I'm alone again (TWICExReader)

By leyanella

52.3K 1.7K 133

"You don't want me here, then I'll leave." "N-no please don't..." "T-take care of my unnie p-please." "I'll b... More

Cpt 1
Cpt 2
Cpt 3
Cpt 4
Cpt 5
Cpt 6
Cpt 7
Cpt 8
Cpt 9
Cpt 10
Cpt 11
Cpt 12
Cpt 13
Cpt 14
Cpt 15
Cpt 16
Cpt 17
Cpt 18
Cpt 19
Cpt 20
Special Chapter #1
Special Chapter #2
Cpt 22
Cpt 23
Cpt 24
Cpt 25
Cpt 26
Cpt 27
Cpt 28
Cpt 29
Cpt 30
Cpt 31
Cpt 32
Cpt 33
Cpt 34
Cpt 35
Cpt 36
Cpt 37
Cpt 38
Cpt 39
Cpt 40
Cpt 41
Cpt 42
Cpt 43
Cpt 44

Cpt 21

700 24 1
By leyanella

(A/N: Heads up for a high school musical like chapter. Bold/Initial means they are singing. Initial the background music.)

Jiyeon's POV

IT'S A GREAT DAY TODAY!! Hehehe I'm just happy finally I'm 18 now. I take a bath and dress up in my uniform, I went downstairs and saw no one(╥﹏╥)

Where are the unnies did they not go home last night. I sigh and went to the kitchen to make my breakfast but I don't have appetite so I just took some choco drink and turn off all the switch and left the dorm.

I drove to the school and went outside as I walk to my room my schoolmates began giving me gifts and I accept them with a smile some wants to take a picture with me so I didn't hesitate to agree.

"Our celebrity is here." Mihyun said and I chuckled

"Just a normal person still me." I said and smiled I put my bag in my table beside it there's a bag holder and I sat down

"Happy birthday." Someone said I look at my side and saw the three of them with a gifts in their hands I smiled and hugged them

"Thank you." I putted their gifts to me im my bag

I took my headphones and phone and started to play some music as I was arranging the gifts from the students. I took it one hand it's so many like super duper but glad I can carry them.

"Just putting this on my locker." I said to eunsoo unnie and she nodded her head

I went outside the room and walk to my locker I put all the gifts inside and close it but I was shocked when someone was leaning in the lockers.

"Yah!" I scolded him and he laughed

"Happy birthday." He gave me a chocolate and I smiled it's my favorite one though

"Thanks." I said to hyuka it's not awkward anymore we did our mission last year it's february already and things didn't went well while doing our mission

I don't want to talk about it my days for the past few months are not that great.

"I'll go ahead now I still need to finish my homework." He said

"You always do your homework late."

"Well I'm an idol super busy." I nodded to him and he left

I decided to go to the rooftop so I use the stairs and opened the door fresh air welcomed me. I lean to the railings and smiled. The rooftop is full of beautiful flowers, any kinds of flowers.

Sometimes I water the plants since I'm always here in the rooftop everyday I always stop by here either one to two times a day. Except if I really want to go here.

The music stopped and my phone rang I look at the caller and smiled I answered it.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you. Yayyy!!!" The first thing I heard and I giggled

"Thank unnies."

"Jiyeon visit us here in the company well treat you." I heard lia unnie said

"Sure after school I'll go straight there."

"Did your class start already? Maybe your in class stop using phone." Yeji unnie said and I shook my head smiling and look at the view in front of me

"30 mins before class." I muttered and I heard some shoutings

"What happened?" I asked

"Well ryujin and chaeryoung are teasing yuna again." Lia unnie said and I laughed as I imagine them running around

"Don't you have schedules today?"

"We don't we are just practicing here and also relaxing." After yeji unnie said that I heard laughs and shouts again

"Yeah I can tell it by the shoutings." I said and smiled

"Are my unnies in there?" I asked

"I think? Cause I heard laughs next room." Ryujin unnie said and I nodded my head even though they can't see me

"I'll just go there later I want to go back to the room now."

"Ok take care we'll wait for you here in the practice room." They said and we bid our goodbyes

I went down and pass by the lockers and open the room door our class is chaotic and I just shook my head while smiling.

"Say jiyeon where should we go later?" Eunsoo unnie asked and I think of what she said

"I think I'll just celebrate it with my unnies, of course come along with us too." I said and smiled


"Itzy unnies. Twice unnies are busy maybe we can hangout in another time." I said and shrugged

"Ok class settle down!" Our teacher arrived and my friends went back to their chairs same as the others

"Our mascaraed ball is coming it's next week and I must say you have to prepare." Everybody in the class cheered feeling excited and I smiled cause I am too

"Wear elegant suit and gown also mask you must hide your faces. The ball will be held in lotte hotel!" Everybody cheered again cause why not? It's lotte world one of the most expensive and luxurious hotel in korea

"I will announce more about the ball in the next few days. Now let's start the discussion..."

She started discussing and I'm here listening and writing down what she is saying. I listen every class but sometimes if I'm tired or bored I space out but I can still catch up with the lesson. I'm just slow in math that's it but my grade is still high.

"Hey let's go!" My friends called me and we went to the cafeteria

"Me and hyerim will order the food." Eunsoo unnie said and they left

"Hey why are you sad I noticed it since earlier." Mihyun said she's sitting infront of me

Who wouldn't be if your sisters are not home and didn't even greet you a happy birthday. Instead I got greeting not from my real sisters. It's just that it's my 18th correction again eighteenth birthday.

I really don't like parties I only had one when I was in junior high. Will the unnies be late again or they won't come. In this situation I feel like I want to be wasted not drinking ok I might be sad but I don't want some troubles.

I just want to party with my friends somewhere private or with my other unnies. But being with twice unnies is already enough.

