My Kyubi Wife

By Stillwell03

258K 5.2K 4.9K

Ochako Uraraka is the shrinemaiden of the Inari shrine in Mustafau with a unique tradition of her family's be... More

The Beach boy and Fox Girl
Kami no Inari
Midoriya Izuku no Kekkon
Wife meets Mother-in-law
Honeymoon Trip
Doing things out of Order, First Date after Marriage
Newlywed Festivities
Foxy First day
Learning of the Class
Tiny the Bodyguard
USJ Nightmare
Desired Future
Return of the Urarakas
Moods and Cravings
Fox Children
Return to the Manor
Discussions with a Goddess
Samurai Lord Midoriya Izuku
Clock's Ticking
2 vs 2
Due Time
Late Night Newborn Troubles
Day at the Beach
Courts vs Clan Marriages
Training Camp
Follow the Leader
Late Night Madness
Don't Mess with the Midoriyas
Fox Torrent
Undead Madness
All out Assault
Happy Belated Birthday Izuku
Midoriya Family Vacation
Browsing and Hidden Talents
Lust Filled Night
Returning Home
True Strength
Learning of Prayer
Tiny's Support
Dog House
Deku vs Kaachan

Getting used to Married Life

11.7K 194 397
By Stillwell03

So the start of this with some other parts are gonna be a little more mature for those of a younger audience, but it won't cross any major lines where there needs to actually be a warning. Enjoy

Ochako hums to herself as she lathers soap in Izuku's fluffy hair, having not a care in the world and as naked as the day she was born. Poor poor Izuku is holding a towel over his private parts and a rag to his nose to stop it from bleeding due to impure thoughts. She scrubs the soap into his hair then rubs more across his back and along his arms and body. Admiring the muscle definition that his training had given him as she traces her fingers along the muscles on his back and arms. She smiles seeing his reaction to her, and decides to tease him even more. Pressing her breasts against his back immediately causes him to hitch forwards out of shock in what she's doing.

"Try not to move so much Izuku~, you wouldn't want your wife to slip and hurt herself now would you?" She teases in a tone that feigns sadness, earning herself a panicked reaction from her green haired husband.

"N-N-No! Of c-course not! Y-You just surprised m-me.." Smirking mischievously at the sound of his timid tone Ochako hums a gentle laughter and continues washing Izuku's back with her soap covered breasts. She enjoys the feeling of his strong muscles against her sensitive skin and breathes heavily into his ear to excite him.

"How does your back feel Izuku~? Am I being gentle enough~?" Ochako coos in a breathy tone biting her bottom lip. "I-It.. f-feel very n-nice.." Izuku stammers keeping his focus on the mirror parallel to him, allowing him to view Ochako's beauty even within the steamy room.

"Go rinse off and then it's your turn to clean me." She tells him. Sheepishly he stands up and walks to the shower head before rinsing the water from his hair back and body. Ochako stands up as well before taking a seat on the stool that he was sitting on prior.

Izuku now finds himself in a different predicament, instead of having an extremely attractive and tall woman washing him, he is currently washing her. Her giant breasts are visible even from behind her, and Izuku tries to avert his gaze from even looking at the vast mounds of flesh blessed by Inari herself. Timidly, he rubs the sponge on her back and scrubs the shampoo into her hair.

"You really should watch what you're doing~. You could miss and grab something you aren't supposed to." Ochako kept snickering as Izuku felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest in embarrassment.

He continued to wash her acknowledging the slenderness of her body and the firm yet softness of the fox girl's arms. Though she was someone that lived in seclusion from what Izuku could tell, Ochako was without a doubt a beauty that the world couldn't begin to comprehend from a frontal or first hand point of view.

"Y-your skin is really s-smooth." Izuku stuttered this out as Ochako hummed in happiness.

"Thanks, the onsen at my home does wonders for your skin. I hope you aren't that worried about touching me. You'll do Much more of that later tonight~." A giggle came out of Ochako while Izuku couldn't hold back the blood rushing to his head anymore. He started to spiral around with Ochako realizing she might've gone a little too far with her taunting. "I think I can handle the rest. Why don't you sit in the tub and I'll be along after I rinse off."

