Forbidden ♡ Argus Filch x Rea...

By filchswife

25.2K 543 6K

your relationship is forbidden. what will you do, keep it a secret or leave the one you love the most? you ar... More

Late Night Stroll
The Yule Ball
Lies & Love Potions

'Pretty Boy Diggory'

2.5K 55 536
By filchswife

The dance was upcoming and you were becoming more and more on edge. 'Is Cedric going to ask me? Do I want Cedric to ask me?' You wanted to go with Cedric because he was very attractive and he did have a great personality. You felt guilty to go with him because of Filch. Also, at the same time, you thought that there was no reason to waste time on a forbidden crush. Of course Cedric wasn't him, but he was an amazing guy. It was an inner battle, and in the end you chose Diggory.

Diggory had three days to ask you, and if he didn't, you were going to go with Hermione. If she gets a date, you are not sure what to do, you already rejected so many guys. Will they want you back?

You woke up late, and hurriedly got ready for breakfast in the great hall. Messily you threw on your plaid skater-style skirt and robes, you ran to the mirror to do some makeup. Angelina was rushing you so you ended up with just some lip gloss and you left your naturally perfect h/c hair down. 'Who needs makeup anyways? All women are prettier if they are natural.'

You walked down with Angelina making quick conversation about the Yule Ball of course. Fred and George spotted you and waved you and Angelina over. George immediately started questioning you.

"So, y/n who are you going with?" Fred looked especially interested in George's question.

"I'm not sure," You lied, "Who are you going with?"

George looked away from you and chucked a paper ball at Angelina to get her attention away from Katie. He asked her to the ball by making weird hand movements, it was like he was playing a game of charades. Her face lit up and she nodded.

"Angelina." He responded.

"Yeah George I just watched you ask her," You and Angelina let out a laugh. She turned back and continued talking with Katie about the ball.

"Are you waiting for 'Pretty Boy Diggory' to ask you?" George asked jokngly. I didn't answer, but the blush on my face did. "Wait, really?"

"No, I'm just saying, if he did I might say yes," You answered, Fred looked away hurt, but you didn't notice.

"Wait here he comes," You looked over your shoulder as soon as he said that which caused George to snort. "I'm kidding, don't get your panties in a twist. So, what's so wrong about me or Freddie over here? We are way more handsome than Diggory,"

"Well first," You playfully punched George for being an ass, which he pretended to be injured, "Second, You are going with Angelina and Fred is probably already going with someone. Third, if he wanted to go with me he would've already asked me. Fourth, Fred doesn't like me like that," You eyed Fred waiting for his reaction. He looked hurt, but played it off.

"Hey, I haven't asked anyone yet, and I wouldn't mind going with you. You aren't that ugly," He joked, which caused you to slap him in the arm. "No, but seriously do you wanna go to the-"

"Hey, y/n can I steal you real quick?" Cedric interrupted. You smiled at him and agreed.

"I'll be right back. Were you going to say anything important?" You asked Fred.

"Uh, no it's okay just go with 'Pretty Boy Diggory'," You nodded and tried to hold in a laugh at Cedric's nickname. Fred hid his hurt feelings with a smile, but quickly frowned when you walked off.

You looked at Cedric who had a cute smile on his face, "So 'Pretty Boy Diggory, what's that about?"

You started laughing, "Oh you heard that? It's the Gryffindor nickname for you, Fred and George made it up,"

"Wait, all of Gryffindor calls me that? Wait, you think I'm pretty?" He questioned with a sly smile.

"Yes we all call you that, and two, maybe," You grinned at him, "Okay where are you taking me?" He was leading you through a hallway.

"Don't worry it's a surprise," He grabbed your hand which caused both of you to blush. You continued walking, but couldn't help smile at the sweet boy holding your hand leading you to a surprise. You almost forgot about him. Almost.

It was just your luck that you happened to be so caught up in Cedric you didn't notice Filch walking through the hallway. You accidentally bumped shoulders and you quickly apologized. You looked into Filch's deep blue eyes, they were like two big oceans.

"Don't worry about it y/n," He said with his trademark smile. 'Fuck he's so cute'

You tried to hide your blush, and even Filch had a little pink erupting in his cheeks. He said goodbye and strolled away. You totally forgot your hands were enlocked with Cedric Diggory's for a moment until he spoke up.

"What was all of that about?" He asked, watching Filch walk away.

You panicked, did he know your secret? Did he notice the blush? "What?"

"Mr. Filch was being nice to you. I thought he was a total grump. He's mean to every student,"

"Oh, he's been nice to me ever since, I helped find his cat," You lied through your teeth hoping he wouldn't notice your lie.

"That's nice of you to help him. Still weird that he's nice to you, but maybe he has a soft side. Anyways, we are almost to my surprise," Cedric had the biggest grin on his face which was adorable, but you couldn't stop thinking about Filch's eyes and his bright smile.

Cedric led you outside you were confused as to why, but you kept following him. He finally led you into the Forbidden Forest. You didn't go too far into the forest, so you would be safe.

