The Hunt of the Shadows book...

By Onyx76

27 11 2

After the mission to retreive Apollo's bow and arrow, the infinite team is assigned on a new mission to get t... More

Chapter 1: Making a Replica
Chapter 2 :The Lightning bolt of Zeus
Chapter 4 :The Hologram Room
Chapter 5 :The Mission
Chapter 6 :Jax
Chapter 7 :The Insane Plan Works
Chapter 8 :A Snake's Wrath
Chapter 9 :The Maze of Doom
Chapter 10 :The Lost Father
Chapter 11 :The Risen Shnak
Chapter 12 :The Future Revealed
Preview of Book 3: The Lost Trident Chapter 1 :The Trident of Poseidon

Chapter 3 :In the Mind Palace

2 1 0
By Onyx76

Now the mind palace is where I do my planning and that is where I do tactics. I also do private thinking. Well, I did have this operation when I was eighteen. I did say I did not know the hidden city, but it was not true. I knew it from the start but kept quiet so that my parents will not move into the city. You can say that I planned all these things, except for that time when my house got fire.

I walked to a compartment totally in visible to a naked eye by an angle. It was a CD-shaped portal to my own room made by minerals. I entered in it and I was in my room. This place is private that only my friend, Jax knows. I went to one room and I sat on a mat.

I imagined myself at the Empire State Building and the buildings surrounding it. Then, I visualize the weather around it. After that, I went into the building and went to level 80. I went around the place and found a crack in a wall. I imagined I have a sword with the cross-guard was curved and I charged the sword with mercurium energy and stabbed the cracked wall. I released the energy and the wall exploded. I looked inside and there was the lightning bolt. Then, I imagined myself in Starbucks enjoying coffee while thinking and I was like meditating but thinking for solutions. I was thinking deep inside my mind for solutions. I can feel my neurons running far faster than the flash and I found a solution, but it has risks. All my insane plans always have risks. I opened my eyes in Starbucks and I finished my drink. I left the café and left my mind palace.

I opened my eyes and closed them again. I think of connecting my visualization to Jax. Jax's visualization and I are far crazier than you think. We can somehow connect each other because that is the Shadow's power, and nobody knew it except for Jax and me.

I imagined myself in the Shadow's hall in London. Suddenly, Jax appeared and shouted, "I been summoned!"

"Hey what's up," I said.

"Bro, I'm fine," he replied.

"I found a solution."

"Let me guess, you went into the building and found the lightning bolt. Then, you sat in Starbucks to think seriously, am I right?"

"Pretty much."

"And the plan is insane."

"Yep, far more than you can guess."

"Ohh, Mike has gone insanely crazy."

I laughed, "Yeah pretty much."

"So," said Jax his faced suddenly stern, "What's the solution?"

I told him the solution.

"Yep this is pretty insane and sick."

"Yeah and that's our only option."

"I agree."

"Then let's go."

"Yeah, I'm already there."

"Ha-ha, I'll be there with my team," I said and left the mind palace.

I opened my eyes and left the room. I swiped my hand to the right and a hologram came up. The weather is worse. I need to get there ASAP. I left my secret room.

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