Iruma x reader || Welcome to...

By FantaStar9

112K 3.3K 1.4K

You get into the school babylus at the same as Iruma and the rest. Already known by everyone but Iruma as the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
The spin-Off we are the main characters of the demon world
Circus - Lindsay Mendez
Collard Greens
I'm sponsoring my side story!

Chapter 11

2.8K 98 12
By FantaStar9

Luckily enough Sullivan stoped time, which weirdly enough didn't affect me or Iruma, as time started up again all the small meteors started to spin everyone still believing this was our surprise.

By doing this all the small meteor evaded the school and went down the abyss, I released my sigh of relief. It looked like beautiful glittery explosions surrounded the school.

I still held the unconscious Iruma who weirdly enough hadn't woken up to all this noise. In the end I had to give him to Sullivan. Don't now why but he said "I wanted my dear grandson back." I then handed him to Sullivan.

-time skip-

When Iruma showed up on Sullivan's shoulders we all cheered. He ended up waving at us after Sullivan waved at us. Sullivan flew down and landed in front of all of us with Iruma still on his shoulder as he held his legs.

Ameri ran up to Iruma and bowed happily. As she explained her happiness about the fireworks he made, then everyone else realised he made them and became even more excited.

I was still so sad about not being able of helping to make the fireworks but they were beautiful so that made me happier.

-another time skip-

Everyone's very excited about they're family arriving... I sighed sadly perfectly knowing my family won't be arriving if I can't even remember what happened to him.

Clara's family came and sung an entire song as they introduced themselves, then they had an entire performance.

I just found it enjoyable they had a drawing of the eldest son. They then sprinted off while yelling in sync "off we go!" I was smiling and then asked "why did they have a drawing of the eldest son?"

Iruma and Azz shrugged due to my question, out of nowhere this female Azz appeared "Alice-chan!" She yelled three dots appeared before us as I quickly turned to Azz "Alice-chan!!!" I yelled shocked at the reveal of his name.

His mom then started to talk to me for a short time about seduction magic and then to Iruma about how Alice only talks about him and the firework.

Alice not wanting to be embarrassed anymore pushed his mom away form Iruma to meet our seduction teacher who was her student.

Me and Iruma where then left alone "I'm so jealous." I said sadly "I don't even know where my father is and my aunt and uncle are with my niece." My sadness spread like wild fire as I fell to the floor on my knees when Iruma also left with his family.

"I'm so depressingly alone~" I said to myself, I ended up just going to food stores after voting for Iruma's batler becaus you were allowed to do that throughout the festivity.

I ate all the foods I like, the chocolate bananas, the hell peppers, caramel Devi-apples, boba and a sin sucker.

I walked around while thinking of my father and also watching other batler performances. 'I wonder if my father wants his throne back or for me to take it I know somewhere on the campus my mom and dad their thrones from this school are seated.'

Envy came out of my necklace and sat down on my shoulder.

"Shouldn't you stay hidden." I muttered softly as they moved their legs back and forth.

"Nope." They turned their outfit into pants and shirt as I placed them in my hands. "If anyone sees you they might experiment on you..." they chuckled and then said "I'll just return to you're necklace."

"If it really turns super bad you can turn into someone else." We walked passed another family "I'm so envious, I wish i had an actual family to feel such a bond."

I sighed as well and nodded to them as the thought of my father holding my hand flashed before my eyes. I bit my lip as tears threatened to come out of my eyes.

"I really wish he was here..." I ended up bumping into the back of Sullivan I got rid of my tears before any of them could notice them and greeted them all.

Iruma clapped his hands together "come with us Y/n." He grabbed my hand and dragged me along with their family trio without my permission.

I won two games and then stopped playing. I saw Opera's strenght as he won all those games and Kalego-sensei quickly walking away when he spotted Opera-san.

I gave Iruma one of my toys as a gift even if he already had thousands, he smiled happily while hugging the gift I gave him.

On the speaker we were told that all the votes were counted but still had to wait for the announcement from the vice-president, my cousin.

"We will now begin the excellent Batler Award Ceremony!"

She said into the microphone as I adored her dress. "You all did amazing, I'm very happy that this year ended up being another grand and joyous affair. Now let us move on to the awards."

"On third place is... the you did you're best award. The succubus batler!"

"Badump!" all members said in sync, my cousin continued speaking.

"During the Party Eve and Party Day they used their elegance to keep the event lively, which got them their votes. As their prize they will be receiving a luxurious club room."

I was sitting with the rest of the student council still gushing about her outfit.

"Second place is the wow prize!" She said just as excited "the new magic batler!"

I started to whip on my chair "who did you vote for?" One of the student council members asked me. "I voted for Iruma's, I really liked the fireworks they made.

"The new magic batler has a magic experience corner and expanded on the development on of magic via the student body. Their new magic was a sight to behold..."

I started to blank out as I thought more of my father.

"Would you like to visit more realms darling?"

"Yes papa!"

"Well then let's go to the nephlims, you're mother was a nephlim after all."

"She was!"

"Yes she was you're half Nephlim, so, let's meet them." I was jumping up and down as a bright light covered the two of us as Sullivan schook his head at the sight of us.

My father chuckled as he then said "we'll be back soon Sullivan take care of the place okay?" Sullivan nodded as the bright light of pa-father's magic consumed us.

I looked back up to see Iruma's batler sadly hadn't won. I pouted sadly as the rest of the student council patted my back for my loss.

I sighed sadly and looked back up. Even so their group got awarded for their huge fireworks that Iruma caused. I was super excited and so was Ameri weirdly enough.

I only know she and Iruma read manga's together... probably because she's worried about her stude- I started to ramble to myself unendlessly inside my head as I kept clapping.

-next day-

"Wasn't you're plan to stay in the shade Iruma?" I asked walking next to him as most of the student spoke about his tricky award. He sighed as he kept thanking everyone who congratulated him for the prize.

No I mean wherever we went they spoke about how quickly his rank was going up it was hilarious.

"Iruma wanna hang out today?" I asked, I had nothing else to do and Iruma also didn't have anything (that I knew of) to do so hanging out would be smart.

Iruma agreed and we had a pleasant talk at school grounds as only some now spoke about his prize, he ended up being called to the student council room so that ended out hang out as my cousin appeared out of nowhere and said "training..." in a slow pattern as I screamed and tried to escape.

They held me by the back of my shirt and dragged me with them to patrol the school. "Oh demon king why?!" I screamed to none in particular as she dragged me off.

To be continued...

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