The choice of destiny (s.m...

By butterflydreamers24

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This is a fictionary world with Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello. The world is divided in 4 groups: the Fire F... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chaper 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 15

226 11 1
By butterflydreamers24

Camila POV

After the door bell rang, Manuel stood up and said:

,,Aaliyah and Camila, please go upstairs."

We did what he said and went in Aaliyah's room,closed the door and tried to understand what was going on downstairs.

Manuel opened the door and five soldiers got inside and started to look through the whole house.

,,Where are the girls?" One of the soldiers asked.

,,I don't know what you're talking about." Manuel said.

The soldier who asked, ignored Manuel's answer and said: ,,Go and check everything upstairs! They have to be somewhere in this house!"

I heard steps up the stairs and Aaliyah and I got in a corner and hugged each other, hoping they didn't get in the room, but it didn't work. They stormed in and immediately made us stand up. They grabbed our wrists and made us follow them.

As we got downstairs Manuel shouted: ,,Take your hands away from my daughter! She didn't do anything!"

Karen was confused and started to cry. Aaliyah and I were as confused as her and didn't know what was going on. They pulled us in a car and drove away with us.

Aaliyah and I were sitting in the backseat and were terrified. We tried to recognize the way and succeeded. It looked like the way to the training building and apparently it was it. The car stopped right in front of the training building and the soldiers pulled us out of the car and dragged us in the building.

As we got in, the first thing I saw was Shawn, who ran directly to us.

,,Don't touch them!" Shawn said and pushed the soldiers away from us. He took one of mine and one of Aaliyah's hand and pulled us into a protective hug.

,,Well, well. I see the girls got here just in time. Camila, it's your turn to fight." Spencer said from behind Shawn.

,,Fight what?" I asked confused and Shawn hold me tighter.

,,You just get tested today. You have to get in the ring and fight with a person I choose. Just make sure you don't lose, or it may have big consequences." Spencer said and smiled fake at me. ,,Now come on. I don't have the time for your huggs." She said, grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from Shawn, but Shawn didn't like that and slapped her hand away and said serious and with anger in his eyes:

,,Take your hands away from her."

Spencer looked at him and said: ,,She's gonna fight with Marie Abo."

The name was familiar to me. Oh, I know, that was the first FIRST girl who got sorted. Fuck! That girl is two heads taller than me. I think she's even as tall as Shawn or taller! Okay, that's it. I loved this world but today I'm gonna die. Supiii....!

,,Are you kidding me!? That girl is two heads taller than Camila and is a born Fox! How should Camila have a chance against her!? Camila had just one training in her whole life!" Shawn said protective and angry.

,,It's not about winning Shawn, or well maybe a little bit. It's about potential." Spencer said with a fake smile. ,,Now get on that ring and FIGHT!"

I wanted to go in the ring, but Shawn grabbed my waist lightly to make me stop and said:

,,You're small and you can use that as an advantage. Be faster than her and hit her before she can get a chance. Okay?"

,,Okay." I said processing all the things he said and he kissed my forehead and wished me ,,Good luck" and I for sure needed a lot of luck.

I got on the ring and I was terrified. That girl was HUGE! I was sure that I was about to die, but I had hope that if I did everything Shawn said I'll have a chance.

,,When do we stop?" Marie asked.

,,When I say stop. Get in position." Spencer said bossy.

We got in the fight position and I concentrated at when Spencer said "start" so I could directly hit.

,,START!" Spencer shouted and I instantly moved fast and hit her on one side.

She was surprised by my fast action, so I could hit her again and that time she fell on the floor. I was really proud of myself! But as she was laying on the floor, she took my foot and made me fall down too. Then she tried to hit me in the face, but I rolled away from her and stood up fast so she couldn't get me. I basically ran away from her.

Fortunatelly, Spencer shouted: ,,STOP!"

,,Who won?" Marie asked.

,,No one, and also no one had lost. BUT!" Spencer said and I looked at Shawn who looked proud at me, but still scared. ,,Marie Abo, you are very strong, but you get surprised very easily, but you still have even a lot of potential. You can stay here and you don't have to go in The Room for sure." She said and then faced me. ,,Camila Ca..Cab.."

