More Reverse Batfam Trash

By Morally_Gray

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--stock photo appreciation-- Sequel to 'Reverse Batfam Trash'. It's kinda what got me started on Wattpad, nd... More

Damian Babysits for the Weekend
Nighty Night Small Bird Child
Boys in Trouble (Part One)
Boys in Trouble (Part Two)
What Are Little Brothers For if Not to Terrorize?
Our Weird Step-Brother Isn't Even Human
Which is the Problem Daughter (Genderbent Robins AU)
Jason Todd's Guide to Babysitting a Five Year Old
Biggest Brother Jay
Femme Robins Travel through Time
Our Weird Step-Brother Still Isn't Human (Part Two)
Family Reunion
Femme Robins Travel through Dimensions
Sneaking Out Like a Star-Crossed lover
Overprotective Brothers VS Bringing a Boy Home
Halloween Night (Chapter One)
Halloween Night (Chapter Two)
Halloween Night (Chapter Three)
Just a Plain Old Hogwarts AU
Very Truly NOT What Wally West Expected
Robin's New Teammate (Impeachment Special)
Robin's New Teammate (Part Two)
Polyamory (Proof That Wayne Boys Simp for Redheads)
He All Grown Up
Very Truly NOT What Willow Expected (Part Two)
Security Blanket
The Baby ...i.e Bruce Wayne: tired mom
Hogwarts AU Part Two!
Bats Babysit the Team
Sidekick SadBoy Hour
The Dumbest, Best, Moron of an Older Brother (i.e Jason Todd)
Damian's Little Brother
Babysitter Jay, his Girlfriend, and their Boyfriend
Jason Graduates Highschool
Sidekick Sadboy Hour Part Two; Mother-Hen Roy Harper
How to Spot ADHD in Young Birds
My Attempt at a Chanukah Special
Bats Vs. Winter (Part One?)
Clash of the Dads
How is This my First Christmas Special?
Laser Tag
Hetero (Birdflash Angst)
Part of the Family (Wally West)
Roy Learns the art of Big Brother-ing
Jason Probably got Inspired by This... (TimKonBart)
Not my World, Still my Family(Part 50!!)
Reverse Superfam?! (Teaching Jon the art of Big Brother-ing)
Not my World, Still my Family (PART 2)
Boy Wonder (Trans AU)
Becoming a Boy (Trans AU)
Coming out to Wally
The Sibling Squad (Part 1)
Sibling Squad (Part 2)
Evaluation Day
Soon-to-be-Stepfamily (Superbat)
Two Dates and a Playdate (Ft. TimBart & JayRoy)
Meta Bats AU
Almost a Member of the Family
Valentine's Snow Day (Dick and the Redheads)
Circa 1966: The Adventures of Batman and the Robins!
High Jason Vs. Drunk Tim
Teen Titans Face off Against Brotherly Love
Brothers Vs. Bullies
Big/Little Brother (Almost a Member of the Family Part 2)
The World's Best Vlog
Teen Tight(an)s "Documentary" episode 13: The Justice Hideout
Spooky Season with the Sirens
Dick's Polyamorous Team-Dating
Dick's PolyTeam (2): Things get Violent
The Stormy Sleepover
Mother's Day with Alfred Pennyworth
Another New Friend
Fluffy Baby Drabbles
Little Wing
Big Bad Bat's Baby Bat-Birds (Part 1?)
Pride with Your Baby Brother's friends (Part 1?)
You'll Always Be Our Little Brother
Pride vs. The Press
Pride Vs. The Press (part 2)
Bats Go Live!!!
Big/Little Brother Turns One!
Bedtime for Big Bat's Baby Bat-Birds (part 2)
Batbros Social Media (Gay Edition)
Super For the Weekend
More Deaged Dickie Drabbles
The Suffering of a Middle-Child
Duke's Night out
Frankenstein's Monster
The Fog that Overtook Wayne Manor
The "Haunted" Doll
They're Creepy and They're Kooky...
BatGirl Begins
Trick-or-Treat! (Black Cat's Bad Luck)
Stormy Sleepover Part Two

The BEST Big Brother (The Baby Boye returns)

2K 60 19
By Morally_Gray

-A lot of you seemed to really like the part with our baby boy, so here's some more of that content-

Jason skipped downstairs for breakfast. He stopped at his little brother's booster seat high chair. "Hi Dick!" He reached up and booped the infant's nose, surprising the little boy. "Hi Bruce!" Jason passed his father and hopped up and sat on a chair, reaching out to grab himself some pancakes.

Bruce downed his whole cup of coffee. Being a parent was exhausting. He had a parental visitation rights dispute with Talia, He had a meeting with Jason's teacher later because Jay had... Done something Bruce didn't remember, Tim had been refusing to eat all week, and on top of all that, Bruce had barely slept since he had to get up with the baby every few hours.

