My Precious Doll (English Tra...

By hanaayukii_

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馃摎COMPLETE BOOK 馃摎 Author : Gitsune Red Fox Translator : tofa More

20 (End)


21.6K 243 22
By hanaayukii_

Editor : loyprile JJG918

Chapter 1 Search, buy, order to fall in love

An exhausted gasp is heard along with the music as an alarm set by the phone’s owner. After looking at the hand stained with a  milky white liquid and momentarily placing it on his mouth, he took a tissue from the box that was placed on the bed and scrubbed his hand until it was clean. Then slid his hand over the screen to mute the sound.

06:00 AM.

The honey-colored man lightly sighed before laying down on the thick fluffy bed. He stared at the ceiling for a moment, then glanced at the thing that helped him feel like he was in heaven. The distinct rubber doll was laying down with its eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling. If it was a real person, it would be safe to say it would have felt exhausted.
*Meet your protagonist in this story, ‘Path’.

He took a deep breath before taking a tissue and gently wiped the liquid on the doll’s face; it was like cleaning a lover. Once finished, he got up. He made the bed, pulling the blanket neatly, then he pulled the doll to his chest and kissed its forehead lightly, whispering to it to rest. After that, he showered, got dressed, and prepared a light breakfast before heading out for work. Like any other day, the doll would sit at the table while he would drink a cup of coffee and talk about different stories. The scene looked like a husband talking to his wife, but instead of a real person, it was a lifeless doll.

The problem for working adults, is that they rarely have time for anyone. Although Path is a hard worker, persistent and puts in a lot of effort, he still has a habit of not talking much. He’s a private person, and although he has a few friends, he’s not close with them. Sometimes there would be women who were drawn to him because of his good looks and charming face, but he didn’t care. In the morning, he would go to work and in the evening, he’d return home. He did this every day that people in the company thought he had a wife he was obsessed with and wanted to hurry home to. Those rumors were something he never denied. That’s right, he’s very addicted to someone. But the reason he would hurry back was not because of a woman like everybody thought. To be clear it wasn’t even a real person, because the one who made him go home on time every day was a male sex doll.

He remembered the day he saw the doll in an internet catalog. After being single for a long time, he was often encouraged by his friends to look for a partner. But since he didn’t know how to approach people, and didn’t want to mess up with anyone, he rejected those opportunities by staying quiet. Eventually his friends got fed up and stopped bothering him about it. But no one knew that he felt lonely in this world and was becoming more disturbed every day. He was used to being alone, but his masculinity and perfect body didn’t think so. Most nights, he would feel so horny that he would have to pull the flag off the pole. He could release himself, but it would be better if there was someone to help him.

Bringing a girl to his room would be very inappropriate. Going out to pubs or night clubs seemed too risky.

He didn’t have this kind of taste growing up, until after reading a comic and coming across a site that sells rubber dolls. An idea came to his mind; since he didn’t want to get involved with anyone, he should try that out, so he tried surfing the net. After searching for a long time, he found that rubber dolls were more complicated than he ever knew. Not only do the dolls meet physical needs, but it also caters to the mood, feeling, and imagination of the user. In addition to helping someone get off, each doll has a human-like appearance, be it the color of the skin, eyes, hair or the softness of the skin. Plus, some dolls can also moan in response. What’s cooler is that there are not only female dolls. There are male dolls that are also incredibly realistic.

Who would buy something like this?

That was his first thought as he looked through a few pages of the male rubber dolls. Then Path stopped when he stumbled upon a certain rubber doll. He felt like it was destiny at first glance. And, as if some power had taken over, his fingers moved to order the doll, not caring about the price.

Was it expensive? Extremely expensive. But if you compare touching the real thing to the virtual one, it was more than worth it. After waiting patiently for several days, his order arrived. The first time he opened the box and saw the sharp white face, his heart started beating fast. He fell in love at first sight with the doll. White, smooth skin that, although cold, was soft to touch. A sweet face with a gentle scent that awoke his desire. A desire that had been kept hidden for a long time erupted until it was impossible to hold back. The intense heat caused his masculinity to rise, causing him to hold a welcoming ceremony by making love with the doll on the box. After a short break, they had another 2 rounds before getting some rest on the bed. While they were together, he heard a sound, like someone was moaning his name, making it feel like the doll was responding to his love making. When he moaned and called him ‘Nong doll’, it felt like it was just a sex toy. So he tried to give it a name. At first, he was going to name him mochi since it had soft, white skin like the Japanese dessert. But when he thought about it again, it sounded too much like a girl’s name. So he tried again. He then remembered the feeling he felt when he first saw the doll. His heart was filled with happiness, so he named the doll “Ran” which means joy.

