The Adventure Begins - (RWBY...

Bởi Railrider99

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(y/n) (l/n) was your young and ordinary mechanical and technological genius living a quiet life in his home v... Xem Thêm

Prologue - Crash Landing
Chapter 1: Out From the Ashes
Chapter 2: Coming Together
Chapter 3: STARcrossed
Chapter 4: The Dark Room Treatment
Chapter 5: Initiation and The Encounter
Chapter 6: The Badge and The Burden
Chapter 7: Jaunedice
Chapter 8: Forever Fall & The Meeting
Chapter 10: Black & White
Epilogue: Gravity VS Polarity
Author's Note

Chapter 9: The Stray

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Bởi Railrider99

3rd POV - Team RWBY's Dorm

Team RWBY was just waking up and getting ready for the day ahead of them. Weiss ended up waking everyone up early as she was insistent on going out into Vale today. Yang was currently brushing out her hair, Blake was reading one of her books, Weiss was playing around on her scroll, and Ruby was finishing getting dressed.

Yang: Remind me again why we are getting up this early when it is a weekend?

Weiss: So we can see what is happening with the Vytal Festival!

Yang: It hasn't even started yet! It's just boring set up!

Blake: Yeah Weiss, I'm not sure what you're hoping to see exactly.

Weiss: We need to get out anyway so this is the perfect excuse to do so.

Ruby: I still would rather be sleeping in my bed.

Weiss: Hush, you!

Yang: Well I'm good to go. So are we going or what?

Ruby: Should we see if JNPR or STAR would want to join us?

Yang: JNPR already had plans elsewhere. Not sure about STAR though.

Ruby: Then let's go ask them. I'm sure (y/n) and Price could use a breather the most right now.

Blake: What do you mean?

Ruby: Weeelllll, (y/n) has to serve a few detentions for going after Cardin during the field trip and they pulled another late night in (y/n)'s workshop.

Weiss: That dunce is lucky he didn't get a harsher punishment.

Yang suddenly zips next to Weiss and leans in close to her.

Yang: Speaking of which.....what's going on between you two?

Weiss: With who?

Yang: Don't play innocent with me Weiss cream! I'm talking about how you've been acting around (Y/N) lately.

Weiss: *annoyed* What are you even talking about?!

Yang: Come on Weiss, it's so obvious. I see it, Price sees it, Bruce sees it, Callie sees it, Blake sees it, even Rubes sees it! We see you checking him out.. *smirks*

Weiss: You have no proof!

Blake: You asked him to study with you and since then, you two have been studying together more lately.

Ruby: He's the only person you even allow to call you Ice Queen.

Yang: Without either getting literally frozen solid or yelled at might I add.

Weiss: That is not...!

Yang: And every time he is about to do something either reckless, dangerous, or straight up insane you immediately get riled up and try to stop him.

Weiss: I would do the same for you guys.

Ruby: You've been stealing glances towards his direction lately whenever he's around...

Weiss: I like to keep track of my surroundings!

Yang: Last week at lunch when Jaune tried hitting on you again, you blew him off with the Ice Queen treatment as usual but the minute (y/n) walked in and sat down you switched to what we call the "Snow Angel" whenever you two would be talking to each other.

Blake: Basically almost the complete opposite of what you were doing thirty seconds before that.

Yang: And do we really need to bring up the ice sculpture you made last month?

Weiss was angerly blushing and trying to maintain her composure. She was practically seething while staring down her teammates with the best glare she could muster. She then pauses and gets an idea with a smirk of her own starting to form...

Weiss: Well if we're gonna bring up people we fancy then how are you and Bruce doing?

Yang: Fine actually. I think he knows I dig him. Although I think I'll be the one making the first move odds are. He's kinda cute when he's not always serious and semi grumpy.

Weiss: How can you be so open about this?

Yang: I haven't exactly made it a secret that I like him unlike you with (y/n).

Weiss: Can we just get going now?!?

Ruby: Yeah I guess we should. Let's go to Team STAR's room to see if they want to tag along.

Yang: And Weiss can finally get some quality time with her boyfriend.

Weiss: *madly blushing angerly* HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND YOU BLONDE DOLT!!!!

Team RWBY walks out of their room and proceed to head down the hall to STAR's room. They stand outside the door and Ruby knocks on the door.

