In Your Dreams

By normamikorslayme

359K 11.1K 2.9K

just another imagine about your favorite celebrities... taking requests... More

"Who Framed Rodger Rabbit?"
"I don't want to just be your best friend."
One Way Ticket Away From Here...
One Way Ticket Away From Here...
One Way Ticket Away From Here...
One Way Ticket Away From Here...
You'll Find Your Way Back To Me...
You'll Find Your Way Back To Me...
Yeah, She Hates Me For Sure...
Yeah, She Hates Me For Sure...
Yeah, She Hates Me For Sure...
Just A Fling...
You Missed It.
You Missed It.
Ungodly Hour.
Halloween Party.
This Christmas.
This Christmas.
A Sneak Peek...
Old Flame.
Old Flame
Old Flame.
Old Flame.
Let All Of It Go.
Let All Of It Go.
Let All Of It Go.
Leaked Sextape.
Agruments & Ice Cream.
More Than A One Night Stand?
More Than A One Night Stand?
More Than A One Night Stand?
The Nanny?
The Nanny?
Too Young For Her.
Too Young For Her.
Too Young For Her.
Too Young For Her.
Ms. Y/L/N
Ms. Y/L/N
Dreams? What's A Dream?
Dreams? What's A Dream?
Dreams? What's A Dream?
Dreams? What's A Dream?
They Didn't Believe Me.
Love Don't Cost A Thing.
Love Don't Cost A Thing.
Love Don't Cost A Thing.
Love Don't Cost A Thing.
Cradle 2 The Grave.
The Purge.
"You're not my child anymore."
Poetic Justice.
One of the Finest Women in Hollywood.
Drunk Texting.
Almost Ruined Trivia Night.
The Game Plan.
The Game Plan.
Rent-A-Gf. Well, Kinda.
Rent-A-Gf. Well, Kinda.
Rent-A-Gf. Well, Kinda.
I Wanted You First.
I Wanted You First
Nice To Meet You.
Nice To Meet You.
im not gone do it girl. i was just thinking about it.
Soccer Player.
You Get A Happy Ending, But I Don't.
You Get A Happy Ending, But I Don't.
Y/N Y/L/N Must Die!
Get Over It!
Get Over It!
Thee Stallion.
F.U.C.K. (Teaser)

Just A Fling...

3.9K 153 35
By normamikorslayme

Pt. II

Your POV

"What did you tell my sister?" Beyonce asked. I looked at her and rolled her eyes.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I just asked a question."

"I did nothing to your sister."

"Tell me the truth."


"I'll pull my partnership."

"I don't care, Mrs. Carter."

"What did you do?"

"I did nothing. I caught feelings. Your sister made it clear that we're just fucking. So that's all we do. Probably not anymore. If you wanna pull your partnership, I don't care."

"Ohh," she said softly.

"Is there anything else you need?"

"No," she replied.

"So, are you going to pull or no?" I asked her. She didn't say anything. She just walked out. I rolled my eyes once again and went back to my work. Amir walked in with a stack of papers.

"What was Mrs. Carter doing here?"

"Came here to see why her sister made herself upset," I replied looking up at her.

"Wanna go get lunch? You've been working all day," she suggested.

"Yeah, come on," I replied and finished my work. We left and went to the nearest little diner.

"Welcome, can I get you two started with some thing to drink?"

"Lemonade," I told the waitress.

"I'll just have water," Amir said.

"Bland, just like your personality," I told her and she kicked me.

"So, what's up between you and Solange?"

"Nothing is up anymore."

"What happened?"

"We fucked. I caught feelings. She didn't and now we don't talk anymore."

"I think she has feelings for you," Amir replied. My phone started ringing, so I took it out of my pocket. It was an unknown number that had been calling me all week long. I declined the call and looked back Amir.

"Yeah, sure," I replied. We got our drinks and placed our orders.

"I'm serious," she replied.

"She's made it very clear that she doesn't want me
like that," I said and she frowned.

"Yeah, but she seems so happy with you."

"Sure," I mumbled sipping my lemonade.

"Subject change. Have you talked to your dad?" she asked.

"No, why?"

"Because his birthday is coming up."

"I'm aware."


"I don't care about his birthday. He missed eighteen of mine."


"What, Amir? You can't tell me you wouldn't be upset if your dad missed eighteen of your birthdays," I said.

"I would, but-"

"There's no but, Amir."

"I guess."

"How's your boyfriend?" I asked.

"Annoying. I'm about to break up with him," she said rolling her eyes.


"Because he's a lying piece of shit. He lies about stupid shit and it's annoying as fuck. Plus I know he has been lying about seeing his ex. I don't have time for that."

"Break up with him then. You don't deserve that shit," I told her and she nodded in agreement. We talked as we waited for our food. I got a text from Solange asking me to come over once I got off from work. I texted back letting her know that I would think about it.

"Sorry it took so long. Here is your food," our waitress said and I smiled.

"Thank you," I replied and she smiled back.

"You're welcome," she replied before walking off.

"This is good," Amir said with a mouthful of food.

"Child," I mumbled before taking a bite of my food. We ate our lunch. I paid and left a generous tip before we headed back to work. I went back to doing my work and unfortunately I had an hour long meeting that I didn't want to go to. I sat in the back of the meeting listening, but I wasn't paying attention at all. Thankfully, Amir was paying attention for me. After the meeting concluded, I went to my office and started packing up my things so I could go home.

"Give me a ride home," Amir said and I looked up at her.

"Why? What's wrong with your car?" I asked her.

"It wouldn't turn on this morning. So I got an uber to work, but the guy gave me bad vibes," she replied and I nodded.

"Come on," I said and we left the building together after I locked down my office. When we got to the car. I took off my suit jacket and laid it across the backseat. I drove Amir home and got kissed repeatedly on the cheek as a thank you.

"Stop before I tell mama," I told her and she rolled her eyes.

"Bye, dickhead," she said and got out of the car. I flicked her off and waited until she walked into her house before driving off.

Mindlessly, I made my way over to Solange's house. I stood outside of her front door wondering if I should knock. When I was about to, the door swung open.

"You came?" she said with a small smile on her face. I slowly nodded.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked her.

"Come in and we can talk," she said.

"Don't think that's really a good idea."

"Y/N, come inside," she said and I did. I walked to the living room and sat down.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Us," she replied.

"What do you mean?"

"I'd like for there to be an us."

"You said we were just fucking."

"I know what I said, but that's not what I really want. I want you," she replied and I looked at her.

"Why now?"

"I had a lot of time to think. Yes, the sex is great. But I want more. I need more. I need you. Like I said I want you."

"You sure about that?"

"Do you not feel the same?"

"I do, but you were just telling me how this was just us fucking and that it would never be anything more. Now you're talking about you want me."


"Is this like a joke or something?" I asked.

"No, Y/N. I swear," she said and grabbed my hand.

"You really want me?" I asked her and she nodded caressing my cheek.

"Good because I've had a boner for about three weeks now and couldn't do shit about it," I said playfully and she hit my shoulder before laughing with me.

"I missed you so much," she said leaning in to kiss me.

"I missed you more," I mumbled as she placed her lips onto mine. I really did miss her. Her touch, her smile, her smell. Just her in general.

"Come on. Go get out of you work clothes and get in the shower," she said to me tapping my cheek with her fingers.

"Gonna join me?" I asked her and she smiled.

"I might. You won't know until you get in the shower," she said. I got up and ran upstairs to the bathroom.

"That man is something else," I heard her say as she came up the stairs.

sorry for any grammatical errors.

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