Nobody (LT)

By harrysbananas19

441 38 11

It seems as if the life of Karma Smith is great, she seems happy right? Wrong... What will she do when her on... More

Authors Note & Cast
Authors Note
The Girl Who Always Smiles
Why Don't You
Big black cock
Fine Looking Boy
A Place For May-Ann
Take Me
I Have A Lot On My Plate (Part 1)
I Have A Lot On My Plate (Part 2)
What the Hell

Woah, How Was Life Before You Came Here?

11 0 0
By harrysbananas19



Song- "The Middle" by Jimmy Eat World

Karma Smith

"Oh my gosh! Rose! I thought... I thought you died. Your mom was in tears, going on about you dying. Just wo-" my babbling was cut short when Louis covered my mouth, giving me a few seconds to catch my breath after saying all of that. I just couldn't believe Rose was back. I had so many questions. Like, how was life back in Wallowa before she came here? What's been going on at the school? And, Why does Kriss hate me now?

We have so much to catch up on, but with so little time. Frantically, I look behind Rose at the school. Who gives a fuck anymore if we skip, I'd rather talk to Rose. Making my decision rather quick, I tug Rose behind me in the opposite direction of the school buildings. I was only guessing that Louis was following, which he was when I asked Rose to check if he was.

"Uh... Karma, today is my first day. I can't skip," Rose squeaked nervously. I waved my hand as if to say 'oh who cares'. Needless to say she whined the whole way to my car, I still got her to come with me though.

"Where are we going?" she questioned, getting into the passenger side. Louis scuffed and raised his arms up, gesturing 'what the fuck?' with them. I shrugged and got into the drivers seat. I had completely forgotten that Rose had asked me a question until I buckled myself in.

"Oh, right, we're going out for like I don't know, lunch?" I said, questioning myself. "We need to talk about life and shit." I added, putting the car in drive after Louis squished into the backseat.

"This is ridiculous. Why couldn't I sit in the front?" Louis exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and pointed to Rose.

"I want Rose to be comfortable, Louis. Now shut up and enjoy the fact that your even tagging along," I jokingly snapped at him, making him shut his mouth. I hummed in a t'hat's what I thought' tone. Louis crossed his arms over his chest, flopped back onto the seat and put his feet on the counsel. With my elbow, I pushed his large feet off, not wanting it to get dirty.

Rose's mouth formed an 'o' shape, not fully undertstanding what's happening. "It's complicated," I whisper. She nods, dropping the subject. Louis leant forward, facing Rose.

"It's not complicated," he remarked, looking back and forth between me and Rose. I hit Louis' face lightly, trying to get him to move. I accidentally hit his eye. He cried out and grabbed his eye, leaning back into his seat. I covered my mouth with one hand while I giggled. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry Louis," I laughed.

"Oh I'm sorry," he mocked me, sarcasm dripping from his voice. Rose stared at us, complete shock and humor covering her face.

"Rose!" I yelled, making her jump.


"Louis can sing," I said coolly, looking at Louis' horrified expression through the rear-view mirror. He probably thought i wouldn't tell anyone about his hidden talent. Oops?

Rose gasped, turning to face the back in record speed. I swear I could feel wind coming from her direction because of how fast she turned. Damn.

"Oh my gosh! Is that true?! Can you sing me a song?!" Everything out of Rose's mouth was if he could sing a song, and song suggestions. Louis looked pale and terrified. I don't think anyone has ever gone crazy like that over him being able to sing. Now that I think about it, I don't think anyone at school knew he could sing.

"Um.. Uh.." Louis' eyes looked everywhere besides toward Rose. He even looked at me through the mirror.

"C'mon Louis, sing us a song," I said innocently. He glared at me, nose flared and everything.

Louis sighed and thought for a second before his beautiful voice filled the car, serenading me and Rose.

