🌈13. A Bedtime Story 2(COMPL...

By weiyingislove

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"Every day means every day." It still echoed in my ears when he promised we will do it daily. But that promis... More

Chapter 1 - 🔞Reading is a Pleasure
Chapter 2 - Confused Lan Wanji
Chapter 3 - Seduce my husband.
Chapter 4 - Mission Failed but Sweet
Chapter 5 - 🔞I care for you
Chapter 6 - The Impostors
Chapter 8 - 🔞The Past
Chapter 9 - 🔞Everyday means Everyday

Chapter 7 - Fruit of Love

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By weiyingislove

Hello here...haha..welcome to another boring chapter. enjoy the boredom...😄

Su She is carrying the wad of keys. They caught a lot of wicked ghosts and need to imprison them. He then slowly open the dungeon. He lit up the oil lamp and enter. The ghost inside the bundle of pouches is kept moving to want to escape.

Su She suddenly trips off his foot inside the dungeon and one of the pouch drop. Su, She quickly gets up and checks the pouches. Unaware of the count, he continues to walk until he reaches the cages. He then opens them one by and put each pouch inside the cage.

When done, Su She was trip off again and curse.

What is wrong here? Why I am always falling to the ground suddenly? Before he can get up, a soul-eating ghost already hug his body and entered his body.

Lan Qiren called out an emergency meeting to the assembly area.

The students, Lan Wanji, and the rest are already there except for Su She.

"Where is Su She?"

"Uncle, he brings the ghost to the dungeon." Lan Xichen answered.

Before Lan Qiren starts to nag, Su She is approaching already.

"I'm sorry. Ah, it was tough this time."

"Did you make sure they were all in the cage?"

"Yes, Master Lan."

Wei Ying is 8 months pregnant now. His stomach is as s round as watermelon. Lan Wanji smile when he saw his husband rubbing his tummy when he entered the Jinshi.

Wei Ying has the sweetest smile when he saw his husband still in wet hair as he takes a bath at the cold pond with Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen.

Like what they always do, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying help each other prepare the dinner and happily eat. Lan Wanji is more caring and a bit touchy as days passed by. He never refuses at all everytime Wei Ying needs him. Though he is still shy to initiate to do his husband, at least Wei Ying can sense it easily.

It is 8 in the evening, Lan Wanji is preparing the bathtub for Wei Ying's hot bath.

"Lan Zhan did I made you tired. I'm sorry..." Wei Ying clings his hands to Lan Zhan's neck.

"No..." Lan Zhan's voice trembles as their face are just inches apart.

Wei Ying was about to kiss his husband but he saw the kettle cover is lifting.

"Ah Lan Zhan, the water is boiling already..." Wei Ying said.

Lan Zhan blushed and turn his back as soon as Wei Ying free him.

Lan Zhan poured the hot water inside the bathtub. When Lan Zhan is done mixing the water, the playful Wei Ying quickly undresses himself leaving nothing. His round tummy is so beautiful in Lan Wanji's eyes but he quickly averted his gaze avoiding the tempting sight. Glad that Wei Ying turns his back it is more tempting as it shows his sexiness and curvacious spine and round bottom.

"Lan Zhan, I will be upset if you don't join me." Wei Ying called out his husband and pouts.

Lan Wanji stares at Wei Wuxian intently who is now inside the water lifting his foot at the edge of the bathtub. He looks so sexy and Lan Wanji can't help but gulp his saliva. Lan Wanji just heaves a sigh and answered shortly.


Lan Zhan picks the Bichen and Suibian and places them on top of the table near the bathtub. He then removed his clothes and join his husband. Lan Wanji didn't hide his lust and desire and start to kiss Wei Ying passionately while caressing his round tummy.

Wei Ying was a bit surprised. This is the first time his Lan Zhan did not think twice but instead, his Lan Zhan started it. Though their bedtime story wasn't that memorable for the past eight months, tonight is different. Wei Ying can feel Lan Zhan that he is back. The way he caresses and kisses him. Finally, the aggressive and rough Lan Zhan he was longing for a long time is back.

The two made love that night unaware that a pair of eyes is watching outside the Jinshi.

Jinshi is protected by a spell at night so that when they are sleeping, no wicked soul or soul-eating ghost can enter.

