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Lauren Jauregui. FAMAS International School, School Softball team Captain Camila Cabello. FAMAS International... More

C1:LJ And NK
C2:CC and DJ
C5:They Just Look Like Her
C7:Sunday Morning And Monday Evening
c11:Jealousy and the sleepover
c14:Let's GO!!!
c15:Day 2:The Encounter
c17: Back To Where?
c19:Cabello's weekend vacation
c20:The EX
c22:Angel Sent
c26: Living the Life

C8:Let's Just Rest Before Chaos Break Loose

771 14 2


I woke up from my slumber when I felt a ray of light hitting my face... I groan waking up

I feel a body on top of me

I smiled as I recall the things that happened yesterday

Drove for hours, fight over someone,
Asking her to be my girlfriend, dinner, and then a nice steamy hot sex

"Baby?" I ask seeing if she's awake

She only groans so I know that she's still asleep

I sneakily slip out of her embrace to cook us both breakfast

I grab a shirt and boxer that's lying on the floor before going into the kitchen


I was putting the last batter of pancake in the pan
When I felt a pair of arms wrapping around me causing me to smile

"I woke up and no one was next to me, and then I smelled something and then I find you here," Camila said nuzzling her head on my neck,

"Morning to you too baby, Just sit down, it's almost done ok," I said as I tilt my head slightly to give her a light peck on the lips

I saw her fighting her sleepiness making me shake my head with a smile

I made her a plate of breakfast consisting of bacon, pancakes, a sunny side up, banana, and A Cranberry juice

"This Looks delicious baby, thank you," Camila said smiling at me before she buried her face in the plate

I stared at her amused

"Babe, slow down... The food won't run away... And Please, chew your food before swallowing" I said

She muttered a sorry before slowing down

"What we gonna do today? I mean, I know it has a lake in here and then all I see are trees" I heard Camila said

"Yeah, and then on the other side of the lake there is a small island or something..." I said Smiling at her

"Ok... How about tomorrow?"

"Well, we're leaving tomorrow," I said

"But don't we have like a week?"

I only nodded

"Yeah, we leave here... Then we go to our beach house that's just a few hours away... Then We'll spend the remaining days there" I said winking at her

"Oh! We're going to the beach?! But I didn't pack my swimsuits with me" Camila said pouting

I only look at her smiling

"Babe, it's ok... It's near a resort so there are many different stores there, we're just gonna buy some"


After breakfast, we packed our things so that we don't have to rush when we are about to leave

We only have like 3 hours in the Cabin before the boat arrives so we better spend it wisely

"Wait, I remember isn't the boys back in Korea?"

I hummed before answering

"Yeah, they need to record an Album or something... Have you heard their Debut songs? You should listen to it... It's so good" I said smiling

I am so proud of my friends

"Oh yeah? Let me hear it babe"

I got up and grab my phone from the kitchen counter and open the YouTube so I can show her the Given-Taken Music video and The Flicker, Let me In, 10 months love and Given-Taken debut showcase at her


"Ok, don't be mad or something... But I think I like Jungwon More than you... Can you give me Jungwon's number? I'll just text him that I agree to be his Girlfriend" Camila said unlocking her phone and looking at me expectantly

I just look at her unamused

Did she just fangirl over my Best friend?

This is so bad

I mean in the song "let me in"

It does have a part where all of them said "I'LL BE YOUR BOYFRIEND" or something

"Are you serious right now?" I asked her raising an eyebrow

"Uhh... Yeah... He even said that he can be the one for me for good... So yeah, are you gonna give me his number now?"

"Nope... Definitely not" I said standing up when i felt a tug on my wrist

"I'm just kidding babe," Camila said pulling me down and kissing my Jaw

"You better Cabello... Or I swear, you'll never get to see any of those Korean in our school ever again" I playfully said to her making her laugh

"Lo, come on, we both know that you won't do such a thing, you guys were friends since grade school"

"Yeah, so what?" I squinted my eyes playfully at her making her shakes her head and open her phone once again watching another video of my friends at their Debut

"Oh my God! They all look so cute in here! Have you seen Jay? Damn... Didn't know that a young badass Jay can be a cutie" Camila commented at the 10 months

"Yeah yeah, they're good I know... But you better still my girlfriend after you watch all of their videos" I said playfully

"You know... I'm actually thinking about it, Lo... I mean, Jake and Mason are not yet officially a couple... Maybe I have a chance?"

