My Black Clover Yaoi Shots

By Nnnn55554444

19.3K 337 241

Yaoi OTP and male reader one-shots for black Clover More

request please
Asta X male reader ("just checking your my idiot")
zenon X male reader ( "done playing dead")
yami X male reader (detention in the teacher lounge)
scenario: meeting them
meeting zenon
"you never split the party" Asta X Leopold X yuno
4 uses of electricity+1 (luck X magna)
"yeah I'm fine" Asta X yandere langris pt.1
"yeah I'm fine" part 2
Yeah I'm fine pt3
"my muse" rill X asta
clover sorcerer (prologue)
"hey pretty boy" finral X yami
"ha-ha" yami x asta
"imitation is the highest form of flattery" luck X rill X (mystery)
(Leopold's family) Leopold x asta
'every compliment' William x patri
" looking sloppy" langris X yuno part 1
"safe my angle" yandere yuno x asta
"a kiss on the cheek " luck x magna
apolgy note (not a chapter and im not discounting it so dont worry )
"leopolds detective agency"Zora x asta part 1
"damn luck" magna x male reader
"a scarred love" yami x william

"yes yuno" Klaus X yuno

288 5 7
By Nnnn55554444

SashaKurosaki4 I must thank you for the request

Trigger warning: swearing, sexual inuendous
Alternative universe: vampires
Background info : yuno vampire of the gasai (haha if you get it ) clan and current leader and his advisor Klaus have a little secret

Question whoever reads this comment who is your favourite vampire is from any form of media?

"Word" = out loud speech
'word' = characters thought
Klaus pov

'these woman will be the seacond death of me' I think as I watch the newest suiter for my lords hand in marriage brag about all her 'amazing qualities' that would make her a great choice to be his bride. 'an old an outdated tradition'.

While this arrogant woman was practically throwing herself on my lord. My lord looks completely disgusted. 'i can't watch this anymore' I think but as i am about to speak up my lord raised his hand.

"Miss vermilion I will consider your offer now please leave" he said waving his hand as gesture of leave.

"But sir I don't think you understand how I could help benefit your Clan and you" she says as she reached forward. But my hand reached out grabbing hers with that she looks at me eyes conforming into a hateful glare.

"Miss my lord asked you to leave so don't forget your place" I growl at her returning the glare at this she yanks her hand back then scoff. Then proceed to walk out of the chamber and slammed the door.

With that I let out a sigh. Suddenly thou an arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me down onto my lords lap.

"Sir you can't do that what if someone saw us". I said suddenly feeling embarrassed. Before I suddenly feel a light kiss on my neck. Making me shiver.

"So what I would be proud for everyone to know I already have my groom" he says probably with that stupid amazing grin.

"But it's against tradtion" I Said with a sigh as I start to get up "you know that we have talked about it before"

"Yeah but why should I care only those fossils on the council care and it not like they can dispose me as family head" he says like he wasn't proposing an idea against Nosferatu (vampire) traditions.

"Firstly my lord you shouldn't call the council fossil they are important" I said at this he rolled his eyes.

"Secondly defying tradtion could lead to unnecessary critsusm to the clan" I said as I was finally able to properly stand up. "And before you say it fine don't you think I wish our relationship could be public and I could go around screaming look at me I'm dating lord yuno I'm doing what best for the clan" I said sternly.

"Fine" he said pouting like a certain blond being told he can't fight. "But as compromise you have to stop addressing me as lord in private we have been dating for 10 years" he says with those stupid puppy eyes.

"Okay fine but if you promise to not flirt with me again in front of the council yuno" I said said while pushing my glasses up.

"I wasn't flirting just giving subtle hints" he said with a smirk

"You are lucky those decrepicd old fossils didn't understand what you meant" I said with a glare

"I thought you said they can't be called fossil" he said with a smirk "and what I said was appropriate"

"I said you can't call them fossils and how is comments like 'klaus do you think my sausage is bigger than lord asta's' appropriate especially in front of the council during dinner" I said with a glare.

"Klaus get your mind out the gutter I was asking who had a bigger sausage as in what we were eating" he said with a smug grin.

"Okay then how about when I was talking to lady Silva about what the furniture was made from you came up and said 'yeah Klaus likes tables especially when he is lying across or bent across them' and thank god she didn't understand" I said with a growl

"No my dear Klaus I was asking because of when you fall asleep after staying up all morning doing your work and fall asleep at your desk" he says still grinning. "But fine I promise not to flirt with you in front of the council"

"Thank you yuno" I said with a smile

"You also have to stop dressing like that as well" he said with a smirk while he gestured to my Cape and suit. "Cause it practically screams let me drink your blood"

"Yes but it is traditionally appropriate "I said while looking at the outfit again noticing it does look a bit werid.

"So is not eating garlic and now humans think they can kill us with spice" he says with a chuckle

"Fine I'll change it" I said defected

"Okay good come round my room later and we will decide anyway let's get on with this call in the next insect"

"Yes yuno" I said then whispered at the end a small "I love you"

"I love you to Klaus" he says with a smile.

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