Wild Child

By andrianna_c

11.9K 167 45

What happens when your new next door neighbor is the bad boy to your bad girl? Dylan Justice is still trying... More

So There's This Guy
Singing In the Car
Someone's Fallin' For Me
The Girls
Daytime Sucks
Drunk Confessions
Kristy and Hunter?!
The Date: Part 1
The Date: Part 2
I'll Call Her Angel
Detention Buddies
Let's Just Be Friends
Is She Okay?
We Basically Live Here
Thug Life?
20 Questions
Dinner "Date?"
Skatepark Coincidence
Field Trip
So Tumblr
More Memories
Confession Time
Author's Note
She's Got Skill
Mr. Olpo Hates Me
Study Buddy
What To Do
The One Night Stand
Why Are You Here
Something's 'Fishy'
I Live For The Night
It's Crazy Here
You Are The Music In Me
Everything's Perfect
Visiting Dad
Mall Day
Getting Ready
Prom Night
The End?
More Annoying Notes From Me

Mystery Girl

367 5 0
By andrianna_c

|Cameron's POV|

I wake up to the bright, morning light streaming through the big window on the other side of Hunter's guest bedroom, which I basically live in. The other side of the bed is unmade and I smell some girl's perfume. Then out of nowhere this massive headache hits me and I fall back into the pillow groaning.

Then I remember today is Saturday so we wouldn't have to go to school. That's good cause I'd probably sleep through all my classes. I suddenly remember what happened before I ended up in here.


Parties are one of my weaknesses. I have to go to them. They make me feel like a whole different guy. Way different from the guy I was before.....

The music was playing and the drinks and drugs were flowing. I was dancing with some girl and then I saw her and her friends walk in.

I was drunk so I didn't see who she was I only saw that she was gorgeous and looking hot tonight. She walked straight to the dance floor, a few people away from me and this girl.

About 10 minutes later, she went into the kitchen to I assume grab a drink. She came back with a red cup in her hands. She drank it all like she was chugging it down as a dare.

Then she continued to dance. The girl who I was originally dancing with said she was going to be right back, so I took this as my chance to go dance with this girl.

I walked up behind her and put my hands on her waist. She just kept dancing until I spun her around. She stood there wide-eyed and suprised. I told her I wanted to 'go upstairs' if you know what I mean (A/N: wink wink ;)).

She said she'd come so I started leading her to the guest bedroom. We walked in and she closed the door behind her and she gently pushed me onto the bed. She told me that I should get some sleep and I realized that she didn't want to sleep with me.

She started shuffling nervously to the door but before she could leave I snatched her hand and pulled her onto the bed next to me.
"Please don't go?" I begged.

"Okay I'll stay." She said with a smile.
I made her smile.
"Can I tell you something?" I asked.
"Go ahead." She responded.
"I think I-."

"Cammmmmm!" Hunter sings, ending my flashback.
"What the hell dude!" I groan as he pulls the covers off of me.
"Come on, my mom made us waffles, your favorite." He explains.

"Really?!" I ask like a little kid aloud to get a new toy.
"Yeah, you go eat." He says, as I stand up.
"I'll be down in a bit, I'm gonna go grab you some Advil for that headache." He says.

"Okay." I say, heading down the stairs and into the kitchen now smelling of waffles and maple syrup.
"Mornin' Cameron." Mrs. Rodriguez smiles as she closes the waffle iron and spins around.

She knew it was me without even looking at me. Let me tell you again, I stay here a lot. "Morning Laurie." I reply. I don't call her Mrs. Rodriguez because she says it makes her feel old.
Cliché parent right there.

She hands me a plate of waffles with maple syrup topped with butter and berries.

"Thank you so much Laur." I say. It makes her feel even more young so she gleams.
"You are welcome darling." She says. While eating I can't help but want to know who I slept with last night (A/N: Not the way you think guys;)). It's almost like I'm on the search for Cinderella.


Hola amigos/amigas. Just here writing and eating dinner. Is that normal? Eh whatever the picture to the side is Hunter. What is with all the winkey faces in this part? ;) Hope ya like! Later alligators! God I'm weird.

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