"Tss, as If" I playfully rolled my eyes


"I'm bored" Camila sighed resting her head on my chest

I open my eyes and look down at her

"Well, we'll leave in about an hour... What you wanna do?" I asked running my hand on her soft hair making her sigh in delight

"Hmm, how about we do a fun thing or two in the bedroom? An hour is enough for a few positions and a few rounds" Camila said smirking

"Ohh, I like that," I said carrying her bridal to my bedroom


After our rather adventures an hour ago

We are now in the middle of the lake on our way to the Island for whatever reason... I forgot after what happened this morning... But I think I'll remember it once we're on the island

I was seating on one of the couch inside the boat when Camila came in with 2 glasses of I think is a juice on her hands

"Babe, here... It's orange juice, I found a box of juice inside the fridge... There is also grape juice there, but I don't like the grape juice that much... Only wine" Camila said handing me the glass of juice before sitting down next to me

"When are we coming home again baby?" I heard Camila asked

"Uhmm, probably Sunday afternoon or maybe after lunch?" I look at her letting her decide when she wants to go home as long as it's on Sunday

"Maybe after lunch? I mean if we drive in the afternoon... We will get home maybe around midnight or something considering we're coming from your beach house which I think is hours away from the cabin... And we need to get to school in the morning, and i am so cranky when I don't have enough sleep, same goes for you girly, you need sleep you're the one driving for hours" Camila said then kissing my jaw

She really likes to kiss my jaw huh

"Mhmm, good thinking...that's why I like you so much"

"Can we just stay like this forever?" I heard Camila

"You want this? Just like this until the future?" I asked her

I felt her nod against my chest

I sigh and wrap my arms around her

"Aww, you see your future with me?"

"Yup, and I'll keep you, so you better be prepared"

"I've never been ready," I said winking at her making her giggle

GOD, I swear... It so adorable to hear the most beautiful girl I've laid my eyes on makes the most beautiful sound

"Miss Jauregui, we are now arriving at the Xetra Falls Island" Capt. Lincon said through the speakers

"Welp, let's get going shall we?" I said as I stood up and offer Camila my hand helping her to stand up

"Where are the bags?" Camila asked

"Oh, I left all of them back at the Cabin... I only bought like a small backpack" I smiled sheepishly at her

She squints her eyes at me like she wants to read my mind making me nervous

"Cami, stop that shit. It's making me uncomfortable"

"Why did you leave all of our belongings at the Cabin Miss Jauregui?" she asked raising an eyebrow at me waiting for me to answer

"Well, we're not staying at the Island that long... We're just gonna stroll here you know... I want to show you some of my favorite places here" I said excitedly as I see the shore of the island

"Mhmm, it better be good Jauregui or I swear, I'll leave you here"

I only kissed her lips before smiling sweetly at her

"Don't worry babe, I got you"


As we set foot on the island we saw different types of stores everywhere

Tourists from different countries

"Woah, I thought it was like a small and private island or something" I heard Camila beside me

"It is an Island, but it's big... There's a town just 20 minutes away from this island, and that is where the tourists came from, while we... Well we came from that Land over there which is 45 minutes away from here" I said as I wrapped my arm around her waist as we walked to where the highway is

"Good morning Ma'am... What can I do for you today?" Asked a lady as I approached a small table with a lady around 50

"Uhmm, hi can I rent a motorcycle? The type that can be used at rocky trails for two?" I asked

She hummed and looked through some papers

"Ah, yes please follow me," The lady said as she stands up and leads us to where the motorcycles were parked

"Is this Ok with you?" The lady asked as she gestures the motorcycle

"There is no way I am riding that Lauren" I heard Camila said sternly making me look at her amused

"Baby, it's either you ride that or you're walking... Your choice"

"Pfft, there's no way you'll make me walk," She said crossing her arms over her chest smirking

I smirk back

"Yeah, you're right... I won't let you walk, so you better get your ass on the road and hitch a ride" I said as I grab the helmet and put it on before turning on the bike

