Love UnHeard || SeongJoong [A...

By felix69eyelash

103K 6.3K 3.2K

[Completed] "Hi, I'm Hongjoong, a new student at SNU. You won't belive how bad I started the class year." [Wh... More

[Part A] 1. I'm here, finally.
[Part A] 2. I hate it here.
[Part A] 3. Who do they think they are?
[Part A] 4. Lonely.
[Part A] 5. Hypocrite.
[Part A] 6. Put it together asshole.
[Part A] 7. Not so easy.
[Part A] 8. Friends.
Special chap: HALLOWEEN!
[Part T] 1. Art.
[Part T] 2. Twenty.
[Part T] 3. The thoughtful boy.
[Part T] 5. The boy that was in love.
[Part T] 6. New Year's Eve.
[Part T] 6,5. 1st of January.
[Part T] 7. The boy that fought for himself.
[Part T] 8. Sorry.
Super Special chap: Whathefuk.
[Part Z] 1. Dear Diary.
[Part Z] 2. Grandparents.
[Part Z] 3. Head empty
[Part Z] 4. Warm gold.
[Part Z] 5. Koi no Yokan.
[Part Z] 6. Broken eyes.
[Part Z] 7. Wellcome in.
[Part Z] 7,5. Son.
[Part Z] 8. Fireworks.
Mega Special Chapter: Happy Holidays!
[Part E] Pre-sode 1. Seonghwa.
[Part E] Pre-sode 2. Hongjoong.
[Part E] 1. Confession.
[Part E] 2. Just say yes.
[Part E] 3. Nervousness.
[Part E] 3,5. Falling in love.
[Part E] 4. You & Me.
[Part E] 5. Me & Us.
[Part E] 6. A new world.
[Part E] 6,5. A new world. (pt.2)
[Part E] 7. I'll be there, will you be there too?
[Part E] 7,5. I won't be there, I'll be right here.
[Part E] 8. Heard love.
THANK YOU FOR READING + announcement

[Part T] 4. Merry... well, not so marry.

2.5K 160 121
By felix69eyelash

{A/N: Deaf people, like every other person that communicates, have a series of things they do along with signing. They mouth the words, associate specific face movements or expressions with things like questions or words... Expressing what you are signing is really important.

Also, I'm learning and educating myself while I write this, I check and check again to make sure what I write is right and isn't offensive. Please let me know if something came out as rude or simply untrue. Thanks in advance. }

"____" spoken.
[____] signed.
"____" written.


It was literally freezing, Seonghwa had to wear a long sleeve shirt, another one, a hoodie and a long coat and he was still frostbitten. Snow covered the streets of Seoul, no birds sang at this time of the year. The only songs you could hear were Christmas carols and Maria Carrey. Seonghwa didn't care about that though.

The black-haired boy walked to his dorm after a weekend with his family. 25th of December was almost here, they had one week left of classes before the Christmas holidays. He had something in mind but wasn't sure whether to do it or not.

His phone vibrated, he had a message.

eyo Hwa

wanna come later to keep
watching that show?

We don't have class tomorrow
till 11

just came back from my house, will
be there in two minutes ✌️☠️

lmao k

I made dinner


He locked his phone and placed it on his pocket again. A smile grew on his lips, unconsciously. The other day he told Hongjoong about his sexuality, and as awkward as the moment became, he didn't treat him any different after. He was just the same smiley rat. Seonghwa ment rat as a compliment, he loves rats.

He walked to Hongjoong's dorm, excited to keep watching the series—or the boy. He had things to tell him.

He knocked at his friend's door and the younger opened in no time. Seonghwa sat on the couch and Hongjoong went for a glass of water, giving it to the older as he sat beside him.

"I have a question."

[I have a question.]

Both said at the same time. They looked at each other, signalling the other to go ahead, but neither of them continued. Finally, Hongjoong dared to speak.

"So like, I hope this doesn't annoy you, but since when did you in the know you were gay?" He said, regretting his actions as he spoke.

The older tilted his head, [When?] He didn't have an answer to that question. Since when he knew? He always has known.
[I don't know.] Seonghwa signed easily when he was with Hongjoong as if he was a little child learning to speak.

"Oh, I see... Sorry, it was a stupid question."

[It's okay...]

"You wanted to tell me something?" Hongjoong quickly changed the topic. Trying not to make the situation more awkward. The black-haired snapped his fingertips and took out his phone, he almost forgot the reason for his visit.

"You know Christmas is coming right? I thought you could spend it with me since you said you didn't want to go back with your parents."

Hongjoong looked up to him, a mixture of disbelief and excitement on his face. He hadn't had the time to repay for his birthday present and Seonghwa was already giving him another one. How could he be this thoughtful?

He wanted to say no, it was too much, we already spend a lot of time together, I don't want to annoy you any longer. But how could he decline this offer? It was having dinner with his friend's family for Christmas Eve! Oh shit, his parents. How would his rich parents react to him?

He started panicking, just like that Sponge Bob meme where millions of little Sponge Bobs run on his office brain making a disaster. That's how he felt. Seonghwa waved a hand to his face to get him out of his trance.

"Shit sorry, but yes! I would love too!"


25th of December, tonight was the night. The 7 friends had plans with their families, all except for Hongjoong—who was staying at his new friend's for dinner.

It had been snowing for almost 24 hours straight, leaving the streets colder and with a shiny layer of thick white. On times like this, skating was near impossible. Slippery roads, freezing air and wet shoes didn't add up nicely with it.

