Legend of Tengu Love

By WeiLan1819

24.9K 1.8K 1.8K

Shen Wei only remember living with his uncle Chu since he lost his mother when he was 8 years old in his bur... More

Daixing Village 1
Daixing Village 2
Haixing Village
Koi Fish's Fault
Family Mission
About Mission 1
About Mission 2
Where Am I?
Guo Changcheng 1
Gou Chengcheng 2
Worried Yunlan
Nursing Wei Back
Sweetest Torture
Passage of Time is Cruel
New Friend
New Friend: Lin Jing
Change of Plan
Reconciliation 1
Reconciliation 2
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 1
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 2
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 3
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 4
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 5
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 6
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 7
Peace at Last... Right?
What Missed Out
Completion of Bonding
Awkward Morning
Truth 1
Truth 2
Truth 3
Eggs: Familiars
Journey To Ghost Village
Mommy Shen Wei
Ghost Village 1
Ghost Village 2
Ghost Village 3
Ghost Village 4
Ghost Village 5
Ghost Village 6
Ghost Village 7: Little Moment
Ghost Village 8
Ghost Village 9
Ghost Village 10
Ghost Village 11
Ghost Village 12
Welcome Home Kids!
Strength: Equilibrium
There are Two Sides to Every Story 1
There are Two Sides to Every Story 2
Doppelganger 2
Ingredients 1
Ingredients 2
Ingredients 3
Ingredients 4
Ingredients 5
Wake Up Sleepy Head
Pampering 1
Pampering 2
Devil's Temptation
Danger Lurking Around the Corner
New Potential Lead
Cursed Symbol 1
Cursed Symbol 2
Father Yunlan?? Hmmm....
A Small Addition To The Family
What's Happening???
Mystery Revealed
Plan and Action
Troubles in Air
Fertility's Excitement and Nervousness
Archangel Junfeng
Archangel Junfeng 2
Every Beginning Has An Ending 1
Every Beginning Has An Ending 2
Every Beginning Has An Ending 3: Eternal Prison Circle

Doppelganger 1

213 23 26
By WeiLan1819

Shadow world people's name will be bold. 
Light world people's name will be not bolded.


Parallel Worlds: Dragon City

"Chief Zhao, why is my Idol at the crime scene? Doesn't he have shooting today?" Lin Jing asks while driving the red monster truck.

"I'm more worried that he is unconscious. Did he get kidnapped?" Guo panickingily adds.

Babe... please wake up. What happened? Zhao Yunlan wonders internally while hugging unconscious Shen Wei.

"Lin Jing, can you drive any faster?!" Their chief barks out making poor scientist clamp up his mouth and press the gas pedal to maximum.

"Lao Zhao, where to? Hospital or your house?" Da Quing questions.

"Hospital will be dangerous if he really got kidnapped. You know how his fans are. If kidnapper blend in with them, there is no way of telling." Yunlan reasons with a sigh making Da Quing nods in understanding.

"Did you contact Yezun yet?" Yunlan asks back, trying to distract his building up anxiety.

"No, the message still left unread." Da Quing worriedly responses.

Zhao Yunlan is about to say something when his phone starts to ring.

"Whose calling?" Da Quing asks and Yunlan just shrugs before digging out his cell phone from his pants pocket.

"What th-?!" Yunlan exclaims when he sees the caller's ID.

"Who is calling?" Da Quin asks worriedly when he sees Yunlan's complicated expression.

"Shen Wei" Yunlan answers puzzledly.

"But how? He is right here" Da Quing also confusingly states.

"Maybe someone found his phone and calling?" Guo offers.

"Impossible! No one can excess his phone without the security and only Shen Wei, Chief Zhao and I know how to." Lin Jing defensively argues.

"Well, maybe you need to upgrade your talent now because someone obviously can break through your invincible security~~" Zhu Hong cheerfully said through their earpiece.

The group is broken into two cars. Zhu Hong, Guo Changcheng and Chu Shuzhi are in one car while Da Quing, Zhao Yunlan, unconscious Shen Wei and Lin Jing are in one.

