Fire and Ice - Jacob x reader...

By fayebailie1864

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You've always been alone, year after year. But that changed when you moved to Forks, Washington. A certain pa... More

Chapter 1: As the leaves turn golden
Chapter 2: Jacob Black
Chapter 4: Leaving me behind
Chapter 5: Secrets and lies
Chapter 6: I guess the wolf's outta the bag
Chapter 7: The Cullens
Chapter 8: Wishing this could last forever
Chapter 9: Compromise
Chapter 10: Living in both worlds
Chapter 11: A promise
Chapter 12: Morning glow/ Making a deal
Chapter 13: Normal life huh?
Chapter 14: Family
Chapter 15: Reckoning
Chapter 16: As white as snow
Chapter 17: The smell of fresh firewood
Chapter 18: Trip away from home

Chapter 3: Phone calls and unexpected visits

1.1K 31 3
By fayebailie1864

Authors note: First I'd like to apologise for not posting another chapter sooner but I've kinda had writers block/ no inspiration for this story. But today I decided I would finish this chapter and post it on here, so that's what I've done! :) Please enjoy and vote for more!


I woke up the home phone ringing downstairs, I groggily opened my eyes and went down stairs. The sun was up so it wasn't that early. I answered the phone with a tired hello. 

'Just checking you were home' said James or more commonly known as my dad. 

'It's been days since I've seen you, where have you been?' I asked, feeling annoyed.

'I don't have to explain myself to you' he replied angrily.

'I think I deserve an explanation' I said sternly. 

'Hey baby, who are you talking to?' asked a voice I did not recognise. 

'Who the hell is that?' I asked angrily. If my dad was going to spend time with a woman, I at least thought he would tell me about it. 

'It's no one' James replied. 

'GET OFF THE PHONE' shouted the woman. 

I jumped up, not expecting that to happen. Then the phone line went dead. He hung up on me. His own daughter....without an explanation. It hurt more deeply than I wanted it too. But I wouldn't let myself cry over it. 

Instead I decided to take a hot shower, to get my mind off of it. After washing my body with care and shower gel, I got out and changed into a sweater and jeans. Toast would have to do for breakfast, as I had no patience to cook anything. 

It was around [10:30] so I decided to call Jacob, as I said I would last night. I dialed the numbers and listened to it ring. After a few rings Jacob picked up the phone. 

'Y/n?' asked Jacob. 

'Hey Jake, it's me' I said, putting on a smile. 

'Haha I knew it was!' exclaimed Jacob. 

'How are you?' I asked. 

'I'm good, are you okay?' asked Jacob. 

'Yeah I'm fine' I said, but I knew he saw right through those words. 

'Did something happen?' asked Jake. 

'Yeah, my dad called and it sounded like he was with another woman..' I said. 

'Oh' Jacob replied. 

'I haven't seen him in a few days, when he said he was going to work. But he hasn't come back since then.. And now I hear on the phone another woman is with him' I said, sadness in my voice. 

'I'm so sorry to hear that, did he discuss it with you?' asked Jake. 'No, he just said he didn't have to explain himself to me and then he hung up..' I whispered the last part. 

'I wish there was something I could do' cried Jacob, it sounded like he was getting really mad. 

'Jake it's okay, calm down' I said. 

'Sorry, I just hate seeing you upset' said Jake. 

I could feel my cheeks turn pink. 'Thanks Jake' I said. 

My voice had calmed him down, that much was clear. 'So what's on the agenda today?' he asked. 'Honestly I have no plans' I replied, with a small laugh. 

'Well I can always come to yours... or you can come to mine?' asked Jake, hope in his voice. 

Before I could answer there was a knock at my door. 'Sorry Jake, do you mind hanging on for a second. Someones at my door' I said. 'Sure' he replied. 

I opened the door to find someone who I wasn't expecting to see until tomorrow. Jasper. His golden hair glowing as usual. 

'Good morning Y/n, I was wondering if you'd like to go on a walk with me?' asked Jasper with a smile on his face. It was almost like he put a spell on me, like I couldn't refuse. I barely know him but he seems like a gentleman. I'm sure there's no harm in getting to know him, after all that's what I wanted to do. 

But then my mind floated back to Jake, he was still on the phone. I took a deep breath and decided I'd spend the day with Jasper, seeing as I'd spent the day with Jake yesterday. 

'Hello Jasper, It sounds lovely, please give me a minute. I'll be right back' I said. 'Of course, take your time' he said, his accent coming out a little. 

I left the door a bit open and picked up the phone again. 

'Jake?' I asked. 'Yeah, still here' he replied, I knew he was smiling. 

'Something's just come up, Jasper has come round and he's offered to take me on a walk' I said. It took him a moment to reply. 'Oh wow, that's very kind of him' said Jake calmly. But I could tell deep down that he was upset. 

'I'm sorry Jake, I promise I'll call you tonight?' I asked. 'It's okay, sounds good. I'll talk to you later' said Jake. 'Okay, goodbye' I said. 'Bye' He replied. 

I ended the call and tried to ignore the sad feelings in my chest and my heart screaming at me. 

I hate hurting Jake like that. But I knew I had already made up my mind with what I was going to do today. I got my coat on, my shoes on and I locked the door before turning to Jasper who was waiting for me. 'Sorry about the wait' I said. 'Don't worry, it's no trouble' he said smiling. 'How are you?' I asked. 'I'm very well thank you, are you okay?' He asked, while looking into my eyes.