Bruce got up to get more coffee before Tim beat him to it. 

"Daddy!" Dick squealed as his father passed. 

"Dickie." Bruce replied tiredly. Dick had started calling for him frequently as he began to grasp the language.

Jason took a big bite of pancake and leaned across the table. "Learn to say my name." He said. "Jason, or Jay or something."

"You realize that if he tries to say your name, he'll probably say 'Yay', or 'gay', right?" Tim rounded the corner into the dining room after stealing the last of the coffee.

"So? Jay will be a lot easier for him to say than Tim!" Jason replied. "Right Dickie?" The baby smiled and nodded, excited that he was being talked to. "See?"

"I do. Dickie, eat please." Tim added, Jason coming downstairs had distracted Dick from his bowl of Cheerios. 

"Take your own advice." Jason replied.

"Not hungry." Tim sipped his coffee.

"You're not hungry all week!" Jason replied. "Do you eat at midnight or something?"

"Nope." Tim cradled his mug.

"Why don't you eat? You're going to get skinny and die." Jason said with all the nuance of a nine year old. Tim just drank his coffee. The barely audible groan from the kitchen showed that Bruce had realized the French press was empty.

"So Bruce has a conference with your teacher today?" Tim asked.

"How'd you know?"

Tim shrugged. "It's on his planner."

"I knew that." The preteen replied.

Bruce returned after putting on another pot of coffee. Tim downed his coffee and stood up. "Welp, I'm gonna hit the gym..."

"Daddy!" Dick called, reaching up for his father. Bruce let Dick grab his hand.

"Still here, Dickie." Bruce smiled softly. He pulled his hand away and passed Dick his sippy cup to preoccupy him. "Tim. Eat." Bruce ordered.

"Nah, I'm good." Tim replied. 

"No, you aren't leaving until you eat something." Bruce told him.

"No thanks." Tim stood up and sped out. 

Bruce sighed heavily. Dick called out to Daddy again and Bruce acknowledged him again. "Jason, finish eating and clear your plate please.

"I will!" Jason said, leaning across to his little brother again. "Try saying my name. Jason. Jay. Jay." He repeated his name a few more times, encouragingly.

"Jason." Bruce warned. 

"I know, I know." He sat back and dug in. Looking up to make funny faces at Dick whenever Bruce got up for coffee.


"And I can watch him?" Jason asked excitedly.

"You can help Alfred take care of him." Bruce agreed.

Jason grinned and reached out to help Dick stand. "Awesome!" I'm gonna show you that I'm the best older brother out of all of us!"

'it's not a high bar...' Bruce thought. "Alright Jason, make sure nothing happens to him." He said, giving his son the illusion of responsibility. 

"I will!" Jason replied, ecstatic that he was now an older Wayne boy babysitting a younger Wayne boy. He felt very grown up about it.

Brue sighed heavily. "And remember, Even if I'm mad when I come home form the meeting, I still love you, okay?"

"Kay!" Jason called. It didn't mean much t him if Bruce came home and yelled at him, but Bruce had had kids try to run away over that sort of thing.

"Alright, have fun, I'm going to go have a word with Alfred before I leave."

"Okay!" Jason replied offhandedly, he held onto Dick and helped him walk to the living room. Jason was determined to prove that he was the best big brother out of the three of them (More importantly, he wanted to prove that he was a better big brother that Damian and Tim, since he was no longer the youngest brother).

Bruce went to find the old butler, who had finished cleaning up after breakfast an was seeming just hiding in the kitchen. Bruce could understand his on a deep, spiritual level.
Hell, Bruce was a single father of four in his forties with a new baby in the house. Alfred was easily in his seventies (Bruce barely kept track) and handled a great deal of the parental work himself.

"Alfred, I'm heading out now. Please try to stop Jason from killing Richard." Bruce said, doing up his coat. "And if there is even the slightest hint of Damian's mother, treat it like an active shooter drill. I may have called her unfit to parent last night."

"Very good, sir." Alfred didn't sound surprised or worried, He knew how stupid Bruce could be when in heated conversation's with his son's mother.

"And if you can get Tim to eat Anything. Please." Bruce tried to remember if there was anything else. "I think that's it. I'll be back in a few hours."

In the other room, Jason had put on some cartoons and was continuing to try to teach Dick to say his name. Dick was more interested by the colourful shapes on the TV than anything Jason was saying.

After his parents passing, Dick had really latched onto the family, but only ever spoke when calling out for Bruce. Their theory was that at ten-ish months old, Dick was already being taught the word 'daddy' by his parents, so now that's the only word he feels comfortable saying.

Jason loved his baby brother, and he loved no longer being the baby brother, but he still had trouble entertaining Dick, There wasn't much he was interested in that the little boy was old enough for. 

