Your Tattoo{LuWoo FanFic}

By woopfiretruck

24.8K 1K 949

This 'soulmate' thing is funny... Until you realise it's real. More

♤You Make Me Happy♤
♤Why Do You Make Me Smile♤
♤Your Love Will Always Stand Out♤
♤Why Is It You♤
♤How Can I Do This♤
♤Not When I'll Dissapoint You♤
♤I Bet You Never Had It Like This♤
♤Is It Him♤
♤Am I Wrong♤
♤Why Do You Know♤
♤You're My Missing Puzzle Piece♤
♤How To Make You Love Me♤
♤Happiness Is Short Lived♤
♤Can I Do This♤
♤Going Too Well♤
♤Open Your Eyes♤
♤Don't You Dare♤
♤Is It♤
♤I've Got Some Things You Want To See♤
♤Why Him And Not Me♤
♤I Can't Fix You♤
♤My Only Source Of Happiness♤
♤Should I Do This♤
♤With Your Ghost♤
♤Really Just In Pain♤
♤Please Forgive Me♤
♤I Need To Talk With Him♤
♤I Will Wait For You♤
♤Were You Always This Beautiful♤
♤I'm Always Here For You♤
♤I Will Take Care Of You♤
♤I Thought It Was Going Well♤
♤Is This Enough♤
♤Please Don't Worry♤
♤People Change♤
♤Never Expected♤
♤Why Was I So Stupid♤
♤I Love Spending Time With You♤
♤Are You Mad At Me♤
♤Is It True♤
♤I Wish It Was Me Who Made You This Happy♤
♤I'm So Glad It's You Who Makes Me This Happy♤
♤Is It Christmas Yet♤

♤Let's Hang Out♤

398 14 2
By woopfiretruck

The snow outside is signaling that Winter has finally arrived. One more month and this whole year is over. A few more weeks and everyone is on break.

Jungwoo has 'learnt' to accept the fact that Lucas has a girlfriend. It's been about a month now, maybe a little over a month. It still hurts like a fresh wound but thankfully he had his friends who were very caring and helpful.

Now, the boys were thinking about only one thing. Making plans for both Christmas and New Year. They don't care about their exams that they have this month. They only care about that right now.
Obviously, some of them will be spending Christmas with their families but what about the rest? What are they gonna do? Well that's what they're trying to figure out for now.

"Okay, who's planning on spending Christmas with their families?" asked Taeyong, trying to help everyone make plans.

Jisung, Haechan, Jaemin, Mark, Chenle, Yuta, Jeno, Ten, Johnny, Renjun, Yangyang and Jaehyun raised their hands.

"There you go. Now the ones who didn't raise their hands can start making plans. Have fun."
"Wait, what are you doing?" asked Xiaojun.
"Well I have already invited Doyoung over for Christmas so I can spend it with both my parents and him and so he can finally meet my parents."
"Oh yeah, speaking of Doyoung, where is he?" asked Jeno.
"He has a pretty bad cold so he couldn't come today."
"Oh, I see."
"Anyways, I'll be going now. I have some business in the library to do. Goodbye my children."

The ones who were left would've started looking for a hangout but the bell started ringing before anyone could say anything.

First lesson for Jungwoo, Taeil, Xiaojun and Ten was a study period. Jungwoo wasn't necessarily close to any of the above but they weren't awkward at all.

"Dude, what the fuck is an XX chromosone?" asked Ten.
"I think it's the one for guys." said Xiaojun.
"Are y'all dumb, stupid or dumb? It's the one for girls, you neanderthals." said Taeil.
"So XX chromosone is for coochies?" asked Ten.
They all started wheezing.

"Uhm, boys! Quiet down! I shouldn't be hearing any chating this whole lesson. Not only you're wasting my time yelling at you but you're also wasting your time and everyone else's in this class who's trying to study." said Mrs. Yoon.
"Ah, sorry miss." said Jungwoo.

"Okay so XX is for girls and XY is for dudes, right?" asked Ten.
"Yeah." said Taeil.
"Hell yeah, my brain gets getting bigger and bigger each second that passes."
"Whatever you say, my guy." said Xiaojun.

"Wait so what's the quadratic formula?" asked Xiaojun.
"I don't know. Jesus Christ, why do y'all keep asking questions? Have you not written down anything at all for the past 4 months?" said Taeil.
"Well not everything."
"Just Google it up or something." said Jungwoo.
"Yeah, you've got a point." said Ten.

"Boys in the back! Again! This time you guys are on your phones? Unacceptable! Give me your phone right now!" said Mrs. Yoon.
"Miss, I'm literally just Googling questions." said Ten.
"Really? Let me see."