Team STAR's room

The members of Team STAR were currently passed out asleep in bed except for Callie. Being a morning person, Callie was in the bathroom showering while the boys were all asleep in their beds. There were a couple knocks on their door. Price was still snoring away asleep and Bruce was out cold with a pillow laying over his head. (Y/N) was fast asleep until he heard someone knocking on the door. (Y/N) slowly wakes up.

(Y/N): *groaning*'s too early for this...

Another set of knocking was heard. (Y/N) rolls over and puts his pillow over his head in an effort to mute the noise that was disturbing his slumber.

(Y/N): Come ooonnnn...5 more minutes.....

The knocks on the door are heard again. (Y/N) gets up and proceeds to walk sleepily to the door and is not too thrilled to be woken up from his nice, warm bed.


(Y/N) unlocks the door and opens it to find Team RWBY waiting on the other side with Ruby still holding her hand up about to knock on the door again. Blake is currently staring with eyes wide open, Ruby waving sheepishly at him, Yang grinning and looking towards a madly blushing Weiss. (Y/N) rubs his eyes a little bit to adjust to the change of brightness in the room and hallway and notices the girl's reactions. He suddenly looks down at what they are staring at and he notices he is only wearing a pair of loose basketball shorts.

(Y/N): *yawning* Whoops...sorry girls. Give me a minute to get into something decent.

(Y/N) shuts the door to go change.

Yang: Damn Weiss, you sure know how to pick em....

Weiss: Sh-Shut up!! *still blushing and embaressed.*

(Y/N) opens the door again and steps out with a t-shirt on this time.

(Y/N): *yawns again* Sorry about that. I literally just woke up. What are you guys doing up so early anyway?

Ruby: We were gonna go see how the Vytal Festival is coming along and wanted to know if you guys would like to come along.

(Y/N): That sounds interesting. *thinks for a moment* Sure. Why not. Just give us a few minutes to get ready and we'll be right out.

Small timeskip....

Team RWBY and a half awake Team STAR were walking through the streets of Vale. Balloons and streamers were being proudly put on display to get ready for the festival in time.

Weiss: The Vytal Festival! Oh, this is absolutely wonderful!

Ruby: I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much, Weiss. It's kinda weirding me out...

Weiss: How could you not smile? A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There will be dances! Parades! A tournament! Oh, the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breathtaking!

Price: BORING!!!

Weiss looks Price dead in the eyes which causes Price to sweat drop nervously before she happily goes back to her speech about the festival.

Yang: You really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring.

Weiss: Quiet, you!

(Y/N): You mean to tell me I got out of bed just to watch the set up?

Price: Yup. We did.

Weiss: Oh Price, did my message not get through to you? *looks at him with a sweet but angry face*

Price: Uh...uhhhh...yes ma'am... yes it did.

Weiss: Good. Now hush.

Price: *throws his hands in the air and gestures to (y/n) Why aren't you scolding (Y/N) right now?!

Weiss: Because he is not complaining unlike you.

Price: *deadpans*

Yang: Remind me again why we're spending our Friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks?

Ruby: Ugh, they smell like fish!

Weiss: I've heard that students visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today. And, as a representative of Beacon, I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom!

Callie: *leans towards Yang* She wants to spy on them so she'll have the upper hand in the tournament.

Weiss: You can't prove that!

Price: Bet.

Ruby: Whoa.

Everyone looks down the street towards where Ruby was looking and they see a shattered window down the street. The door next to it is filled with yellow caution tape with Vale Police investigating.

Ruby: What happened here?

Detective: Robbery. Second Dust shop to be hit this week. This place is turning into a jungle.

Yang: *sighs* That's terrible.

Officer: They left all the money again.

Ruby: Huh?

Price: The hell?

Detective: Yeah, just doesn't make a lick of sense. Who needs that much Dust?

(Y/N): Better question, who the hell robs a place and doesn't take the money?

Officer: I don't know, an army?

Detective: You thinking the White Fang?

Officer: Yeah, I'm thinking we don't get paid enough.

Weiss: Hmph! The White Fang. What an awful bunch of degenerates!

Bruce: Weiss we have no way of knowing if it even was them let alone anyone else for that matter.

Blake: What's your problem?

Weiss: MY problem? I simply don't care for the criminally insane.

Callie's face hardens fast and quickly gets in the heiress' face.