After the heated and tiring last night, Lan Zhan wakes up and smiles. Last night, he had the best and memorable lovemaking with his Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan remembers how his Wei Ying moaned his name and it is so sweet and melodic to his shy ears. Lan Wanji leans closer and kisses Wei Ying's lips. He tucks him in making sure his Wei Ying is comfortable and feeling warm in the cold morning.

Lan Wanji checks the things needed he prepared a week ago. Anytime soon, Wei Ying will give birth and he will become a father. Deep in their heart, he is not only excited to become a father, but he is also more excited to see the fruit of their love, and Wei Ying as a mother of his child must be a wonderful and amazing thing.

Two days later.

Lan Wanji is preparing breakfast when he heard Weiying groan in pain.

"Lan Zhan....help me..."

"Wei Ying!"

Lan Wanji quickly burns a talisman to notify his uncle and brother.

Wei Ying is going to give birth and he is having hard labor. The elder midwives took care of him but it seems Wei Ying can't handle the pain of labor. The elders suggest giving more spiritual energy to Wei Ying.

In a blink of an eye, the other elder starts to mumble and in no time a magical thread starts to connect to Wei Ying's vein.

"No!" The other elder shouts.

Lan Qiren, Lan Xichen, and Lan Wanji entered the room. Wei Ying is starting to get unconscious while the other elder is being controlled by the now impostor midwife.

Lan Wanji throws the Bichen into the hand of the impostor that is trying to eat Wei Ying's soul and his baby.

The hand that sucking the soul was cut off and in no time, it transforms into a wicked ghost. Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen quickly move and chased the ghost and split the soul into two with the sword and the ghost dissipates.

Wei Ying is in hard labor and too much pain. Lan Wanji runs to Wei Ying and holds his hand giving him courage and sharing spiritual energy.

After a few minutes, Wei Ying release a loud groan and a loud cry of a baby echoed inside the Jinshi.

(A/N: Wei Ying gave birth like taking out his core in the novel but it is the natural birth.)

Wei Ying lost consciousness. Lan Wanji kisses Wei Ying's sweaty forehead and dries it with the cloth.

The midwife cut the umbilical cord and wrapped the baby in a soft cloth. The midwife smiled and gave the baby to Lan Wanji.

Carrying his son, Lan Wanji smile. Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren almost teary-eyed seeing Lan Wanji smiling wide which is not even natural to him.

Wei Ying recovers his energy after two days and wakes up.

"Lan Zhan...."

Hearing Wei Ying's voice, Lan Wanji stops meditating and carries the baby basket from his side. (I find this cute..😅)

"Wei Ying..." Lan Zhan sits on the bed and leans closer to kiss his Wei Ying.

"Lan Zhan, where is our baby.."

Lan Wanji lifted the baby basket to his lap and bring out the little soul to Wei Ying's chest.

As soon as the baby touches his bare skin on his chest, the baby release a soft moan of feeling comfortable and warmer than the basket he was laying before.

"Lan Zhan...my heart is beating fast. It is so loud that it disturbs our baby..."

"Yes, the same way how I feel the first time I hold him and bring to my chest."

"Lan Zhan...the fruit of our love is a boy..thank you for staying and taking care of me.." Wei Ying said and water starts to form in his eyes.

Though Wei Ying is excited to give birth, it also gives him fear from the previous months. He is expecting Lan Wanji will kick him out soon and he will go back to Yunmeng.

Lan Wanji did not respond but instead, he brushes his fingers to Wei Ying's hair and speaks. His voice is trembling and as if he is having a hard time saying the words he wanted to utter.

"Wei Ying..."

"Lan Zhan...do you want to say something?" Wei Ying's brows furrowed.

He can see Lan Zhan is struggling and his face is starting to turns red together with his earlobes. His hand clenched and gather all the courage and speak again.

"Wei Ying..."

But before he can continue his words, the baby's body moves and the shoulders shakes. The small lips stretch drawing a wide smile showing his gums. It was just seconds and the baby yawns and snuggles his face to Wei Ying's bare chest.

Lan Wanji feels the blood rush to his face as if his son is teasing him?
While Wei Ying wanted to laugh so hard.

"Lan Zhan...I..." Wei Ying stops when Lan Zhan covers his mouth with his forefinger shutting his mouth and speak.

"Wei Ying..."

To be continued...

Thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter.

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