He can now say his once lonely life was now filled with happiness. He liked to sit and talk and tell stories to the doll every day. He joked around with it, and although there was no reaction at all, he couldn’t help but feel good having someone to always listen to him. He hugged the person who made him lose his energy all night. When he wakes up early, he does it again and again without being annoyed or hearing annoying whispers.

Today was the same. When he got back from work, he headed straight into his room, kissed Ran’s cute round cheeks and asked if he missed him before he went to take a shower.
He changed his clothes, sat down, and ate dinner together, listening to soft music while hugging the doll close to his chest. Path passionately kissed the soft hair on top of Ran’s head. He used his hands to grab the doll, squeezing and kneading it until he felt the heat rising in his body. He switched the music off and turned off all the lights except the lamp at the head of the bed. He walked back to the sofa, taking the doll into his arms. Path kissed its forehead gently before carrying it back to the bed. The yellow light from the lamp shone on the doll’s face, making his white skin look soft and smooth. Looking at his face and staring into his crystal eyes, he felt like the doll was watching his actions as well, until he could no longer keep from bowing down to this perfection.  His arms stretched to his sides and wrapped around his neck as he bent down to kiss it, biting slowly before inserting his tongue into its mouth. Path hungrily and thirstily teased the soft tongue that was hidden inside before moving to gently bite the earlobe. He then dragged his nose down the throat, smelling the familiar scent, while his hands were busy with the soft chest. Stroking and kneading, imagining the other person was wriggling and moaning underneath him. One hand circled the nipple before squeezing it between his fingers. His other hand slid lower, holding a soft bush in the palm of his hand. He pressed and played with it as if it were a water balloon, before moving onto the part with the amazing reaction. The more he squeezed it, the harder it became, just like the real thing.

The responsiveness of the doll adds to the excitement of his movements every time he inserts a significant portion of himself into the doll’s mouth. He wanted to try something new today, so he removed his pants, then rubbed his flesh until it became hard. He then took the doll’s hands, placed them around his hot piece of meat and slowly rocked his hips. He imagined it was being held in warm hands, while the little chest-nut shaped mouth on the sweet, rosy cheeked face, moaned out,


The voice was in his mind. He began to move his hips faster, moaning his name,


Heat burned throughout his body, causing the intensity to move around his waist. As for his mouth, he moaned out Ran’s name until he reached that point of enjoyment. He thrust himself against the doll’s hand with great force until his body bowed. He lifted his face, releasing a flow of happiness that was overflowing in Ran’s hands

"R ... Ran"

With a breathless voice, he called the name of the doll he loved before lying down on the bed. Once his carnal desires were driven out of his body, his thoughts and consciousness returned to normal. Surprisingly, he was still not satisfied at all. It’s true, he can have sex with the doll anywhere and anytime he wanted; but having more sex has only increased his longing.  Wouldn’t it be nice if the doll’s body was warm? Twisting, moaning, and moving in response to whatever he did. He wanted to see Ran moving on his body with eyes full of love. As the days went by, this dream of his grew more.  He wanted something more, not just sex.

He wanted Ran to be real.

Imagining the white innocent doll with a sweet smile moving, the little urge that had just passed had become active again. He pulled Ran into a hug, kissing his face all over. Then used his tongue to lick from his cheek, to the jawline and down to the throat. He lingered on the collar bone before moving down to tease both nipples. Grinding, crushing it until he was satisfied. Then he pulled his face down, passionately kissing it again, before moving the doll’s head lower and imagining it was caressing him so passionately that his flagpole became erect. He slowly inserted it into the doll’s mouth. The feeling of the synthetic rubber, although a bit cold, the softness that wrapped around his body gave him chills. The teeth, small as corn kernels, were scraping against his skin, stimulating his senses, and satisfying his heat so well that his voice cried out.


His slender fingers gripped the doll’s hair tightly. The intense feeling made him want to thrust himself inside immediately. But when he imagined a smooth, white face wrestling against his big body with tears in its eyes, he couldn’t do it. He started with sweet loving touches which then gradually turned into something heated. He wanted to feel good and enjoy it with his lover. So he gritted his teeth, then carefully pushed the doll’s head down until his hot flesh completely disappeared into his mouth.
"R ... Ran"

His voice was breaking, making it hard to hear. He sighed softly, then raised the doll’s head, pulling out until it was close to the tip before pushing it back down again. He started slowly then gradually sped up as if he was pumping a bicycle wheel. The movement shocked his nerves, accidentally hitting the body in response. Rocking up and down with fervor until he reached his climax. His release flowed from his body and spread into the doll’s mouth.

"Ran ... Ran"

Path mumbled, calling out his name as if he was daydreaming before he released Ran’s head from his hands, leaving the doll’s face tucked between his legs. His chest heaved up and down, gasping, while his hands laid beside his body. Damn, the honey-colored man thought as he breathed. Even though it‘s just a doll, he can still lose this much strength. If it was a real person, he would have eaten him for so many rounds until the sun came up for sure. But who cares, even if he has to exert himself until his chest feels like it’s about to explode, as long as he has a cute lover like this by his side, it’s worth it.

