how to train your dog[Discont...

By stormy_the_nightfury

15.3K 557 59

Hiccup has entered the army after losing his parents from a land mine he joined to make them happy this is m... More

Losing them
The Black wolf
Rough night
Not an update
Im thinking
Forgot to metion
Texting dad
Learning snotlout
writers block not a chap srry
Toothless' secret
akward moments
quick a/n and chap
ubber srry :(
what happened before Toothless fell
A/n :/
Hey guys

Untitled part two

547 19 6
By stormy_the_nightfury

Hiccups POV
"History repeats itself" i mumbled to no one.

They where standing in front of me animals weren't actually aloud in the camp but they made an exemption for me they think they'll get in the way I have to prove them wrong before I end up going to battle without Toothless.

I was standing the for a good five minutes looking at them there was a Border Collie, an Australian shepherd, a Pug, and two Labradors, they each had the personalities as every one this could be my chance to change everything was this why Toothless was acting weird was he Trying to get my attention?

Time skip brought to you by nation wide

"Ok you miserable maggots today we'll learn how to fight enemy dogs so since we don't fight with dogs we kill all dogs got it dogs will turn on Ya so keep an eye out!!" Yelled The Sargent Gobber wasn't here today weird he came up to us and face the twins who seemed scared "what is your purpose in the army!!" He yelled (I will use a TV reference I do not own it) "to do whatever you tell us to Sargent" they said at the same time it seemed to please the Sargent Astrid was just standing straight not even moving was she scared or was she just obeying orders? I wondered "thats the most smartest thing I ever heard YALL must have the IQ of 160!!!" He yelled in there face. must he always be yelling?
He came up to me "what's your purpose in this army!!" He yelled at me i thought for a bit "Well boy are you gonna talk!?!" He yelled "to serve for my family and be told what to do!" I said a little scared "well gosh dogit that's the best thing to do you must have amour for a heart and the hearing of a bat!!" He yelled he pointed at Toothless "why is that thing here!?!" He yelled again im surprised he didn't lose his voice "he my left side sir I can't do anything without his help im a handicap" i said calmly. "better get him out of my sight or I'll shoot him!!" He yelled which made Toothless growl. "come on bud I'll bring you to the tent, I'll take you for a long walk later" I said grabbing his leash and lead him to the tent. "okay stay here boy" I said and tied Toothless just incase and walked away.

"Okay miserable maggots in order to Dodge a dogs attack what do we need!?" He yelled asked "a nurse" I said "a loaded gun!" Yelled Astrid "good just lass!! Everyone pick up your weapon!!" He yelled the dogs I saw not long ago where here it looked like they've been captured and where already turned mad. "today we learn Pugs!" He yelled. "ha pugs what they Hanna do kill us with chubbiness!" Remarked Snotlout "no actually once they bite there jaws are locked and won't let got till the victim is dead"" said Fishlegs "correct Fishlegs!!" The Sargent yelled AGAIN.

After training

I saw all the teens staring at me wow I trip and fall get bitten in the leg and still no one cares wow.

Astrid's POV (didn't expect that?)

I saw Hiccup being pushed and given death glares as we walked away from training I mean it looked like he had it hard AND IF THIS SONTFACE WONT STOP BREATHING DOWN MY NECK I SWEAR ILL KILL SOMEONE!! I yelled in my mind "hey babe you did good in training today" commented a Snotlout "leave me alone and don't call me babe again if you do I will kill you on sight!" I said well really yelled in his face and walked away "oh playing hard to get i like that" he said as I left the cafè I saw Hiccup get up and run off toward his tent I got curious and followed him

"Hey bud time for that walk i promised you" he said and untied the dogs leash. I followed him to the woods "im sorry about those stays they got captured bud now we have to train and kill them I don't wanna though bud" I saw the dog lower his tail and nudge his master, also licking him it made Hiccup laugh I tried so hard not to laugh and ran back to camp.

I laid in bed thinking about Hiccup does he notice me? He seems to be troubled but I can't ask him the others would turn on me its like where the dogs we can turn on each other quick. I fell asleep thinking about Hiccup.

"Okay miserable maggots I thought you all would be homesick looks like day one wasn't your last, congrats!" He yelled when will he lose his voice I thought "today is all about speed and accuracy. A collie is quick and light on its feet your job is to be quicker and lighter!" He yelled his voice dropping a bit good. the Collies job was to sniff you out through a blocked gate and attack our job is to stay hidden I thought to myself thinking of a strategy. I saw Hiccup he looked worried for two reasons one for his dog and two for his life.

After training I saw Hiccup getting beat from Snotlout and every now and then the twins me a Fishlegs was just a bystander I don't know what Hiccup did to get this beating but I think I have no choice but to stand by and watch after the beating the gang and I went to the Cafè leaving Hiccup on the ground i looked at him I bet he didn't deserve this he was bruised up, had a bloody lip, his prosper IC was a few feet away from him he was holding his stomach and his wrist groaning without the others watching i hurried to Hiccup and pushed his leg closer to him I couldn't risk being caught by the others.

Hiccups POV

After training ended everyone was beating me up Snotlout hit me in the eye, Tuffnut hit me in the lip, Ruffnut kick me in my stomach and took off my peg leg, and Snotlout twisted my wrist till it popped I could've swore I saw Astrid wanting to stop this but didn't. after they walked away I was on the ground groaning in pain my leg a few feet away from me a figure crossed my vision and pushed my leg towards me I could've swore it was Astrid. did she feel bad? She wasn't even a part of this so no she didn't.

Ok guys I promised a longer chapter and a surprise so this is my surprise, say hi Hiccup

Hiccup: hi
Admin: wow you even came to have an interview
Hiccup: no you kidnaped me and threw me into a sack after I was beat up why did I have to be beaten up and did Astrid help me?!
Admin: ....
Hiccup: I needs to knows

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