Ten showed her the phone filled with pictures of the quadratic formula.

"Okay, then. This is the last warning before I write your name on the board. All of you."

"That's so unfair! The guy mext to us is literally playing Among Us but she's yelling at us?" said Xiaojun.
"I know. Let's just try to focus, I guess." said Jungwoo.
"To Hell with this! Fuck Mrs. Yoon. There, I said it." said Ten.
"For once you said something correct." said Xiaojun.

"Actually none of us have the required sexuality to fuck Mrs. Yoon." said Taeil. "I mean, Ten is gay for Johnny, Jungwoo is a gay hoe-"
"Hey! How and why?"
"-And Xiaojun is gay but he won't tell us for who. And I'm sorry but you kissed everyone in our friend group on the cheek, you lowkey made Jaehyun, the straight Jung Jaehyun simp over you at one point, I don't even know what's going on with Lucas and I could go on and on."
"That's just because I'm cute."
"No, Jungwoo. You're a hoe." said Xiaojun.
"Just like your old man." said Ten, smirking.

Next lesson for Jungwoo and Lucas was History. Lucas forgot to do his homework so Jungwoo of course had to let him copy the few exercises he did before falling asleep. The teacher walked in and, surprisingly, didn't notice Lucas copying. He started his lesson.

"Oh, yeah, by the way, some students were emailing me telling me that the homework is tricky so I re-set your homework for next week. If you are having troubles with it then do please email me."

Lucas and Jungwoo looked at each other, then at the teacher, then at each other, then at the teacher.

They were a couple of minutes in the lesson. The teacher was telling them about WW2 and most of the students were noting down everything he was saying. They were about half way through the lesson now until Jungwoo got an idea that may or may not work. A 50/50 chance.

"Hey, Lucas?"
"I have an idea."
"You know how neither me or you have plans for Christmas?"
"Do you wanna spend it together maybe?"

Lucas scratched the back of his head.

"Sorry, man. I can't. I promised Yerim I would spend it to her. Plus, a Christmas date is quite romantic, don't you think?"
"Haha. Yeah."

There goes that pain again. That unbearable pain. That pain he cannot show. His tattoo feels like it has been stabbed by 100 different knives at the same time.

"Yeah, I hope you'll have fun with her then haha."
"I will. I hope you make plans too!"
"I hope so too."

Jungwoo couldn't focus on the lesson anymore. He just wanted to go to the restroom and cry but he cannot. The teacher didn't let him go when he asked. And he can't go and cry in break because of all the people that'll be there.

Lucas could sense something was off with Jungwoo. It wasn't anything big or visible but mostly that for a while after all of their conversations he spaces out and looks like he's in deep thought. Very deep thought. He looks like he lives in a communist country and doesn't know what to put on the table for his 3 starving children and wife. Very oddly specific, Lucas.

He waved his hand in front of Jungwoo's face but he did not respond. He started getting worried until Jungwoo finally flinched because the teacher started yelling at a guy for sleeping.

"You okay?"
Jungwoo nodded his head.
"You know you can talk to me if something's bothering you."
Jungwoo nodded again. However, in his head he laughed. This beautiful irony of "oh you can talk to me if something's bothering you." is something you can laugh at. Oh, how life plays well with some people.

In break pretty much everyone forgot about the whole 'make plans' thing. They just sat in their usual places and talked as usual.

However, something unusual was Jungwoo not hanging out with Lucas, like he always does. He was talking with Jaehyun and Yuta and they were getting along really well. And were talking about very interesting stuff.

"Okay, okay. But the real question is what do you guys think about choking kinks?" said Yuta, jokingly.
"ABOUT WHAT!?" yelled Taeyong
"I don't like it." said Jaehyun. "Like imagine doing things and then the person almost kills you and you fetishize it."
"Man, I would activate my double chin." said Jungwoo, a little too loudly so everyone heard him.

Literally everyone who was around started laughing. The fact that for most of them it was out of context was even funnier.


After a couple of minutes they calmed down and went back to their old conversations. Unfortunately, after 2 minutes of re-started conversations they had to go to class again.

Jungwoo had R.E with Ten, Yuta and Kun. They were debating on many things that needed decisions that would seem like they have a very obvious answer, however there's always at least one catch that makes the decision taking part difficult. It's very hard to make decisions about these difficult topics and they didn't know what to say so they pretty much messed around, avoiding being asked about it or talking about it because none of them had any clue.

Thankfully, this lesson and the next one passed very quickly and it was time for break once again. You can imagine that if they forgot to make plans in the first break then they forgot about it in the 2nd one too.