Izuku stumbles up and heads into the bath while Ochako gets up and heads over to the shower head. She starts rinsing the suds off her before looking at Izuku who was holding his face in embarrassment. She finishes up to walk towards the bath and sits opposite Izuku. He looks up and goes completely red seeing Ochako's H cup breasts float up in the water. He turns away unable to look her in the face at all.

"So Izuku, what can you tell me about yourself?"

"I'm sorry?" Izuku questioned as Ochako explained.

"I just met you today, but I don't know a thing about you other than what you've shown me and what I've guessed. Do you mind telling me some things like what your hobbies are, your quirk, also maybe about a few friends?" The last bit made Izuku feel a bit sad hearing the last bit about friends since he didn't exactly have any.

"W-well I keep track of heroes if you haven't gauged that with my uh...collection of All Might stuff. I also have some hobbies of craftsmanship. The shrine though was one of my biggest tasks yet. But for any friends and my quirk....I....don't have any friends." Ochako looked at Izuku confused as he continued to explain. "When I was little, I didn't get a quirk and only recently did I get one. Because of this, many people picked on me and didn't even give me the time of day. You're essentially both my wife and first true friend." This statement causes Ochako to fall silent, she had her suspicions that his issues with confidence just wasn't stemming from her but now hearing he was bullied broke her heart.

"O-Ochako?" he asks, trying to break the silence. Ochako stands up from the bath before turning around and sitting in his lap. This action causes his face to turn even more red than before because the full front of her body is on display for his eyes. She wraps her legs behind him and hugs him into her. Aside from mentally screaming to not get an erection, Izuku returns the gesture and places his arms around her waist.

"Nobody will ever bully you again Izuku. Never again, you'll always have me by your side." She says tightening the hug. She feels him turn his head into hers and his hands pet the tails that are under the water of the bath. Once again she hums in content feeling his embrace and his hands run through the soft, yet wet, fur of her tails. She feels something press against her and loosens the hug slightly so she can look at Izuku giving him a suggestive look knowing what is pressing against her stomach. She begins to lean forwards to kiss him, he does the same as the world around the fox and her groom begins to slow around them. They press their foreheads together before starting to close the gap between their lips but are unfortunately interrupted.

"Izuku! Ochako! We have company!" Izuku's mother calls from the hallway interrupting the two from their first kiss. They stare at each other being slightly startled from Inko yelling for their attention. Ochako sighs before giving Izuku a peck on the cheek and standing up from the spot on his lap.

"We could have had our first kiss right there, oh well. Let's go see who has come over shall we Izuku? Oh and I'll deal with your little problem later." She says reaching under the water and grazing the tips of her index and middle finger on his manhood.

After getting dried off and into some clothes she has had tailor made due to her tails, she helps Izuku dry off his fluffy hair. Once the two are dressed, they exit their bedroom and walk downstairs to the living room. One of the people in Izuku's home causes his blood to run cold upon seeing him. This change in demeanor is noticed by Ochako who takes the lead walking into the living room with Izuku behind her and out of reach of Katsuki Bakugou. A woman taller than Inko is sitting on the couch across from her talking with the green haired woman. Inko has little Kitsu in her lap and is stroking his fur gently as she listens to the other woman talk about her day. When the two see Ochako and Izuku enter the room their attention shifts from their conversation to the six feet tall fox woman who towers over Katsuki.

"Oh? Who is this beautiful woman? She's so tall and gorgeous!" The blonde haired woman greets as Ochako walks into the room with Izuku.

"Thank you. My name is Ochako Midoriya. Izuku's wife." She greets with a bow, the older woman's eyes go wide as Katsuki spits out the water he was drinking to stare at her in absolute befuddlement. Staring between Izuku who is standing timidly beside her and the amazonian of a woman holding his hand. He points between Izuku and Ochako with eyes the size of dinner plates.

"HOW THE HELL DOES A QUIRKLESS NERD LIKE YOU GET A LITERAL FOX AS A WIFE?!?! HOW MUCH DID HE PAY YOU?!" He shouts, waking the young fox pup in Inko's lap causing it to whimper in fear. Without a word, Ochako snaps her fingers causing Katsuki's mouth to be forcibly clamped shut.