"Hey, don't write yourself off yet

It's only in your head you feel left out, or looked down on

Just try your best, Try everything you can,

And don't you worry what they tell themselves when your away.

It just takes sometime, little girl your in the middle of the ride, everything, everything will be just fine

Everything everything will be alright, alright." Louis stopped after the first chorus, almost asking if he should continue. Rose squealed in her seat, wanting more. He rose is hands, jokingly saying 'thank you, thank you'

I look over at Rose to see that she's fist pumping and shouting 'encore! encore!'. I place my hand on her shoulder gently, not wanting to accidentally get punched by her fist. Her head almost snapped off when she turned to me.

"What?" Her voice was crazed and her eyes big. I didn't think Louis singing would make her go crazy the fuck.

"I think that's enough singing for right now," I say, scared she might start punching me in the face for shutting down her private concert. But nope, she just sighed and looked out the window. How pitiful. "Hey Louis?" He looks up from his phone, raising an eyebrow. "I think you should join a band, or go on like a singing show. Your voice is beautiful," I suggest. I see in his eyes he's thinking about it, but he still shakes his no. I frown and look forward, still driving.


Karma Smith

I guess the diner I was taking us to wasn't as close as I thought. It took us about half an hour, but we had some fun. Except for Rose, she slept most of the way, more towards the end though. When we got our table at the diner, Louis say next to me.

He was still doing whatever on his phone. I did see though, that he was looking up ways to get an audition for the X-Factor.

Isn't that show in the UK? I asked myself. Why wouldn't he audition for one here?

I shake the thoughts from my head and look up, seeing both Rose and Louis messing with their phones. I roll my eyes, of course they are. And stupid me for not bringing mine. I just tapped my fingers on the table, anticipating whether or not either on of them was going to start a conversation. I figured they wouldn't, I went for it.

"So, why'd you transfer to Portland schools?" I ask Rose. She set her phone aside and entwined her fingers together on the table.

"Everything was so bland, Kriss had basically created an army against you. I was just tired of everything I guess. What about you? What happened to your arm?"

I totally forgot about my arm being in a cast until now. I scramble for an excuse, but Louis beat me to it, saving my ass. "Oh, she was trying to use my skateboard one day and fell on it," he said casually. When did Louis get a skateboard though? What the fuck.

"Yeah, I fell. And I moved here because I wanted to meet new friends and stuff, everyone was basically gone back in Wallowa. Plus my brother lives here," I shrug like it's the most obvious reason to move here.

"My mom had told me about seeing your mom the other day," Rose said, testing the water on what topics to talk about. My whole body stops moving, my hands cramp up, my chest feels heavy. It's been forever since I've seen my mother, hell it's been years since anyone has mentioned her. She left my family and never came back, same with my brother but I know his reasoning.

Completely skipping over that subject, I change it. "Why does Kriss hate me so much?" That question has been haunting me forever. I just didn't get anything, we were such good friends. I don't know what I did. Like I want to make it right, but at the same time I don't really care.

"She hasn't really told me. Honestly the fight you had with, oh fuck I forgot her name. Sorry, my doctor said I'd have amnesia for a few months. Anyways, the fight you had with whoever made her so mad. I don't know why, you were just defending yourself I guess, I don't know. I don't really talk to her much anymore," Rose said, tripping over her thoughts. I nod, understanding a little bit. It was kind of a lot to take in. I had faintly felt Louis' hand on my knee when she was telling me about Kriss. I felt a little numb, but at the same time I didn't feel anything.

I never really talked about anything, this was basically the extent of it. The table fell silent, the conversation before a little too intense for the lightness of the late lunch. Louis and Rose went back to playing with their phones, leaving me to think. Me and my inner thoughts fight with each other, even though we're the same person.

Why would Louis leave? Why would he stay? You guys haven't officially broken up yet. We aren't technically together though. The day is still young. Indeed it is, that doesn't mean anything though. C'mon, it's Louis we're talking about. You're right, it is Louis.

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