By xxmilkybqbesxx

234K 5.6K 1.9K


1; Her Story
2: Her Family
3; Attracted?
4; Apology
5; Jealousy
6; Kiss
7; Carefree
8; Flashbacks
9; Thrill
10; Introducing Me
11; documentary part one
12; documentary part two
13; documentary part three
14; documentary part four
15; documentary part five
Random chapter: Instagram
16; documentary part six
17; The L Word
18; future
19; Wrestlemania
20; Celebration
21; In Loving Memory
22; Stress
23; Scared
24; Together
25; Family Reunion
26; Truth
27; Relapse
28; Complicated
29; Soulmate
Breaking Instagram
30; Unexpected
31; First man
32; Arguments
Breaking Instagram Part 2
33; Wedding Bells
34; Married
35; Hardships
36; Recovery
37; Rumors
38; Split
39; Hopelessly Devoted
40; Mommy Dearest
41; Surprise
Breaking Instagram Part 3
42; Hurting
43; Young, Wild, and Free
44; Chaos
45; Past
Breaking Instagram Part 4
46; Gender Reveal
Breaking Instagram Part 5: 47; The Battle
48; Delivery
Breaking Instagram Part 6
49; Return
50; I Like Me Better
51; Danger
Breaking Instagram Part 7: 52; Moving Forward
53; Surprise #2
54; Pregnant
55; Podcast Pregnancy And Goodbyes
56; Arguments Part 2
58; Anniversary
Breaking Instagram Part 8: 59; Family
60; Reality TV
Bonus Chapter
61; Advice
Breaking Instagram Part 9
62; Fights
63; Episode 1
Breaking Instagram Part 10: 64; Episode 2
65; Delivery Part 2
66; Challenge
Breaking Instagram Part 11
67; Celebrations and Confrontation
Breaking Instagram Part 12
68; Confrontation Part 2
Welcome Back
70; Rumors Part 2
71; Tell All
Breaking Instagram Part 13
72; Family
73; Podcast
74; Boyfriend
75; Daughter

57; Reacting

1.7K 55 3
By xxmilkybqbesxx

reacting•respond or behave in a particular way in response to something.


"Good morning," Roman nuzzled his head into Luciana's neck.

"At least ten more minutes." She groaned and hit him with the pillow.

"Come on my love, the world awaits." He shook her. "Baby."

"God what did I do to deserve to be woken up before nine on a Saturday." Luciana rolled over and sat up.

Roman smiled and walked over to her side of the bed and put her on his lap. "Can I have a hug or kiss before you start getting mad at me?"

She ran her fingers through his hair and placed a kiss on his lips. "Good morning mi amor."

"What's for breakfast?" He asked.

"You can cook for everyone while I shower," she smirked and went to get up but he held her back. "Let goooo."

"No," Roman whined. "I finally have two weeks off and I missed you."

"Vince actually called me the other day." Luciana said, remembering their phone call as he mentioned his weeks off from work.

Roman rose an eyebrow. "What did he want?"

"He asked if I had an idea of when I was coming back." She explained. "We both know I want to go back but how do we do that with three kids under the age of two? We don't."

"I know he's always asking if you're thinking of a new storyline or something." He sighed. "Let's not worry about it right now, let's enjoy our little family."

"Little?" Luciana laughed. "There's five of us now."

"I want more." Roman confessed.


He took her hands in his. "More kids."

"Aye dios mio, you're trying to kill me huh?" She stood up.

"At least two more." Roman pouted.

The boys began to cry, signaling to their parents that they were awake and hungry.

"Well there's your two," She headed towards the bathroom. "I'm gonna shower, make breakfast please."

Chuckling to himself, Roman stood up and went to his sons room. He found only Leati crying while Lasaro just stared at the ceiling unbothered by his brothers cries. Roman stared at his sons, realizing how much they looked like their mom. To be fair, Lanuola was Roman's twin, so he knew Luciana was excited that their two boys had more of her features this time than his.


"Hi mami." Lanuola greeted her mom, watching her in walk in the kitchen.

"Hola mi amor." Luciana kissed her daughters cheek. "The boys didn't wake up did they?"

"Only Leati, he wouldn't stop crying." The girl huffed.

She laughed. "Sorry love, where's your dad?"

"Right here," Roman walked in with the twins. "Just changed their diaper, are you breastfeeding or doing the bottle."

"The bottle." Luciana replied while making two bottles. "I got them, you owe me breakfast."

"For what?" Roman said, looking over his shoulder while placing the boys in their jumpers.

"Waking me up before nine," she smirked. "Right Lanu?"

"Right." Lanuola giggled.

