I'm Just Sayin' If You Really...

By fangirl_issues102

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"Hey Jemmy, you know how I kinda have a teeny tiny crush on your boyfriend?" Thomas asked. James looked at h... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine - Jamilton
Chapter Thirty - Jeggy
Chapter Thirty One - Marliza
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Thirty Three

122 7 9
By fangirl_issues102

Thomas woke up and had no idea where he was. It took him a moment to remember the happening of the night before and an even longer moment for him to realise that the Schuyler sisters were standing taking pictures and cooing over the couple tangled together on the floor.

"Hey Thomas," Angelica teased, scrolling through her phone. "You drool when you sleep." 

Thomas glared at her playfully and wiped at his face. "Shut up," he grumbled. "What are you guys doing back so early?"

Peggy raised an eyebrow. "Thomas, it's Saturday," she deadpanned, causing his eyes to widen as he checked his phone frantically.

"Shit, you're kidding," he breathed, wincing as he saw the amount of messages he had from his parents. "Jesus Christ," he muttered, rubbing a hand over his face.

"No, Peggy Schuyler," the youngest sister shot back cheekily. Thomas just glared up at her and collapsed back down next to Alex with an, "Oomph."

"We'll leave you two to get up," Angelica said, dragging her sisters away.

Thomas turned to Alex, smiling at the sight of his young workaholic sleeping soundly. "Lex," he whispered into his ear. "Lex, you need to get up."

Alex groaned and turned over, pulling the duvet over his head. "Five more minutes," he whined. Thomas gently moved the covers so he could see Alexander's beautiful face.

"In five minutes I'll be gone," he teased, kissing down his cheek and neck. Alex shivered and pulled him down to cuddle again.

"Nope, you ain't going anywhere. I'm keeping you here for five minutes and then we'll get up," Alex promised. Thomas sighed and gave in.

"Five more minutes," he grumbled, cuddling his boyfriend close, careful to ensure that he stayed awake.

Two minutes passed and Thomas shook his boyfriend lightly. "Time to get up, darlin'," he muttered. Alex sat up, crossing his arms over his chest and sulking.

"I don't wanna get up," he groaned. Thomas just raised an eyebrow and leaned over to steal a kiss. "But darlin'," he argued. "I'm already in trouble with my parents because I may have forgotten to tell them that I was planning on staying over. Do you want me to be in deeper shit?"

"Well, no, but I also don't want you to go back to your place. I want you to live with me," Alexander whined, rolling over and looking at Thomas with wide, alert eyes that showed that this wasn't just some half-asleep rambling. "I want to wake up to you every morning and go to sleep to your beautiful face every night and have you there all the time. I just want you Thomas."

Thomas was struck speechless. "Lex, Lex, we can't. We-we can't. We're too young, it's too soon, I'm not ready-"

Alex cut him off. "I get it Tom. You don't want to live with me. That's understandable. But, one day, I want us to live together. Only us. No parents, no siblings, no one but us. I'm not asking right now Thomas, we're too young and irresponsible right now, but one day I want to share a home with you," he explains.

Thomas nodded. "I want that too, Lex. I love you, I really do, but I gotta run." Thomas leaned over and pecked his forehead before Alex shot up and offered to walk him home. 

The two walked out the door together, yelling goodbyes at the Schuylers. They walked down the street in silence, broken only by Alex saying, "I believe that I told you we were going to discuss your issues with storms today."

Thomas froze for a moment. "Storms? Me? Issues? Psh, I don't know what you're talking about," he tried to play it off. Alex just raised an eyebrow and he broke. "Ok, so maybe I do have some issues. 

"It all started when I was, what, ten? Eleven? I don't know. My parents had gone out for the night and left my two older sisters, Jane and Mary in charge. Jane, the eldest, was the more sensible of the two and took her duties as babysitter seriously. Even though she was like fourteen, she was my best friend. 

"Mary, on the other hand, decided that that night was a good night to go to a party. God, she was only thirteen and already sneaking out. Explains a lot about her now if I'm being honest," Thomas chuckled. 

"Anyway, Jane had her hands full with the younger three girls, Martha, Lizzy and Lucy. Martha was eight, just about to turn nine, Lizzy was nine and Lucy was only two. Jane asked me to look after the twins, Anna and Randolph, who were literally about four months old, while she put Liz and Marty to bed and managed to coerce Lucy back to sleep. I swear, that child didn't learn to sleep until she was five.

"So, I was in our parents room with Randy and Anna, just basically watching them to make sure that if they woke up, Jane would know I was here and wouldn't immediately come running, letting Marty, Lizzy and Lucy run rampant over the house. So, at this point it was like ten and I was really tired because my parents usually had me in bed by around nine. 

"I fell asleep holding each of the twins hands and I guess that we were all too quiet because Jane never came to wake me up or put me to bed or feed the twins or anything. She basically forgot about us. Anyway, you remember my other sister, Mary? She was coming home about an hour after the party started because it was outdoors and it had started raining and thundering. 

"She climbed in through our parent's bedroom window and that somehow woke me up. All I saw at first was this shadowy figure, dripping in what my half asleep mind made to be blood. Naturally, I started screaming, waking up the twins who also started screaming their heads off and terrifying the living shit out of both of my older sisters. I was frozen to the spot, just screaming for Jane who came running with a folding chair held above her head.

"Just as she snapped on the light and we saw it was Mary, before my mind caught up to my eyes and stopped my screaming, my parents came home. All they heard was me screaming before the screaming just cut off and the twins crying and assumed the worst. I nearly watched my older sister get her head blown off that night. 

"My parents never left us alone again, always hiring an actual babysitter instead of just letting us look after ourselves, but the damage was done. I know it doesn't sound really all that bad, but I had to go to weekly therapy sessions for a year because I couldn't even close my eyes without seeing that shadowy figure who looked nothing like Mary climbing through the window. The therapy helped me sleep at night but nothing, before yesterday, helped with the memories brought back by rain and storms," Thomas finished. 

"Damn Tom," was all Alexander said, nestling in close to his boyfriend as they stopped in front of his house. "Can we go out on a date at some point over the weekend and talk more about our problems?" Thomas laughed at his boyfriends pleading face. 

"Sure, I'll text you details later. Love you," he said, walking up to the door with a wave. 

"Love you too," Alex waved back before turning away from the door with a lovesick grin on his face.


Hey y'all! 

I know, I know, I haven't updated in forever, but hey! You got a chapter now right?

I'm sorry for neglecting this though, it wasn't intentional, I've just a lot of stuff happening in my life since I last published. I've lost some friends, punched some walls, shipped other friends and it's honestly all just a mess.

I also had really severe writers block, have for a while, but it won't stop me from grinding out chapters for this and my oneshots book. The Hamlaf is probably gonna go on hiatus for a while until I get my shit together and write some more defined plans for it. 

That's all my updates for now, I'll post a similar message on my message board in a while so anyone who follows for the Hamlaf book knows about it. 

I'll see y'all in the next chapter!

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