What Now? | N.H.

By LXWriting

66.4K 1.4K 720

Diana and Harry have been best friends since childhood. After One Direction starts touring Harry misses her e... More

Chapter 1 | September 19, 2010
Chapter 2 | X-Factor
Chapter 3 | Nandos
Chapter 4 | February 20, 2013
Chapter 5 | Tattoos
Chapter 6 | Hotel Room
Chapter 7 | Phone call
Chapter 8 | The Interview
Chapter 9 | Dumpsters
Chapter 10 | Secrets
Chapter 11 | Runway
Chapter 12 | New York City
Chapter 14 | I'm Sorry
Chapter 15 | Out
Chapter 16 | Media
Chapter 17 | New Years
Chapter 18 | New Year's PT.2
Chapter 19 | Diana
Chapter 20 | AMAS
Chapter 21 | Sunrise
Chapter 22 | Home
Chapter 23 | London
Chapter 24 | Pink Carpet
Chapter 25 | Meet the Family
Chapter 26 | The Aldaine's
Chapter 27 | The Wait
Chapter 28 | Hospital Room
Chapter 29 | Football
Chapter 30 | Group Date
Chapter 31 | Midnight Memories
Chapter 32| Time Zones
Chapter 33 | San Fransisco
Chapter 34 | Take Me Back
Chapter 35 | Epilogue Pt.1
Chapter 36 | Epilogue pt.2
Chapter 37 | Epilogue Pt.3

Chapter 13 | Cafe

1.5K 39 19
By LXWriting

Hi! I just wanted to let you all know that from here on out for most of the chapters I have made Pinterest boards or sections for them in case you want to look at them! They mostly just have outfits or inspiration for the setting or plot. I wouldn't click on any of the sections for the chapters you haven't read yet if you don't want spoilers. Copy and Paste the link below!



My phone vibrates on the nightstand next to my bed. I flop my arm over and feel around for the phone in the dark.

"Make it stop," Niall groans and covers his ears with his pillows. My hand bumps into my phone and I move my hand on top of it and bring it to my ear. 


"Hey D!" I recognize the voice on the phone. 

"Hi, Gigi," Gigi and I had been texting and talking ever since the runway but we never really got to hang out because of our hectic schedules. 

"I just landed in New York and I have a day off. Do you want to meet up later?"

"Oh my god, yes, I needed to talk to you about something anyway." I sigh in relief. The boys were going to be in interviews all day and I did not want to sit around my room all day. "There is this cafe about a block away from my hotel, I'll text you the address. Does 11 sound good?"

"Sounds good to me,"

I quickly send Gigi the address. I check the time and it was already 9 o'clock. I roll out of bed and rub my eyes as I walk towards the bathroom. The lights flicker on, I squint my eyes at the bright light. The steam from the hot water begins to fog up the mirror. When I finished showering I wrap myself in a towel. As I reach for the door handle, I hear someone barge into the room. 

"Niall, can I use your bathroom?" Harry says urgently. Shit. I quickly scoop my clothes up from off of the floor and hide in the shower. I know Harry won't wait for Niall's answer so this was the best I could do. 

I hold my breath and press my back up against the cool tile as I hear the door handle turn. "Thanks, Niall!" Harry says quickly shutting the door behind him. Harry lets out a sigh as he relieves himself.  I start to set my hand down on the small ledge meant for soap when it slips. I nearly fall but I catch myself. I hear Harry zip up his zipper. Everything goes quiet. My eyes squint shut and bite down on my lip hoping Harry didn't notice. 

"Is someone in here?" Harry asks quietly. I wrap my hand around my mouth to ensure I didn't make any noise. I can finally breathe again when I hear Harry turn on the faucet and wash his hands, leaving the room shortly after. 

"Did you have someone in your room this morning? The mirrors in the bathroom were foggy," I overhear Harry ask Niall. 

"None of your business. Now get out I was sleeping," 

"Niall got laid. Niall got laid," Harry teased in a sing-songy voice. 

