Refuge (Vampire Diaries/ Teen...

By fangirl_617

348K 8.3K 1.5K

Lily Gilbert had had enough. Everyone she ever loved is dead. With the help of an original she runs away...on... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Please stop and think
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 15

10K 277 18
By fangirl_617

"Shit!" I curse. Crazy Kate and the cops hot on my trail. I press harder on the gas and make a swift turn hoping to throw them off but they keep following.

"Jesus!" Scott yells.

"Nope only Lily." I say with a smirk.

"I still don't get why she's the one that got to drive." Stiles says pouting in the backseat.

"Because I'm the only one out of the three of us Derek trusts knucklehead. Besides this isn't my first time pushing the speed limit." I say doing an almost donut and driving in a different direction.

"That doesn't make me feel any better, we're still going to die!" Scott says.

"He's in the ironworks!" Stiles says behind us.

"Have a little faith Scott." I smile over at him before twisting the wheel and hearing the satisfying thump of both the boys heads hitting the windows. "There he is." I yell zeroing in on Derek's form. "open the door Stiles." I say as Derek makes a jump for the car

"I almost had him." Derek shouts in anger.

"Who the alpha?" Stiles asks.

"Yes! He was right in front of me when the freaking police showed up!"

"Woah hey they're just doing their jobs." Stiles replies defending his dad.

"Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the state."

"Wait I thought fugitives were only minors..." I say.

"Can we seriously get past that?" Scott asks exasperatedly. I sigh. I was totally ignored. "I made a dumbass mistake I get it."

"Alright!" Stiles says flailing.

"How did you find the big bad wolf?" I ask for both of us. Derek doesn't answer. Only turns his head.

"Can you try to trust us for at least half a second." Scott pleads.

"Yeah all of us." Stiles perks up. Derek gives him a glare and he sinks back into his seat. "Or just them."

"The last time I talked to my sister she was close to figuring something out. She found to things. One was a guy named Harris."

"Our chemistry teacher?" Stiles and I question at the same time before laughing.

"Why him?" Asks Scott.

"I don't know yet." Derek says frustratedly.

"What's the second thing Derek?" I ask.

"Some kind of symbol." He says pulling out a piece of paper. We all look at it before looking away. Crap. "What?" He questions.

"We've seen that before." I say.

"On a necklace..." Scott trails off. "Allison's necklace." Well shit. I say before stepping on the gas to get everyone home.
I walk next to Lydia in the hills of Beacon High. Her heels clacking against the ground in a rhythmic serenade while my converse continuously trip over themselves.

"I don't know." she says twirling a strand of hair between her dainty fingers. "Jackson's been closed off recently and hanging out with Allison a lot."

"He's probably just trying to be better friends with her." I say calmly. "We both know she didn't like him and maybe he's just trying to make being such a jerk to you up to you."

"No. Jackson's not like that. He's been cold to me. He's ignoring me. I don't know Lily." I sigh and look around the hall seeing Jackson approach Scott with an evil look. "I'm not the best girlfriend for boy talk Lydia." I say as I run my eyes over the halls finding Allison quickly. "But Allison knows what she's talking about." I say pushing Lydia to her and walking to Scott.

"What was that about?" I ask once jackson's gone.

"Jackson knows." Scott tells me, his voice strained and slightly scared.

"Knows what?" Scott looks at me like I'm the stupidest person on planet earth.

"He knows." He accentuates.

"Oh. Crap! Okay go find Stiles." I demand grabbing his arm and pushing him away from the lockers. He looks at me confused. "Go on little wolf. I have other friends besides the two of you." I say before walking back to Lydia and Allison. Allison looks at me sadly knowing I just talked to Scott. I offer her a sad smile before looking over at Lydia as she says my name.

"We need to go dress shopping for the formal!!" She squeals.

"Oh Lydia I don't think I'm going to go." I say.

"What? You have to go! We all have to go and look beautiful and make everyone drop on their knees and sing us praises!" I laugh at her far fetched imagination.

"Lydia." I say more seriously. "I can't go." I say looking her in the eyes. I'm not sure if my body would be able to handle all the heat and dancing. I have a chemo sessions the day before. The flashing lights could cause me to have a seizure too.

"Okay fine but when we go shopping you're coming with us!" She demands before strutting back down the hall expecting me and Allison to follow.

"After the Queen the loyal ladies go." I say smiling aside to Allison. She laughs and we pick up our pace to catch up to Lydia.
I walk down the hall during free period and sigh in boredom. Jackson is suck a jackass. I can't believe he threatened Scott at lunch. I just want to stick my sparkly pen in his jugular. I stop in my tracks when see Lydia yelling at Jackson's retreating form.

"Lydia?" I ask running up to her.

"He broke up with me..." she trails off her big doe eyes wide and watery. "He called me dead weight he had to drop." She says trying not to cry.

"Oh Lydia..." I flashback to our conversation this morning. "Want me to kick him in the balls?" I ask trying to make her laugh.

"No." She says pouting.

"Want me to punch Allison in the boob?" I ask and she cracks a smile. "Want me to kick Jackson in the balls while simultaneously punching Allison in the boob?" I question finally making her laugh. "Come on. Let's get to class." I say wrapping an arm around her and walking to biology.
"Lily stop changing my stations!" Stiles complains grumpily in the drivers seat of the jeep.

"Shut up my music is wonderful!" I tell him.

"Yeah but it's slow and boring." He throws back dragging the end out slowly.

"You just can't appreciate the beauty in it!"

"I'll appreciate the beauty in it when you finally watch batman with me." He says with a smirk.

"I want to Stiles I've just been kind of busy."

"I know." He sighs. "People keep stealing you away when you need some Stiles time." He pouts.

"No I think they're stealing me away when you need Lily time." I smirk.

"Can't deny that." he says, his cheeks a soft shade of pink.

"We can watch it today." I tell him and he immediately grins.

"Yes! You're going to love it I know you will!" He says pulling into his driveway and jumping out of the car. I'm about to open my own door when he runs to my side of the car and opens it for me. He offers a hand to help me out and I take it blushing slightly.

"Thanks Robin." I say to him.

"You're welcome.... Wait Robin? I wanna be batman!" He complains following me into his house.

New chapter! Hope you like it. My creativity kind of fizzled out in the end. Tell me what you think!

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