Deafening Silence (Constructi...

By laryssaosyka

41.3K 1.3K 78

It's not strange that Daniella Sage Lovato and Demetria Devonne Lovato are exactly one year apart. Demi was b... More

Deafening Silence
Chapter 1 (Updated 3.3.2020)
Chapter 2~ When It All Goes South
Chapter 3~ Not Talking
Chapter 4~ It's Only Been Two Days and Flying Out To See Demi
Chapter 5~ Leaving Demi Behind....again
Chapter 6~ Demi's Coming Home
Chapter 7~ I Get To Go Home?
Chapter 8 ~ You're Home?!?
Chapter 9~ Not Having a Voice is Death
Chapter 10~ Moving Out
Chapter 11~ Unbroken Tour
Chapter 12 ~ Maybe a Make Up?
Chapter 13~ You Can't Be Serious
Chapter 14~ Was I Serious?
Chapter 15~ Going back to Demi
Chapter 16~ Not So Fast Teenage Dirtbag
Chapter 17~ Woah There
Chapter 18~ Believe
Chapter 19~ Just Me and My Girl
Chapter 21 ~ It's a Wrap (Final Chapter)
Sequel is Up!

Chapter 20 - All I Want for Christmas is You

1.2K 36 1
By laryssaosyka

Dani’s POV

A few days ago I finished recording my last song for my debut album My Heart, and it was now in post-production which means that they were going through and making sure it sounded perfect. My first official single was being released tomorrow and that was called 'What You Did to My Heart', the song happened to be in the lead single. Many Jonatics may think I am trying to copy the Jonas Brothers song: 'What Did I Do to Your Heart' but I can personally assure you that I’m not since I wrote the song with Nick and Joe one night while Demi and Selena were out and about for a night out together.

Nick, Joe and I are trying to talk Kevin into coming out of LA one day and us doing a mash up of both songs for the deluxe album. I think he is actually considering it. It would literally be the best song to put on the Deluxe Edition of the album which would also include 'Upside Down, Inside Out Love', '2am Love' and 'Moments of Love'. The album is slated to be released on February 20th, 2015 so I have a small lea way about adding the last song at the last moment. If we don’t record it in time I may just record that for a single leading up to the start of the tour. The standard edition of it had 12 tracks and the deluxe edition would have 16 tracks. We already had the basics of my tour planned including the name of it and my opening acts. The tour was going to be called ‘My Heart, For the First Time’ and it was going to be a North American Tour for the most part but I had a few shows in England and my opening acts consisted of my lovely girlfriend Selena Gomez who willingly put her acting career on the back burner to open for me and my second opening act would be my “little sister” Bea Miller and finally my last opening act would be Sabrina Carpenter. Bea and Sabrina would both be splitting the tour because Bea had her tour coming up later in the year for her upcoming debut album and I didn’t want to burn her out.

As for today, Demi and I just got back from our parents’ house where we had Christmas Eve dinner. Right now we were wrapping the gifts for our family members and you could say that we both went a little crazy buying gifts for everyone. I had my gifts for Amber, Dallas, Demi, Selena and Maddie all in my room and on the top rack of my closet where my snoopy sister could not reach.

Between the both of us and our ninja like wrapping skills we were done in an hour before we went to our own rooms to wrap the gifts we didn’t want the other to see which I was fine about because it was a total surprise what I got them. While wrapping I kept on thinking about what I was about to do tomorrow in front of two families. Tomorrow, on Christmas day, I would be asking Selena to promise herself to me in front of both our families at my parents’ house. Ever since Selena and I started dating both of our families spent so much time with each other, in fact when Selena was busy and her mom and step dad needed a babysitter they often called Maddie to see if she could do it and she did gladly.

I quickly wrapped and labeled all of the gifts before putting them back up in my closet before taking a look at the promise rings that where in a drawer in my night stand. I felt myself become a little anxious but quickly calmed myself down before making my way from my bedroom and back to the family room where Demi and I would be watching ‘Miracle of 34th Street’ and ‘A Christmas Carol’ which are two of our favorite movies. I heard Demi in the kitchen making popcorn so I didn’t even bother going in there.

