I Don't Like You

By 1Dee_lily

1.3K 16 31

[[Complete]] Louis Tomlinson was a part of the most famous boyband, One Direction. Eleanor Calder was kind of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 4

67 1 0
By 1Dee_lily

Eleanor was tired at the end of the day. She spent the entire day trying to get to know the boys. In conclusion- Niall is the sweetheart, Zayn is funny but hard to read by strangers, Liam is the dad and Louis is the loud one. She lay down on her bed and kept on thinking about how to deal with Louis when Harry wasn't around. The entire say Harry came to her rescue when she tried to avoid Louis. Maybe, Harry just wanted to keep the peace in the bus. Eleanor was lost in thought when the door opened. 

"Still not asleep, Calder?" Louis asked with mischief in his eyes.

"Still so annoying, Tomlinson?" Eleanor retorted and Louis chuckled as he shut the door.

 He dropped on his bed and stared at the ceiling for a while. He was silent for a while but then turned to face Eleanor. Eleanor looked away as he kept staring at her. She hesitantly looked at his direction and found his gaze still on her. She couldn't read his expression. She wasn't uncomfortable by the gaze, she felt lost. Maybe because his sapphire pupils were fixed on her hazel ones. Maybe because he wasn't checking her out like every guy she ever met, he was just staring. Or maybe because he looked just as lost.

"Why are you looking at me?" she broke the silence.

"What?" he asked in surprise, like he had been woken up from a deep sleep.

"Why were you looking at me like that?" she asked, again.

"Like what?" he asked and the famous smirk was back.

"I don't know, Louis. I couldn't read it."

"I was just looking at you," Louis said, the smirk vanished, he looked rather awestruck now.

"Why?" she asked, not retiring till she got an answer.

"Because you are beautiful..."


"Eleanor," he smiled at her, "you're perfect."

Eleanor looked at Louis in disbelief. She didn't have an answer to that. He wasn't his usual annoying self. He looked serious and she didn't know what to say. If he was mocking her or getting on her nerves, she always had perfect answers. But now, she was silent.

"You're lying," was all she could say.

"No, really, look at yourself and you'll know," he turned to the other side.

"Okay Louis," she silently chuckled, "I look at myself everyday."

"No silly," he facepalmed, "look at yourself from my eyes."

Eleanor was again silent. How does he manage to do this to me- she thought. 

"Goodnight Louis," she said, softly.

"Sleep well, El," he replied.


"I don't know what he meant, Haz," Eleanor said as she sat next to Harry. She told him the conversation of last night when Harry asked her if Louis misbehaved or not. He was her only friend there, she needed some sort of comfort.

"But the good thing is, he didn't get on you nerves," Harry smiled.

"Actually he did. I couldn't read him, Harry, and now, I'm dying to," she admitted and Harry rolled his eyes.

"So when are you going to admit you are attracted to him?" he asked and Eleanor almost spit out her juice.

"What?!" she asked. 

"It's obvious that you two want each other," Harry wiggled his eyebrows.

"What the fuck?! No!" she defended herself and Harry just laughed.

"Els, you're all pink and don't sound that convincing at all," Harry teased.

"I swear to God, I'm gonna kill you!" 

"Okay, okay. I won't tease you, but you know the truth," Harry said and received another deathly glare from her. She was about to say something in her defense when Harry's phone started beeping.

"Oh Taylor's calling," he had a smile on his face, "you wanna say hi?"

"Is that really Taylor Swift calling?" El squeaked.

"Umm yeah," he said.

"O my God, I can't see her like that," Eleanor was flustered and Harry chuckled.

"El, she wouldn't judge or anything, she's really sweet and down-to-earth," Harry reassured as he picked up the phone. He said his hellos as Eleanor fixed her hair on the other side of the camera.

"Hey Tay, I told you about Eleanor, right? You wanna say hi?" he asked.

"Yeah sure," came the answer.

"El, come 'ere," Harry called as Eleanor came and sat next to him.

"Okay, you really are Taylor Swift," she was awestruck, she was a huge fan.

"So you are Eleanor? Harry said something about you being on the bus with them," Taylor said and Eleanor smiled.

"Yeah, I am working on the styling crew but it was a last minute thing so..." Eleanor trailed off.

"You're really beautiful," Taylor complimented and Eleanor's eyes widened.

"Thanks! But honestly, not half as much as you," she spoke faster than usual, "I'm sorry, I'm a fan."

"Aww, thanks."

"Like Harry, talks about you a lot, seriously a lot, but talking to you is something I never expected."

"Okay Els, I think Niall wanted to talk to you," Harry cut off as he blushed.

"Umm...okay, okay," she got the message, "I'll leave you two alone." She walked out of the room, closing the door behind. She was still shocked that she actually talked to Taylor Swift. She just lived her fangirl dream. She was lost in thought when she crashed into Niall.

"Ow, sorry," he said, immediately. "No no, it's okay, sorry," she answered as she helped him pick the juice carton he had dropped.

"Hey Harry said you were looking for me, were you?" she asked, still unsure.

"Yeah, come with me," he said as he practically pulled her along.

So, there was an Elounor scene as promised. There will be more. I also added a little Haylor, please don't hate on it. Let me know how you like it. Also, loved Eleanor's new pictures with the Victoria Beckham Beauty goodies😍



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