Hongjoong prepared himself for the occasion, an unknown force telling him to look as good as possible to enter a rich man's house. He took a shower and threw over his favourite red and black pants, his 'newest' hoodie (over two layers of long sleeves because it was raw cold outside), the cleanest shoes out of the pair and a black beanie with a jacket t go outside. He didn't forget the iconic skeleton jewellery that he made himself.

He was ready for today, nothing could stop him. He got a hand of his keys and went off to the direction Seonghwa sent him.
Christmas themed lights decorated the streets, some painted beautiful patterns above our heads and others were barely deers and snowflakes.

The city felt alive, with food stalls everywhere selling hot chocolate, candies, meat or ramen. More people filled the avenue as Hongjoong got closer to his location, it was almost at the city-centre. Of course, he lived in a rich area.

'Door 98' it said on the message. His feet stopped abruptly when he saw the number plate on top of a giant door. <<This is the one?>> He imagined a big house, but not a whole mansion in the centre of the city...
Well, it wasn't exactly a mansion but in Hongjoong's eyes, it looked like a castle.

He texted Seonghwa he was outside. The older quickly got downstairs and opened before anybody else could. Hongjoong stood there perplexed, not by the enormous house, but because Seonghwa looked stunning.

He wore black dress shoes, probably real skin ones. His hips braced with a black belt that kept his slacks pants in place. He wore a white button-up shirt under a cropped and sleeve-less caramel jumper. His wrist was decorated with a black watch, long silver earrings hanged from his ears and finally, Hongjoong's eyes landed on his black choker. Oh. My-

[You look...] The shorter started, "Wow." He couldn't say anything else.

Seonghwa just giggled and let him in. Then Hongjoong had another 'amazed' moment. THAT HOUSE WAS HUGE! The place shined bright white as if it never got dirty. The living room only was as big as Hongjoong's entire house back at home.

A huge cream couch pointed in the direction of the television that occupied the whole wall—not really. Various pictures and drawings adorned the tall walls and a small chandelier hung over his head. Now imagine all that with the most mesmerising Christmas decorations and a thick tree with a cute golden start on the top. Another "wow" escaped Hongjoong's lips.

Seonghwa followed him from behind while the shorter inspected his house, a smile on his face. "This is huge!" Hongjoong turned around so Seonghwa could read his lips.

"Yea it is," a voice spoke entering the room, Hongjoong got startled and jumped on his spot. It was a dark-haired woman, on her mid-50s he guessed. She wore a warm smile for the visit. "Do you like the place?" Hongjoong nodded shy. The woman went back to where she came from, leaving a confused tiny boy standing there. Until Seonghwa tapped his shoulder.

[My mom.] He signed.

The other could only nod, <<Is moving my head the only thing I know to do?>> Suddenly music came from the kitchen, the song felt like reindeer and wood fire. Seonghwa grabbed his wrist and guided him to the dinner table. The food was just as extraordinary as the rest of the house. Could he really eat this? Was it really edible? It looked too good to be food.

On the table was a friendly-looking man with rectangular glasses and slicked back black hair. At his side was that woman from earlier, she wore a red dress. She gave the first impression of a cat owner, which made Hongjoong feel more comfortable.

To his right was Seonghwa, who already started eating, encouraging him to do it too. There was mandu, rice cake soup, beef ribs, dried fruits, nuts and ao much more. He didn't know where to start. But once he did, he couldn't stop.

"What brings you here young man." Hwa's dad asked our of nowhere, Hongjoong had to swallow the big spoonful on his mouth quickly to answer.

"Your son invited me, sir." A bit of nervousness on his voice.

"I know that," he smiled. "I meant, where do you know each other from?"

"Ah- that... We were classmates and became close." He turned to Seonghwa to find any kinds of signal that told him he was doing alright, but he only got a shoulder shrug from his friend, who looked a little annoyed.

"Oh I see, I thought maybe you where his new boyfriend." His mom said and signed making sure Seonghwa caught what she meant. What was Hongjoong supposed to reply?

[Enough.] Seonghwa got up from the table and went upstairs. The younger looked lost, should he go after him? Hwa's father told him to, just as if he was reading his mind.

Once he got to what looked like his room—he assumed based on the big letters that spelled SEONGHWA— he knocked, quickly acknowledging his stupidity and slapping his forehead. He just got in and saw the older lying his upper body on the bed, with his feet still on the ground. It looked he just threw himself there. 

Seonghwa sat up instantly at the sight of the shorter. [What do you want?]

[Are you okay?] That was the only thing Hongjoong felt was the right thing to ask.

[Now you talk with me using ASL?] He looked mad, the younger hadn't talked to him since he got here.

"Sorry, I didn't understand that..." He lowered his head unconsciously, making Seonghwa not able to read his lips.

The older got up and got near him. [Out.] His expression was unreadable, so cold but do passionate, so fearless but so broken.
[O.U.T.] he spelled it this time.

The younger left frustrated, what did he do wrong? He walked past the other's parents without even looking at them. He took his jacket and exit the big place with no direction. The night felt so cozy, but his heart was on a freezer.

Seonghwa on the other hand just stayed there, not fully knowing why he got so mad. Since Hongjoong came a couple of hours ago the only thing he said to him was 'wow'. He spent more time talking to his parents than with him, and none of the three cared to include him on the conversations. Yes, he could read lips, but it wasn't easy. Sign language was so much more comfortable and easy.

It was just, the fact he incited him over and he didn't pay attention to him... It was so frustrating and annoying.

But the last straw was when his mother decided to involve him on the conversation just to say something about his sexuality. He was openly homosexual, yet the only one who didn't support that was his mom—tho she was trying to change. As much as he loved his mother, those comments really got him heated up.

Sadly now Hongjoong was gone, farewell to Christmas Eve this year... <<All because of my stupid and unreasonable anger...>>

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