"You asshole! Do I really need to ride this?" Camila asked

I only shake my head no

"Uhh, ma'am do you by any chance have a rental car instead?" Camila asked the lady making her laugh at the question

"No miss, we only have bikes and motorcycles... You won't see any rental that has a car"

I look at Camila smirking holding a helmet in my hand waiting for her to put it on and get on the bike

After a minute a heard a sigh and then I felt the helmet being taken

"I better not die Lauren or I swear to God you'll-"

I didn't let her finish when I speed off after I'm sure that she's holding to me tightly

I heard her squeal and I felt her punch my shoulder but her other hand were not loosen a bit from its hold on my waist

" What the Hell Lauren! I could've died if I wasn't holding onto you!"

"But you didn't babe, so just enjoy! We'll be there in about 20 minutes" I said as I enjoy the wind


"OH MY GOD!!! Where did you learn how to drive a motorcycle?" Asked Camila as she enjoys riding the motorcycle that not long ago she accused that will be the cause of her death

"Logan taught me when I went to Italy when I was like 13" I said as I speed off and overtake a car that's too slow for my

"You were so young back then"

"Psh, there's no young when we want to be adventurous and when we want to be rebellious... I don't even remember when mom and dad didn't have a headache because of us three" I said laughing at the memory of our young selves getting chased by mom and dad while we run around the park naked when we were 11 years old

"Nothing changed then"


After the rather fun ride at the soft and neat road, here is the challenge

We are now entering the foot of the mountain where the road is muddy, bumpy, and expect a not so soft ride like earlier

"Are you sure you can drive this thing in here Lo?" I heard Camila asked from behind

"Of course I can... Just hold on tight and trust me, baby, after this you'll see something breathtaking" I said as I grip the handle and speed off over the little stones that make it hard to drive by

I felt Camila tighten her grip on my waist making me hissed at the pain

Geez, this girl can pull off my flesh if she wants to

"Babe, can you like loosen your grip a little bit? I swear I felt like when we reach the place there will be a chunk of flesh missing in my waist" I said in a jokingly manner but the pain just gets more as Camila tighten her grip even more

"I'll loosen up when I want to, it's your fault anyway so suck it up, Jauregui"

I sigh and continue on driving and ignore the pain


"Jesus! Camila baby, loosen up will ya? We passed the rocky shit roads and yet you're still squeezing the shit out of me" I hissed at her making her giggle

"Sorry sorry, but... Are we there yet?" I groan as she asked this question like 100 times already

"Cami baby, you're my girlfriend and all but please we're still not there yet...but we're Nearly there don't worry, now stop squeezing and loosen up... I like it more if you squeeze another part of my body" I mumbled the last part in hoping she wouldn't hear

"What was that?"

"Nothing, ok look after we passed this one last trail you'll see a big stone that has a sign, and from there we're going to walk because it's too slippery and like slimy on the way there so it's not safe to use the motorcycle" I explain to her as we passed some curvy road and a bumpy ground

"Well, is that it?"

I look ahead and sure enough there a big sone that has some moss around it and has a sign that says "Walk straight ahead and you'll see the reward after all of those trails"

"Yup, now time to get off and walk baby, we're nearly there," I said as I turn off the motorcycle and take off the helmet before climbing down and helping Camila get off
And hold her waist as we walk

"What is exactly here Lo?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out babe," I said as I kiss her temple and continue to walk ahead


"My feet hurt" I heard Camila whined beside me making me roll my eyes playfully

"Babe, we're only walking for like 10 minutes stop whining we're nearly there i promise"

"Tss, you're saying that for like 20 minutes"

"I promise, we're there... Like 50 more steps or something"

Camila squinted her eyes at me like she's examining the truth out of me

"Oh please baby, stop with the stare. I promise, didn't I? Now start counting 50"

She rolled her eyes but still counts to 50

When she was 40 I can see the top of the falls and I quickly cover her eyes making her protest

"Lo, what?"