"Shout again, and you will find out just how many bones will break from a four story plummet to the ground." She says in a deadly calm voice even startling Izuku. "Indoor voice or you will be thrown Out doors." She says releasing the grip on his mouth from her telekinesis.

"LIKE HELL I'M GOING TO TAKE ORDERS FROM SOM-" He instantly starts shouting again before is cut off once more by Ochako. Remaining silent, she snaps her fingers and opens the door before she floats Katsuki outside, grabs him by the face then throws him off the balcony.

"I like her. I'm sorry for my shit bag of a son. My name is Mitsuki." She introduces herself.

"Manners would do him well worth while. Judging by his reaction to seeing me, I'm going to assume that he is the one who has been bullying my husband. I can assure you that he will be dealt with if he so much at looks at Izuku wrong. If he hurts him, he will quickly find out what it's like to have his head screwed on backwards." This said with all the lightness in her tone as she had spoken prior which slightly unnerves all three of them in the room.

"I like this girl." Mitsuki says with a smile, Ochako bows slightly to her before picking up Izuku like a cat and bringing him over to a couch opposite Inko and sitting him in her lap. Resting her hands around his abs and using this opportunity to feel up his toned core.

"Have you two gotten the news from UA?" Mitsuki asks.

"No actually we have not." Inko says turning to face her friend.

"UA is becoming a boarding school starting this spring semester. They sent out a notice to all entrance examines informing us of the dorm system. Just as a notice so in case you are accepted you have time to prepare for the transition to the dorms on campus." Mitsuki explains.

"Well this will certainly be interesting. Izuku and Ochako are on recommendation but I'm not sure what the recommended students exam will be like for them." Inko replies, turning to face the two of them.

"We're actually going on our honeymoon next week leaving on saturday. My mentor is a pro hero and offered to send us to Tokachigawa Onesen in Otofute for the week." Izuku says showing Ochako the text from All Might.

"OH? So you're newlyweds? When did you get married?" Mitsuki asks, turning her full attention to the green haired man and his fox wife.

"This morning actually. We held a traditional japanese wedding at the Inari shrine manor in Mustafu. Following our traditions we were married because of his pure heart to tend to our shrine and the beach for the sole purpose of repairing it and expecting no reward. It has been our custom for hundreds of years and now Izuku is lord of house Inari." Ochako explains running her fingers through his curly hair.

"This morning?! How long have you two known each other?" Mitsuki says, completely shocked.

"I've watched him clean the beach for nearly the past year but we've only known each other's names since this morning. So about 5 hours now." Ochako answers. "We haven't kissed yet but we have bathed together." This response causes Izuku's face to turn red and for Mitsuki to start laughing.

"Oh you certainly did things out of order, I'd suggest that before you two do the do on your honeymoon, go on a few dates with each other and make out a few times. You certainly have the looks to be a supermodel and have bigger breasts than I do and I'm an EE." Mituski compliments.

"You don't appear that way but it could just be the jacket. I'm an H and my mother says I'll probably top out at an I or even J, as for my height since I'm a kyubi quirk holder I'm going to be much taller than most people. My own mother stands at 248cm tall and I'm only 188 but she says I could top out at a full 3 meters." This causes both Inko and Mitsuki's jaws to drop. Ochako merely smiles at the two older women.

"Are you two even physically compatible? Izuku will be a mouse compared to you!" Mitsuki declares in shock.

"We did bathe together and as much as I can surmise he is 35cm where it counts."

"CAN WE NOT TALK ABOUT THIS WHEN ME AND MY MOM ARE IN THE SAME ROOM!!!" Izuku shouts in total embarrassment.

"I'm sorry Izuku, I didn't mean to embarrass you." Ochako says hugging him tightly from behind and, due to their height difference on the recliner they're sitting on, Ochako's breasts are on both sides of his head and slightly squishing his face.

"Well I think you have the best seat in the house Izuku. Alright then, I'll be seeing you later Inko, I just dropped by to give you some Tamagoyaki we had made and to tell you of the new dorm system. I'm going to go get Katsuki from the dumpster that Ochako threw him into. It was also very nice to meet you Ochako. I hope you and Izuku get along very well together."

