By daisy-ruby

244K 15.5K 4.3K

In a world where 25% of men can get pregnant Xiao Zhan is one of them, he's also an intelligence officer, an... More

Author's note
1. The Case
2. Conspire
3. Amusing
4. Impressed
5. Bitter
6. Apprise
7. Charmed
8. Striking
9. Stunned
10. Unexpected
11. Jealousy
12. Devastated
13. Depart
14. Feelings
15. Void
16. Unveil
17. Distraught
18. Desperate
19. Unforeseen
20. Trust
21. Infatuated
22. Unfold
24. Animosity

23. Obscure

5.2K 368 60
By daisy-ruby

I want it nonstop I want it I won't drop for nothing. My time, my space, and my destiny I'll clash myself to this merciless wall Even if I fall, I won't back off Wait for me, it's not too late Because I will run to you and hug you. - NCT127


The sunlight highlighted Xiao Zhan's perfect features;his long eyelashes, his pink yet red soft lips, and his perfect rounded cheeks. Which Yibo had been admiring all morning long, as Xiao Zhan slept peacefully.
Wang Yibo carssed Zhan's belly as he talked to his baby. "Wake up so you and papa can have breakfast." he smiled, "Isn't papa beautiful when he sleeps?" The corner of Yibo's lips curled up smiling, he knew he was crazy but he was so damn happy.

He loved waking up before Xiao Zhan, so he could just savor every moment he had with him. Xiao Zhan on the other hand was sleeping soundly. He could sleep through a storm if it was possible, and that is what Yibo found uncontrollably cute. Wang Yibo kept his hand on Zhan rubbing gently, but somehow he had the gut feeling he was having a baby girl, he didn't mind it but his intuition never failed to deceive him.

Certainly Wang Yibo's mind was all over the place and it was never up to par when it came to Wang Hao Xuan, he felt his blood boil, he wanted to kill him but he also didn't want to stain his hands he reminded himself that the police would get the job done but for him it wasn't enough for torturing Xiao Zhan, especially when he was pregnant.

Yibo's phone rang revealing Officer WU's number

" It's me Officer Wu, I am sure you already know about Wang Hao Xuan's whereabouts and as a result we are leaving today for Taiwan Island. I just wanted you to know, so don't act recklessly go there and interfere with police work just stand by."

Yibo stood up and walked to his balcony, scratching his head thinking of ways to kill the motherfucker but he also considered the possibility that he needed to stay by Xiao Zhan's side.

"Don't worry about me Mr. Wu, I'm not that reckless, once you get that mother fucker call me."

Xiao Zhan shifted to his right side moaning and scratching his belly still sleeping soundly.

"Good, I'll let you know when this case is done, please take care of Xiao Zhan. we can't let our guard down just yet, as you know Wang Hao Xuan is capable of anything at this point." Mr. Wu worried.

"Of course my men will stand by if anything goes wrong...please be careful." Yibo turned around and looked at Zhan.

"That won't be necessary, our division is equipped quite well, please stay vigilant and protect your family, I'll have to talk to you later." Mr Wu hung up and looked at his watch, as he gathered his team for the last meeting.

Xiao Zhan woke up to the sight of Yibo;s lean back staring into the busy city. Zhan felt a slight sense of worry which troubled Yibo's mind, and he couldn't put his finger on it.


Wang Yibo turned around a bit surprised as Zhan's sleepy face looked so adorable, he smiled and headed towards the bed. It made him realize many things in his life, and one of them was how selfish he used to be, being in a serious relationship never crossed his mind, nor having a baby.

"You should go back to sleep, it's still early." Yibo tucked Zhan in the sheets.

"I'm wide awake don't worry, but why were you outside." Xiao Zhan sat up and hugged Yibo tightly.

Yibo sighed, " Officer Wu called me letting me know that today Wang Hao Xuan is going to be detained, and I can't help feel so uneasy." digging his head in Zhan's neck.

" look at me," Zhan cuffed Yibo's handsome face. "Everything is going to turn out well, we've been through hell and back together so this won't be any different, we have each other so let's confined in us and not let that bastard get the best of us." Zhan pecked his lips little by little until they gradually started to make out.

"You're right, maybe it's just me being overprotective, but i can't help but think about anything happening to you or my family...i don't know if i can cope with it this time." Yibo recalled the memories of Xiao Zhan in the tank full of water, gasping for air.