Demi soon came out of the kitchen with two big bowls of popcorn, Demi handed me a bowl and sat hers on the coffee table before putting one of the movies in the DVD player. Demi then sat next to me and we began watching the movies.

Almost four hours later, both movies were over and it was now almost 2 am. Demi and I both said goodnight to each other and went to our rooms. I fell asleep as soon as my head touched my pillow.

When I woke up the following morning with Demi shaking me slightly, I saw her smiling down at me. I knew that smile. It was her ‘I’m about to cause trouble’ smile.

“Demi, whatever the hell you are about to do. DON’T! It’s Christmas morning…just—“ I was cut off by a plate of whipped cream meeting with the flesh of my face.

I wiped off my face before I looked at Demi who looked strangely innocent. I looked to my other side and there stood my oldest sister Amber smirking at me while looking completely guilty.

“Amber, I love you but you are in so much trouble”  I said as I scrambled out of my bed and chased Amber out of my room.

She ran into the guest room and tried to close the door but I got there before she could manage it. I shoved my way into the room and tackled her on to the bed, pinning her there. I wiped off whatever whipped cream was still on my face and smeared it all over her own face.

“That’s what you get big sister” I said getting off her.

Amber and I both laughed out.

I walked back to my room before quickly changing into a pair of grey blazers with a black button up shirt and light blue skinny jeans with a pair of black high tops. I then grabbed the gifts from the top of my closet, the promise rings, my phone and my wallet before once again leaving my room. I walked towards the front door and set the bag of gifts down next to the other three that were there before going into the kitchen and sitting at the table across from my two sisters. They seem to have gotten closer and everything seemed okay. The three of us had a quick breakfast seeing as it was now almost 11 am before heading over to Demi and I’s parents’ house.

On our way out, the three of us each grabbed one bag of gifts with me grabbing the left over bag and left the apartment. We all got into my truck and drove over to my family's house. Amber was a little nervous but excited at the same time. I guess she felt awkward about being at Christmas with my family since she wasn’t the daughter of my mom or step dad. I will say it was a little weird referring to Patrick as ‘Dad’ around her but I guess she sensed that because she said she was fine with hearing me call Eddie my dad since just like with Dallas, Demi and I, Patrick wasn’t really a father to her either. But we loved and missed him just the same. The three of us caught up with what has gone on in our lives. Amber got all happy and bubbly when I told her that I was going on tour starting March of 2015 and said she couldn’t wait to come to my show. Amber asked about Selena and I, she was happy to hear that we were going strong.

Speaking of Selena and I, we’ve learned to keep our relationship PDA nonexistent when we were out in public together because people would always be taking pictures and then there would be hate online. I saw the effect it had on Selena, no matter how much she said that it didn’t bother her, I could tell that it did hurt her. We both had fans that supported us and our relationship and that was always amazing. I love my fans, I love Selena’s fans and I love my sister’s fans because we got the most support from those three groups.

 It took us about forty five minutes to get to the house because of the small amount of Christmas traffic, which was surprisingly bearable for LA. When we arrived, the three of us gathered the bags and walked into the house. Amber was immediately greeted by a hug from my mom, which she returned excitedly.

It honestly ended up feeling like we formed a conveyor belt line for hugs because after my mom released Amber from a hug she grabbed me into one and then Demi followed, after each person we just moved onto the next and got another hug. The line ended with Dallas.

Amber and Demi placed the gifts from inside the bags to underneath the tree while I helped Maddie finish setting up the table for our early Christmas dinner. After that was finished I helped my mom and dad in the kitchen while my mom insisted that Amber relax, but she decided to help instead. It was quite a sight to see.

Soon the doorbell went off. Demi, Maddie and I ran to the door. Undoubtely, Maddie was faster because she was excited to see Gracie while Demi and I were more than excited to be seeing Selena. Don’t get me wrong I was excited to see Gracie too but I wasn’t dating her.