Callie: The same could be said about your Father, Schnee....

(Y/N): *whispers to Bruce* We may have to intervene here....

Blake: The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths. They're a collection of misguided Faunus.

Weiss: Misguided? They want to wipe Humanity off the face of the planet!

Callie: If people such as yourself didn't always cast Faunus in such a bad light even when they were being peaceful, they probably wouldn't have considered resorting to more drastic methods.

Weiss: So you what you're saying to me is that it is my family's fault that the White Fang are now lashing out?!

Callie: What I am saying is that you're family is not the root of the problem, you people only pour more fuel on the fire. I don't think we need to go into the overall treatment of the SDC's faunus workers to prove my point, do you?

Blake: So then they're very misguided. Either way, it doesn't explain why they would rob a Dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale!

Ruby: Hmm... Blake's got a point. Besides, the police never caught that guy I ran into a few months ago... Maybe it was him.

(Y/N): Who was the guy?

Ruby: It was--*gets cut off by Weiss*

Weiss: That still doesn't change the fact that the White Fang are a bunch of scum. Those Faunus only know how to lie, cheat, and steal.

Bruce: And the pot has finally called the kettle black.....

Callie: You do realize that lying, cheating, and stealing are things that scumbags like your daddy are all too familiar with, right? How do ya think he got you into Beacon?

Weiss: *narrows eyes and lowers her voice* You're treading very thin ice here Anthony.....

Callie: I was gonna say the same thing about you....Schnee scum....

Yang: That's not necessarily true...

Weiss: You looking for a fight wolf girl?

(Y/N) suddenly walks in between Weiss and Callie which surprises both of them. (Y/N) crosses his arms and starts staring down Weiss with a hard glare that could easily rival her own. Weiss shrinks a little bit remembering what (y/n) did to Cardin...

(Y/N): I will be if you lay one finger on her...

"Hey, stop that Faunus!"

As RWBY and STAR overhear a local sailor cry out for help, a faunus with a gold monkey trail begins running down the length of the boat he is on and leaps onto the edge as two sailors try to catch him.

???: Thanks for the ride, guys! Haha!

The monkey faunus lands on the dock and takes off running before leaping onto a nearby lamppost.

Sailor: You no-good stowaway!

???: Hey! A no-good stowaway would've been caught! I'm a great stowaway!

Detective: Hey! Get down from there this instant!

The faunus eats a banana and drops the banana peel on the detectives face. He then leaps off and runs away while laughing with amusement. As he runs past RWBY and STAR, he winks at a surprised Blake before taking off deep into the city.

Yang: Well, Weiss, you wanted to see the competition, and there it goes...

Weiss: Quick! We have to observe him!

(Y/N): I can already tell this is gonna be a long day....

Bruce: Get used to it kid. This is only the beginning.

Both teams give chase but as they round the corner, Weiss bumps into someone and falls. (Y/N) grabs her by her arm at the last second and pulls her up. She faintly blushes at the sudden contact as (y/n) helps her stand up again. She looks back up to see the mystery faunus jump onto a building and disappear.

Weiss: No, he got away!

Yang: Uhh... Weiss?

Weiss looks down to see a strange ginger haired girl laying on the ground with a strangely large smile on her face despite being knocked to the ground.

???: Sal-u-ta-tions!

Ruby: Um... hello.

Yang: Are you... okay?

???: I'm wonderful! Thank you for asking.

Price leans in to (y/n) ear and whispers to him.

Price: There is something wrong with this chick.....

(Y/N): Ummmm....miss?? Are you sure you're okay?

Yang: "Do you... wanna get up?"

???: *pauses and thinks for a moment* Yes! *leaps back up* My name is Penny! It's a pleasure to meet you!

Ruby: Hi Penny. I'm Ruby.

Weiss: I'm Weiss.

Blake: Blake.

Yang: Are you sure you didn't hit your head? *Callie hits her side* Oh, I'm Yang.

Penny: It's a pleasure to meet you!

Weiss: You already said that.

Penny: So I did!

There is a long awkward silence before both teams turn around and start walking away.

Weiss: Well, sorry for running into you!

Ruby: Take care, friend!

Yang: She was... weird...

Price: I'm telling you there is something actually wrong with her.

Callie: Price, give it a rest. I've seen worse.

(Y/N): She's different. That's forsure.