"We're here," I said as I uncover it

I watch her roam her eyes around her with awe

"Woah, this is so beautiful, how did you find this?" Camila asked as she roams around

"Uhmm, I found it when Kayl-" I cut myself off before I could utter her name

"You and??" Camila asked looking at me expectantly

"No one," I said clearing my throat and walk past her and sit by the stone next to the fall

I sigh and look to where Camila is standing still looking at me

I smile softly at her and gesture her to sit next to me

"I'm sorry... It's just - it's someone I'm not yet ready to talk about" I said looking down and playing with her fingers

She nodded and didn't push the topic any further making me sigh in relief


We spent a few hours by the falls and we walked around to see more scenery around it

By sunset, we were on our way back to the beach


"Are we going back now?" I heard Camila asked as we get off the motorcycle

Hand in hand we hand back the key and helmets to the lady and pay the motorcycle rent

After we paid we bid our goodbye and return to the docks so we can board the boat and get back to the Cabin so we can start our journey to the beach house hours away

"Hey, you want to buy something before we go back?" I asked her as I see her looking through the shops of different souvenirs and shirts, foods, drinks

She shakes her head no

"Nah, just looking... Plus we're going to another beach after this, I'll just buy some souvenirs there"

"Ok, how about we eat first? I'm pretty hungry and we didn't even have lunch yet" I said as we walk by through different restaurants

"Sure, what you wanna eat?"

"Hmm, how about we eat some seafood?" I asked her as we pass a seafood restaurant with fresh lobsters in tanks

She hummed before tugging my arm inside the resto

"Hi, do you have a table for two?" I heard Camila asked

"Sure ma'am, this way," The man asked as he leads us towards a table near the window

"A waiter will be with you shortly to take your orders, here are the menus... Enjoy"

"What you gonna have babe?" I asked as I scan the menu

"Maybe a fresh lobster then maybe a grilled salmon, how about you?"

"Maybe Grilled salmon then just a stew" I answer

"Hi, I am your waitress for tonight. What can I get the both of you?" I heard a girl said

"Can I get a Grilled salmon and a fresh lobster please" I heard Camila said

"I'll have a grilled salmon and a stew," I said looking up

"Ok... So a 2 grilled salmons, a fresh lobster, and a stew coming up, what about for drinks?"

"I'll just have a lemon juice, how about you babe?" Camila asked me glaring at the waitress

"Uhmm, I'll have the same," I said smiling and handing the menus back to the girl

"Ok, just wait for a few minutes," The girl said winking at me

"Did that girl just wink at you?"

"I don't think so?? Look, babe, don't worry about it ok? We're here to eat not to fight a waitress" I said holding her hand across the table giving her a soft smile

"What time is it anyway"

"Uhmm, 7?"

"Do you think we shouldn't leave tonight? I mean, we should go early in the morning... We should rest when we reach the cabin it's a long drive for sure, and I don't want you to drip off while driving"

"I guess we could do that"


The dinner went well, except that the waitress wrote her number on the back of the receipt... I thought Camila would go ape shit over the girl, but surprisingly she was calm and just crumpled the paper in front of the girl and tossing it straight to her face before tugging me outside the resto

And now we are now back in our Cabin

"God, what a day" I heard Camila said plopping down the sofa making me giggle

"Baby, go change. We'll sleep early" I said taking off my jacket and slipping off my shoes

"Carry me?"

"Fine you big baby," I said as I carry her bridal style towards our room

"You know, I never really have time to examine your room, and I must say you really like your things in  dark settings or color"
Camila said as she roams her eyes around my room

"Yeah, I don't really like bright things," I said shrugging off

"Ughh, I'm tired!!!" Camila groaned as she laid on the bed face buried in the pillow

"Scooch over so I can lay down too, I'm tired I wanna sleep now, night Camzi," I said kissing her softly

"Night lo"



"Hey baby, wake up" I felt someone nudge me
"No," I said groaning and pulling the covers up

I heard a chuckle

"CamCam, wake up baby it's time to go"

"Time to go to where? What time is it?"

