isn't tacky you nerd!" He yelled. I raised an eyebrow at him and pulled up a photo of him in costume. Kacchan stared at it. "Who's the shitty lookin' fucker?" I looked at him bewildered.

"Kacchan, that's you. In costume." I stated blankly. His jaw dropped and his eyes scanned over the picture again.

"That me?! Why the fuck didn't anyone fucking tell me?!" He screeched. Defeated, he slumped and stared at the photo again. (He took my phone. T-T)

"With that attitude, of course no one would tell you. You wouldn't listen anyway." I deadpanned him. Wayne popped up and added his own agreement.

"He's right." Kacchan groaned and gave us both a weak glare. Wayne mocked him one last time before returning to his standby. "Your glare won't be able to do anything to me grena-dog." He blew Kacchan a raspberry before leaving.

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