After some thought, Jason turned on the xbox and decided to play Minecraft. Now knowing a big brother trick or two from Damian and Tim, he took the oldest controller, with the sticky joystick, and plucked out the batteries. 

He passed Dick the empty controller, and got himself a functional one. he ensured that his little brother was secure on the sofa, and booted up Minecraft. 

Dick was too young to really understand what was happening, but He liked playing with the remote, the colourful shapes on the screen were interesting, and Jason was giving him a running commentary of dialogue, so Dick was thoroughly entertained. 

All was fine for about thirty minutes when Dick got restless. At first he was just squirming, siting up, crawling around and over Jason, who was relatively content being a human jungle gym since it meant that Dick trusted him. 

Eventually though, Dick just started crying. Jason looked back and forth between his battle with multiple skeletons and a spider. 

On one hand he had a diamond chestplate on, and didn't want to loose it (Big brother Tim got it for him with his cheat code knowledge and superior video game intellect), but on the other hand, He didn't want Dick to keep crying, because Alfred would come in to sooth him, and he would think that Jason was being a bad older brother.

Before Jason could make up his mind, he was killed in battle. He would go back and retrieve his dropped items later. Jason paused and threw down the controller, reaching out to pick up his infant brother. 

"What's up, Dickie?"
Dick made grabby hands for his brother, so Jason held the boy closer, hugging him gently. He was a little scared that his baby brother would break if he hugged him too tight. "Do you miss Bruce?" He asked. He tried to rock Dick, but quickly realized it was easier to just rock himself while holding Dick.

"Jyay." A tiny squeak of a voice exclaimed

Jason nearly dropped the baby. "What?" He asked, not daring to hope. "What did you say, Dickie?"


The second youngest 'hyphen Wayne' stood frozen, baby in arms, a grin growing across his face. "Again!"

"Jyay?" Dick murmured, getting shy from the noise.

"YES!" Jason went to pump his fists, but decided to put the baby down first. "YES YES YES YES YES!!!" He shouted, scaring Dick a little. The rambunctious nine year old dropped to his knees on the hard floor, smiling wide as he reached Dick's height. "Dickie! You said my name! Good job!" He reached out and fluffed his little brother's hair. "Tim and Dami are gonna be SO jealous that you learned my name first!" He leapt to his feet. He couldn't wait to tell Bruce when he came home. 
He scooped the baby into his arms. "Let's go tell Alfred!"


Bruce unlocked the front door and pushed through it. Long day. He didn't know where Jason had heard the phrase 'raving cunt', or why he called his classmate it, or why Bruce found that wo surprisingly funny, but he could not wait to sleep. Damian had volunteered to watch Dick that night, and Tim was patrolling, which meant Bruce could finally sleep more that three hours.

However, Bruce's hopes of crashing as soon as he stepped over the threshold of his bedroom were squashed before he could even toss out his paper starbucks cup.

"Welcome home, Master Bruce.

Bruce nodded, anxious for Damian to get home and take over. "Where are the boys?" Even through his frustration and exhaustion, Bruce couldn't leave the house without worrying how his youngest was."

"On their way," The elderly butler told him. "And I believe Master Jason has something to show you."  Alfred seemed excited about this, not that you'd be able to tell unless you were a Wayne veteran of childhood trauma.

"Oh." Bruce internally swore at himself. So much for catching some sleep.

"Bruce! Bruce! Bruce! Dad! Dad! Bruce!" Jason sprinted into that room. He ran excitedly with socks on slick tiles, this nearly stopped Bruce's heart since he was also carrying his baby.

"JASON! Slow down!" Bruce thrust out the palm of his hand to stop his sons from crashing into him.

"Daddy!" Dick called, putting up his arms to be picked up.

Bruce huffed and unshouldered his backpack. "Hi Dickie. I'm back."

"BRUCE! ListenListenListen!" 

"I'm listening, Jason." Bruce sighed, letting Dick wrap his arms around his neck. Damn, his back hurt.

"Dick said my name!" The boy beamed, bouncing excitedly.

"He said your name?" Bruce asked, hardly believing it.

"YEAH! He called out to be like four times!" Jason exclaimed. He was so excited.

Bruce adjusted his grip on his baby so he could look down at him. "Dick, can you say Jason's name?"

Dick looked over his shoulder and smiled when he say his brother."Jyay!" He let go of Bruce's neck and put his arms out for Jason to hold him again.

"SEE?" Jason took his little brother back. "Tim and Damian are gonna be SOO jealous that he learned my name first!"

"Oh so that's what all this is about?" Bruce asked, smirking a little. 

"NO! I just want them to know that I'm the best older brother out of all of us!"

-I've been up all night doing a family history assignment and just realized... My name is Grayson.... My grandfather's name is Alfred....-

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