"Hey..hey... heY! Snake lady. Are you telling me that there is someone else better than me?" Lin Jing asks, feeling offended.

"Duh!" Is the answer Zhu Hong blessed him with.

"Enough!" Chu grumpily interrupts them because this back and ford argument through earpiece is giving him an earache.

"Pick it up and see, Lao Yunlan." Da Quing prompts but before he can complete his statement, his phone starts ringing too.

"Yezun?" Da Quing says before picking up the call.

"Darling!" Da Quing gleefully greets.

"Don't darling me! Why is Zhao Yunlan here?! Didn't you guys have a case today?!" Yezun voice rings throughout the car making Da Quing wince.

"Darling... what are you talking about? Lao Yunlan is sitting here with me. I should be the one asking you how come your didi is in the crime scene?" Da Quing responses back, feeling confused.

"What is your cat brain talking about? How can Shen Wei be there when he is sitting with me and talking to Zhao Yunlan?" Yezun replies back feeling bewildered.

"But Lao Yunlan is here with Shen Wei.... in front of me" Da Quing dumbly replies while stupidly pointing at Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei as if Yezun can see him.

"What?! Let's meet back home. If you are joking with me, prepare yourself to sleep on the couch for a month!" Yezun threatened and ends the call before poor Da Quing can defend himself.

When Da Quing looks back at Zhao Yunlan who has been listening to the conversation from the beginning is pinching the bridge of his nose, feeling like headache will be knocking at his brain door.


"Gege... why are you blaming Da ge? It's not his fault." Shen Wei tries to calm fuming Yezun; However, his concentration is on quiet Zhao Yunlan in ancient robe who is observing them or... ignoring them??? Shen Wei can't quite figure it out.

"Didi... Da Quing said Zhao Yunlan is with him and... you." Yezun said slowly while eying quiet Zhao Yunlan through rare view mirror.

Shen Wei expression goes from confusing to shock and look back at the Zhao Yunlan who is sitting beside him.

"Bu-t... how can that be?" Shen Wei shockingly wonders but some part of him also feels relief because since this Zhao Yunlan has appeared at his work, he has said not a word nor showed or expressed any love like his Yunlan usually does. This Zhao Yunlan just coldly stares at them yet for some reason, obediently followed them. Weird...

"Yeah... I know. We will find out when we get home. They are meeting us there." Yezun replies while speeding up his car.

"Hey... who are you? Why do you look like my Ah Lan?" Shen Wei tries to converse with the cold Zhao Yunlan who refuses to communicate with them and just stares out of the car window.

Sighing, Shen Wei decides to wait until they reach their home seeing that their new companion is in no hurry to say anything to anyone.


"Lao Zhao, did you have a twin brother that I was not aware of?" Da Quing asks after a brief moment of silence.

"If I had one, then he is talking about you!" Zhao Yunlan irritably said, making Da Quing roll his eyes in annoyance.

"I guess we will find out when we get home~" Da Quing sing song. For some reason, he is excitedly looking forward to it.

By the time they arrive, Yezun's car is already parked in their garage.

"Darling~~~ We are back!" Da Quing greets but what greets him is a pissed off Yezun who was waiting impatiently for them.

"Where is Zhao Yunlan and your Shen Wei?" Yezun demands Da Quing who shrink in fright and steps aside to point at incoming Zhao Yunlan who is carrying unconscious Shen Wei in ancient robe like their companion.

"What th-'' Yezun eyes widened in surprise, but Zhao Yunlan did not stop nor greet them. He just straightforwardly goes into the living room while carrying the unconscious Shen Wei.

However, Zhao Yunlan is not expecting a doppelganger to swipe away the unconscious Shen Wei from his arm while glaring at him as if he has stolen someone's precious gem.

"Hey! What-" Zhao Yunlan is about to scold, but he is cut off by his doppelganger.

"He's MINE." The doppelganger threateningly declares while protectively carrying the unconscious Shen Wei.


"Ah Lan... let him be." Comes his soul's voice behind his doppelganger. 