I stared back into his golden eyes. I didn't bother lying to him. 'I'm okay, very up and down lately' I replied, with a small smile. 

'Thank you' he said. 

'For what?' I questioned. 

'For telling the truth, there's no greater gift than honesty' said Jasper, while smirking. 

'That's very true' I replied back with a smile. I started feeling warm inside, his presence has that sought of effect. He smiled warmly. 'So where are we off to today then?' I asked, curious as to where we were going. 'I was thinking of the forest, there's a nice stream I've found in one of the meadows' said Jasper. 'That sounds lovely' I replied. 

It seemed the sun had disappeared behind the trees, leaving a gloomy atmosphere to the town. We walked and walked until I didn't recognise where we were anymore. 

'Sorry, are you getting tired?' Jasper asked, concerned. 

I laughed and he gave me a confused look. 'You think of me as an unhealthy person?' I asked, raising my eyebrow. 

'No that's not at all what I meant, we have just been walking for a long time now' He replied, his voice steady. 

'Well I'm all good, you want me to carry you?' I asked sassily. He laughed at my comment. And then it was silent again, but not awkward in any remark. 

'So where are you from?' I asked, already knowing the answer. 'Here and there but I was born in Texas' He said, his accent coming out. 

'Oh, well I thought I could recognise that accent' I said, with a grin. 

'Your so beautiful and smart.. m'am' He replied in full accent. I smiled widely and giggled. 

That's when he stroked my arm gently. I turned to face him and he looked at me with warm eyes. I held out my hand for him to take and he slowly took it, I didn't shy away from the coldness. 

I stared into his golden eyes and I could feel something change in my chest. 

I turned around and let go of his hand. I felt conflicted and afraid. If I let myself fall for him, I won't know what to do. What if he leaves me?


Jasper's pov

I could feel her conflicted emotions. I could feel her fear, so I sent a wave of calm her way. She smiled at the feeling of relief. I decided to make conversation then, ignoring the demon inside me that was telling me to bite her. 

'How has your weekend gone so far?' I asked nicely. She turned back around now, facing me. 

'Saturday was good, this morning not so good' Y/n said sadly. 

'What happened?' I asked. 

I could feel her sadness, it felt like someone had torn me in two. I hated to see her upset. 

'My dad's an asshole' Y/n replied. I looked at her as if to explain. 

'He left for work a few days ago, hasn't called or anything. Until this morning, I found out that he's been seeing a woman but he didn't tell me. I found out by hearing her on the other end of the phone' Y/n said. 

'I'm so sorry. You deserve so much better than that' I said honestly. She smiled and I could tell my words made her feel a bit better. 'Thanks Jasper' Y/n said, while smiling. I smiled back at her warmly. 

~ time skip because I'm lazy :( ~

The day must have gone so fast because the next thing I know I'm walking her back to her house and it's starting to go dark outside. When we reached her house, I felt so sad to be leaving her but I knew I'd be seeing her tomorrow. I kissed her cheek and said my goodbyes before getting in my car and driving back home.

Edward was playing the piano when I arrived but he carried on while I walked through the living room. Esme smiled at me warmly. I returned the smile. 'How did it go?' asked Emmet. 'Fine' I replied, not in the mood for talking. 

Perhaps I should go back to check if she's okay. God I could smell the dog on the border before, he must have been checking up on her.

'You only just got home and why would Jacob be checking up on Y/n?' said Edward, answering my thoughts. 


He nodded and looked away, I could tell he was relieved. No more competition to win Bella's heart, he had truly won. 'That's not fair' said Edward. 'Stop reading my thoughts' I replied back annoyed. Edward left the room then but we all knew where he went. So none of us questioned.

Esme went back to designing another house, in her room. While Alice had come down the stairs and I could tell she felt nervous.

Alice rested her small pixie like head on the door and had a nervous expression on her face. 

'Alice?' I asked. 

'Upstairs, we need to talk' said Alice. I nodded and followed her upstairs to the study. Carlisle was still at work so it was empty right now. 

'Alice what's wrong?' I asked. 'It's Y/n' she said. 

'Tell me Alice' I said quickly. 

'She's going to go over the treaty line and then it all went black. I couldn't see anything after that' said Alice. 

'Oh no' I whispered. 

'Wolves' Alice finished.

I wish she had never met that stupid dog. At least I'll get the pleasure of killing him when he crosses the border, to go and find her.

'Jasper concentrate' said Alice. 

I looked back at her and calmed down, I realised my hand was holding the table that now had a huge dent in it. 'Sorry' I said. 

'You can't kill him Jaz, she'll be so upset and you know it' answered Alice. I nodded. 'Your right it would crush her' I whispered, the thought of me hurting her was torture. 

'How do you suppose I deal with the mutt' I spat angrily. 

'Your going to have to fight for her, it may take time but you do have a shot at this' said Alice. 

'Alice, I love her more than anything, I won't live without her' I said. 

'I know Jaz' chimed Alice. 

I sighed and went outside to hunt a few deers. Hunting had always cleared my head. 

Everything was becoming clear now. 

First, I had fallen for her, that much was very obvious. 

And the second, Alice was right, I needed to fight for her. Even if it ended in the end of my existence. Living without her now was not an option.

No matter how it will end, I will fight for her love.


Authors note: Yayyy!! Finally got this chapter finished :)  I really hope you liked this one, I'm so excited to start writing chapter 4 and hopefully I'll update soon! To all my readers, please take care and I'll see you in the next one! :) Xx

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