"There you go again thinking." I snapped back to reality when mihyun knock on the table


"Let's be happy it's your birthday." I nodded to her and smiled

Minutes later eunsoo and mihyun unnie came with a tray and a guy with them holding a two trays.

"Just put it here oppa." Eunsoo unnie said to the guy who's serving here too

"Thank you oppa." We all said he smiled and left

We started to eat but with some talks.

"What color of dress will you guys wear?" Mihyun asked while taking a bite of her spaghetti

"I'll go for hmm...violet." Hyerim unnie said

"Mine is blue." Eunsoo unnie

"I'll go for yellow then..." Mihyun

"You jiyeon?" They all looked at me

"I don't m-maybe gold." I said and they looked at me confused

"First time you didn't picked color pink."

"I just want to try other color too and just imagining wearing it looks elegant already." I reasoned out

"Indeed you were born elegant like your sister." Eunsoo unnie said and nodded her head many times

"She was born elegant and I was born opposite." I said and laugh a little

"Nah your the same." Hyerim unnie said with a hand gesture

"I'm a food maniac and likes chocolate but she is not."

"Yeah like right now your sneaking your hands to eunsoo's tray." Hyerim unnie said smugly and I look at my hand and pull it back

I laughed awkwardly and eunsoo unnie playfully glared at me. I just want the chocolate cake and ice cream though mine was gone.

"Chocolate there please." I said and pointed at her tray

"You had enough already you might get sick." She scolded the other two laughed at me

"I'll just buy then." I was about to stood up but they held my hand and made me sit again

"Nauh, stay and finish the remaining foods in your tray enough sweets you get sick easily." They scolded and I pouted but eat my food

After eating we went to our room and as usual it's noisy so I left the room after taking my phone and headset. This time I'll go to the oak tree in the field.

After sitting I listen to some songs good thing I brought my sketchpad and pencil, drawing it's just my hobby if I'm bored or doing nothing. I'm kinda like chaeyoung unnie who likes to draw and after graduating I planned to take a course of music and arts in college.

"Hey." Someone said I can still hear it the music is just in a low volume

"Oh hyuka what are you doing here." I said and he sat down beside me

"Am I not allowed here?" He said chuckling

"Silly, just asking you usually stay in our room or walk around the campus while your fan girls trail behind you." I said and continued sketching

"I'm finding you though so I found you here." He lean at the tree I just let him be and silence engulf us

I was shock when someone pulled my left headset and hyuka put it in his right ear I just smiled and continue sketching again. He took my phone I just let him be there's no password anyway the unnies doesn't like me to put password on it.

I secretly smiled when the instrument of the song played.

"Hi, Girl you just caught my eye~" I turn to him and he smiled and close his eyes and continued singing

"Thought I should give it try. And get your name and your number. Go grab some lunch and eat some cucumbers~"

"Why did I say that? I don't know why but you're smilin' and it's something I like. On your face, yeah it suits you, Girl we connect like we have Bluetooth~"

"I don't know why I'm drawn to you. Could you be the other one so we'd equal two? And this is all based on a lucky chance. That you would rather add then subtract~" He stood up and reach out his hand I took it and he help me stand

"You and I, could be like Sonny and Cher. Honey and bears, you and I. Could be like Aladdin and Jasmine. Let's make it happen~" We both sang I smiled and run he followed me I don't know where I was running

"La la la la, la la la la
La la la la, la la la la
La la la la, la la la la
La la la la, la la la la."

He chased me I was running away from him while laughing, of course he was a fast runner.

"Hey. How've you been? I know that it's been awhile. Are you tired 'cause you've been on my mind. Runnin' thousand and thousands of miles. Sorry, I know that line's outta style."

"But you. You look so beautiful on this starry night. Loving the way the moonlight catches your eyes and your smile. I'm captivated, your beauty is timeless never outdated."

We keep running around the field he was about to catch me but I run to the side and laughed when he look at me disbelief. I smirked when I saw something.

"I don't know why I'm drawn to you. Could you be the other one so we'd equal two? And this is all based on a lucky chance. That you would rather add then subtract."

I saw a hose so I took it and turn the lever on I splash it to him and he blocked the water and I was laughing because of his face.

"You and I. Could be like Sonny and Cher
Honey and bears, you and I. Could be like Aladdin and Jasmine. Let's make it happen."

He took also a hose and splash the water to me I shouted his name and he giggled. I took my revenge and went near him.

"Babe. It's been five years since that special day. When I asked you on our first date. Guess it's safe to say."

My sight was blocked by water so I close it and I felt a hand in my eyes but I can still feel the water in my face. I turn around slowly. It felt like a slow motion since I was holding the hose looking above the water feels like a rain from the sky.

"You and I. Are better than Sonny and Cher, Honey and bears. You and I, are better than Aladdin and Jasmine
We've made it happen, singing."

"La la la la, la la la la
La la la la, la la la la
La la la la, la la la la
La la la la, la la la la."

I look into his eyes our clothes are now wet because of the waters I don't feel cold but instead warm I felt warm when I'm with him I felt someone is loving me by actions. He cupped my face and crouch down a little levelling me.

"Let me say. You look so beautiful on our wedding day~" He sang lowly I was stunned and he hugged me

I hugged him back slowly and buried my face into his chest I like it when a guy is taller than me. He caressed my hair and peck in my forehead.

"I'm here whenever you need me." He said and I smiled instead of answering I did something unexpected

I kissed his cheeks and run away, leaving him frozen I run till I reach the area where there isn't much people. I stopped and secretly smiled my heart is pounding very fast. I want to squeal but I'm controlling it.


This chapter is so kyahhh. So cringey, well I think we might add some romance in this book. Silent readers there you might wanna comment so I can know someone reads this book👀

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