The Cost of Vengeance

By Kozume_Games

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This is a request from a viewer of my other story, I don't know if they want to be shouted out or not. Kite... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
The Return of The Queen
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
I'm baa~aack
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 17

106 4 0
By Kozume_Games

Gon pulled a new book off of his shelf and opened it to its first chapter.  He read through about two and a half chapters before someone knocked on his door.  He figured it was Feitan so he called out to him.

"You can come in."

Feitan walked in, just as Gon had suspected that he would.  

"I was training.  Sorry."

"You're good, I could tell anyways.  Does the phone work okay?"

"Yes.  I want to talk."

"Okay, what's up?"

Gon set his book down and pat the space beside him to indicate that Feitan could sit.  He did and he started talking.

"How did Illumi get you?"

"He caught me off guard.  I saw two of my friends unconscious on the ground and that was the first thing I rushed to."

"No, how... you.. are now."

"Don't rush your words, learning a new language is hard.  It's okay to not be fluent yet.  I can teach sometimes if you want."

"Answer the question."

"I'm fine Feitan.  It brought back the memories of what happened and it's fine.  It got stuck in my head for a little bit but I'm okay now.  I know that you guys think you need me and that's good enough for me.  So, is that a good enough answer for you now."


"Okay then."

Feitan got up to leave and as he was closing the door behind him Gon spoke again.

"Do me a favor though?  Try not to break anymore phones."

Feitan laughed almost silently and Gon smiled as the door closed the rest of the way.  He read the remainder of his chapter and the next three before he noticed that the sun had started to set.  He put his book back on the shelf with a piece of paper marking his place.  He grabbed a change of clothes and went to the bathroom to shower.  He took a longer shower than he normally would.  He turned the water to scalding hot and stepped in.  He let the heat wash away his tension and stress.  After he stepped out of the shower he noticed how red the water had made his skin.

He laughed a little at how cold the air felt in comparison to the water he had just removed himself from.  He put on his clothes and went back to sit in his bed.  He spent the next few hours playing games on his phone and reading about different auctions that were going on in the next few months.  He didn't find anything that looked like it would interest Chrollo so he went back to his games.  

Despite what most people would think, Gon wasn't very technologically advanced.  He wasn't great at math either.  He had never gone to school so he wasn't great at most of that stuff.  Nonetheless, he wasn't particularly stupid.  He was pretty good at reading and writing.  He also excelled at perceptive skills and observations.  He could tell almost  anything about you by watching you.  This was something that scared most people so Gon never really voiced his conclusions.  But they did come in handy sometimes.  He sat up and threw a throwing knife through his open window.  

Illumi stepped through the curtains.

"I thought I told you to leave."

"And I am, I just have one question.  Well now two."

"Hurry up."

"How did you know I was here."

"You're particularly easy to read.  It was obvious that you intended to come back even with my warning.  Though it was clear that you were and are too afraid to be anything other than benign."

"That's... something.  Why didn't you show any of this power at the hunter exam or any other times?"

"I didn't have nen at the hunter exam and Killua warned me against it.  He said it would scare people and could hurt someone.  Now I'm just not worried about any of that anymore."

"Okay, I will leave now, I have to take Hisoka home anyways."

Gon watched as he left back through the window he came in from and shut it after him.

I just can't catch a break can I.

Gon returned to his game for another half hour before checking the time.  It was already two in the morning.  He really should get to sleep.  He would be up at five and that's only three hours of sleep to run on.  He could just sleep until six.  It's not like he still wouldn't be the first one awake.  He decided on sleeping the extra hour, he would need the rest.  He had training with Machi and Nobunaga tomorrow.  Machi was a particularly nasty opponent.  Her nen stitches were much harder to spot and took more focus to latch onto.  

Nobunaga was an easy enough opponent though.  His sword wasn't near fast enough to match Gon's pace at a soft thirty percent.  This was incredibly entertaining to Feitan who was constantly arguing with Nobunaga about something.  Many times it was about how over confident in his abilities Nobunaga was.  Watching him get put in his place by someone so young and almost as short as himself was quality entertainment.  It also just happened to be great for teasing Nobunaga as well.  He made sure to take every opportunity he had to tell every one about his friend's latest loss to Gon.  He would commit ever detail to memory just to watch his face screw up in anger and embarrassment.  

Gon fell asleep smiling to the thought of the endless torment Feitan would surely exercise on his friend.  When he woke up at five he set a timer for an hour and fell back asleep.  He slept peacefully for that hour while the others were conversing about the oddity that was Gon sleeping in.

Shalnark had gotten up to get water at 5:23 and he noticed that Gon was nowhere to be found.  He checked his room and saw him still sleeping.  His jaw dropped, in the entire time of knowing him, Gon had never once slept past five.  Not counting the time he was knocked unconscious by Illumi's mind attack.

He woke up the others and they all looked in.  Feitan was still asleep because nobody was going to get murdered for waking him up.  They all looked shocked at the sleeping form but when they closed the door and looked back at Shalnark they spoke irritatedly.  Machi had been the first one to speak.

"You woke us up at 5:30 because he is still asleep.  I will strangle you with my nen stitches Shalnark."

"Hey!  When has he ever slept past five.  It was shocking to me."

"Yes it is different but he also probably didn't go to bed until two in the morning.  Now let's all return to sleep."

They all agreed with their boss and went back to bed, Shalnark still a little amazed that Gon had slept in.  He didn't really need to be awake much longer than he had to be either.  He had agreed to go with Feitan to watch Gon train with Nobunaga since they were doing individual sessions this week.  He would also probably want to stick around to see the battle with Machi.  Either way, he would not get to sleep for too much longer.  Feitan would for sure wake him up if he wasn't up in time.  These days and his training days were the only times he actually woke up somewhat early.

A/N:  Thanks for reading the newest chapter and I encourage you to leave critics on my writing so I can improve.  You are also welcome to request fanfic ideas either via comments or private messages.  Remember that each and every one of you is a beautiful/handsome person no matter what anybody else tells you.

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