By FameFamous20

84.1K 3K 315

16 year old Diamond Aysher had a baby by one of the most respected and popular teenage boys in school 18 year... More

The Beginning
The Baby Shower 👶🏾
Michael Carri Jr. -4
Ill stay !
I am DONE !-8
Where Am I?
Well Damn ❤️
Michael Carri -12
A Crush Revealed ...
Bedstone Burger Joint
He won't stop crying-16
A kiss for Shea
She's a fag now
Bff again?!?-19
Child Support Or No Child Support?!?
Child Support
These hoes love me
DNA Test
Court Papers...
Let The Judge Decide
3/7 Custody
A night with Daddy
My son is good with me-28
Don't wake mama
Ihop and Jr
Diamond, Shea Vs Michael
Fun night Prt 1
Get Out Bitch
What Happened....?
New Student
Sky Vs Shea Vs Diamond
Mother doesn't know......
🌊Damn Do I Need Her Right Now 💦
Shea Vs Diamond 😟
Where is Diamond?
Where did you go?
Asia's Perfume ?!?
Carla is pregnant....
Leave nd Dont look back
I really missed you
6 vs 2
On the lips
Shea's Bday prt1
Fight after fight💔
Calm That S... Down
Anger doesn't fix anything
One Week Later
Too stressed out
2 baby daddys+ Jr's injury😢
What did I just do?
Sky 😋
Come get your son NOW
Raised by the devil
Deep conversations
too much drama
Shea Got Stabbed?!?
new guy Traven
She doesn't care anymore
A final Goodbye
Carla's Gender Reveal
Baby Isiah Kingston?!?👶🏾
Momma's B-day prt 1
3 months Later prt2
The twins are born!
Shea Wright
No more chances...
Junior's 1st BIRTHDAY
Not Today Karen
Does Everyone Know???
Asia.... is... pregnant with his baby
I want my friend back....
Asia gives birth....
A third baby.....
THE END PRT 1 of 4
The End Prt 2 OF 4
Aina Farrah😉
It's Not Over Yet
Just A little taste...😋💦🌊
Moving Day
Adoption? marriage? Too young?
Close to the end

Popular Chaos

360 13 2
By FameFamous20


"She really gonna text me like I give a fuck" I roll my eyes while folding the laundry "She got some nerves texting me bout her baby like ya I hope the baby is good but girl hop out my inbox hop out my messages hop out my dm and hop off my girl's strap!" I continue folding the laundry "fuck!" Jr says "Do not say that word again or ima pop your mouth" I say to him "FUCK!" He says louder so I pop his mouth "mama mama mama!" He begins to cry "Come here Jr" Shea picks him up "he said a bad word don't baby him" I say "He repeated what he heard Diamond that's what kids do" she says "Ok well I'm grown ima say fuck, shit, bitch, all of what I want to say and when he says it ima pop his lil ass cuz he ain't grown" I huff "Just leave him be, don't be popping my innocent baby" Shea kisses his cheek "He is my baby also" "I know and you are my baby..." Shea kisses my forehead "mmmm I am?" I ask "Always Queen!" She places Michael Jr down then takes the folded clothes to put them away "I love you" I smile "I love you!" Shea smiles also
Text message
I wanna see Jr
Me: nigga bye
Michael: Let me see my son
Me: attachment sent
Michael:I want to pick him up for a couple hours I have my daughter
Me: You are not picking up MY SON EVER!
Michael: I changed Diamond give me a chance please
Javon Hardy
"Bro babies drink, poop and pee so much lord!" I say to Michael as I change my son "What's it like, changing a dirty diaper?" He laughs "How bout you change your daughter and stop having your mama do it, you'll see exactly what it is like, might get a bit of poop on your hand maybe your shirt also, and once they get older they start trying to grab their parts so you gonna have a lot of poop to wipe" I laugh "Naw I'm good, Hopefully my baby is potty trained by one years old so I don't have to clean that" Michael laughs "They don't know how to wipe that well when they are young and even potty trained kids have accidents, look here read this book it's called the first eight years of parenting part one, part two goes up to age eight to age fourteen. It's helped me a lot" I say "You read this fat ass thick book already?" Michael says while opening the book "Yeah and did you know kids can wet the bed up to eight years sometimes more and they can also hit puberty as young as five years old!? That's crazy ain't it" I secure my son's diaper then put it in a grocery bag then tie it and throw it in the garbage "Why you put it in a bag just to put it in the bag?" Michael asks "So it don't stink, You got a lot to learn and it all starts with feeding and changing a newborn baby" I smile then go wash my hands "hey stand by the changing table make sure lil man don't roll off" I say as I cut the sink on and put a few pumps of dawn soap in my hands "Bro he look like a light ass version of you!" Michael says "I know man, I hope his eyes stay green because he gonna be bringing home babes for days" we both laugh at Javon's joke "Soo I got to run to the store and pick up more wipes and a few other items for him" I say as I walk out of the bathroom "Ight I'll come I need some things for my youngins also" Michael puts Michaela's jacket on and I put my son's pants and jacket on.