,,It's Cabello." I said looking at her with a straight face and tried to hide my anger.

,,Whatever " Stay calm, Camila, stay calm! Breathe! One, two, three, I swear I'm gonna kill that bitch, four. ,,You're small, but fast. You aren't strong, but you have a good strategy. You have some potential... You can stay here and don't have to go in The Room..." She said kinda disappointed but I didn't care.

As Shawn heard her words he screamed: ,,YES! That's my girl!"

I laughed and ran to him like a happy child. I jumped into his arms and gave him a koala hug.

,,Hi hi! I did it!" I said still hugging him.

,,You did it!" He said proud and hugged me thighter.

We broke the hug as Spencer shouted Aaliyah's name.

,,Aaliyah Mendes against Sandra Blake!"

,,The little Mila is a beast!" Aaliyah said before she got in the ring and I smiled at her.

Shawn stopped her,  just before she got in the ring and told her: ,,Sandra is weak and not fast too. She just has good strategies because she was born in a Dolphine family. All you have to do is to hit her directly in one of her weak places and you won. Just don't leave her time to think about her moves. You got it?"

,,Got it." Aaliyah said and went inside the ring.

Now I understand why everyone admires Shawn. He knows EVERYONE'S strengths and weaknesses. He just knows all you need to do and he's fast and strong and yes, I have a perfect boyfriend. Hihi!

,,START!" Spencer shouted and Aaliyah waited just one second because the opponent probably thought she was using the same strategy I used, so she surprised the girl with a punch right in the face, one second later after the start. The girl fell on the floor and couldn’t move. She couldn't stand up anymore, so Spencer shouted:

,,STOP! Aaliyah Mendes, everything was perfect. The strategy, the speed, the strength, just everything I saw today. You for sure can stay."

,,Yes!" Jamie and Shawn screamed at the same time and Aaliyah smiled at them.

,,Sandra Blake... I couldn't see much today. So I can't say if you have or don't have potential. I'm gonna think if you get in The Room or can stay, but for now go there and I'm gonna tell you later if you can leave The room or not. " Spencer said.

Aaliyah got out of the ring and went to hug Jamie and then Shawn and I.

,,Jamie Woods and Stephanie Graph in the ring!" Spencer shouted.

,,What!?" Everyone said.

,,What? You all heard right.” Spencer said.

,,One is a boy and the other is a girl and they are friends." Shawn said.

,,Mendes. I told you once! I. DON'T. CARE. They have to fight, it doesn't matter if it's fair or not! I only look at their potential!" Spencer said bossy and Shawn rolled his eyes.

Jamie and Stephanie stepped in the ring and got in their positions.

,,START!" Spencer shouted and they both looked at each other to signal that it's okay if they lose. Stephanie attacked first, but Jamie resisted and hit her next. Stephanie was fast and as he punched, she got his arm and throwed him down on the floor. ,,STOP!" Spencer shouted. Jamie stood up and they both looked at Spencer. ,,Jamie Woods.... Weak. You're weak. You are theoretically strong and fast and you also have a good strategy, but you're weak. You let your friendship be stronger than this fight. There is a saying I learned from my dad. It says "enemies in a fight and friends in private". I hope it's a lesson for everyone here. Moving on. Stephanie Graph, you’re good, everything was good. Your speed was perfect, but you still have to work on the rest. You both have potential and can stay. No Room for you.

As they exited the ring, Aaliyah went and hugged both of them.

,,Thank god you all did it." Shawn said in my ear and I hugged him again.

I just realized that our lives had depended on this fight and I had no words. I hugged Shawn and let all the fear that was left get away from me. I knew there were still millions of things I should still be afraid of, but right now, I survived this choice so I could relax a little.

,,Mila?" Shawn asked still hugging me.

,,Yes?" I said and looked up at him.

,,Can you stay longer after this choice and I can give you a training? I'm not asking because you weren't good enough in the ring, because you were really good. I mean you were REALLY good. I'm just asking because you didn't have any training and you still have to learn so much. And Spencer, Miranda, Juliet and Mark apparently won't teach you, the new Foxes, anything important in the near future." He said and I put my hand on his cheek and said:

,,Of course I'm staying."

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!! 💕

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