Love Maze: 18 Exits (BTS X Re...

By JHPixelizedJM

4.1K 176 29

Being the new girl is hard... especially if you have all 18 members of the Big Three going after you. The Big... More

Ch. 1: Almost an Accident
Ch. 2: The Big Three
Ch. 3: Awkward, Horribly Awkward
Ch. 4: Meeting TXT
Ch. 5: Sharing an Umbrella
Ch. 6: The Auditorium
Ch. 7: Secrets
Ch. 8: Hidden Talents
Ch. 9: Unexpected Visitor
Ch. 10: Fight Your Fears
Ch. 11: Special Performance
Ch. 12: Attempt at Changing
Ch. 13: Schedule Papers
Ch. 14: Ex
Ch. 15: Make Him Jealous
Ch. 16: Rooftop
Ch. 17: Hidden Sides
Ch. 18: Hidden Sides pt. 2
Ch. 19: Confession
Ch. 20: Wrong Move
Ch. 21: Break Up
Ch. 22: Fixing Mistakes
Ch. 23: A Little Too Late
Ch. 24: Accident
Ch. 25: Night Out
Ch. 26: Return
Ch. 27: New Workmate
Ch. 28: Officemates
Ch. 29: Guilty
Ch. 30: Night Out 2
Ch. 31: Passed Out
Ch. 32: Tipsy and Cute
Ch. 34: Moving On
Ch. 35: Misunderstanding
Ch. 36: My Turn
Ch. 37: Who's At Fault
Ch. 38: Awake
Ch. 39: Talking Things Out
Ch. 40: Couples
Ch. 41: Couples pt. 2
Ch. 42: Finally Discharged

Ch. 33: Promise

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By JHPixelizedJM

Moonbin’s POV
The next day

I open my eyes and suddenly find myself face to face with Y/N. Well, not really face to face, but her face is definitely just inches from mine! I quickly sit up when I suddenly notice our hands. Our fingers are intertwined. I look at Y/N and notice that she’s asleep, sitting on the floor with her head on the couch with a soft smile on her lips. I sigh as I look at her with worry.

Won’t she feel any pain when she wakes up?

I then gently pull my hand away from hers, get off the couch, carry her off the ground, then gently let her lie down on the couch. I smile as I level my face with hers as I sit on the floor beside the couch and look at her. Suddenly, her eyes start to open.

Your POV

I open my eyes and suddenly realize that I’m lying down. I look around drowsily and notice that I’m still in the living room. Suddenly, I notice Moonbin looking at me with a sweet smile on his face.

Moonbin: Morning!

My eyes widen and I quickly sit up. Moonbin then looks at me with a surprised look.

Moonbin: What’s wrong? You are okay, right?

Y/N: H-how did I get on the couch?

Moonbin’s expression turns to realization and he smiles shyly as he looks away and places his hand on the back of his neck.

Moonbin: I actually brought you there. I thought you would probably hurt somewhere if you stayed in the position you were in a while ago, even though you've already been like that since last night.

I look away from Moonbin.

Y/N: Oh... T-thanks, I guess...

Moonbin: By the way...

Suddenly, Moonbin holds his hand out towards me and I turn to him to see that he’s standing, looking at me with a sweet smile on his face.

Moonbin: To be honest, I feel too tired to cook breakfast today. Wanna have breakfast with me somewhere else?

I look at him with wide eyes and he continues to smile sweetly at me. The next thing I know, we’re at the cafe at the intersection where we used to part ways back in high school.


At the cafe

I’m seated across Moonbin, my back to the huge glass window that shows the outside everything that’s going on inside. We’re drinking coffee while waiting for our food and I’m just sipping on my coffee to avoid a conversation with Moonbin. Meanwhile, in my frequent glaces at Moonbin, it looks like he’s just waiting for me to start a conversation as he keeps glancing towards me too. I sigh internally then set my mug down.

Y/N: By the way...

Moonbin: By the way, how’d you get me home?

My eyes widen and I look at Moonbin who looks at me with a curious look in his eyes.

Y/N: I-I... well... Minhyuk helped bring you home in his car.

Moonbin: Oh... well, I guess I’ll have to thank him soon, then.

Suddenly, I start to feel annoyed as I look at Moonbin. He’s even acting oblivious to me after everything I went through last night.

Y/N: Yah, I took ca-

Moonbin: Thanks for taking care of me, too, though.

I stop when he suddenly speaks and suddenly feel my face get hot. A serious look is on his face as he continues sipping from his coffee.

What the- Is he doing this on purpose?!

I start to feel annoyed again as he looks at me with a blank expression.

Moonbin: Is there a problem?

I give Moonbin an annoyed look then look away while lifting my mug.

Y/N: Nothing.

Moonbin: Are you upset that I’m suddenly becoming cold and indifferent?

My eyes widen and I almost spill my coffee as I turn back to Moonbin. He’s smiling playfully yet sweetly now and I almost drop my mug onto the table with so much force that it would crack.

Y/N: Yah! Do you find it funny to be playing with me like this?

Moonbin’s expression turns to surprise and I quickly stand up.

