Demonic Trials (An Undertale...

By Purpleix

7K 94 12

The Entity... the being that has haunted the Survivors and Killers for Years... years? It's hard to tell time... More

Chapter 1: A "normal" Camping Trip
Chapter 2: An Unforgettable Night
Chapter 3: A new Chara-cter
Chapter 4: A Trial to remember?
Dead by Daylight Chapter Idea
Dead by Daylight Chapter 17: Its Time to Die
Chapter 5: Introductions Interrupted
Chapter 6: The Legion
Chapter 7: Pain and Torture
Chapter 8: Outstanding!
Chapter 9: Kill them all...
Chapter 10: Evil Within
The Demon (Chara)
Chapter 11: The Punisher
Chapter 12: Deadlier Trials
Chapter 13: The Hollowed Blight
Vote Killer
Chapter 14: Harsh Trial
Chapter 15: Nightmare in Springwood
Chapter 16: Oni-Yamaoka
Chapter 18: Upside Down?
Vote Killer
Frisk's Perks
Chapter 19: Nurse's Calling
Bonus: Shattered Dreams
Chapter 20: The Rebellious Act [Part 1]
Chapter 20: The Rebellious Act [Part 2]

Chapter 17: Blood and Screams

95 3 0
By Purpleix

Frisk POV

The Chase Begins!

This was the Killer the Survivors were talking about, The Oni.

A second Generator was completed as Kazan swung his katana.

I nearly dodged it as I tripped and fell. Kazan attempted to slice me again, but I rolled to the side to avoid it.

"Impressive." Kazan said impressed.

I ran out the building and to a Pallet to stun Kazan. I successful stunned him as I heard the Heartbeat go away?

I looked around... suddenly he strikes me in the shoulder.

I began to bleed, as well as leaving Orbs of blood that seem to disappear.

I continued to run, leaving more Blood Orbs. Jeff was seen working on a Generator, then saw me.

Kazan swung and hit Jeff, causing his left hand to be full of blood.

"It's ready..." Kazan said.

Kazan let out a roar that could be heard across the map. His eyes glowed red as he pulled out his other weapon from behind his back.

"Run!" Jeff shouted.

We both began to run in different directions. Kazan stared at me and started to dash!

He raised his weapon high above his head and swung it down. I moved out of the way as Kazan recovered.

"You cannot run forever." Kazan said.

As Kazan chased, blood orbs leaked out. Kazan ignored them and continued chasing.

I went and vaulted a window as Kazan followed through.

Eventually, he stopped chasing me. I hid trying not to give away my location.

I found a Generator and began to work on it. This Killer was insane!

Yui then saw me and worked on the Generator with me.

"Hi there, you're Frisk right?" Yui said.

"Yeah..." I said and continued working.

The lights above the Generator lit up as a screaming was heard, along with Kazan's bashing. Claudette's Aura was seen.

Shortly after more bashing was heard and Jeff's Aura was seen.

"Oh no, he's got both of them down." Yui said. "I'll go get them."

"Wait, what about me?" I said.

Yui looked at me.

"Just, work on Generators." Yui said. "I'll save them."

The screaming of both of them were heard as Kazan hooked them both. Their Auras were seen.

I nodded and went to work on another Generator.

I found a Generator inside the large building and began working on it. I saw one Aura disappear, then the other.

Seems like she did save them.

I continued working on the Generator as my Heartbeat went up. Kazan was coming.

Instead of running, I slowly walked to a Locker nearby and entered it.

Kazan entered the room and looked around. He then walked to the Generator and kicked it.

He took one last look around the room before leaving. He didn't find me-!

He walked back in.

I stayed in the locker. Why did he come back here?

After a while, he left. I sighed and left the locker and went back on the Generator.

After a while, Jeff walked in here and saw me. He went on the Generator.

Shortly after, the Generator was completed. Kazan's roar was heard.

"Seems like he's in Blood Fury again." Jeff said.

"Blood Fury?" I questioned.

"Yes. When he collects enough Blood Orbs, he'll enter Blood Fury." Jeff explained as we went to find another Generator. "He'll be able to down us in one hit and Dash at incredible speeds."

Huh... no wonder two Survivors went down so quickly. Speaking of Survivors, loud bashing was heard... but no Aura.

"That must be Yui he's chasing." Jeff said with a smile. "She's one Survivor that gives Killers problems. You however, are above that. You gave us hope when we heard that you could dodge."

I smile hearing him say that.

"Now, let's finish the last Generator."

I nodded and we went to work on a Generator that was near an Exit Gate. Seems that we were lucky.

Loud bashing and screaming was heard as Claudette's Aura was seen.

I watched as Yui's Aura was seen shortly after. Looks like she was grabbed since we didn't hear her screaming or loud bashing.

She was then hooked as well as Claudette... who died.

"Crap, we need to finish this now." Jeff said. "Unless we can save Yui... but it's too risky."

The Generator was almost done...

"Y'know what? I'm going to go save her." I said. "You keep working on the Generator."

I went before Jeff said anything. No one else is dying.


I was running as Kazan searched the area. It turns out that Kazan has killed everyone else but me.

Jeff told me about a certain Perk called Hex: No one Escapes Death. It causes Survivors to suffer from the Exposed Status Effect.

I needed to find the Hatch. It's my only chance to escape right now. The Heartbeat was heard as it got more intense.

Before I could do aynthing, the familiar blade of Kazan sliced through my flesh.

I immediately fell to the ground. Kazan shook the blood off of the katana.

"Hmm, you're an interesting Survivor." Kazan said. "You're even better than Yui. She was an annoying girl, but not as annoying as you."

Kazan picked me up and started to bring me somewhere, a hook I assume.

I didn't even struggle... but he didn't bring me to a hook. I eventually heard... the hatch!

He dropped me just a few meters from the Hatch. It was open.

"What are you..." I questioned.

"You are a good Survivor." Kazan said. "So, I am sparing you Frisk. Go."

Kazan turned around and slowly walked away. I crawled to the Hatch and escaped.

He spared me.


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