Love Language **Sequel to Atl...

By montanastories

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By montanastories

Brian in m/m

Whew I thought the author would never give me my own POV but ya boy got finally and I do mean finally got one. I'm 27 years old I'm a seventh grade social studies teacher and I'm married to my beautiful wife Mackenzie and we have 3 kids together 2 boys and 1 girl.

"Alright class y'all got 15 minutes left to finish your exam," I spoke.

As I waited for everyone to finish up I went back to grading yesterday's homework. A couple minutes went by and I saw the last few students get up and place their tests on my desk.

"Y'all have free time until the bell rings tomorrow we'll get started on the American Revolution."

Everyone nodded and then they moved around to sit with their friends and talk until the bell rings.

An hour later the bell rung all of my students gathered their belongings said their goodbyes to me then walked out of the classroom. I got started on shutting everything down and gathering my stuff to head home.

"Mr. Brewster."

I looked up seeing Principal Hawkins standing in my door.

"Yes sir."

"When you're done here come to my office."


He nodded and walked away I normally stay until 5:00 and work in my lesson plan but I got other plans. Once everything was shut down probably I grabbed my papers, phone and keys and walked out of my classroom. I closed the door and made my way down the hall and over to the Principal Hawkins office. I knocked on the door then I walked in.

"You wanted to see me sir?"

"A parent made a complaint on you."

"On me."

Principal Hawkins passed me the paper I read it then chuckled.

"So me going into depth about how African Americans, blacks, and my ancestors dealt with slavery and how we're still not equal to the Caucasian race is wrong?"

"Yes sir it is because it's not in the lesson plan you have to stick to the lesson plan."

"And I did but what's in the lesson plan isn't the full truth."

"Mr. Brewster either stick to the lesson plan or you're fired."

"No need to fire me because I quit."

I dropped everything I had in my hands on his desk then I walked out of the office. They're not teaching our young people the full on truth about slavery and what our ancestors been through so yes I took it upon myself to educate my students so they can be aware and won't be confused on why a black person is being racially profiled or why a black man died at the hands of a police officer or why black people are protesting for equal rights.

The school system is failing our young people by not educating them enough on African American rights. Myself and Mackenzie took turns with educating our children about African American rights and how we're still not equal to the Caucasians and how they have white privilege and we don't.

I made it down to the police department along with my lawyer and Dave.

"Excuse me what room is Zylon and Easton Brewster are in," I asked.

"Are you they're mother?"

"I am."

"There's officers in the room with them now asking them questions."

"Questions about what?"

"I can't disclose that information ma'am-," I cut the lady at the desk.

"Don't worry about it we'll find out ourselves."

We walked away.

"Hazel keep a cool head and let me handle everything."

"I make no promises."

After searching we finally found them and we walked into the room.

"My clients will not be answering anymore questions."

"Zy what happened to your face."

Zylon didn't say anything.

"I want both of y'all badge numbers right now."

"Ma'am-," I cut the officer off.

"I don't give a fuck what you have to say when I dropped my sons off at the park to play basketball neither one of them had bruises on their faces and yet my son has bruise under his eye. Best believe I'm suing and will be seeing y'all in court Zy, East let's go Dave get their badge numbers and Tony start drawing up the papers."

Zylon and Easton stood up and followed me out of the room Zylon wrapped his arms around my waist I looked down at him and I could see the look of fright all over his face. That don't sit well with me at all. We made it out to my Mercedes.

"Zy baby what happened to your face," I asked again.

"Can we talk about it at home?"

I let out a sigh.

"Yeah baby."

"Mama I just want to know why."

"Why what East."

"Why were we racially profiled?"

"Because the color of y'all skin son," Dave spoke as he got in.

"But we're innocent."

"We know that son."

Dave put the gear in drive and drove off heading home. Now we have to explain to Zylon and Easton on what happened to them and how they're going to continue their lives without living in fear.

I looked at Zylon through the rear view mirror.

"Babe we might have to get Zy in with a therapist."

"Yeah I agree."

"But first we need to find out what happened."

"I don't like the look he has on his face."

"Me either."

Just by the way that Zylon is acting I know that he's traumatized severely and that he's probably not going to want to go anywhere without me or Dave being present. Brian, Mackenzie and the kids are coming by tonight to join us for dinner.

"Babe we need to stop by the grocery store."

"Can you take me home first," Zylon spoke up.


"Dave how about you and East go and I stay home with Zy and see if I can get him to talk."


We finally pulled up to the house and got out Dave told Easton that he can ride with him me and Zylon walked up to the door I unlocked the door and walked into the house. Zylon ran upstairs I let out a sigh I closed the door and then made my way upstairs to me and Dave room to change shoes. Once I get finish talking with Zylon I'm going to call my mama and have to bring Kairi and Kaia back to the house.

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