"Get out,"

"Fine, fine, I'm just leaving,"

I hear the door lock and step out of the bathroom. I was going to say something about what just happened but by the time I reached the bed Niall had already passed out. I walk over to him and press a kiss onto his cheek. He shifts, grinning slightly. "I'm going to meet Gigi, I'll be back later," I whisper in his ear. He nods his head and adjusts himself more comfortably in his bed. 

I sprint over to my room in just a towel unlocking the door as quickly as I could. I made it in without anyone seeing me. As soon as I was in my room I ditched my towel and grabbed a black, satin corset top and a pair of crossed waistline jeans. 

I top the look off with some small gold hoops and slip on a pair of white trainers before grabbing my phone and leaving the hotel. 


Since the cafe was only a block away I decided to walk. I made my way through the crowd of busy new yorkers in a hurry to get anywhere and everywhere. The streets were crowded with cars, the city was crowded with bewilderingly similar towering buildings. 

I walk into the small cafe a couple of minutes before 11 and order a chai tea and a slice of banana nut bread. I grab my order and look around for a table. The cafe was pretty crowded and all of the tables inside had been filled. I walk outside and sit down on a wicker bench in front of a small white round table with a silver edge. 

I was scrolling through Twitter liking all of the dumb tweets the boys decided to post when Gigi walks up to the table. I stand up and give her a hug before sitting back down. She was wearing a pair of loose black jeans with a pair of leather shoes and a white top with a green sweater draped across her shoulders.

"So... How are you and Zayn?" I ask teasingly. Gigi blushes and tucks her hair behind her ear. "Ever since that show, he has not been able to stop talking about you. He would kill me if he knew I told you this but, that boy is totally whipped," We both laugh. 

"I don't know, I really like him but, I was worried he didn't feel the same way."

"Trust me you have nothing to worry about I have never seen Zayn this happy in a long time," I reassure her, she smiles. Since Zayn has been talking to Gigi it's like he has become a different person. Zayn has been struggling mentally recently and it was starting to worry the lads and I. None of us could get him to talk to us though but, Gigi could. She made him happy. We all knew it and I could not be happier for them. Even if they aren't together officially I have no doubt that they will be. I just have to knock some sense into Zayn so he will finally ask her out. 

"Okay that's enough about me. What about you and Niall?" Gigi wiggles her eyebrows and takes a sip of her coffee. I nearly choke on my banana bread. I still haven't told Gigi about us yet so it surprised me. I got sent into a coughing fit after a piece of banana nut bread went down the wrong way. 


"Oh don't bullshit with me. I'm not blind or deaf for that matter." Gigi laughs as I sit there frozen in my seat. "That night at the show you and Niall couldn't have been more obvious. I don't know how the rest of the boys haven't caught on yet."

"Is it really that obvious?" 

"Yeah," Gigi nods her head and squints her eyes. 

"Well shit," I say while laughing.

"Now I want to know,"

"Know what?"

"Everything," I go into the whole story up until about a week ago when I told him a loved him in the pouring rain. The memory still plays vividly in my mind, bringing butterflies to my stomach every time. 

"So why haven't you told anyone yet?"

"I just don't want things to be weird you know with Harry being one of my best friends and all. He's really protective over me and Niall's one of his best friends."

"I think you should tell them soon. Sure, it may be weird at first but, if Harry is really your best friend he would be happy for you. You clearly really like Niall and from what I heard he really likes you too. You make each other happy and if you see this going on for a long time I don't think it will do you any good to keep it hidden for much longer." 

Maybe she's right. Niall makes me so happy, happier than I have ever been before. I see forever in his eyes whenever I look at him. Liam already knows and he doesn't seem to have a problem with it. I just need to rip the bandage off and tell them. What's the worse that could happen?

"Yeah, maybe I should. I love Niall, I really do and I want to be with him without having to sneak around," Gigi's eyes widen and she stares at me. I furrow my eyebrows confused by the look on her face. 

