Saving Amy

By georgia_peach22

37K 1.2K 79

A Brantley Gilbert Fanfiction Tragedy strikes 18 year old Amy Westley's life right before high school gradua... More

Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Authors Note
chapter 27
Chaper 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 4

1.7K 50 0
By georgia_peach22

Amy's Pov: I pulled into Brantleys drive way or I hope his driveway. He said this is his address. A picket fence surrounded a few acre plot with a nice house in the middle. I pulled up by the house next to a black truck. The windows still had the brand new sticker things on them. I walked to the front door and knocked. I fixed the side of my dress. My dress was kinda a neutral colored floral short column dress with a blue bow around my waist with my boots with a jean jacket.

The door opened after a minute. "Hey, Amy. Wow you look great" "thanks, you look alright too" he wore jeans, and a leather jacket over a gray tank top I think. And I can tell he just shaved his beard. "Thanks, how about to come inside, excuse the mess. I just moved to this house" he said leading me inside.

Two tiny puppies ran around the corner stumbling over each other and attacked my legs with I squatted and petted them making sure my dress didn't come up. "That's Soda and Pepsi. Sode is the pit bull mix and Peps is the lab" he squatted next to me. "I'm totally stealing them" I laughed. "Haha no ma'am your not. I saw them first" he played. "How old are they?" "I'm not so sure. Probably only about 5 or 6 weeks. I recused of the side of the road about 2 weeks ago" "who wouldn't won't these little guys" "you would find out real quick after you let them sleep in bed with you, one of them little basters kicked me in the face last night while I was sleeping, I almost threw it off the bed" he said standing and walking to the kitchen. I giggled a little bit.

He grabbed a water and asked if I wanted one. I said yeah. He told me we could leave in a few minutes. He walked down a hallway and came back about 5 minutes later. "Okay we can go now" he said pushing the puppies into a kennel in the corner of the living room. They whined and cried as we walked out the door.

We got into the truck and he back out the drive way. As we made our way to his friends house, we passed all this huge country side homes and farm houses. He slowed and turned onto a dirt road that had more houses down it. Finally he turned into the drive of one of the houses. Smoke rose from behind the house and there were several over trucks parked in the back by the bonfire.

I recognized a boy here that I'm very familiar with. "Brantley, would that boy over there happen to be Amber Spencer's older brother" "yeah, is there a problem?" "Well her brother would tell my parents if he sees me here with you" "don't worry, I've got bad blood with him. He won't say or do anything to you as long as your with me" Brantley reassured me. "Okay" he parked the truck on the opposite side of the fire then Henley Spencer. We hoped out the truck and I'm guess one of Brantleys friends came over to us.

"What's up brother" Brantley said as the did the little 'bro hug' thing. " Good man, who's this little thang you got with you" the guy said. "This is Amy" "nice to meet you Amy, I'm Collin" he said and we shook hands.

Brantley's pov: damn did Amy look amazing tonight. I kicked myself for looking at a 18 year old like that. I'm 7 year older than her, she just graduated. I'm not really looking for a relationship with her even though I do think she would be great for anybody to could be lucky enough to get her. Dammit what am I saying..

I pulled back into my driveway. The party was great. Amy had a good time, so did I. We left at 11. Mainly because Amy has to get home and I have to get to the studio early tomorrow. I put the truck into park and got out. "I had a great time tonight Brantley" Amy said. "I did you, I'm glad you came" "I am too, I gotta get going now" "alright, bye have a goodnight. "You too bye"

She pulled out the drive way and I went inside. Then I let the puppies outside into the yard to do their business since they have been in a cage for 4 hours. I took them back in and I went to bed.

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