Not All Hockey Boys Are Bad

By OliviaSmirl

426K 7.1K 454

*complete* Rosie and Jack could not be more different. They were like Yin and Yang, North and South, light an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 16

13.9K 235 12
By OliviaSmirl

Chapter 16
I wiggled my empty mug between my fingers as I listened to Jack speak. He was explaining some amazing play he had made when he was playing only on a little league team. His face lit up and he moved his all over the place. I couldn't help but smile at him.

We had sat here in this booth for a couple of hours now, neither of us ready to leave. I glanced over to the clock on the wall it was half past eleven and I no intentions of leaving quite yet.

"Sorry, am I boring you?" Jack said suddenly his hands dropping to the table.

My eyes widened. "No, no, of course not!" I blurted embarrassed that he would think I wasn't interested in anything he was saying. It was quite the opposite. I've never been more interested in what a guy had to say.

Jack smirked, "You sure? Because I can always tell you about the time I-" He was cut off when the café door opened and some people walked in. He stared across my shoulder at them, a scowl coming over his face. Curious I turned to look behind me. Two guys stood at the counter ordering coffee, both were adorned in Harland hockey t-shirts. I glanced back at Jack who was still watching the two of them.

"Do you know those guys?" I pried, wanting to know the reason behind his scowl. Jack stole a quick glance at me, but then his eyes flickered back to the strangers.

He grimaced. "Yeah, they're old teammates." His voice was harsh and I wondered what happened between those guys and him in the past.

"Okay, well maybe we should say Hello or something?" I suggested already knowing how'd Jack react to it. His head snapped back to look at me, his gaze harsh.

"Definitely not."

He gave me a look making sure I understood that we were not speaking to those guys at all. I felt the urge to test it, but by the glare Jack was giving me I only nodded. Glancing behind me again I caught the look of one of the guys. He smirked, giving me a devilish look, then looked over to see Jack. His eyes lit up in recognition and he tapped his buddy's shoulder motioning over to our table.

My heart dropped and I turned back to Jack unsure of what I had just done by catching the boy's eye. I could hear footsteps approaching our table and I knew the two of them were headed to our table.

I watched as Jack's jaw tensed as he stood up quickly, finding my hand to pull me up along with him. He kept his eyes forward ignoring the approaching men while he kept his hand in mine leading me towards the exit. I let Jack lead me not really knowing what else to do other than follow him. I'm sure my heart was thudding loudly from our sudden exit.

We were almost to the door when a voice called out from behind us. "Jack! Leaving so soon?" I had no doubt it came from the one who smirked at me.

"Can't even stay to say Hey to a couple of you're old teammates?" The other called out. Jack continued ignoring their calls and I tried to do the same.

"Not even going to introduce us to your new girl?" A hand brushed my arm and I jumped forward plowing into Jack's back. Unaffected by my body running into his Jack swiftly turned around glaring at the boys behind us. I turned around to see the first one to call out to us much closer than I expected. His hand retracted from me and I backed away further into Jack.

Something about the two made me uneasy and I couldn't see how Jack was ever on the same team as them. Jack's hand tightened around mine.

"Well Jack? You're not going to at least say hello to your old friends?" The taller one with shaggy blonde hair said smirking.

"No, because you two are no old friends of mine." Jack said his voice rough.

The other, shorter brunette placed a hand over his heart. "Oh, Jack you wound us." He chuckled, then glanced over to me. "What about you, babe? He's got a hold on your tongue too?"

My face reddened in anger. "No, noones got a "hold on my tongue" I just don't associate with creeps." I bit back not really paying attention to what I was saying. Jack squeezed my hand and tugged my a bit closer to him. The two guys laughed at my words.

"Oh sweet cheeks, then you're hanging around the wrong guy." The blonde glanced at Jack and winked.

What did he mean by that? Jack was certainly not a creep. A bit of a quiet loner, and obsessed with hockey yes, but certainly not a creep. At least I don't think...

"Just leave her alone, Carter. We're leaving, it was nice seeing you but I've got to get her home." Jack said. He nudged me behind him pushing me closer to the door. The blonde, Carter, smirked watching Jack's action.

"Aw yes the drop off, time for another girl. I understand it gets dull hanging around the same girl for too long, especially girls like her."

My gut clenched. I hardly knew these guys and they were being this rude. Was their history with Jack that bad? Bad enough to want to hurt the people around Jack too? Thoughts swirled around my head, this whole situation was confusing and I felt like I should question what I knew about Jack.

Snapped out of my thoughts I felt Jack's hand ripping out of mine. I looked up to see the side of his face. It was the angriest I had ever seen him, even on the rink during fights he never had this look of hatred on his face.