"We will and it was nice meeting you as well." Ochako smiles at Mitsuki as she leaves. Before she does however, she stops to say one final thing.

"Oh and Izuku, make sure you treat your wife nicely on your honeymoon. And by nicely, I mean take her around the world." She winks at this for Izuku to lose all ability to go back to his normal color and remain beet red to make everyone laugh a bit.

"She seemed very nice."

"Mitsuki may come off very aggressive on the outside, but she's a very good person when you get to know her. Katsuki on the other hand....let's just say him being born to a rage mom helps keep him in line somewhat." Inko says this for them to hear outside a rather clear argument between Mitsuki and Bakugou about him being nicer to Izuku or facing what he just did on a regular basis.

"Well dinner should be about ready. Why don't we sit down and enjoy something to eat." Inko starts to get up with Kitsu following her like a loyal dog. Izuku and Ochako get up as well to get towards the table for the green haired mother to place a hot pot of stew in the center. She passed around some bowls along with having a small metal one from the kitchen given to Kitsu for him to enjoy as well. After a prayer, the four started eating and making some small talk among each other. Most of it was about Inko embarrassing Izuku with his childhood and how he idolized All Might to make Ochako laugh a bit at how much of a diehard fan he was of the pro. Ochako told a few stories of her family as well along with one about how Kitsu came to be her baby in a way. Inko enjoyed hearing this before hearing the said fox burp a bit and give a doglike smile to everyone. Once they finished, Inko started to clean up with Ochako and Izuku helping out before calling it a night. Kitsu decided to follow Ochako into hers and Izuku's room and find a spot to sleep on the chair to the computer. He even found his own stuffed animal Ochako made for him to wrap around and start heading to sleep.

"Guess he's comfortable."

"Kitsu's always been one to find a comfy spot. Just wait, he'll enter into our bed during the night and find his way between us." Ochako laughed a bit at her little fox's way to do things with Izuku starting to lay down. Before he could though, Ochako began to get an idea going in her head. "Izuku~."

He looked up to see Ochako begin pulling the robe she had on down a bit to reveal she didn't have a bra on and barely covered her chest. This forced Izuku to go beet red as she slowly moved towards the bed and placed her legs on the outside of Izuku's to hold him under her. "W-wait, I'm not p-p-prepared for this."

"It's ok Izuku. I told you I'd help with your friend, didn't I?" She started to lean down towards Izuku's head with his mind now overheating from everything that was happening. Her lips slowly pressed onto his for their softness to be felt. The taste of mint and strawberries suddenly came into his mouth with Ochako tasting green tea in her's. As she pulled away, Izuku was barely able to comprehend what just happened before speaking up. "W-we should wait. W-we barely know each other a-and I don't feel right doing this with you yet."

"Why though? Is it the size? My body? The tails?" Ochako was a little worried she was unattractive in Izuku's eyes as he corrected her.

"It's none of those. To be completely honest, I think you're out of my league to even be someone I know, let alone marry. A-also, we've just met today and everything's happening a little fast. I do think you're amazing and that we could go to t-that one day, but do you mind if we wait till the honeymoon for this? I feel like it isn't fair for you if we go this far on the first night."

Ochako heard this and understood. She was a little nervous all things considered as well, but she also didn't want to make it seem like she wasn't attracted to Izuku by any means. The fact he respected her enough to not consummate their marriage the first day they met and married made her a little happy inside. "Ok. But this is gonna be the only thing I get tonight in return." She presses her lips on Izuku's again for him to freeze a moment before melting into the kiss and enjoying it. They started to lay down after to begin to relax and fall asleep.

As they laid in the bed, Izuku thought about just how hectic the day was. Meeting Ochako, marrying her, and even the fact they almost did it the night of all this made him baffled. "This whole thing is gonna need some getting used to." Ochako started to wrap around him to make the OFA user smile a bit. "In all honesty though, today could've ended worse. I could've died at the hands of foxes." Izuku silently laughed at himself as Ochako curled up closer to him. The thought of a married life began to pass through Izuku's mind to make him smile. "Goodnight Ochako."

"Goodnight Izuku." The two held onto one another as they drifted asleep for the night.

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku handles his married life next time with a honeymoon trip happening. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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