"You love him?" She asks grinning slowly. I nod slightly, pink painting my cheeks. "Have you told him?!"

"Two nights ago," By now her grin had grown into a smile that covers half of her face. 

"Tell me how it happened!" I laugh at how excited Gigi is. "Please!"

"Okay, fine, I will. Just stop begging people are starting to stare." I finally give in and start to tell her about that surreal night. "We stood in the rain and I looked into his eyes and I felt it. And so I told him and he said he loved me too." I finished the story. Now that I look back at it, it all seemed like a cliche, like something out of a movie but, I wouldn't change it.

"God you two are so cute," Just then I see a bright flash and look behind Gigi to see a swarm of people holding cameras pointed at us. Gigi turns around and sees them too. I had never been papped when out by myself but I'm not by myself I'm with Gigi so it makes sense. "We should probably get going," 

I nod my head and stand up leaving my half-empty tea behind. The paparazzi block the entrance and we have to push our way through them. As I am walking through the crowd I am surprised by the number of people shouting my name. 

"Diana is it true you are dating Liam Payne?" One of the paparazzi shouts out. l shake my head while looking down laughing at the idea. 

"Yeah, she is," Gigi yells casually to the paparazzi. I elbow her in the ribs and she bends down laughing clutching her stomach. 

I tug on Gigi's arm to pull her closer so she can hear me over the millions of questions being thrown at us both. "The boys should be done with their interviews by now. You can come with me back to the hotel and see Zayn." I nudge her with my elbow, raising my eyebrows.

"Yeah sure," I lock my arm in hers and we start to sprint in the direction of the hotel trying to escape the cameras. We finally make it to the hotel panting, holding onto our knees.

I knock on Harry's door after hearing the sound of their voices coming from the other side. Zayn opens the door. His face lights up once he sees Gigi who was standing behind me nervously twiddling her thumbs. "Hey Gigi," Zayn brushes past me and wraps his arms around her neck. 

"Yeah, ok just pretend I don't exist. Why don't ya?" Zayn pulls away from Gigi and smiles. 

"Hi Diana," I roll my eyes, pretending to be offended. I walk into the room and Zayn and Gigi follow with Zayn's arm draped over Gigi's shoulders. I find a seat next to Niall. I want to talk to Niall about telling the rest of the boys about us. I lean over and whisper into his ear. 

"Can we talk about something?" He furrows his eyebrows at me and I nod towards the door and stand up. 

"I have to call my boss about the next shoot," I lie.

A couple of minutes later Niall knocks on my door. I let him in throwing myself in his arms as soon as the door closes. He catches me and kisses me on the cheek as he struggles to keep his footing. 

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I flop onto my bed and turn on my side. Niall does the same so he is facing me. Our faces only inches apart. 

"I want to tell them soon," Niall's eyes widen in shock. His face softens into a smile.

"Really?" I nod my head. His hand slides across the back of my neck and pulls me forward pressing our lips together. His hand tangles in my hair, while my hands find his cheeks. 

"I was thinking we could do it tomorrow before the concert," 

"I would love to but, are you sure you want to?" 

"Yeah, I'm sure," This time he pulls me in closer by my waist. His hands creep under my shirt and rest on the small of my back. The touch sends chills up my spine. Our lips glide together gracefully. 

"I love you," He mumbles against my lips. 

"I love you too,"

My arms connect behind Niall's neck. The movement of our lips speeds up as the kiss grows with more passion. The air is filled with warmth and lust. I was too focused on the boy whose lips were connected with mine to hear to sound of the door click. 

"What the fuck?"

(A/N) Thank you for reading. I'm sorry to leave this one on a cliffhanger but, I wanted to be able to have a whole chapter centered around what is going to happen. This story is coming out a lot more boring than I wanted it to and I realized that I am a pretty shitty writer. 

Is there anything that you want to happen in this story?

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