"Wow, 'Pretty Boy Diggory' prefect of the Hufflepuffs, one of the top students, and Hogwarts triwizard champion breaking the rules?" You teased with an amused smile on your face.

"First, I break rules," He said trying to play cool, but ended with a knowing grin "Sometimes. That's not the point, of course I would break the rules for you. That's part of the surprise," Did Cedric slip up and say he would break rules for you?

"Well, I'm still waiting for this surprise, and hopefully it's before I break my ankles," You said while stepping over a branch cautiously.

Cedric stopped and then let you know you were almost at the surprise. He finally dragged you through the last branch, and led you into a secluded part of the forest. There was flowers everywhere, and a small picnic set up.

"Wow, all of this for me?" You asked amazed at his effort.

"Of course, anyways I'm sorry for taking so long I wanted to make sure I had everything set up perfectly for you,"

"Cedric this is beautiful!" You exclaimed. There was an array of flowers growing everywhere, and there was a small checkered blanket where he led you to sit down.

"A beautiful place for a beautiful girl," He smiled at me, "I felt bad for taking you away from breakfast, so I set up a small picnic for you,"

You were still pleasantly surprised at the place he brought you and the delicous looking picnic. You still were holding hands as you sat, but you didn't mind. "So why'd you bring me here?"

He let go off your hand and started blushing furiously. He ran a hand through his fluffy brown hair. "I, uh, wanted to ask you if y-you wanted to go to the dance with me?" He stuttered and looked very nervous.

You noticed his nervousness and thought it was very cute that he was so nervous to ask you. You smiled and acted like you were pondering on his answer. "Well, I mean, if you don't have a date already!" He said hurriedly, trying not to force the idea on me.

You laughed at looked into his eyes (which weren't as pretty as Filch's). "Of course I'll go with you, you idiot! Why would you think I would say no? It's an easy yes,"

He beamed at your answer and took your hand once again. "Well, so many guys have asked you, and you are the prettiest girl at Hogwarts so of course I was nervous,"

"Me? Me, the prettiest girl? No way! I mean have you seen other girls at Hogwarts or even Beauxbatons? I thought all the people asking me was a prank or something," He laughed at your obliviousness.

"Y/n, have you looked in a mirror? You are gorgeous! Of course other girls are pretty, but none come to your level of beauty. Even your personality is amazing. I have no idea how you just said yes to me,"

"I didn't even put on makeup or do my hair. Plus, why wouldn't I say yes? Have you seen your fangirls? You are the hottest guy at Hogwarts, and even the Durmstrang guys don't match up to you,"

"Fine, about we agree that we are just now the hottest couple at Hogwarts," He joked, "Besides, you don't need makeup to look pretty. Girls look better natural, especially you,"

"Okay, I agree with both statements," You said with a sly smile hinting at the couple part. Then it hit you, guilt. 'Why am I guilty?' Then you thought of Filch. 'Shit, I still like him, but I still shouldn't let him get in the way of Cedric and I'

You knew your feelings were stronger for Filch, but you tried to not let in ruin anything with Cedric. You could never break his heart, he was too adorable. He obviously really liked you and you didn't wanna spoil anything.

"I'll meet you at 7 in the Gryffindor common room," Cedric said, still beaming. His smile made your heart hurt, you knew that you weren't going to be fully Cedric's when you still have such strong feelings for Filch. You smiled, but it didn't entirely reach your eyes. Cedric didn't seem to notice though.

"Okay, let's eat this amazing food I prepared," He smiled pointing to the basket. You took a bite into a sandwich, the taste was like heaven on your tastebuds. You let out a little moan at how good the sandwich was. 'Did Cedric steal this from the kitchen?'

"Wow, like my cooking that much," He said with a sly grin which made your face flush. You tried to hide your blush but he noticed. "Don't worry it was cute,"

You grinned, "You made this? It's amazing,"

"I did, the house elves let me use the kitchen,"

"If your cooking is this good, I might have to marry you," You joked.

"I might have to say yes," He said playing along with the joke.

You guys kept eating and making small talk to learn more about each other. You made a lot of jokes, but both also got into deep conversation. You and Cedric totally lost track of time.

When you realized that you had Potions with the twins you died a little inside. Snape and the twins were going to kill you! Cedric apologized because he had a free period, and forgot that you had class. He offered to walk you back, but you refused. You didn't want to get him in trouble too because you knew he would try and take the blame and you both would get in trouble.

He sheepishly smiled and waved you goodbye. You weren't too late, but Snape would still give you detentions for the rest of your year. At this point you were almost running. 'Why the fuck is Hogwarts so huge!'

You saw Professor McGonagall and immediately ducked into the closest room. That room happened to be Mr. Filch's room. Relief washed over you when you saw he wasn't in there. 'Thank god! That would've been awkard.' You were glad, but also a little sad you didn't get to see him.

You peaked out the door to make sure Professor McGonagall was gone. Right as you left, you bumped straight into Filch.

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