"Girl, we're going to the beach house remember? And it's 2:30 am"

"WHAT?! 2:30? It's too early Lo" I said groaning but sitting up and holding my arms up at Lauren

"Babe, we have to get on the road this early so that we can enjoy the beach, and we can sleep there when we arrive, if we leave now we'll arrive at maybe like 6"

"Fine fine, let me change first," I said standing up

"No, you don't need to change, we'll probably be in the car for the whole ride so no need to dress up and all of our bags are in the car," Lauren said handing me a jacket

I kissed her cheeks before slipping the jacket on and putting on the slippers

I yawn as I walk outside the warm room

"Babe, you ready?" I heard Lauren yelled from the living room

"Yeah I'm coming" I yelled back as I walk to the kitchen to grab something to eat while in the car

I grab 4 bananas, milk in a small box and 4 chocolate bars, and 2 bottled water before walking out of the cabin

"Woah, you'll eat all of those?" Lauren asked as she looks the foods on my hand and arms

"Uhh, no duh. We're sharing, I'm not that greedy babe" I said as I kissed her cheeks before climbing into the car and shutting the door behind me

I place the foods in the dashboard before peeling 1 banana and eat it

I see Lauren turning off the lights and locking the door before she jogs back to the Car

"You ready?" She asked once she closes the door and put her seatbelt on

I only hummed and continue on chewing my banana

She chuckles before turning the cat on and reversing out of the driveway of the cabin

"Lo, how long was the drive again?"

"Uhmm, maybe 4 or 3 hours? Maybe we'll arrive earlier because there's no traffic we can speed off" Laurens aid wiggling her eyebrows at me making me roll my eyes

"Ok, you can speed off... But you're not getting any for like 2 days" I said smirking

I see her face falls making me laugh

"You wouldn't dare," Lauren said looking at me. Then back at the road

"I am so doing it lo"

"But I want to arrive early so we can explore the beach early and I need to make a reservation for our dinner"

"Babe, you're always making reservations or bringing me to an expensive restaurant we can eat in like a family resto or a diner I don't care"

"Nah, I only give what's best for my girl" Lauren said smiling at me

I shake my head before looking through the things in her car

I stop at rummaging when I came across a picture of a two baby wrapped in a white blanket smiling cutely at the camera with their eyes close

"Who are these babies? They're so cute" I gush and show Lauren the picture when she looks at me

Her eyes widen and the car swerves a little but she controls it after

"Where did you find those pictures?"

"Uhmm, here," I said pointing under the seat

"Oh, well can you put it back please?"

"Uhmm, ok sure... But who are these?"

"Oh, that's Marcus and MiShaun," Lauren said

"Really? They're so cute! But I thought you're triplets? Where are you?"

"Uhmm, we all have that kind of picture... Like for example, Marcus has a picture of me and MiShaun only, then MiShaun has a picture of me and Marcus only... And I have a picture of them in mine" Lauren said not looking at me as she turns left

I hummed in response and continue on examining the picture when I came across something in it but I shrugged it off and put it back to where I found them and lean my head on the window watching as the street lights glow as we passed them


"Baby, wake up we're here"

I open my eyes confuse

I look at Lauren who's opening the passenger door for me to get off

"We're here already?" I asked as I look at my surrounding and sure enough, I see a beach is not so far away from where we are

"Yup, and I put the bags in the house already, come on let's get inside and get some sleep," Lauren said holding my hand and guide me on climbing off the car

"Woah," I said in awe once I saw the Jauregui's beach house

"This is your family's beach house?" I asked

"Yeah, but this is not our only beach house... We have like 2 more beach houses" Lauren said shrugging as she opens the doors

If the outside is beautiful? Wait until you see what's inside the house, it's gorgeous

In the leaving room, there's a huge chandelier hanging in what seems like a 20 feet tall ceiling

Its floor is covered in white tiles

I didn't even notice that we climb into the stairs until Lauren opens a door

When we enter the room I was in absolute total fascination

"I thought you don't like bright things?" I asked

"I don't, but it's a beach house babe... It just doesn't look so right having a dark vampire-themed room on a beach where all you can see is a sun, sand, water, and birds" She said laughing and plopping on the bed

I only hum and slip off the jacket and walk to the bed and crawl on top of Lauren before putting my face in her neck sniffing her scent
Always smells like Vanilla and mint

"You tired?"
I only nodded not bothering to move from my position letting sleep take over me when I felt an arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me close

I heard a sigh and I smile

Let's just rest before Chaos breaks loose

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