ONCE inside of the store I push the cart until we end up in the baby department, I put two boxes of size two huggies under the cart, three boxes of baby wipes, baby Dove lotion, shampoo and the baby Dove wash, Michael is looking at the baby clothes "This shit dead ugly" he holds up a onesie with a bear cub on it "it's for a baby so it's cute" I laugh "shit!" He chuckles. After getting the most important things I start looking at baby toys and grab my son a few soft toys and a couple new bottles "Awww it's Michael and Javon!" I hear a female voice "Can we get pictures?" They giggle "of course" I get in the middle of them while they pull out their cellphones to take pictures then they run of to Michael for pictures, While that is happening I check out the mommy stuff and grab nursing bags, lactation cookies, nursing pads and then we head over to food where Michael starts grabbing a bunch of junk "Bro basketball season coming up don't get fat on me" I say "man a little Reese's cup Ain't kill nobody" he puts six jumbo bags of Reese's in his cart "Ight!" I laugh as I grab some strawberries, lemonade, fruit punch, a few cartons of almond milk and some pre packaged salad mix bags "Healthy ass got the 100% juice" Michael says "it taste better than that fake shit we grew up on, plus my moms like it too" I grab another fruit punch "Well shit anything to keep momma happy" he says "OH MY GOSH IT'S MICHAEL CARRI!" A few little boys run up to Michael and I "Javon can you sign my shirt?" He says "I don't have anything to write with" I say "here you go" an older woman probably their mother hands me a black sharpie so I began signing their shirts then pass the marker to Michael. "Can we get pictures?" They ask "Of course" we say in unison.

Shea Wright
"Ma'am can I please speak with you?" I ask Ashanti "yes have a seat" she invites me into the office room "It's about Diamond, her behavior towards Jr." I say "what's wrong?" She looks full of concern "She has been cursing around Jr. a lot lately, been really depressed and upset about the whole Asia and Michael situation plus Asia had her baby and texted Diamond, Diamond got upset had a little fit cursed, Jr repeated her and she popped him in the mouth pretty hard" I take a deep breathe "Did you say anything to her?" Diamond's mother asks "I did but she said she can say whatever she wants because she is grown and that Jr will get popped when he repeats her because he isn't grown" I say "Oh wow, that isn't my darling Diamond at all. I will have a talk with her!" Ashanti stands from her seat.
"Diamond DIAMOND!" Her mother barges into the room "You have no right cursing in this house under my roof when you don't pay any bills and no right at all popping this baby, oh my gosh look at his lip!" She scoops her grandson up "I can curse I am grown enough" Diamond says "No you are not young lady and you better never hit him like that again" she says "Give me my child and get out of my room!" Diamond snatches Jr from his grandmother which causes him to cry so I take him "babe relax" I try to calm the situation "Don't let me hear you cursing again or you can get out of my h..." Ashanti gets cut off when Diamond smacks her right in the face.....

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