His jaw was clenched and his fist was raised to strike. I knew I should probably be terrified to see him this way but I couldn't find it in me to be scared. Before I could think I slipped in between Jack and Carter before he could swing. My hands landed on Jack's chest holding him back. His fist drooped, but the anger consuming him stayed. Wanting to leave this place and forget these guys I rose on my toes trying to reach my mouth to his ears.

"Please don't. Fights are cool in the rink, but not here." I could feel his tense muscles loosening and I continued. "Plus, I need someone to walk me home, not someone to drag home."

Leaning back I watched as Jack's scowl shifted into more of a mild glare. His heartbeat grew steady and his eyes lost the anger from before. He exhaled, then looked down to me. I gave him a look of reassurance that walking away was the right thing to do and he took it.

"Let's go." He reached down and took my hand into his. He tugged on my arm pulling me out of the café before Carter and his friend could say another thing.

"What are you two doing making a ruckus in my café, get out!" We heard the old women from before shout through the thin walls of the building. Smiling I glanced over to see Jack holding the same expression despite how tense he was before.

"Time to get you home." He said pulling me along towards my house.


"So this is you, and that is my car." Jack said stopping in front of my house pointing to the black Jeep parked here from before. The beetle he was driving a few days ago was long gone and in it's place was a mode fitting more of transportation for Jack.

I chuckled glancing up to my house. It was past noon now and my mother's car was still nowhere to be seen. "Yup, this is me alright." I muttered.

My hand was still in Jack's and I looked down at our entwined fingers. From the ten minute walk it took us to get here from the café I figured his previous anger was gone. I smiled up at him and bit my lip. He stared down at my lips in a look of lust.

"C'mon, walk me to my front door." I said pulling him up to my front porch. Once there I turned to face him, my back leaning against the wall to the side of the door.

Jack smirked, using my arm to pull him closer to me, his hands climbed up my arm. My breathing increased as his hands traced down my sides before landing on my waist. Leaving his face a couple of inches from mine.

"You know it's not even one yet, there's still another half of the day..." He insinuated drawing closer.

His voice was hushed and rough and that alone made my insides melt. As much as I would like to spend the rest of the day with Jack I had homework, cleaning, and Georgia to attend to. Not to mention being with Jack was intoxicating and I needed time to clear my head. Make sure my thoughts were correct about him.

I steadied my breathing enough to speak, "You know I would but..."

"If this is about what Carter said earlier, ignore it. What they say is utter bullshit, you shouldn't even have listened to them." Jack's jaw tensed his anger starting to return.

Without stopping myself I reached my hand up to caress his cheek. His face was rough and scratchy due to his scruff but it felt nice under my touch. Trying to regain focus I cleared my throat looking up into Jack's eyes. His face had changed and he relaxed into my touch. "Don't worry, what they said is already forgotten to me. What I was going to say is that I have a massive amount of homework and cleaning to do before my mom gets home."

"Oh..." Jack sighed.

He bit his lips and glanced down to my lips. "Are you sure you want to clean for the rest of the day?" He asked as he leaned closer into me.

"Well, I don't really have much of a choice." I replied feeling myself inching closer to him.

"Sure you do." Jack said his lips brushed over mine and my knees almost buckled, but somehow I managed to stay standing.

"I have to-" I tried to say but Jack cut me off with a kiss. His lips moved gently against mine and I found myself kissing him back. It wasn't the first time we've kissed but it certainly felt like it. Was it always going to feel this way?

Jack cut off my thoughts by deepening the kiss his tongue parting my lips and finding mine. My hands had found a way into his hair. Absentmindedly I pulled him impossibly closer to me. Jack understood what I was trying to do and pushed against me. My back was to the wall, there was no where left for me to go but Jack didn't care. He continued to kiss me like I would disappear any second while his hands gripped at my waist. Not even thinking about breathing I continued moving my lips against his, intoxicated with the feelings kissing him gave me.

"I thought I heard passionate kissing." Georgia's voice sounded beside us. Jack pulled away, his touch leaving me. He looked at Georgia who had her arms crossed and a smug look on her face. My face heated. Of course she would find us in this position.

Clearing my throat I pulled my shirt down from where it had risen up and I pushed myself away from the wall. "I... uh...was just about to come in..." I muttered

Georgia scoffed, "Uh-huh sure you were."

"I was." I said matter-of-factly stepping closer to the door trying to avoid looking at Jack.

Jack cleared his throat and I had to risk looking at him. His hair stood up from wear I ran my fingers through it and his cheeks were flushed. "So, I guess, I should get going." He backed up and down the steps of my porch. "I'll see you around Rosie." He smirked biting his lip and turning to walk to his Jeep. I watched as he climbed into the drivers seat and the sped off down the road.

"So you two are a thing now?" Georgia asked leading the way inside.

"Maybe, maybe not." I smiled to myself before walking to the kitchen to grab a couple of trash bags. I handed one to Georgia after walking back into the living room. "I'll give you the details while we clean."

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