Jungwoo was hanging out with Kun, Taeyong and Johnny (but Lucas joined in later too), Hendery was with Xiaojun and Haechan, Mark was with Jeno, Chenle and Jisung, Renjun was with Jaemin and Yangyang and Jaehyun was with Yuta, Taeil and Ten.

They were actually having a really nice discussion about important stuff, getting to know each other better. For example, they would've never known Kun is trying to get a license to fly a plane if it wasn't for this discussion.

"Wow! That's so cool!" said Johnny.
"So do you wanna become a pilot?" asked Taeyong.
"Yeah, that's pretty much my plan. It's something I've always been interested in and it's something I'm really passionate about. No, you guys won't get free tickets on my plane."

"Aaa, why no free tickets?" said Jungwoo, pouting. "Anyway, that's really cool, Kun! Is there anything you can't do?"
"Yeah, there's probably multiple things I can't do but that's okay because we all have our own and unique talents. We just have to discover them."
"Very inspiring and emotional, Kun." said Johnny.

They kept talking about their dreams and plans for the future until the bell interrupted their discussion. They only had two more lessons until they could go home.

Taeil, Lucas, Johnny and Jungwoo had Geography together in the same classroom. It was a horrible mess. A class full of Taeil calling people stupid, Lucas not knowing which is South and which is West, Johnny trying not to fall asleep and Jungwoo hating every second he was in that classroom, since he hates geography with a burning passion.

"Well, someone's angry." said Taeil, noticing how hard Jungwoo's pressing down on his pen while writing.
"I'm not necessarily angry, I just hate this class so much. It's so useless and boring and the teacher sucks. Plus, he makes us write down useless information but changes the slide with important information in two seconds? He's horrible at teaching."
"I agree with that last part. I wish I had enough time to copy down the important slides." said Taeil.

"Guys, what's the capital of Russia?" asked Lucas, trying to complete his work so he could peacefully fall asleep until next class.
"Fuck you, which one?" asked Taeil.
"Excuse me, what?"
"Russia has two capitals. Deadass. Not even fucking with you."
"What the fuck, why?"
"Good question. Don't know."

Unfortunately for Lucas, he only got to close his eyes for 10 seconds until the bell dismissed them to the last class of the day. He mumbled under his breath which the others thought was hilarious. Taeil didn't care much that it ended, Jungwoo was relieved it finally ended and Johnny was sad because he was having a very nice dream before the bell rang.

Thankfully last period ended as soon as it started (probably because most of the group fell asleep during the lesson or because they had chill lessons) and they all got to go home.

Everyone got home safely, Jungwoo and Doyoung walked together again, so did Xiaojun and Mark and others who either lived pretty close to the school (but not as close as Doyoung or Jungwoo) or forgot to bring money to get on the bus to go home( like Jaemin and Haechan) and others just drove home(like Johnny, Ten and Kun).

When they get home some are very productive and start doing things like studying and cooking (like Doyoung and Kun), others are taking a nap (like Hendery, Haechan and Ten) and some just took food to their rooms and ate while scrolling through social media (like pretty much everyone in the group).

Jungwoo was watching YouTube videos until he got a message.

moon_taeil created 'plans'
moon_taeil added you, i_m_hendery, dj_xiao888 and lucas_xx444.

okay guys from what i rememer we're the ones who didn't raise our hands this morning so i put all of us in a gc
i hope i didnt miss out anyone or added anyone who has plans with their family

nah, i think we're all the ones who didnt put our hands up

okay great
anyway i am actually planning on spending christmas with my parents
however, i thought it would be nice if i took you all to my place to spend christmas with me and my parents
dw, i asked and they said its fine

omg really?

i mean i know some of you guys dont have your parents here or have strong relationships with your parents so thats why

well, thank you so much dude
yeah, i'll come

yh, me too

im most probably coming too
still need to ask tho but im 99% sure she'll say i can

okay great

my phone buzzed so much it woke me up 😭

first world problems

anyway, lucas go read the messages from above

sorry i cant make it i have plans

but i thought your parents arent here? or are they coming for christmas?

oh, no
i have plans with my girlfriend


he really said hoes before bros smh 😭😔😡

anyway, lucas i hope you'll have a lot of fun

aw thank you
and you guys have fun too

thanks dude

Jungwoo would've kept talking but he got sad again (wonder why) and je has to go to work in 10 minutes. He got used to going to work feeling not-so-great but still having a smile on his face while talking to the customers, although he wishes he wasn't there and could just stay home and cry.


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