I opened the door to reveal Brian who had Gracie in his arms, Mandy and Selena standing there with large smiles. We all hugged. Mandy hugged me like we haven’t seen each other in years when we actually saw each other yesterday afternoon because Selena invited me to come over for the traditional Christmas Eve brunch that her mom and Brian made.

I took Gracie from Brian’s arms and hugged her tightly, giving her a kiss on the cheek. I could tell that she had just woken up from a nap because her eyes where a little droopy and she wore a tired smile. It was pretty damn cute. I handed her off to Maddie and Maddie took her into the other room. I grabbed my girlfriend's hand and pulled her behind me into the family room. I sat on the couch and pulled her down onto my lap. Selena cuddled into me and we watched whatever Maddie had going on the TV. Demi was sitting next to Maddie and they were both obsessively playing with Gracie. Next to me sat Dallas and Amber who were talking about something while the adults were in the kitchen talking about something.

I really couldn’t wait until later, I had it all planned out. I am going to play the song ‘All I Want For Christmas’ by Mariah Carey on the guitar and sing the lyrics to her in front of both of our families. Once I was done singing the song, I was going to grab her hands and ask her to promise herself to me. The thought of it made me a little nervous but I knew it would disappear when I started to sing.

My mom and dad soon called everyone to the dining room table for dinner. My dad had set up a highchair for Gracie so Mandy didn’t have to hold her while she ate. Selena sat between Demi and me, while Maddie sat on the other side of me. My mom sat between my dad and Dallas. Next to her was Amber, then Brian. Gracie was in the highchair next to Mandy. We all said grace before we began to pass around the dinner that my mom had prepared for tonight. The aroma of the meal was making my mouth water as I filled my plate. I heard my stomach growl. 

All throughout dinner, laughter filled the air as I was surrounded by the people I love. I couldn’t ask for a better way to spend Christmas day. Selena and Amber have really bonded over the last hour. I was so happy that my sister accepted me for who I was and it made me smile that my girlfriend got along so well with my entire family. I guess that’s what I get for falling in love with my best friend.

After dinner ended, everyone helped clean the dishes and put the leftover food away. I also got the amazing opportunity to change a stinky diaper (note my sarcasm). Selena and I were on the couch while I was holding Gracie when a sudden scent hit my nose. I smelled Gracie’s butt like I used to see my mom do to Maddie and it was definitely coming from her. I tried to hand her over to Selena but she wasn’t having it. I don’t even know how to change a diaper, so Selena had to teach me.

It soon came time for everyone to open up their presents. We gathered around the tree in the living room where Demi and I handed out the presents. My sister’s opened up their gifts from me first and all I can say is it was a water works fest. My mom cried at my gift to her as well and my dad just smiled at it while he slipped it onto his finger, I could tell he was trying to be all macho and not cry. I gave Selena her first gift from me, which was the necklace and she let out a soft ‘Awe’ and a soft giggle followed it. I wouldn’t shut up about the kokopelli when I got back from my trip. I then handed her the second box. Her face turned into sudden surprise.

“Don’t worry baby, it’s not an engagement ring. Just open it and you’ll find out” I said and kissed her temple

Selena just nodded and opened the box to revel the ring. She read the inscription out loud.

“All of Me Loves All of You”, Selena turned to me with a big smile on her face.

“The ring says it all baby girl,” I said and gave her a peck on the lips

Selena wiped away the few tears that fell from her beautiful eyes. I then opened all my gifts from everyone. I loved each and every gift that I had received. Selena got me a new outfit which included a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a red and black flannel shirt with a black tank top, a white fashion scarf, and two beanies, one gray and one black. There was also a white button up shirt and a black blazer. She also got me a pair of gray knee high boots and a pair of aviator sunglasses.

I turned to her and smiled. I absolutely loved the outfit. Selena put together the two best outfits ever. One made me look all edgy and slightly girly and the other was classy.