The problem is this is the real world; a rubber doll can never be a real person.

The young man breathed in disillusionment before pulling the soft rubber doll up and laying it beside him. Although Ran is a doll, he still loves him.

"I love you"

The feeling of embracing him with all his might caused him to turn around and whisper to the doll with all his feelings. He wiped the stains on his body before kissing the full pink lips again. As Path raised his head, his heart pounded seeing Ran’s clear brown eyes staring back at him, as if he could feel his words,

“I love you too P’Path”

He heard a bright voice and smiled at his imagination before lying down on the bed, hugging the doll to his chest. He was exhausted from work, and now his nightly activity made him so weary that he fell asleep.

The daily routine stayed mostly the same except when he went home. Instead of listening to music, he would go on social media and search for all the weird and wonderful things that happened on earth. If anyone knew what he was doing, they would think he was ignorant about this nonsense. But he saw it as a small beacon of hope, although he must admit, it would never come true. It was like a small drop in the desert that nourishes the trees throughout it’s life. It wasn’t just several websites. Path would also read sci-fi novels, fantasy, or even horror like Frankenstein. He even wanted to try electrocuting the doll in case it would come to life like the monster in the story. But when he remembered its skin was made of rubber and that it would melt, he stopped.  He also wanted to modify it by putting an engine in it and turning it into a cyborg, but technology is not yet that advanced. He was afraid of being called a psychopath if he took it to a wizard, sorcerer, or a medium. When he finally didn’t know what to do, he just took pleasure in the silent beautiful doll in the room.

He may be a bit lonely, but he’s still happy.

With that, he comforted himself and gave up on the remainder of his hope. A doll turning into a person was something only found in fiction or movies. And everything was fantastic just as it is now. Even though he would sigh sadly after doing it every night. Despite being able to get his release, he has never felt truly happy.

He wanted Ran to be a real person.

Every night the young man would pray for this until he fell asleep. His hope was almost gone, despite his growing love. The young man decided to take the doll to sit on the balcony and feel the wind. He pointed out the city so Ran could see the city lights, and not worrying about anyone else, he dared to kiss it. He would have had sex there if he weren’t so afraid of having someone from the opposite building seeing him and giving him a heart attack.

Path indulged in extreme happiness alone until the rainy seasons, because that was the time of the year a lot of monsoons would pass through, and Path would have to travel through the rain almost every day. Even though he would take vitamins, his body would still become weak due to too much work and little time to rest. Having waded in the rain for two weeks, the young man caught the flu and was unable to go to work. He hardly had any strength to get up and look for food. Well, there were still some noodles in the cupboard, so he can live off that. But his sore throat made it hard for him to eat anything at all. He had to stop eating after a few bites and would sometimes vomit until he was very weak.

While lying in bed, Sompath would hug his beloved doll tightly, hoping that it’s cool temperature would relieve his fever a bit. He hoped to get better quickly so he could go back to work, but that didn’t happen. Not only was his flu giving him a severe headache, but it caused his whole body to hurt, like every bone was shattered. This suffering made him feel like death. But it wasn’t all bad for Path, in fact, he thought it was ok. He was able to deal with the pain because he remembered the fact that he had Ran to help fulfill his life.
*Sompath is Path’s full name
The high fever made the young man delirious. Many times, he thought he was definitely going to die, but a beautiful voice would call his name full of concern. The forehead that was as hot as fire was covered with a cold cloth. When he was thirsty, a hand came to support him and feed him carefully. Who came to take care of him? Path asked, while trying to open his hot and heavy eyelids. But the overwhelming fever made his vision so blurry that he couldn’t see who it was. He could only guess it was a friend from work. But it seems unlikely since nobody knows his address, and he’s never been close to any of his neighbors.

So, who is it? Who keeps feeding him and taking care of him like this?

His thoughts turned back to the doll he always held close to him. Path smiled sadly as he told himself that it was impossible. The young man fell asleep, woke up, and continued that cycle, seeing the blurry image of his caretaker, until his fever began to subside. Path opened his eyes, looked at the ceiling and raised his hand to wipe his sweaty forehead in relief.

He has recovered.

The young man shut his eyes again, thinking he would take another nap. But he was shocked when the bed sank in as if someone was sitting on it. There was someone else in the room right now. Panicking, he slowly opened his eyes, feeling paranoid. But his heart began to pound when he saw the person sitting next to him was a beautiful young man with sparkling brown eyes. Seeing the patient had opened his eyes, the young man had a cheerful expression and smiled sweetly as he asked,

"Are you feeling better P’Path?

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