It's Complicated (Kagari x Re...

By Saraez_1243

47.4K 1.3K 446

In a world in which you're judged by your Psycho-Pass, whom do you believe? A machine or a person? When you... More

Chapter 1: First Day
Chapter 2 : More than a Subordinate
Chapter 3 : Another Damn Killer
Chapter 4 : Nomen Fratris Mei
Chapter 5 : The Butterfly Effect
Chapter 6 : A Brother Long Lost
Chapter 7 : A Love I Can't Admit
Chapter 9 : Last One Standing
Chapter 10: Alone Again
Chapter 11: Betrayed By Trust
Chapter 12: Lets Run Away Together
Authors Note (Please Read)

Chapter 8 : We Meet Again

2.7K 87 17
By Saraez_1243

You nervously stood in front of the door to Kagaris apartment, wondering if you'd be disturbing him or not. But ultimately, you decided to just get it over with and to stop stalling. And as soon as you had entered the apartment, you were greeted with the sight of Kagari cooking some dinner. You smiled at the enforcer while walking toward the counter next to him.

Kagari looked over to you proudly, "Don't worry, it'll be done in a second."

You smiled at him as you started setting the table. After you had finished setting the table, you got a text from Akane saying that Shougo Makishima had been arrested, and that he was currently being held in the medical ward. Your eyes widened as you tried not to panic. 

...That's impossible... Brother has never been caught... I have to help him but it would be suspicious if I left as soon as I got the text... But I can't just eat dinner and act as if nothing is wrong... what if he's hurt?...

Kagari, having yet to notice your worry, proudly put the dinner down onto the table. But as he then looked at you, concern was visible in his eyes, "(Y/N)? Are you okay? You look pale."

While walking over to him you stated, "Shusagi I have to go, I'll be back soon and I'll explain why later." As you were about to leave Kagari grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a tight hug, "Don't be away too long, okay?" You smiled as you pulled away, "I promise I'll be back before the food gets cold."

He smirked at you and said, "It's a deal."

After leaving Kagaris apartment you texted Toma a message telling him to turn off the security cameras in Makishimas room. He immediately replied saying, "Of course." ... At least something's going well...

You entered the room where Makishima was in and as you opened the door you saw him lying on a bed, unconscious. You sighed in relief since it looked like he had no severe injuries. While looking to see if the cameras had been shut off you heard the door open behind you. You nearly saluted Toma since he still looked like the head of the MWPSB, "Oh it's just you, Toma."

He smirked and said, "Just?" You rolled your eyes while lightly punching him, "Exactly, but Toma do you mind leaving me alone with Shougo for a while?" Toma nodded and left the room, "I'll be waiting outside, in case you need me."

You sat down on the chair beside Makishimas bed. You took his hand and cupped it in your own while weakly smiling. ... I wish you were awake... we haven't spoken in so long... Kogami must've done this... He only causes problems for us... I'd kill him if you weren't so eager to kill him yourself...

After a few minutes you heard Shougo groan as he placed his hand on his forehead. As he began to sit up you hugged him tightly, a few tears of joy running down your cheeks.

You pulled away smiling as you stated, "Shougo, I'm so glad you're okay!"Shougo looked around the room, "Where are we?" "In the medical ward of the MWPSB. I got so worried when I heard you got captured! What happened?"

He turned to look into your eyes, "Kogamis partner beat me over the head with something hard." ... Akane?... She did this to you?... Kogami must've told her too or something... I refuse to believe she'd hurt him just to be violent...

Shougo then smiled and continued, "But on the upside we get to see each other again. It's been so long, (Y/N). Just look at how my little sister has grown." You blushed in slight embarrassment as you retorted with, "Well you've changed a lot in the last 3 years too. Beside the few phone calls we had I never heard from you..."

He looked at you worried, "Are you alright?" While continuing to smile, another tear escaped your eye, "We see each other so rarely...Why couldn't we just be a normal family?" Shougo slightly glared at you and replied, "You know why."

...The Sibyl System wanted to punish me for something I couldn't control... But then Father created the pill that hid my Psycho Pass... Regardless, we could've been a normal family but...