Y/N: I’m sure you can go home alone after you have your breakfast. Don’t mind me. I’ll just have breakfast at my own home.

Moonbin: Huh? W-wait!

I start to walk away but Moonbin suddenly grabs my wrist, making me stop.

Moonbin: I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to play with your feelings at all!

I stop, but I still won’t look at Moonbin. He’s still holding my wrist.

Moonbin: Please don’t go. I can’t eat alone when I’m in public places.

I start to feel his grip on my wrist loosen. Seconds later, he lets go of my hand.

Moonbin: I’m just not used to it.

I sigh then turn around and sit back down without looking at Moonbin.

Y/N: Fine. I’ll stay.

I glance at Moonbin and see his face light up as he sits back down across me. Soon, our food arrives and we finish eating then head out of the cafe.

Moonbin: So... are you going to work today?

Y/N: I guess I don’t have a choice.

I then look at Moonbin and smile briefly.

Y/N: You should stay at home for now. I’m sure Jisoo-unnie will understand.

I then start to walk towards my home to prepare for work when Moonbin suddenly grabs my wrist again.

Moonbin: Y/N...

I freeze for a moment, then turn to Moonbin while smiling gently.

Y/N: Don’t worry. I’ll come visit you after work and we can finish talking after that.

Moonbin looks at me pleadingly for a while, but then slowly lets go of my hand. He then smiles gently at me but I can still see sadness in his eyes.

Moonbin: Promise me.

My eyes widen at Moonbin’s words.

Moonbin: Promise me you won’t leave me again.

I look at Moonbin with a surprised expression for a while, then smile reassuringly at him as I walk towards him. When I reach him, I stand on my toes as I place a kiss on Moonbin’s cheek. His eyes widen as I pull back, smiling at him.

Y/N: Don’t worry. I won’t. Besides, you’re the one who left, remember?

I smile playfully at Moonbin who’s still looking at me with wide eyes. Suddenly, he smiles as he bends towards me and places a kiss on my lips. My eyes widen as our lips touch and I look at Moonbin with wide eyes as he pulls back. He’s smiling playfully as he pulls back and our eyes meet.

Moonbin: Don’t worry. I won’t leave this time... I promise.

Y/N: Yah!

I hit Moonbin’s arm and he laughs playfully as I do so. Meanwhile, my face is getting hot and I look at Moonbin with an annoyed look.

Y/N: You shouldn’t have done that!

Moonbin: Oh, come on. You kissed me first.

Y/N: That was on the cheek!

Moonbin laughs again and I just pout at him.

Moonbin: Alright, I’m sorry. Just go prepare for work already before you’re late.

Moonbin places his hand on my head and ruffles my hair. My heart starts pounding as he does this, but I quickly step back so he wouldn’t be able to reach me.

Y/N: Alright, I’m going now. Take care of yourself. Don’t work too much if your head still hurts.

Moonbin smiles sweetly then nods and I smile as I turn around and walk towards my house.


At the office
Yeonjun’s POV

I’m at my office, supposedly working on the promotion of our product, but I can’t really focus at all. I glance towards the window that shows the hallway outside for the 100th time this day.

Y/N still hasn’t arrived.

I then start to get irritated as I stand up from my desk.

Yeonjun: Aish! This is driving me crazy! Where is Y/N, anyway? It’s not right for her to be late.

I sigh frustratedly then walk towards the door.

I’ll just check her office. Maybe she already passed by but I didn’t notice.

As I open my door and step out, however, I see Y/N walking through the hallway, just arriving for work. She then looks at me and a look of surprise forms on her face as our eyes meet.

Your POV

Y/N: Hmm? You look like you’re going somewhere.

I look at Yeonjun with a surprised look and his eyes widen. He then places his hand on the back of his neck awkwardly and looks away.

Yeonjun: Ah, well... I was actually going to check on you...

My eyes widen as he says that and Yeonjun glances at me.

Yeonjun: I was worried that something had happened to you since it’s not really usual for you to be late for work.

Y/N: Oh...

I look down at my feet then look back at Yeonjun and smile.

Y/N: Well, don’t worry about me. I’m here now, aren’t I?

Yeonjun looks at me with a surprised look again and I start to continue walking to my office.

Y/N: I’ll be going to my office, now.

As I walk past Yeonjun, however, he suddenly turns to me and grabs my wrist.

Yeonjun: Y/N, wait!

I turn back to Yeonjun as he grabs my wrist and a confused look forms on my face.

Y/N: Yeah?

Yeonjun: C-can we talk? After work?

I then fully turn to Yeonjun.

Y/N: Depends. Is it gonna be for a long time?

Yeonjun: I-it’s only for a while. Is that okay with you?

I see a somewhat pleading look in Yeonjun’s eyes, and so I can’t help but nod my head.

Y/N: Okay.

Yeonjun’s face lights up a little as he slowly lets go of my hand. I then smile and continue going to my office.

Yeonjun’s POV

As soon as Y/N is out of sight, I breathe a sigh of relief and place my hand on my chest. My heart is pounding loudly, and it has been since I saw Y/N when I left my office.

I hope she didn’t notice... but she’ll definitely know soon.

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