"Xiao Wei!! So, it's true. We both have doppelgangers" Zhao Yunlan wondrously said and he did not forget to kiss the life out of his soul aka Shen Wei....

"Ah Lan!" Shen Wei blushingly scolds but there is no threat in his volume at all.

"What? I am just finding out if you are my wifey~~" Zhao Yunlan smugly replies.

"Is that so.... So, you kiss my look-a-like too? To test out, huh?" Shen Wei asks with a smile, a smile that spells 'Yunlan, you are so much in trouble'.

Of course, Zhao Yunlan gets the message instantly and gulps down his saliva and hastily adds.

"Babe.... Calm down. I didn't kiss your look-a-like at all! I swear!"

When Shen Wei hears that, Shen Wei finally gives him a sweet smile.

"So, what are we going to do with them?" Yezun asks, feeling complex with new additions.

"First, ask them where they came from." Da Quing replies reasonably.

"You can try. He has not spoken a single word to us. And trust me, didi tried plenty." Yezun reveals.

"Is that true, babe?" Zhao Yunlan asks Shen Wei and Shen Wei sadly nods yes.

"Let me try" Da Quing confidently said and goes in front doppelgangers.

Doppelganger Yunlan has laid doppelganger Shen Wei on the couch safely, ignoring everything that is going on.

"Hey, pal?! Who are you?" Da Quing asks doppelganger Zhao Yunlan who just turn towards him and stares at him as if suspicious cat studying his companion


"What's your name?" Da Quing, undeterred, tries again.

"...." Nothing but suspicious stares while protectively blocking unconscious Shen Wei on the couch.

"Well.... I tried??" Da Quing said to unimpressed group like they are not expecting him to succeed from the beginning... now that just rude...

Seeing that the doppelgangers have no intention of cooperating, and only reaction said person has given was when he was taking unconscious Shen Wei from Chief Zhao. So, the communication barrier is out of the question since he is clearly able to speak the language.

Seeing that nothing is working, Chief Zhao decides to use a method he knows will work, although he feels uncomfortable doing it.

"Okay, that's enough. Whoever you are, either you answer our questions or your unconscious Shen Wei die, choose?" Zhao Yunlan threatens while pointing his gun at unconscious Shen Wei. That certainly gets a reaction out of his doppelganger, albeit not a positive one.

"You can try.... " Comes the quick reply making chief Zhao Yunlan smirk.

"Oh? And you think I can't?" Chief Zhao challenges his doppelganger.

"I didn't say anything about you, I said you can try to hurt him doesn't mean you will be able to" The ancient robe Zhao Yunlan growls while standing, facing Chief Zhao.

"Oh? And why is that? In case you don't know, this is a real gun" Chief Zhao states while shaking his gun to make his point.

That only agitates the other Zhao Yunlan more and is about to gather his power to strike at the snarky Chief when out of nowhere, a thick book comes flying at said Chief's head, shocking everyone...well... except the person who threw the book.

"You sure have guts to point your gun at my didi's look-a-like! Do you have a death wish because I will be more than willing to grant it!" Yezun's snarls .... Yeap... Yezun is the person who threw the book at Chief Zhao.

"Ouch! what's that for?! He is not even your didi!" Chief Zhao whines while turning towards mad Yezun.

"Doesn't matter. There has to be a reason why we met them. Threatening him will not get you anywhere! And I despise anyone who dares to harm my didi , even if they are just a look alike!" Yezun confidently retorts back.

"....." Chief Zhao has no retort for that if he knows what is good for him.

"And you! We are only trying to understand and maybe help you, so start talking! We are not going to harm you or him." Yezun demands the other Zhao Yunlan which surprisingly gets the other Zhao Yunlan to giggle at them.

"Our leader is still possessive with his nephew even in another realm." Zhao Yunlan said while giggling, leaving others confused. 


A/ N" Hi! Sorry for really late update!😅😣. I hope this chapter will satisfy you until next chapter.... I will try to get next update on time~~🙏🙏

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