You looked down at your feet, "Is there a way I could help more? After we get rid of the Sibyl System everything will get better, right?" He smiled at you again and replied, "Of course, then people wouldn't be categorized anymore. The criminals who haven't committed any crimes would be given their rightful freedom."

You hugged him then started heading toward the door. A few feet away from the door you turned around and looked him in the eyes, "Promise me that you won't die, you're my only family left. I don't want to lose you too."

Shougo smiled at you warmly and said, "I promise and don't worry, after I escape I'll call you when I can and we'll discuss how you can help more." You were overjoyed as you said, "Thank you, Shougo!"

After you had left you saw Toma walk in and close the door behind him. You looked at your watch and saw that Kagari had been alone in his apartment for half an hour. You quickly ran back to his apartment and rudely barged in.

You walked over to him sitting at the table, "I'm sorry that I was away so long." He shrugged and answered, "It's okay. But it's your own fault that your food is cold now." ... Hmm, he's not acting childishly... What's he planning?...

You smiled at him and while eating your now cold dinner. As soon as you had finished eating you looked down at his wrist where the metal bracelet was. While putting away your plate you asked, "Why do you have that metal bracelet anyways?"

He sighed and looked down at the bracelet, "It tracks where we enforcers go, it's a safety measure." You sighed in disappointment. ... Shougo is right, people like Shusagi are punished for crimes they haven't committed yet... who said they'd even commit crimes to begin with?... I would've been tracked too if it weren't for Father...

As he put away his plate you hugged him from behind and said, "I'm so sorry that things are like this are forced onto you." Kagari turned around so that your head was lying on his chest, "Don't be, I would've never met you if I hadn't become an enforcer."

You pulled away and smiled at him, "I guess everything has an upside." The enforcer playfully shrugged and said, "I guess, I'm just a glass half-full guy."

While rolling your eyes you walked over to the sofa and sat down. Kagari sat down next to you and placed his arm around you. You raised your eyebrow as Kagari said, "(Y/N)..." "Yes?" you asked while grinning.

He started rubbing the back of his neck again, "I like you a lot." ... I wonder if he means like a friend?... But why tell that to a friend?... You blushed and said, "I like you a lot too. You're one of the best friends I've had in a while."

Kagari started blushing wildly as he corrected his previous statement, "I mean I like you as more than a friend."

While looking into his brown eyes, you were flushed with a pool of emotions. You were happy, relieved and flustered. Kagari quickly broke eye contact while rubbing the back of his neck. You looked down at your hands, continuing to blush, "I like you that way too..."

The enforcer looked toward you, smiling like crazy. You returned his gaze while smiling back. ... I'm so happy... Who cares what the others will think?... It doesn't concern them anyways... As soon as the Sibyl System is destroyed they'll have to accept it either way...

You both leaned in for a kiss as he placed his and onto your cheek while placing the other onto your hip. While wrapping your arms around his neck, he gently placed his lips onto yours. You closed your eyes while trying to enjoy this moment for as long as you could. After pulling away you cuddled with him for a while.

As your head lay on his chest you heard him ask, "(Y/N)... do you want to make a deal?" ... I guess that's why he tried not to be mad at me for coming late...

You looked into his eyes, "Sure..." He started grinning at you, "We play mortal combat, if you win you get to be my girlfriend and if I win I get to be your boyfriend."

You rolled your eyes while lifting yourself off of his chest, "Deal." He got out the controllers and turned on the system. After playing a few rounds you sighed since you lost 3 out of 5 rounds.

Kagari looked over to you and said, "I win so I get to be your boyfriend now." You pretended to pout while replying, "My dearest boyfriend only won because he's a cheater."

He faked a gasp, "Well then I guess I should make it up to you." While smirking you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him close to you, "I'll take some of your sweets and a kiss."

Kagari chuckled and kissed you. After he had given you the sweets he put in the movie Die Hard. You groaned as you said, "Oh come on! Not again!" He smirked and sat down beside you, "Well too bad, you're trapped!"


Kagari interrupted you by tightly wrapping his arms around your waist. You couldn't stop laughing or blushing while struggling to get out of his grip. He started chuckling, "Struggle is futile!"

