Angel (Marvel)

By godssoldier2045

83K 1.8K 421

Ash aka the Angel is a 13 year old Hydra experiment being raised by the winter soldier. "I don't regret it. I... More

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New book!
Aesthetics made by me!!!


3.8K 85 74
By godssoldier2045


"Thank you for flying with us and welcome to England."
Is what I hear when I woke up from my nap.
"Morning sleepy head." I look up to see Winter smiling at me.
"Hi." I say with my sleepy voice.
"How'd you sleep?"
"Pretty good I think."
"Good because we are apartment hunting as soon as we land."

We land and get off the plane and I'm trying my best to stay focused but there is so much to see.
Just everything I've never seen.

Winter POV

As we walked out of the airport I see Ash just looking around everywhere.
We hit the streets and Ash is giving random fun facts about Queen Victoria aka her favorite Queen in all of history.
She has the biggest smile I've ever seen on her face. So everything is good so far.


We walked till we found a decent apartment building saying there are some rooms available.
The man at the desk looks about 50 with a nice smile that reminds me of a grandfather.
"Hello how can I help you?"
"Hi we were wondering how much would it be to rent a room for a month or two?"
"Uhh about 60 pounds."
"Wow that's a really good price. We'll take it."
" Perfect!  You pick the right place. Good neighborhood, a  great playground not to far from here. You can even see big ben himself from the roof deck." He says in a fun British accent.
"Cool." I say with a big smile.
"Alright let's get you set up."

As Winter signs papers I wander over to the wall to look at pictures and see one of captain america from the war. He doesn't look any different after all these years. I guess that's what being frozen does to you.
I move over to look out the window and see people and animals walking places only a few actually see this place.
I wonder how far that playground is?
I just realized... I've never been to a playground.
I haven't done a lot of stuff and I'm already 13 going to be 14 in like a month. I gotta get cracking.

Winter whistles and I turn to see him with the old man ready to take us to our room.
We go up some pretty stairs to the second floor out of this 4 story building to a door with a 10 on it he unlocks it and hands Winter the keys and gives me a light tap on the head before going back down the stairs.
We walked in and saw a couch/bed and a kitchen then I see two doors that I open. one is a bathroom the other is....
My own room!
"Yay!" I shout before jumping on the bed.
"Hahaha so this is your room then?"
He leaves and I breathe a good breath. Stuff is good so far.
I know our journey won't be like this the whole way but this is a good start.
I got off the bed and put my clothes in the dresser and Hunter on the bed then went to see Winter at the island sorting money. We still have a bunch but need to put it in order.
"Can we go find the playground?"
"Yeah then we can go find food."
I went back to my room and grabbed my sweatshirt and we headed to find out where the playground is.
"Playground. Oh yeah just go around the corner and it's right there at the park." Gary said as I had found out his name is Gary o'malley.
We found it!

I saw kids running around playing, parents watching, pets running around too.
I gave him a hug and ran to the fun.

Winter POV

I sat on a bench watching her run around, go on the slide, climb the monkey bars. Being a kid.
Even though she's 13 she can switch from little teenager to kid in a blink.
She even looks like a kid still. Haha she hasn't gotten her growth spurt yet.
"Which one's yours?"
I look and see a lady with red hair and freckles sit down next to me on the bench with a smile.
"The blonde on the slide."
"Aw my boy is the red head on the monkey bars."
I smile.
"Are you visiting?"
"Yeah I'm here on business and I brought my daughter with me."
"That sounds fun but what about school?"
"Oh I homeschool her."
"Brilliant. I have a friend in the US who homeschools too."
"Dad!" I look over and see her waving by the swings.
"Well duty calls. Have a good day."
"You too."
I walk over to her, she jumps on the swings and I push her.
"Thanks for getting me out of that kid."
"I could hear your"help me" thoughts a mile away."
"Haha I knew you would hear that eventually."
"This is kinda awesome."
"Yeah it is. Now when do you want food?"
"Haha then let's go."
We head into town and find a little restaurant that looks safe enough and in a good spot.
We get a table outside and he orders their mystery beer while I just got a root beer.
" You know something I just remembered."
He says randomly.
"Uh your birthday is next week. You turn 14 on November 5th."
"Oh yeah."
"So what do you want for your birthday?"
"Well I don't know. This is my first birthday free. Haha."
"Then I'll think of something."
"Have fun with that." I say with a
After dinner we got back and I didn't realize how tired I was because I fell asleep as soon as I layed down.

Winter POV

After Ash feel asleep I got a idea for her birthday.
"Gary, are there any jewelry stores still open?"
"Uh yes there's one about a block away that stays open till ten. It's not hard to miss. It's the only one with lights on."
"Thanks. Could you keep a ear open for Ash I'll be quick."
"Of course my boy. Go I'll be here."
I gave him a nod a walked till I found the store.
I walked in and over to the necklaces looking at them hoping to find what I need.
"Can I help you sir?"
"Uh yes. Do you have anything with Angel wings?"

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