Weiss: Now, where did that Faunus riff-raff run off to?

Penny: What did you call me?

Weiss looks back and forth in shock trying to process what was happening.

Price: Oh shit we're sorry! We didn't think you'd hear us!

Yang: Yeah, we're really sorry, we didn't mean it!

Penny: No, not you. *walks and leans towards Ruby* You!

Ruby: Me?! I-I don't know. I, what I, um, uh...

Penny: You called me 'friend'! Am I really your friend?

Ruby: Uuuum... *looks over to her friends to see everyone shaking their heads denying her* Y-Yeah, sure! Why not? *everyone faints*

Penny: Sen-sational! We can paint our nails, and try on clothes, and talk about cute boys!

Ruby: Oh, is this what it was like when you met me?

Weiss: No - she seems far more coordinated.

Yang: So... what are you doing in Vale?

Penny: I'm here to fight in the tournament.

(Y/N): Seriously?

Penny nods her head at (y/n) and suddenly walks up to him looking him over. She then notices Price and begins to eye him up and down oddly. Price sweat drops nervously while everyone watches completely bewildered by what was transpiring.

Penny: You two look familiar....

(Y/N): Uhhhhh...I'm pretty sure you're confusing us with somebody else.

Penny: Have we met before?

Price: If we did this probably would be a lot less awkward....

Weiss: Wait, you're fighting in the tournament?

Penny: I'm combat ready!

Weiss: Forgive me, but you hardly look the part.

Blake: Says the girl wearing a dress.

Weiss: It's a combat skirt!

Ruby: *zooms over next to Weiss* Yeah! *Weiss holds out her hand and Ruby low-fives it*

Weiss: Wait a minute. If you're here for the tournament, does that mean you know that monkey-tailed... rapscallion?

Penny: The who...?

Weiss: The filthy Faunus from the boat!

Callie: That's it Schnee. You've asked for it!

(Y/N): *grabs Callie and picks her up carrying a flailing, kicking, and pissed off Callie away* I think it's time we left, come on team.

Price and Bruce follow suit with Bruce shaking his head disapprovingly at RWBY.

Callie: Put me down (Y/N)!!! I will tear her limb from limb! I WILL SHOW HER TRUE PAIN!!!

Blake: Why do you keep saying that?!

Weiss: Huh?

Blake: Stop calling him a rapscallion! Stop calling him a degenerate! He's a person!

Weiss: Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like me to stop referring to the trash can as a trash can? Or this lamppost as a lamppost?

Blake: Stop it!

Weiss: Stop what? He clearly broke the law. Give him time; he'll probably join up with those other Faunus in the White Fang!

Blake: You ignorant little brat!

Weiss: How dare you talk to me like that! I am your teammate!

Blake: You are a judgmental little girl.

Weiss: What in the world makes you say that?

Blake: The mere fact that you would sort that Faunus boy with a terrorist group solely based on his species makes you just as much of a scoundrel as you believe him to be!

Yang: Um, I think we should probably go...

Penny: Where are we going?

Weiss: So you admit it! The White Fang is just a radical group of terrorists!

Blake: That's not what I meant, and you know it!

Timeskip to the evening in Team STAR's room...

(Y/N)'s POV

After having to drag a royally pissed off Callie back to Beacon, we ended up having to babysit her in our room for the rest of the day until she calmed down. I wanted to smack Ice Queen for her hypocrisy as much as her or the next guy but I didn't want to be charged as an accessory to first degree murder. Bruce was guarding our main door to the hallway so Callie wouldn't make a break for Team RWBY's room while Price was doing his best to study. I was multi tasking between keeping an eye on Callie and drawing up plans for a possible addition to the Southern Cross' arsenal. I'm calling it "The Matrix Cannon." The plans are all drawn out for the most part, but now I have to run a bunch of simulations to figure out what kind of firepower I am truly working with here. It's obviously gonna hit pretty hard when activated and fired but I can't help but feel like I'm overlooking something here. I'd have an easier time figuring out what that is if Blake and Ice Queen were not still going at it next door while Callie was trying to convince us to let her go over there...

Callie: Why can't you just let me go and teach that spoiled brat a lesson?!

Bruce: Because if we let you as so much put your own input into that already ugly conversation, you'll just make it worse.

Callie: She's being a judgmental bitch!