They both hugged each other because being by each other's side meant more than anything.

"Everyone , hurry, hurry, we don't have enough time to Chit-Chat we have to go over our protocol." officer Wu clapped his hands.

Zhuo Cheng sat next to the door so once the meeting ended he could leave and go do what he had to do.

"As you all know we had to gather as much help as we need and we called in Liu Hai Kuan. he constructed the whole plan and we are following his orders." officer Wu crossed his arms, "does anyone have a problem?.... If not then let us continue and hear him out." his eyes scanned the room.

Zhuo Cheng's eyes rolled at the back of his skull, he still didn't get why they had to follow orders from a gangster-like him, Zhuo would rather follow Wang Yibo's orders. But what could he possibly do to Change Officer WU's mind?
The only thing Zhuo could concentrate on is Liu's thin lips, he's; tall, handsome, wealthy but most of all very stupid. All Zhuo Cheng could hear was blabbering. He couldn't hear a word but focus on the man who stood before him, it was like he was stuck in a daze.

"I will be guiding the team into the warehouse, remember to stay close and stay within the protocol, I don't want to lose any men in this mission, understand? We will also send a rescue team for Meng Yao's family. Let's put all our efforts into this plan." Liu Hai Kuan discussed.

"Very well then let us get going now." Mr. Wu and the team headed out.

Meanwhile Zhuo Cheng waited for Liu Hai Kuan, " I can't believe officer Wu trusts you, I don't get him." Zhuo opened the meeting door.

"Wait..." Liu walked towards Zhuo Cheng, closing the door and locking it. "I'm not letting you off so easily."

Zhuo Cheng was mystified by Liu's actions, his face moved closer touching his lips. A soft sense of fire ignited within him wanting to do much more... He remembered how exceptional it felt before and he couldn't deny the kiss any longer, he elevated Zhuo Cheng on the table and devoured him with kisses, showing him the love he intended to show him. The sight of Zhuo letting himself be taken over hit him like a train of lust. But deep down Liu Hai Kuan Knew that he would regret his actions, he knew Zhuo Cheng would push him away after.

"Sorry, we'll be late, I should get going."Liu Hai Kuan, left Zhuo gasping for air.

Liu didn't know why he was like this with Zhuo Cheng, everything would Change in an instant and he couldn't recognize himself in the slightest. But it wasn't the same for Zhuo Cheng because he wasn't the type to show his emotions, he dealt alongside love. It was hard for him to express anything and was often misunderstood but the only person who could read him like an open book was Liu Hai Kuan. he was most certainly an open book to him, letting him see the weakest points of himself.

But now he couldn't understand himself at all. He was stuck between wanting more and not letting Liu go, and he couldn't deny he wanted Liu Hai Kuan even more than ever.

Mr. Wu's division arrived in Taiwan Island they had a base located fairly close however, Mr. Wu knew that this mission was going to be risky with everything going on, but he needed to make sure to capture Wang Hao Xuan no matter the obstacles they intend to have, He knew the right thing was to call Liu Hai Kuan,, although Zhuo Cheng told him otherwise Liu was the best they had.

"All right everyone will have to depart the warehouse now, I'll be staying at base as well as Zhuo Cheng, And our hacker." Mr. Wu advised as the rest headed onto the Choppers.

"What? Officer Wu ? i'm going with the rest, we have to follow protocol!"

" you'll be staying here, no more questions."

"Why?, you're not usually like this, you would send me right away," Zhuo questioned.

"Lets make things clear, i wasn't the one who wanted you to stay, in fact it was Liu Hai Kuan, he wanted to enter the mission but with one condition , you stay out while he does his work." officer Wu crossed his arms like he usually does.

A vein popped out of Zhuo Cheng's forehead wanting to punch the man called Liu Hai Kuan. why didn't he want him side by side capturing Wang Hao Xuan? Was he in the way?

What a bastard, wait until you come back!!

The chopper hovered over the warehouse making a great deal of noise, Liu signaled to drop down immediately, crashing through the glass and entering with lightning speed. The labor workers screamed in terror, as the whole team landed in what could seem as a greenhouse full of drugs, young teenagers were seen crouching under the tables. Liu signaled to split into two groups so they could find Hao Xuan faster.

"Please....please i don't want to go to jail..." a young boy with bruises cried for help.