“Look in the front left side pocket of the jeans and in the right pocket of the blazer” Selena said

I grabbed the jeans and searched in the pocket, there I found a folded piece of paper. I unfolded the paper and read it out loud.

“To My Lightning
Everything comes naturally to you and that’s why all of me loves all of you.
 –Love Your Thunder”

I smiled that the note as she referred to the first song that I wrote with her, ‘Naturally”. It was my favorite song that I ever co-wrote with her. I then went into the pocket of the blazer and pulled out a beautiful charcoal necklace. I simply loved it.

I gave her a peck on the lips. Then the doorbell rang out and I ran to get it. When I opened it, there stood Marissa as planned. I pulled her inside and gave her a tight hug.

“You have the song on your phone?” I asked Marissa

Marissa just gave me that ‘are you stupid’ look and it was followed by the ‘of course’ look. I smiled at her. She went towards the stereo to plug her phone in while I ran upstairs and grabbed the guitar from Maddie’s room. I brought it here earlier in the week and Maddie only knew that I was going to sing to the family, nothing more and nothing less. Marissa was with me at the studio one day and we managed to strip the lyrics from Mariah Carey’s version of the song.  I then sent the file to Marissa’s phone. 

I quickly made sure that I had the promise ring in the pocket of my gray blazer, put the shoulder strap on and tuned it before returning back downstairs. Marissa was sitting on the floor next to the stereo and Maddie was cuddled into Selena’s side. Marissa saw me standing halfway up the stairs, she then started the music softly. I started to play along with the music on the guitar. When Maddie heard the music, she smirked and elbowed Selena in the side then pointed at the stairs to me. I slowly walked down the stairs with my usual amount of pep and swagger in my step. I walked over to my girlfriend who was now standing and sang directly to her, not breaking eye contact.

I don't want a lot for Christmas

There is just one thing I need

I don't care about the presents

Underneath the Christmas tree


I just want you for my own

More than you could ever know

Make my wish come true

All I want for Christmas is you, yeah.


I don't want a lot for Christmas

There is just one thing I need

And I don't care about the presents

Underneath the Christmas tree


I don't need to hang my stocking

There upon the fireplace

Santa Claus won't make me happy

With a toy on Christmas Day


I just want you for my own

More than you could ever know

Make my wish come true

All I want for Christmas is you

You, baby


Oh, I won't ask for much this Christmas

I won't even wish for snow

And I'm just gonna keep on waiting

Underneath the mistletoe


I won't make a list and send it

To the North Pole for Saint Nick

I won't even stay awake to

Hear those magic reindeer click


'Cause I just want you here tonight

Holding on to me so tight

What more can I do?

Baby, all I want for Christmas is you

You, baby


Oh, all the lights are shining

So brightly everywhere

And the sound of children's

Laughter fills the air


And everyone is singing

I hear those sleigh bells ringing

Santa, won't you bring me the one I really need?

Won't you please bring my baby to me?


Oh, I don't want a lot for Christmas

This is all I'm asking for

I just want to see my baby

Standing right outside my door


Oh, I just want you for my own

More than you could ever know

Make my wish come true

Baby, all I want for Christmas is you

You, baby


All I want for Christmas is you, baby

All I want for Christmas is you, baby

All I want for Christmas is you, baby

All I want for Christmas is you, baby

When I finished the song, I took the guitar off and handed it to Maddie who was now standing behind me. I then fished the promise ring from my pocket. Selena’s hands flew up towards her mouth.

“Selena, all I really wanted from today was you to promise yourself to me”  I said.

I stared into her eyes as tears started to fall from them, I quickly wiped them away from her skin with the pad of my thumb. I let me eyes wander her face as I looked for an indication of an answer and then suddenly I got it. She nodded her head and in between her sniffles she said “yes”. I took one of her hands down from her face and slid the ring onto its proper finger. Then I grabbed her cheeks softly and brought her face to my own, kissing her softly on the lips.

When we separated from the kiss, both our families were standing around us with big smiles on their faces. Then my phone vibrated from within my pocket. And it was twitter notifications. I opened the app up and saw that all my family had tweeted out pictures of us throughout the day.

