Just Leave The Light On - HP

By Pcrw1233

85.6K 2.7K 97

Harry finds something out when he goes to get checked because he hasn't been feeling alright lately, when Har... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

11.2K 360 2
By Pcrw1233

Harry- I stand up to only grab the table as I lean over feeling like I am going to throw up as the room starts moving.

Draco- I look up straight away when hearing his hands slam quickly onto the table. I get up and go around to his free side putting my left hand on his back and the other on his elbow "you okay Potter?" I ask even though the I am confused to what's going on especially him acting weird as well were that weird hat on his head and has been distant from his friends.

Harry- "no" I groan feeling some pain shoot through my back

Severus- I go right over "take him to the Hospital Wing, Madam Pomfrey will know what to do"

Draco- I nod as I help him out of the classroom even though he is still bent oved with his eyes closed still. Then something happen as I feel him fully leaning on him and I catch him in time before he hits the floor. I put my arms under his back and knees as I take him quickly to the hospital wing.

Poppy- my alarm of someone coming into the hospital wing goes off. I come out of my office seeing Harry within Malfoy arms. I rush over leaning him over to but him on the bed while I check him out. Once finished "what happened?" with needing to know.

Draco- "he was fine until he got up because next thing I know I look up because I hear him slamming his hand onto the table while he is swaying a little with his eyes closed. It looked like he was dizzy or atleast the room was moving by the way his eyes were moving before he closed them, he groan in pain and looks like he was going to throw up. On the way here he collapsed as if his body gave up on its self"

Poppy- I nod "thank you may go"

Draco- I nod turning and leaving


Draco- I sneak down into the hospital wing as I go over to where I last left him. I open the curtains with closing them again behind me. I look to him seeing an IV attached to him, on of the liquids bag is clear where the other wasn't making me wonder that by the way he has been acting that, Potter is sick but what with what? And will it kill him? because I hope not, I don't wish for anyone do die unless I wish for them to be or if there is a reason behind why. I walk over having a chair appearing as I sit down as I then notice the tubes that wraps around his ears and going up his nose, oxygen tube.


Harry- I blink awake seeing it is now light outside with a bit of dark still there. I try to sit up when I felt hands on me helping me up and putting my pillow behind me. I look up to see it was Malfoy "thank you" I croak out.

Draco- I grab the cup of water that was put there after Madam Pomfrey after finding that I was here. I press the cup to his lips as he take a few sips "your welcome Potter" I say I out the cup back down.

Harry- I saw the look "ask away but you can't tell anyone"

Draco- "your sick but what with?"

Harry- "A Cancer called Leukaemia"

Draco- "who else knows?"

Harry- "Madam Pomfrey, Professor Flitwick and Professor Snape"

Draco- I blink at him in shock "no Dumbledore or your friends?"

Harry- I snort "you really believe I am Dumbledore golden boy don't you, let's just say I am questioning which side I actually belong"

Draco- "if it's a way out of the war I would go with that if I were you"

Harry- I smile "and I am, you better write a letter to your father seeing as I would like to talk to him"

Draco- I nod "of course, is it because of the side your choosing"

Harry- "that I can't say but I need to get away from the muggle family that Dumbledore put me with, let's just say they haven't treated me right and have gotten worse after me telling them I was sick"

Draco- "Bastards, I will definitely be writing to my father for you"

Harry- I smile "thank you, Malfoy"

Draco- I smile "please call me Draco"

Harry- "then call me Harry"



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