❤️: 7.1 mil 💬: 820,003
@wweromanreigns: Throwback, Lanu was still a little baby and wifey found out she was pregnant with our boys❤️ i love you @lucianareignsxxwwe

sashabankswwe: Queen

deanambrose: wow... this was sincere. ayo reigns are you okay?




sethrollins: Lanu!❤️

carmellawwe: 😍😍😍

lanawwe: in love with this picture!


"What's up WWE Network, it's the Big Dog Roman Reigns and The Devils Angel Stassi Sanchez here." Roman said to the camera.

"Today we are going to be reacting to our Hell In A Cell match with Maryse and The Miz from a year and a half ago." Luciana explained.

WWE had asked the married couple to do a reaction for their YouTube channel and the WWE Network to their Hell In A Cell match they had a little after Lanuola was born. Of course they did it from their home and hoped to get their children to watch also.

"Please excuse if you hear any crying, it's a jungle out here today in the Reigns house." Roman let out a laugh and peered over the camera.

"The boys are quiet right now." Luciana said,

"Alright let's get started," he hit play on the laptop.

"And here comes The Big Dog and his wife The Devils Angel!"

"Stassi looks in great shape regarding what happened these past weeks."

Luciana and Roman stepped in the ring with Miz and Maryse. She took off the vest and looked at Roman.

Roman paused the video. "You can't lie, that was some sick gear."

"You just liked the top cause you got to pick it out." She nudged him.

"Baby you can't lie, that was some really sick gear. So was our entrance."

"Yeah our entrance was pretty cool." She nodded. "Lanu?"

"Yeah?" The little girl popped her head up.

"Do you want to see mami and daddy wrestle?"

"Come here Lanu." Roman opened his arms up, of course she ran to him and sat on her dads lap.

Counters, reversals and mat wrestling dominated the early moments of the match before Maryse targeted the leg of her opponent. Stassi fought out and sidestepped a corner charge, sending Maryse shoulder-first into the ring post.

"We improvised that." Luciana said as she watched her and Maryse fight.

Stassi seized control, taking the fight to Maryse. She targeted the arm, setting her up for the Dis-Arm-Her. Maryse fought back and scaled the ropes for a moonsault attempt. She missed, and Stassi applied an armbar, expertly seizing on a dazed champion.

An exchange of strikes broke out, and Stassi delivered a reverse hammerlock DDT.

Maryse tried for the missile dropkick, but her opponent countered and applied the Boston Crab. Stassi made the ropes, though, and sent Maryse back and neck-first into the corner. Stassi the challenger again wrapped the injured arm of her opponent around the post.

Luciana crawled her way back to Roman and tagged him in.

Reigns answered a taunt by Miz with a hard right hand right out of the gate, unloading on The Superstar with a series of corner clotheslines. Miz recovered quickly, though, and sent Reigns into the ring post

"That hurt more than I was ready for." Roman commented. "I remember I kind of slipped when I crashed into the post."

"I know I heard the impact and I was like woah." Luciana looked over to see what the twins were doing in their rockers.

Reigns sprinted around the ring and right into the steel steps that had been hoisted by Miz in a demonstration of strength.

"Daddy's strong." Lanuola pointed.

He tagged his wife back in but Maryse refused to get back in the ring. Miz laughed in Luciana's face, she smirked and gave Miz a super kick to his face.

"That was my favorite part!" Luciana grinned.

"Did you actually kick him?" Roman rewinded the clip.

"See right there I got the edge of the chin."

Maryse got back in and attempted an ankle lock. Stassi countered, Miz ran back in the ring, both Stassi and Roman went for the superman punch, the It couple stumbling back.

"Here it comes!" Roman cheered.

Then they both delivered a spear and pinned them for the win.


"And here are your winners, Stassi and Roman Reigns!"

"Look Lanu we won!" Luciana showed her daughter who clapped.


Luciana jumped on her husband and kissed him.

"We did it!" Roman exclaimed.

"Yes we did." Luciana hugged him, he raised their arms up.

The crowd began chanting "Stassi!" and she knew it was because of what happened. Then all of a sudden, Nikki and Brie walked out with Lanuola, and the whole WWE Men and Women's locker room, followed by their bosses.

"Who's the baby?" Lanu asked.

"That's you when you were a little baby." Roman smiled, recalling how little she was before.

Roman grabbed Lanuola and chuckled at the noise canceling headphones his mom had put on her. He walked over and hugged his wife once more with his baby.

"Still your dads twin." Luciana smiled.

"We make a good team." Roman leaned in and kissed her.

Luciana grabbed the twins and held them for the closing of the video.

"Thank you guys for watching, we had a fun time reliving this moment. We should do more of these." Luciana said as Lasaro and Leati pulled her hair. "Ay these boys."

"Bye guys we love!" Roman ended the video. "Dang they're really pulling your hair."

"Wanna switch?"

"No thanks, let's go Lanu." He stood up.

to be continued

at least ten or few more chapters and end his reign will be completed:(

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