@ddlovato: My baby sister @dslovato and best friend @selenagomez are honestly the cutest thing out there. Dani asked Selena to promise herself to her. #Delena #ItsGettingHotInHere  

@dallaslovato: My baby sister @dslovato and her girlfriend @selenagomez today. #DelenaGettingSerious

@MaddieLovesYou1: My mains @dslovato and @selenagomez be getting serious that’s for sure. Gomez- hurt my big sister and I won’t be afraid to hurt you. Okay? Okay. I love you!  #ILoveDelena #DelenaIsBae

My mom tweeted a video of me singing to Selena and then asking her to promise herself to me. My dad tweeted out a picture of me kissing Selena after she said yes.

I laughed out loud and showed Selena the tweets my sisters sent out. She busted out laughing at each of them, especially the hash tags. My family amuses me.

To finish off the night we took family pictures, when Selena offered to take the picture of my family and I, my mom demanded that she be in the picture with us because she is family now. The same happened when I offered to take the picture of her family and her, Mandy was persistent that I be in the picture. Mothers gosh.

We then went on to watching movies. Selena and her family left after the first movie because of how late it was getting. Selena and I shared a kiss good night before she left my house. By the time midnight rolled around, my family and I watched 4 movies and it was time for Demi, Amber and I to leave. We gathered all of our gifts and my mom gave us left overs behind we left the house. I drove home seeing as I was the most alert, Amber was in the front seat with me and Demi ended up falling asleep in the back seat on the drive back to the apartment.

Throughout the drive, Amber told me all about my niece and nephew and how much they have grown and changed. They really wanted to come see their aunts but Amber thought it would be best that they spent Christmas with their grandma. Amber promised me that I would see them on my tour stop that was not far from her. I was honestly so excited to see them.

When we got to the complex, Amber and I unloaded the leftovers and gifts the three of us got before either one of us tried to wake Demi up. I told Amber to get to bed and I would handle getting Demi inside. Once Amber went into the guest room, I head back to the truck and opened the side door that Demi was dead asleep on. I gently shook her awake and then helped her into the apartment and up to her room. I then went into my room and went straight to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning, it was just past 9 am. The first thing I did was check my phone and saw that I had a text message from Nick. I opened it up through messenger and got the best news ever.

From Nick Jonas
Kevin agreed to the mash up

I quickly texted Nick back.

To Nick Jonas
OH MY GOD!!! KEVIN IS AMAZING! When does he leave?

Minutes later I got a reply from him.

From Nick Jonas
Open the front door and we can discuss this

I got out of bed and opened the front door to see Nick and Joe standing there, smirking at me. I rolled my eyes as I invited them inside. Closing the door behind them, I told them that I would be back down in a second. I had to get dressed considering that I was still in my pajamas.

I quickly put on a random pair of jeans and a random shirt before grabbing my Dallas Cowboys hoodie and going back downstairs to where Nick and Joe were waiting. When I got back downstairs, I found Joe going through my fridge looking for food.

I walked up behind him and smacked him upside the head.

“Did you ask if you could raid my fridge?”  I asked Joe

“No” Joe replied

“Now ask and you may get some food?” I said

“Dani, can I have some food from the fridge?”  Joe asked

“Sure, after we talk about when we are going to record the mash up, then I will make you something to eat” I said smirking

Joe smiled at me and followed me to the kitchen table where Nick was currently sitting.

“Okay so when are we going to record the mash up?”  I asked

“Well Kevin is leaving on Wednesday so we need you to get into the studio before then” Nick said

“Well I do have a studio session for Monday morning. It was in case I didn’t finish recording for planned songs. I was suppose to cancel it but I didn’t in hopes that Kevin would agree to the mash up” I said

“That sounds doable. Let me call Kevin real fast and see if Monday is workable for him” Joe said

While Joe called Kevin, I started thinking about breakfast. I promised Joe food so I had to deliver upon it.

“Kevin said that Monday is fine” Joe said still on the phone with his brother.