"Shhh's alright, we're here to catch your boss, if you could tell us if he's here?" Liu hai Kuan kneeled down to eye level gazing upon all the bruises the kid had.

"H-he i-i-s underground, right now, please, he'll kill me if I tell you." the young boy cried.

"don't worry, we'll get you out of here and the rest of these people too." Liu helped the Kid up.

"Look for an underground bunker anywhere he probably already knows we're here." Liu tried to get all the people out of the place.

The team followed Liu to the bunker. "I will only take four people with me so please make sure to get the rest of these people out safely.

The four Men followed Liu as he entered the bunker pointing his gun in every direction. The lights were out and he knew Wang Hao Xuan was well aware of their existence. He was more cautious of any sudden movements.

" Liu can you hear me?" Officer Wu talked over the earpiece.

"Of course Mr. Wu, were you able to hack into their system?"

" Yes they left an Hour ago heading east, making their workers think they were still at the warehouse." Mr. Wu Sighed.

"We are switching to plan B, I'm heading to Wang Hao Xuan's Location."

"Don't worry about that Zhuo Cheng left with four other men to the second hideout, if I'm right then they should already be there." Mr. Wu untensed his shoulders sitting next to the hacker.

"I thought i told you to not let Zhuo Cheng out of your sight." Liu Hai Kuan worried.

" You already know how Zhuo can be, he was really mad when you didn't want him to go along with you, but I'm reporting out. I'll let you know when things get messy."

"Roger that." Liu sighed.

Wang Yibo secured his house, putting dozens of men around his house, armed with every weapon. He knew he was paranoid but he couldn't take things lightly when it was about Wang Hao Xuan. he needed to take precocious measures if anything were to go wrong. Yibo paced around the house continuously trying to calm down but with every step he seemed to be more anxious than the last.

"Yibo, come sit and have some fruit with us." his mother worried, she has never seen him so uptight before.

"I'm fine you guys eat, I'm not in the mood."

"GeGe, please sit, you're making us anxious." Li Ming bored out of her mind, sat next to her mother.

" Xiao Zhan, can you please tell your Husband to sit Down for a moment?" Yibo's mother grinned.

Once Xiao Zhan heard the word 'husband' he didn't know how to react, he knew they were going to get married but he never thought about calling him a husband. It had a nice tone to it, yet it made his heart burst with happiness, on the other hand Yibo's ears turned red.

"Yibo let's watch a scary movie?" Zhan insisted.

"How about comedy?"

" i don't mind." Zhan sat next to Yibo snuggling in him.

Yibo"s mother observed how happy Wang Yibo is. His straight face would disappear in an instant. As if they were in their own world and you couldn't get in.

"Mom brother is so in love, it's kind of weird to say." Li Ming peeled her tangerine.

"In love is an understatement, i would say put under a spell." her mother laughed.

Wang Yibo's hand always led to Xiao Zhan's tummy, rubbing it slowly, he felt so comfortable, a life without problems seemed nice and a big family too. His smile widened as he felt a kick.

"the baby kicked!" Yibo sat up.

"I know I felt it, the baby always jumps once it hears your voice." Zhan smiled.

A bodyguard broke into the room breathing heavily. "Boss, a bomb has been sent to our location!"

Yibo stood up with an enraged face, " denote it quickly."

"Boss men are closing in on us; they're spraying some type of gas on us." another bodyguard entered the room.

"quickly everyone to my office." Yibo took Zhan and his family to his office, leading them to an underground tunnel, "Hurry, get in we have no time."

" that motherfucker is really a psycho." Yibo's mother entered the tunnel.

Wang Yibo helped his family get in by giving Xiao Zhan a gun.

"Aren't you coming? Come on?" Zhan's eyes teared up a little.

"I'm sorry Xiao Zhan ,but i can't let these people catch up to you guys, they are very dangerous." Yibo caressed Zhan's cheek.

"I'll stay with you then, we'll fight them together."

"no , i can't let you fight..once you reach the end of the tunnel a cabin resides by a waterfall. Take camp there until I send for you or I come personally. Mother please take care of Xiao Zhan and make sure he eats. "Yibo smiled gently.

"Promise me you'll come Yibo? Please?" Zhan pleaded.

"Of course I will... I promise"


Thank you for waiting i know it's been like three months but I'm here now lol anyways, hope you guys like it...stay safe.

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