You rolled your eyes as the movie started. After a few minutes you began to doze off into his arms. ... I'm so glad Kagari likes me too but... would he stay with me if he knew Shougo is my brother?... Would he love me knowing that I've killed people so that'll they won't spread what they've seen or heard?...

While thinking about today you slowly started to fall asleep in Kagaris arms. As your eyes began to close you couldn't help but smile.

You opened your eyes to notice that you were in another room. While getting out of the bed you walked over to the only door in the room. You walked through to see the living room and Kagari sleeping on the couch. ... Kagari let me sleep on his bed while he slept on the sofa...

You walked over to the bathroom and took a shower. After taking a shower you put on your clothes and started making breakfast in the kitchen. A few minutes after starting to make breakfast Kagari lazily entered the kitchen and hugged you from behind.  While giggling Kagari placed his head on your shoulder, "I love you, (Y/N)." You blushed while continuing to cook, "I love you too, Kagari."

As soon as the both of you had finished breakfast, you went back to the division one headquarters with Kagari. Ginoza stated that he had an announcement so you both quickly sat down at your desks. 

Ginoza cleared his throat, "Our division isn't permitted to further investigate Shougo Makishima and Kogami is temporarily dismissed." ... Looks like Toma is pulling some strings...

Kogamis eyes widened as he questioned, "Why not? And why am I being dismissed?" Ginoza turned his gaze to Kogami, "It's Joshu Kaseis order and now our official assignment is that we're supposed to get the riots in control."

After Inspector Ginoza had explained the rest, Kogami stormed out of the room. Akane sighed in disbelief but stayed seated nonetheless. Inspector Ginoza walked out of the office frustrated, while claiming we had the rest of the day off. ... I wonder if this means Shougo has already escaped? I could always check...

You stood up and walked over to Akane, "Hey... do you know if Shougo is still in the medical ward?" Akane shrugged and replied, "I don't know, why do you ask?"

"I'm just curious", you smiled at her. ... I guess I'll have to check myself... Kagari suddenly grabbed your waist turning you to face him, you blushed as he gave you a quick kiss. You felt Akanes eyes widen as she asked, "What are you doing, Kagari?!"

You pulled away while holding Kagaris hand, "We're officially dating." Kagari looked so proud that it made you smile. You looked toward Akane who was visibly shocked, "But he's an enforcer..."

Kagari then looked a bit sad while averting his eyes. You smiled at Akane, "So? I love him, I don't see a problem with that."

You felt Kagari look down at you, smiling and whispering, "Thanks." ... Thanks for what?...

Akane stood up and said, "I guess you're right, there isn't any law against it and as long as it makes you happy I'll support you 100%!" You hugged Akane and thanked her. After she left the office and you were alone with Kagari, you asked, "Thanks for what?"

He looked into your (e/c) eyes and answered, "Thanks for not leaving me. She does have a point though, I'm an enforcer and you're an inspector." You placed your hand onto his cheek and said, "I love you the way you are and that won't change any time soon."

Kagari smiled at you as you pulled away, "but I've got to go check on something, I'll see you later Shusagi!" The enforcer rolled his eyes while stating, "You always leave so soon." "I'll be back, don't worry."

After arriving in the medical ward you looked for Makishimas room. You opened the door to see your brother on top of Toma breaking his artificial limbs. You pulled Makishima off of Toma, "What the hell, Shougo?!"

He looked at you and bluntly said, "He wants me to become a part of the Sibyl System." ... Would he betray us like that? I thought working for the Sibyl System was a facade! And why would he even ask Makishima to join him?...

Your eyes widened in shock as you looked at Toma, "Is that true?" Toma silently nodded, confirming your fears. You sighed in disappointment, "Shougo you should escape while you can, I'll deal with this."

Shougo nodded and quickly hugged you before running out the door. You crouched down to Toma, "Then I'm going to assume that there are more robots like you." He nodded and begged, "Please... don't kill me." There was a slight delay between his words. You shook your head, "I could never kill you, Toma. But where do I have to bring you to get you... repaired?"