“Thank you Kevin! I hope you know how much I love you brotha” I shouted in the direction of the phone

This caused Nick to laugh. When Joe was finished on the phone he started to annoy me to make him food, so I decided to make my family famous pancakes along with some bacon. Nick cut up the fruit and went to go wake up Demi and Amber.

Soon Nick came down with a tired looking Demi on his back, Demi was wearing her glasses and was definitely still half asleep because when Nick set her down on a stool by the counter top and her arms came up to make a pillow and her head was soon buried into her arms. Not long after Demi went back to sleep, Amber came and joined us in the kitchen. I smiled at her and she returned the smile.

I soon finished the pancakes and the bacon. Just as I placed Demi’s plate in front of her, she raised her head and gave me a large smile and I knew the scent of a homemade breakfast had woken her up. The five of us had hot tea with our breakfast.

When the five of us finished, we had a lazy day. Demi was cuddled up with Nick and Joe was casually talking to Amber and I suddenly felt like a fifth wheel.

“Hey Joe, mind giving me back my sister?”  I asked innocently

“Sure thing Lovato. Here’s your sister back”  Joe said

I went to the couch that Joe and my sister were sitting on and cuddled up to my sister.

“Dani, mind if I invite Blanda over?” Joe asked

“Nah go right ahead. I like her so you’re all good”  I said

Joe called her and invited her over. Blanda was here within twenty minutes of him calling her, I found out she doesn’t live that far from me and Demi. Blanda and Joe were all cuddly on the couch.

I could tell that Amber was getting sick looking at the cuddle fest going on and to be honest I was right there with you. I love Demi and Nick together, I love Joe like a brother therefore I love Blanda. But I couldn’t take much more of this.

“Hey Amber wanna get out of here?” I asked

“Sure, what are we going to do?” Amber asked

“I’ll give you a tour of Hollywood and show you all my favorite places around here” I said

“Alright lets go sista” Amber said

“I need to grab my keys and wallet from my room. But you can go wait by the truck and I’ll be there in a few”  I said

“Alright Dani” Amber said

I ran up to my room and grabbed what I needed to grab and then went to interrupt Demi’s love fest with Nick to tell her that I’m going out with Amber.

“Dems, I going out with Amber. I’m giving her the Lovato Personal Tour of the Hollywood and LA area” I said

I got a simple nod which meant it probably went in one ear and out the other ear. I knew I would be getting a phone call in about an hour or so from her asking where I was.

I took Amber to all my favorite places around the LA/Hollywood area. I was even able to show her what a recording studio looked like. We were gone for at least four hours and on our way home Demi did call, but she was just asking when we were going to be home.

By the time Amber and I got home; Nick, Joe and Blanda were long gone and it was just Demi there so we had some sister bounding time. Throughout the day I noticed that Amber was wearing her rings and necklace that I had given her yesterday, I took a better look and noticed that Demi was wearing her rings and necklaces as well. This brought a smile to my face.

That night we ended up picking up Maddie and meeting up with Dallas at the movies. Just the sisters. After the movies, we enjoyed a local arcade. What was nice about it was that nobody asked any of us for autographs. I guess everyone saw that we just wanted a night out with our sisters.  After the arcade the five of us went back to mine and Demi’s apartment and continued our night by watching movies before finally falling asleep cuddled up to one another. 


So I hope y'all enjoyed the cuteness of the chapter. As always thank you to my idea helper and editer @Kobizen , your ideas always amaze me! Thank you to you readers who have stuck by this book and its irregular updates. You guys are the best. Shout out to @Misfit_Lovatic and her imagines books and for the encouraging words about my updates. 

On to the quote of the chapter..well the two quotes for the chapter. 

"Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase" -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear but the triumph over it" -Nelson Mandela

I chose these two quotes because they tie into each other a little bit. You have fear because you can't see the whole staircase but you have the courag in faith to take the first step and therefore you are becoming triumphent. 

Thank you for the reads, the votes, and lastly the comments. I love you all and please stay strong! <3

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