(Y/N): We know that Callie but we are staying out of this. This is between Blake and Ice Queen. This is not our affair.

Weiss: I don't understand why this is causing such a problem!

Blake: That is the problem!

Weiss: You realize you are defending an organization that hates Humanity, don't you? The Faunus of the White Fang are pure evil!

Blake: There's no such thing as pure evil! Why do you think they hate Humanity so much? It's because of people like Cardin, people like you, that force the White Fang to take such drastic measures!

Weiss: People like me?

Price: They've been going at it almost all day. I can't even hear myself think right now with all this going on.

Callie: Just let me go over there and I'll make sure she keeps her mouth shut!

Bruce: Physically harming Weiss is not going to make anything better or change her point of view on these kinds of matters. You know that.

Callie: Does she not realize what she is saying?! It's completely hypocritical!

(Y/N): Callie as your leader I am ordering you to remain in this room until you have calmed down and come to your senses!

Callie: I'm not going to kill your girlfriend (y/n)! I just want to teach her a lesson.

(Y/N): Okay first of all, she's not my girlfriend; and secondly, I can't allow you to do that either way.

Weiss: I'M A VICTIM!!

Callie immediately stops pacing around the room and looks toward the wall that separated ours and RWBY's room. Bruce looks up as well while leaning on our door. Price and I both stop what we were doing as both rooms become silent for a brief moment.

Weiss: You want to know why I despise the White Fang? Why I don't particularly trust the Faunus?

Price gets up out of his seat and walks over towards the wall by my desk where I was sitting. Callie strode over and listened closely like we were.

Weiss: It's because they've been at war with my family for years. War, as in actual bloodshed. My grandfather's company has had a target painted across its back for as long as I can remember. And ever since I was a child, I've watched family friends disappear; board members executed; an entire train car full of Dust, stolen. And every day, my father would come home, furious. And that made for a very difficult childhood.

Ruby: Weiss, I-

Weiss: No! You want to know why I despise the White Fang? It's because they're a bunch of liars, thieves, and murderers!


After that, silence filled both of our rooms again. We look at each other shocked trying to wrap our heads around what just happened. The only one who didn't seem too surprised was Callie.

Blake: I....I.....

We then hear someone bolt out of RWBY's room.

Ruby: Blake, wait! Come back!

Callie manages to get past Bruce and open our door. I peek out next to her to see Blake running off down the hall before turning the corner. No way we were gonna be able to find her now. I quietly push Callie back into the room with Bruce doing his best to hold her back. However, Callie storms into RWBY's dorm and starts scolding Weiss.

Callie: I really hope you are happy with yourself ice cunt.

Weiss looks at her before looking away towards the window. This clearly infuriated Callie as she starts rolling up her sleeves while making her way closer to Weiss. Bruce walks in and grabs Callie, throwing her over his shoulder and taking her back into her room. I step aside to let them by as they walk out.

(Y/N): Hey Ice Queen.

Weiss looks at me solemnly.

(Y/N): If I were you I'd start thinking about how you're going to fix this. One of your own teammates just ran off and I don't know how long we can keep Callie at bay before she tears you a new one....literally and figuratively.

I walk back out shutting the door behind me. I got too many mixed feelings about this to be involved and yet here I am.

Small timeskip......

Well now we are searching for Blake since nobody could find her anywhere on campus. Weiss of course is being difficult about all this still instead of taking my advice. It's a miracle that Callie hasn't killed her yet.

Ruby: She's been gone all weekend...

Weiss: Blake's a big girl, I'm sure she can handle herself!

(Y/N): Ice Queen can you please just shut the hell up and make yourself useful by actually looking for her?

Weiss: How dare you speak to me like that! Must I remind you who you are talking to?!

(Y/N): What part of 'I don't give a shit' was not clear the last time I gave you some advice?

Bruce: You're lucky I've become good at keeping Callie from strangling you.

Weiss: I didn't ask for your input Speedle.

Bruce: Nobody asked for your bitchy attitude the other day either Ice Queen.

Yang: Weiss, come on. She's one of our teammates.

Weiss: Is she? We all heard what she said!

Callie: We all heard what you said too.

Ruby: Weiss.

Yang: Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. Either way, she's missing, and we need to find her!

Weiss: A member of the White Fang! Right underneath our noses!

Ruby: I just hope she's okay...

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