Toma told you to get a bag and then to bring him up to his office. You got the bag as Toma made his head separate from his body. You put his head in the bag and asked, "What should we do with your body? We can't just leave it here!" "Push it... under there... I'll deal... with it... later..."

You complied and after finishing that job you walked up to Tomas office. After entering, Toma told you to place his head on his desk. He scanned his eye and opened a secret elevator, "This should... bring us... there." 

You picked up his head and walked into the elevator. After a few minutes it stopped and the doors opened. You concluded that you were obviously underground due to the lack of light, and windows. 

Toma told you where to go and after arriving at a wall he told you to leave him on the pedestal beside you. You nodded while placing his head onto it. "(Y/N)... thank you... for not... killing me."

You looked down on him, anger still obvious in your expression, "Just don't hurt Shougo." He nodded and asked, "Any other... requests?" "Get a male body, it's getting weird talking to you while you look like Joshu Kasei."

You walked out the way he told you and after you arrived at the lobby of the MWPSB, you decided to go home for a brief moment. As you arrived home you felt watched and you couldn't shake off the feeling. You quickly walked into your apartment and locked the door behind you.

While entering your bathroom you looked for the pills. After finding them you immediately took one and hind the rest of the tube of pills into your pocket. After calming down you went back to HQ to visit Kagari. As you arrived, you finally got rid of the feeling of being watched. ... Am I going crazy?... Perhaps I'm just paranoid... right?...

You walked over to Kagaris apartment and saw him playing video games. The conversation you had with him was a little strange. The enforcerer seemed distant and as if he had no interest to talk with you.

"Kagari... Is something wrong?" you asked, concern in your tone of voice. Kagari, not taking his eyes off of the screen, bluntly replied, "No." You started playing with your hands, "Did something happen today?" He shrugged his shoulders and stated, "Shougo Makishima escaped today."

You nodded as silence filled the room so you ended up leaving a short while after arriving. ... I swear if he acted like that because I came late yesterday I'll... ugh... Maybe he just had a bad day...

Over the next few days Kagari stayed distant and you hadn't heard from Toma either. You silently got frustrated over everything, not letting anyone else catch on. ... Makishima didn't call yet, Kagari's acting weird and I have no idea what the hell Toma is planning...

You got pulled out of your thoughts by your phone ringing loudly. Akane had called and told you that there was a meeting in 5 minutes and that you should hurry to the office. 

You arrived and sat down at your desk as Inspector Ginoza spoke up, "We were assigned to capture Shougo Makishima alive but since Kogami has escaped, he plans on killing him so we'll have to act quickly." ... Kogami has no chance against Shougo... at least I know he'll be okay...

Inspector Ginoza continued to explain that Makishima should be in a factory tomorrow and that we should all get a good nights rest.  You stood up as he started finishing his lecture, "What should be done with Kogami?"

Ginoza turned to look at you and hissed, "We have a Sibyl System, use it." You sat down quietly and as soon as he finished you tapped Kagari on the shoulder. He turned around to face you and said,  "What's up, (Y/N)?"

You played with your hands while asking, "I don't know but... are you purposely avoiding me? I feel like you've been a bit distant these past few days." ... What lousy luck I have, I get to be with the man I love and he starts avoiding me... Freaking Perfect!...

He smiled at you and said, "Sorry, it's just something has been bothering me. It's nothing important though so no worries." You pulled him into a hug and buried your face into his chest, "I thought you were mad at me but maybe I'm just paranoid."

He had a mixed expression on his face, "I'm sorry, don't worry I won't avoid you ever again. I promise." ... So he was avoiding me... I wonder if there is a connection to me feeling watched and Kagari avoiding me... hopefully not....

You kissed him then pulled away, "Then I guess we'll catch Makishima together tomorrow?" The enforcer started rubbing the back of his neck, "Yeah, I guess so."

As you started leaving Kagari grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a hug as he whispered, "I'll always love you, don't ever forget that." He quickly pulled away and left the office. You started heading home after saying goodbye to Akane and the others.

... There's something up... and everyone beside me is in on it... wait...

...what if the thing they're in on is about me?...


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please comment on what you liked or disliked in this chapter!

Have fun and have a lovely day :-)

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